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This source file includes following definitions.
  1. str_printf
  2. str_move
  3. filevercmp

   1 #ifndef MC_STRUTIL_H
   2 #define MC_STRUTIL_H
   4 #include "lib/global.h"  // include glib.h
   6 #include <sys/types.h>
   7 #include <inttypes.h>
   8 #include <string.h>
  10 /* Header file for strutil.c, strutilascii.c, strutil8bit.c, strutilutf8.c.
  11  * There are two sort of functions:
  12  * 1. functions for working with growing strings and conversion strings between
  13  *    different encodings.
  14  *    (implemented directly in strutil.c)
  15  * 2. functions, that hide differences between encodings derived from ASCII.
  16  *    (implemented separately in strutilascii.c, strutil8bit.c, strutilutf8.c)
  17  * documentation is made for UTF-8 version of functions.
  18  */
  20 /* invalid strings
  21  * function, that works with invalid strings are marked with "I"
  22  * in documentation
  23  * invalid bytes of string are handled as one byte characters with width 1, they
  24  * are displayed as question marks, I-marked comparing functions try to keep
  25  * the original value of these bytes.
  26  */
  28 /* combining characters
  29  * displaying: all handled as zero with characters, expect combing character
  30  * at the begin of string, this character has with one (space add before),
  31  * so str_term_width is not good for computing width of singles characters
  32  * (never return zero, expect empty string)
  33  * for compatibility are strings composed before displaying
  34  * comparing: comparing decompose all string before comparing, n-compare
  35  * functions do not work as is usual, because same strings do not have to be
  36  * same length in UTF-8. So they return 0 if one string is prefix of the other
  37  * one.
  38  * str_prefix is used to determine, how many characters from one string are
  39  * prefix in second string. However, str_prefix return number of characters in
  40  * decompose form. (used in do_search (screen.c))
  41  */
  43 /*** typedefs(not structures) and defined constants **********************************************/
  45 #define IS_FIT(x)    ((x) & 0x0010)
  46 #define MAKE_FIT(x)  ((x) | 0x0010)
  47 #define HIDE_FIT(x)  ((x) & 0x000f)
  49 #define INVALID_CONV ((GIConv) (-1))
  51 /*** enums ***************************************************************************************/
  53 /* results of conversion function
  54  */
  55 typedef enum
  56 {
  57     /* Success means, that the conversion has been finished successfully
  58      */
  59     ESTR_SUCCESS = 0,
  60     /* Problem means, that not every character was successfully converted (some are
  61      * replaced with question marks). So it is impossible to convert string back.
  62      */
  63     ESTR_PROBLEM = 1,
  64     /* Failure means, that the conversion is not possible (example: wrong encoding
  65      * of the input string)
  66      */
  67     ESTR_FAILURE = 2
  68 } estr_t;
  70 /* alignment strings on terminal
  71  */
  72 typedef enum
  73 {
  74     J_LEFT = 0x01,
  75     J_RIGHT = 0x02,
  76     J_CENTER = 0x03,
  77     /* if there is enough space for string on terminal,
  78      * string is centered otherwise is aligned to the left */
  79     J_CENTER_LEFT = 0x04,
  80     // fit alignment: if string is too long, truncate with '~'
  81     J_LEFT_FIT = 0x11,
  82     J_RIGHT_FIT = 0x12,
  83     J_CENTER_FIT = 0x13,
  84     J_CENTER_LEFT_FIT = 0x14
  85 } align_crt_t;
  87 /* string-to-integer parsing results
  88  */
  89 typedef enum
  90 {
  91     LONGINT_OK = 0,
  93     // These two values can be ORed together, to indicate that both errors occurred.
  94     LONGINT_OVERFLOW = 1,
  98     LONGINT_INVALID = 4
  99 } strtol_error_t;
 101 /*** structures declarations (and typedefs of structures)*****************************************/
 103 /* all functions in str_class must be defined for every encoding */
 104 struct str_class
 105 {
 106     gchar *(*conv_gerror_message) (GError *error, const char *def_msg);
 107     /*I*/ estr_t (*vfs_convert_to) (GIConv coder, const char *string, int size, GString *buffer);
 108     /*I*/ void (*insert_replace_char) (GString *buffer);
 109     gboolean (*is_valid_string) (const char *text);
 110     /*I*/ int (*is_valid_char) (const char *ch, size_t size);
 111     /*I*/ void (*cnext_char) (const char **text);
 112     void (*cprev_char) (const char **text);
 113     void (*cnext_char_safe) (const char **text);
 114     /*I*/ void (*cprev_char_safe) (const char **text);
 115     /*I*/ int (*cnext_noncomb_char) (const char **text);
 116     /*I*/ int (*cprev_noncomb_char) (const char **text, const char *begin);
 117     /*I*/ gboolean (*char_isspace) (const char *ch);
 118     /*I*/ gboolean (*char_ispunct) (const char *ch);
 119     /*I*/ gboolean (*char_isalnum) (const char *ch);
 120     /*I*/ gboolean (*char_isdigit) (const char *ch);
 121     /*I*/ gboolean (*char_isprint) (const char *ch);
 122     /*I*/ gboolean (*char_iscombiningmark) (const char *ch);
 123     /*I*/ int (*length) (const char *text);
 124     /*I*/ int (*length2) (const char *text, int size);
 125     /*I*/ int (*length_noncomb) (const char *text);
 126     /*I*/ gboolean (*char_toupper) (const char *ch, char **out, size_t *remain);
 127     gboolean (*char_tolower) (const char *ch, char **out, size_t *remain);
 128     void (*fix_string) (char *text);
 129     /*I*/ const char *(*term_form) (const char *text);
 130     /*I*/ const char *(*fit_to_term) (const char *text, int width, align_crt_t just_mode);
 131     /*I*/ const char *(*term_trim) (const char *text, int width);
 132     /*I*/ const char *(*term_substring) (const char *text, int start, int width);
 133     /*I*/ int (*term_width1) (const char *text);
 134     /*I*/ int (*term_width2) (const char *text, size_t length);
 135     /*I*/ int (*term_char_width) (const char *length);
 136     /*I*/ const char *(*trunc) (const char *length, int width);
 137     /*I*/ int (*offset_to_pos) (const char *text, size_t length);
 138     /*I*/ int (*column_to_pos) (const char *text, size_t pos);
 139     /*I*/ char *(*create_search_needle) (const char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 140     void (*release_search_needle) (char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 141     const char *(*search_first) (const char *text, const char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 142     const char *(*search_last) (const char *text, const char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 143     int (*compare) (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 144     /*I*/ int (*ncompare) (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 145     /*I*/ int (*casecmp) (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 146     /*I*/ int (*ncasecmp) (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 147     /*I*/ int (*prefix) (const char *text, const char *prefix);
 148     /*I*/ int (*caseprefix) (const char *text, const char *prefix);
 149     /*I*/ char *(*create_key) (const char *text, gboolean case_sen);
 150     /*I*/ char *(*create_key_for_filename) (const char *text, gboolean case_sen);
 151     /*I*/ int (*key_collate) (const char *t1, const char *t2, gboolean case_sen);
 152     /*I*/ void (*release_key) (char *key, gboolean case_sen);
 153 };
 155 /*** global variables defined in .c file *********************************************************/
 157 /* standard converters */
 158 extern GIConv str_cnv_to_term;
 159 extern GIConv str_cnv_from_term;
 160 /* from terminal encoding to terminal encoding */
 161 extern GIConv str_cnv_not_convert;
 163 /*** declarations of public functions ************************************************************/
 165 struct str_class str_utf8_init (void);
 166 struct str_class str_8bit_init (void);
 167 struct str_class str_ascii_init (void);
 169 /* create converter from "from_enc" to terminal encoding
 170  * if "from_enc" is not supported return INVALID_CONV
 171  */
 172 GIConv str_crt_conv_from (const char *from_enc);
 174 /* create converter from terminal encoding to "to_enc"
 175  * if "to_enc" is not supported return INVALID_CONV
 176  */
 177 GIConv str_crt_conv_to (const char *to_enc);
 179 /* close converter, do not close str_cnv_to_term, str_cnv_from_term,
 180  * str_cnv_not_convert
 181  */
 182 void str_close_conv (GIConv conv);
 184 /* return on of not used buffers (.used == 0) or create new
 185  * returned buffer has set .used to 1
 186  */
 188 /* convert string using coder, result of conversion is appended at end of buffer
 189  * return ESTR_SUCCESS if there was no problem.
 190  * otherwise return  ESTR_PROBLEM or ESTR_FAILURE
 191  */
 192 estr_t str_convert (GIConv coder, const char *string, GString *buffer);
 193 estr_t str_nconvert (GIConv coder, const char *string, int size, GString *buffer);
 195 /* convert GError message (which in UTF-8) to terminal charset
 196  * def_char is used if result of error->str conversion if ESTR_FAILURE
 197  * return new allocated null-terminated string, which is need to be freed
 198  * I
 199  */
 200 gchar *str_conv_gerror_message (GError *error, const char *def_msg);
 202 /* return only ESTR_SUCCESS or ESTR_FAILURE, because vfs must be able to convert
 203  * result to original string. (so no replace with questionmark)
 204  * if coder is str_cnv_from_term or str_cnv_not_convert, string is only copied,
 205  * so is possible to show file, that is not valid in terminal encoding
 206  */
 207 estr_t str_vfs_convert_from (GIConv coder, const char *string, GString *buffer);
 209 /* if coder is str_cnv_to_term or str_cnv_not_convert, string is only copied,
 210  * does replace with question mark
 211  * I
 212  */
 213 estr_t str_vfs_convert_to (GIConv coder, const char *string, int size, GString *buffer);
 215 /* printf function for str_buffer, append result of printf at the end of buffer
 216  */
 217 void str_printf (GString *buffer, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF (2, 3);
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help]  */
 219 /* add standard replacement character in terminal encoding
 220  */
 221 void str_insert_replace_char (GString *buffer);
 223 /* init strings and set terminal encoding,
 224  * if is termenc NULL, detect terminal encoding
 225  * create all str_cnv_* and set functions for terminal encoding
 226  */
 227 void str_init_strings (const char *termenc);
 229 /* free all str_buffer and all str_cnv_*
 230  */
 231 void str_uninit_strings (void);
 233 /* try convert characters in ch to output using conv
 234  * ch_size is size of ch, can by (size_t)(-1) (-1 only for ASCII
 235  *     compatible encoding, for other must be set)
 236  * return ESTR_SUCCESS if conversion was successfully,
 237  * ESTR_PROBLEM if ch contains only part of characters,
 238  * ESTR_FAILURE if conversion is not possible
 239  */
 240 estr_t str_translate_char (GIConv conv, const char *ch, size_t ch_size, char *output,
 241                            size_t out_size);
 243 /* test, if text is valid in terminal encoding
 244  * I
 245  */
 246 gboolean str_is_valid_string (const char *text);
 248 /* test, if first char of ch is valid
 249  * size, how many bytes characters occupied, could be (size_t)(-1)
 250  * return 1 if it is valid, -1 if it is invalid or -2 if it is only part of
 251  * multibyte character
 252  * I
 253  */
 254 int str_is_valid_char (const char *ch, size_t size);
 256 /* return next characters after text, do not call on the end of string
 257  */
 258 char *str_get_next_char (char *text);
 259 const char *str_cget_next_char (const char *text);
 261 /* return previous characters before text, do not call on the start of strings
 262  */
 263 char *str_get_prev_char (char *text);
 264 const char *str_cget_prev_char (const char *text);
 266 /* set text to next characters, do not call on the end of string
 267  */
 268 void str_next_char (char **text);
 269 void str_cnext_char (const char **text);
 271 /* set text to previous characters, do not call on the start of strings
 272  */
 273 void str_prev_char (char **text);
 274 void str_cprev_char (const char **text);
 276 /* return next characters after text, do not call on the end of string
 277  * works with invalid string
 278  * I
 279  */
 280 char *str_get_next_char_safe (char *text);
 281 const char *str_cget_next_char_safe (const char *text);
 283 /* return previous characters before text, do not call on the start of strings
 284  * works with invalid string
 285  * I
 286  */
 287 char *str_get_prev_char_safe (char *text);
 288 const char *str_cget_prev_char_safe (const char *text);
 290 /* set text to next characters, do not call on the end of string
 291  * works with invalid string
 292  * I
 293  */
 294 void str_next_char_safe (char **text);
 295 void str_cnext_char_safe (const char **text);
 297 /* set text to previous characters, do not call on the start of strings
 298  * works with invalid string
 299  * I
 300  */
 301 void str_prev_char_safe (char **text);
 302 void str_cprev_char_safe (const char **text);
 304 /* set text to next noncombining characters, check the end of text
 305  * return how many characters was skipped
 306  * works with invalid string
 307  * I
 308  */
 309 int str_next_noncomb_char (char **text);
 310 int str_cnext_noncomb_char (const char **text);
 312 /* set text to previous noncombining characters, search stop at begin
 313  * return how many characters was skipped
 314  * works with invalid string
 315  * I
 316  */
 317 int str_prev_noncomb_char (char **text, const char *begin);
 318 int str_cprev_noncomb_char (const char **text, const char *begin);
 320 /* if first characters in ch is space, tabulator  or new lines
 321  * I
 322  */
 323 gboolean str_isspace (const char *ch);
 325 /* if first characters in ch is punctuation or symbol
 326  * I
 327  */
 328 gboolean str_ispunct (const char *ch);
 330 /* if first characters in ch is alphanum
 331  * I
 332  */
 333 gboolean str_isalnum (const char *ch);
 335 /* if first characters in ch is digit
 336  * I
 337  */
 338 gboolean str_isdigit (const char *ch);
 340 /* if first characters in ch is printable
 341  * I
 342  */
 343 gboolean str_isprint (const char *ch);
 345 /* if first characters in ch is a combining mark (only in utf-8)
 346  * combining makrs are assumed to be zero width
 347  * I
 348  */
 349 gboolean str_iscombiningmark (const char *ch);
 351 /* write lower from of first characters in ch into out
 352  * decrease remain by size of returned characters
 353  * if out is not big enough, do nothing
 354  */
 355 gboolean str_toupper (const char *ch, char **out, size_t *remain);
 357 /* write upper from of first characters in ch into out
 358  * decrease remain by size of returned characters
 359  * if out is not big enough, do nothing
 360  */
 361 gboolean str_tolower (const char *ch, char **out, size_t *remain);
 363 /* return length of text in characters
 364  * I
 365  */
 366 int str_length (const char *text);
 368 /* return length of text in characters, limit to size
 369  * I
 370  */
 371 int str_length2 (const char *text, int size);
 373 /* return length of one char
 374  * I
 375  */
 376 int str_length_char (const char *text);
 378 /* return length of text in characters, count only noncombining characters
 379  * I
 380  */
 381 int str_length_noncomb (const char *text);
 383 /* replace all invalid characters in text with questionmark
 384  * after return, text is valid string in terminal encoding
 385  * I
 386  */
 387 void str_fix_string (char *text);
 389 /* replace all invalid characters in text with questionmark
 390  * replace all unprintable characters with '.'
 391  * return static allocated string, "text" is not changed
 392  * returned string do not need to be freed
 393  * I
 394  */
 395 const char *str_term_form (const char *text);
 397 /* like str_term_form, but text can be alignment to width
 398  * alignment is specified in just_mode (J_LEFT, J_LEFT_FIT, ...)
 399  * result is completed with spaces to width
 400  * I
 401  */
 402 const char *str_fit_to_term (const char *text, int width, align_crt_t just_mode);
 404 /* like str_term_form, but when text is wider than width, three dots are
 405  * inserted at begin and result is completed with suffix of text
 406  * no additional spaces are inserted
 407  * I
 408  */
 409 const char *str_term_trim (const char *text, int width);
 411 /* like str_term_form, but return only specified substring
 412  * start - column (position) on terminal, where substring begin
 413  * result is completed with spaces to width
 414  * I
 415  */
 416 const char *str_term_substring (const char *text, int start, int width);
 418 /* return width, that will be text occupied on terminal
 419  * I
 420  */
 421 int str_term_width1 (const char *text);
 423 /* return width, that will be text occupied on terminal
 424  * text is limited by length in characters
 425  * I
 426  */
 427 int str_term_width2 (const char *text, size_t length);
 429 /* return width, that will be character occupied on terminal
 430  * combining characters are always zero width
 431  * I
 432  */
 433 int str_term_char_width (const char *text);
 435 /* convert position in characters to position in bytes
 436  * I
 437  */
 438 int str_offset_to_pos (const char *text, size_t length);
 440 /* convert position on terminal to position in characters
 441  * I
 442  */
 443 int str_column_to_pos (const char *text, size_t pos);
 445 /* like str_fit_to_term width just_mode = J_LEFT_FIT,
 446  * but do not insert additional spaces
 447  * I
 448  */
 449 const char *str_trunc (const char *text, int width);
 451 /* create needle, that will be searched in str_search_fist/last,
 452  * so needle can be reused
 453  * in UTF-8 return normalized form of needle
 454  */
 455 char *str_create_search_needle (const char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 457 /* free needle returned by str_create_search_needle
 458  */
 459 void str_release_search_needle (char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 461 /* search for first occurrence of search in text
 462  */
 463 const char *str_search_first (const char *text, const char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 465 /* search for last occurrence of search in text
 466  */
 467 const char *str_search_last (const char *text, const char *needle, gboolean case_sen);
 469 /* case sensitive compare two strings
 470  * I
 471  */
 472 int str_compare (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 474 /* case sensitive compare two strings
 475  * if one string is prefix of the other string, return 0
 476  * I
 477  */
 478 int str_ncompare (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 480 /* case insensitive compare two strings
 481  * I
 482  */
 483 int str_casecmp (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 485 /* case insensitive compare two strings
 486  * if one string is prefix of the other string, return 0
 487  * I
 488  */
 489 int str_ncasecmp (const char *t1, const char *t2);
 491 /* return, how many bytes are are same from start in text and prefix
 492  * both strings are decomposed before comparing and return value is counted
 493  * in decomposed form, too. calling with prefix, prefix, you get size in bytes
 494  * of prefix in decomposed form,
 495  * I
 496  */
 497 int str_prefix (const char *text, const char *prefix);
 499 /* case insensitive version of str_prefix
 500  * I
 501  */
 502 int str_caseprefix (const char *text, const char *prefix);
 504 /* create a key that is used by str_key_collate
 505  * I
 506  */
 507 char *str_create_key (const char *text, gboolean case_sen);
 509 /* create a key that is used by str_key_collate
 510  * should aware dot '.' in text
 511  * I
 512  */
 513 char *str_create_key_for_filename (const char *text, gboolean case_sen);
 515 /* compare two string using LC_COLLATE, if is possible
 516  * if case_sen is set, comparing is case sensitive,
 517  * case_sen must be same for str_create_key, str_key_collate and str_release_key
 518  * I
 519  */
 520 int str_key_collate (const char *t1, const char *t2, gboolean case_sen);
 522 /* release_key created by str_create_key, only right way to release key
 523  * I
 524  */
 525 void str_release_key (char *key, gboolean case_sen);
 527 /* return TRUE if codeset_name is utf8 or utf-8
 528  * I
 529  */
 530 gboolean str_isutf8 (const char *codeset_name);
 532 const char *str_detect_termencoding (void);
 534 int str_verscmp (const char *s1, const char *s2);
 536 /* Like filevercmp, except compare the byte arrays a (of length alen) and b (of length blen)
 537    so that a and b can contain '\0', which sorts just before '\1'. But if alen is -1 treat
 538    a as a string terminated by '\0', and similarly for blen.
 539  */
 540 int filenvercmp (char const *a, ssize_t alen, char const *b, ssize_t blen);
 542 /* return how many lines and columns will text occupy on terminal
 543  */
 544 void str_msg_term_size (const char *text, int *lines, int *columns);
 546 /**
 547  * skip first needle's in haystack
 548  *
 549  * @param haystack pointer to string
 550  * @param needle pointer to string
 551  * @param skip_count skip first bytes
 552  *
 553  * @return pointer to skip_count+1 needle (or NULL if not found).
 554  */
 556 char *strrstr_skip_count (const char *haystack, const char *needle, size_t skip_count);
 558 char *str_replace_all (const char *haystack, const char *needle, const char *replacement);
 560 GPtrArray *str_tokenize (const char *string);
 562 strtol_error_t xstrtoumax (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base, uintmax_t *val,
 563                            const char *valid_suffixes);
 564 uintmax_t parse_integer (const char *str, gboolean *invalid);
 566 char *str_escape (const char *src, gsize src_len, const char *escaped_chars,
 567                   gboolean escape_non_printable);
 568 char *str_unescape (const char *src, gsize src_len, const char *unescaped_chars,
 569                     gboolean unescape_non_printable);
 570 char *str_shell_unescape (const char *text);
 571 char *str_shell_escape (const char *text);
 573 char *str_glob_escape (const char *text);
 574 char *str_glob_unescape (const char *text);
 576 char *str_regex_escape (const char *text);
 577 char *str_regex_unescape (const char *text);
 579 gboolean str_is_char_escaped (const char *start, const char *current);
 581 void str_rstrip_eol (char *s);
 583 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 584 /*** inline functions ****************************************************************************/
 585 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 587 static inline void
 588 str_replace (char *s, char from, char to)
 589 {
 590     for (; *s != '\0'; s++)
 591     {
 592         if (*s == from)
 593             *s = to;
 594     }
 595 }
 597 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 598 /*
 599  * strcpy is unsafe on overlapping memory areas, so define memmove-alike
 600  * string function.
 601  * Have sense only when:
 602  *  * dest <= src
 603  *   AND
 604  *  * dest and str are pointers to one object (as Roland Illig pointed).
 605  *
 606  * We can't use str*cpy funs here.
 607  *
 608  * @param dest pointer to string
 609  * @param src pointer to string
 610  *
 611  * @return newly allocated string
 612  *
 613  */
 615 static inline char *
 616 str_move (char *dest, const char *src)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help]  */
 617 {
 618     size_t n;
 620     g_assert (dest <= src);
 622     n = strlen (src) + 1;  // + '\0'
 624     return (char *) memmove (dest, src, n);
 625 }
 627 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 628 /* Compare version strings:
 630    Compare strings a and b as file names containing version numbers, and return an integer
 631    that is negative, zero, or positive depending on whether a compares less than, equal to,
 632    or greater than b.
 634    Use the following version sort algorithm:
 636    1. Compare the strings' maximal-length non-digit prefixes lexically.
 637    If there is a difference return that difference.
 638    Otherwise discard the prefixes and continue with the next step.
 640    2. Compare the strings' maximal-length digit prefixes, using numeric comparison
 641    of the numbers represented by each prefix. (Treat an empty prefix as zero; this can
 642    happen only at string end.)
 643    If there is a difference, return that difference.
 644    Otherwise discard the prefixes and continue with the next step.
 646    3. If both strings are empty, return 0.  Otherwise continue with step 1.
 648    In version sort, lexical comparison is left to right, byte by byte, using the byte's numeric
 649    value (0-255), except that:
 651    1. ASCII letters sort before other bytes.
 652    2. A tilde sorts before anything, even an empty string.
 654    In addition to the version sort rules, the following strings have special priority and sort
 655    before all other strings (listed in order):
 657    1. The empty string.
 658    2. ".".
 659    3. "..".
 660    4. Strings starting with "." sort before other strings.
 662    Before comparing two strings where both begin with non-".", or where both begin with "."
 663    but neither is "." or "..", suffixes matching the C-locale extended regular expression
 664    (\.[A-Za-z~][A-Za-z0-9~]*)*$ are removed and the strings compared without them, using version
 665    sort without special priority; if they do not compare equal, this comparison result is used and
 666    the suffixes are effectively ignored. Otherwise, the entire strings are compared using version
 667    sort. When removing a suffix from a nonempty string, remove the maximal-length suffix such that
 668    the remaining string is nonempty.
 669  */
 671 static inline int
 672 filevercmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
     /* [previous][next][first][last][top][bottom][index][help]  */
 673 {
 674     return filenvercmp (s1, -1, s2, -1);
 675 }
 677 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 679 #endif

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