x                  21 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISREG(x) 0
x                  28 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISDIR(x) 0
x                  36 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISLNK(x) 0
x                  43 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISSOCK(x) 0
x                  50 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISFIFO(x) 0
x                  57 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISCHR(x) 0
x                  64 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISBLK(x) 0
x                  72 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISDOOR(x) 0
x                  80 lib/fs.h       #define S_ISNAM(x) 0
x                 108 lib/fs.h       #define DIR_IS_DOT(x) ((x)[0] == '.' && (x)[1] == '\0')
x                 109 lib/fs.h       #define DIR_IS_DOTDOT(x) ((x)[0] == '.' && (x)[1] == '.' && (x)[2] == '\0')
x                  36 lib/skin/hc-skins.c #define set_lines(x,y) mc_config_set_string(mc_skin->config, "Lines", x, y)
x                  45 lib/strutil.h  #define IS_FIT(x) ((x) & 0x0010)
x                  46 lib/strutil.h  #define MAKE_FIT(x) ((x) | 0x0010)
x                  47 lib/strutil.h  #define HIDE_FIT(x) ((x) & 0x000f)
x                  47 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c bkm_scale (uintmax_t *x, int scale_factor)
x                  49 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c     if (UINTMAX_MAX / scale_factor < *x)
x                  51 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c         *x = UINTMAX_MAX;
x                  55 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c     *x *= scale_factor;
x                  62 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c bkm_scale_by_power (uintmax_t *x, int base, int power)
x                  66 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c         err |= bkm_scale (x, base);
x                 764 lib/tty/key.c          ev->x = tty_lowlevel_getch () - 32;
x                 777 lib/tty/key.c          btn = ev->x = ev->y = 0;
x                 790 lib/tty/key.c              ev->x = 10 * ev->x + (c - '0');
x                1940 lib/tty/key.c      if (event->x > 0)
x                1942 lib/tty/key.c          show_mouse_pointer (event->x, event->y);
x                1944 lib/tty/key.c              event->x = -1;
x                2140 lib/tty/key.c      ev.x = -1;
x                  26 lib/tty/key.h  #define XCTRL(x) (KEY_M_CTRL | ((x) & 0x1F))
x                  27 lib/tty/key.h  #define ALT(x) (KEY_M_ALT | (unsigned int)(x))
x                  67 lib/tty/mouse.c show_mouse_pointer (int x, int y)
x                  71 lib/tty/mouse.c         Gpm_DrawPointer (x, y, gpm_consolefd);
x                  73 lib/tty/mouse.c     (void) x;
x                  87 lib/tty/mouse.h     int buttons, x, y;
x                 114 lib/tty/mouse.h void show_mouse_pointer (int x, int y);
x                  45 lib/tty/tty-internal.h void tty_colorize_area (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, int color);
x                  72 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c #define CTRL(x) ((x) & 0x1f)
x                  75 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c #define yx_in_screen(y, x) \
x                  76 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     (y >= 0 && y < LINES && x >= 0 && x < COLS)
x                 133 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c tty_clip (int *y, int *x, int *rows, int *cols)
x                 145 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (*x < 0)
x                 147 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         *cols += *x;
x                 152 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         *x = 0;
x                 161 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (*x + *cols > COLS)
x                 162 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         *cols = COLS - *x;
x                 449 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c tty_gotoyx (int y, int x)
x                 452 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     mc_curs_col = x;
x                 459 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (x < 0)
x                 460 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         x = 0;
x                 461 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (x >= COLS)
x                 462 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         x = COLS - 1;
x                 464 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     move (y, x);
x                 479 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c tty_draw_hline (int y, int x, int ch, int len)
x                 483 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (y < 0 || y >= LINES || x >= COLS)
x                 486 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     x1 = x;
x                 488 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (x < 0)
x                 490 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         len += x;
x                 493 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         x = 0;
x                 499 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     move (y, x);
x                 510 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c tty_draw_vline (int y, int x, int ch, int len)
x                 514 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (x < 0 || x >= COLS || y >= LINES)
x                 530 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     move (y, x);
x                 532 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     move (y1, x);
x                 535 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     mc_curs_col = x;
x                 541 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c tty_fill_region (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, unsigned char ch)
x                 545 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (!tty_clip (&y, &x, &rows, &cols))
x                 550 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         move (y + i, x);
x                 554 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     move (y, x);
x                 557 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     mc_curs_col = x;
x                 563 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c tty_colorize_area (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, int color)
x                 571 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (!use_colors || !tty_clip (&y, &x, &rows, &cols))
x                 579 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         mvin_wchnstr (y + row, x, ctext, cols);
x                 587 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         mvadd_wchnstr (y + row, x, ctext, cols);
x                 593 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     (void) x;
x                 522 lib/tty/tty-slang.c tty_gotoyx (int y, int x)
x                 524 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     SLsmg_gotorc (y, x);
x                 539 lib/tty/tty-slang.c tty_draw_hline (int y, int x, int ch, int len)
x                 543 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     if (y < 0 || y >= LINES || x >= COLS)
x                 546 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     x1 = x;
x                 548 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     if (x < 0)
x                 550 lib/tty/tty-slang.c         len += x;
x                 553 lib/tty/tty-slang.c         x = 0;
x                 561 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     SLsmg_gotorc (y, x);
x                 575 lib/tty/tty-slang.c tty_draw_vline (int y, int x, int ch, int len)
x                 579 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     if (x < 0 || x >= COLS || y >= LINES)
x                 597 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     SLsmg_gotorc (y, x);
x                 607 lib/tty/tty-slang.c             SLsmg_gotorc (y + pos, x);
x                 613 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     SLsmg_gotorc (y1, x);
x                 619 lib/tty/tty-slang.c tty_fill_region (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, unsigned char ch)
x                 621 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     SLsmg_fill_region (y, x, rows, cols, ch);
x                 627 lib/tty/tty-slang.c tty_colorize_area (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, int color)
x                 630 lib/tty/tty-slang.c         SLsmg_set_color_in_region (color, y, x, rows, cols);
x                 662 lib/tty/tty-slang.c #define DRAW(x, y) (x == y) \
x                 663 lib/tty/tty-slang.c        ? SLsmg_draw_object (SLsmg_get_row(), SLsmg_get_column(), x) \
x                   9 lib/tty/tty-slang.h #define KEY_F(x) (1000 + x)
x                 227 lib/tty/tty.c          char x[16];
x                 230 lib/tty/tty.c          n = read (sigwinch_pipe[0], &x, sizeof (x));
x                 254 lib/tty/tty.c  tty_draw_box (int y, int x, int ys, int xs, gboolean single)
x                 265 lib/tty/tty.c      x2 = x + xs;
x                 267 lib/tty/tty.c      tty_draw_vline (y, x, mc_tty_frm[single ? MC_TTY_FRM_VERT : MC_TTY_FRM_DVERT], ys);
x                 269 lib/tty/tty.c      tty_draw_hline (y, x, mc_tty_frm[single ? MC_TTY_FRM_HORIZ : MC_TTY_FRM_DHORIZ], xs);
x                 270 lib/tty/tty.c      tty_draw_hline (y2, x, mc_tty_frm[single ? MC_TTY_FRM_HORIZ : MC_TTY_FRM_DHORIZ], xs);
x                 271 lib/tty/tty.c      tty_gotoyx (y, x);
x                 273 lib/tty/tty.c      tty_gotoyx (y2, x);
x                 284 lib/tty/tty.c  tty_draw_box_shadow (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, int shadow_color)
x                 287 lib/tty/tty.c      tty_colorize_area (y + 1, x + cols, rows - 1, 2, shadow_color);
x                 289 lib/tty/tty.c      tty_colorize_area (y + rows, x + 2, 1, cols, shadow_color);
x                 110 lib/tty/tty.h  extern void tty_gotoyx (int y, int x);
x                 126 lib/tty/tty.h  extern void tty_draw_hline (int y, int x, int ch, int len);
x                 127 lib/tty/tty.h  extern void tty_draw_vline (int y, int x, int ch, int len);
x                 128 lib/tty/tty.h  extern void tty_draw_box (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, gboolean single);
x                 129 lib/tty/tty.h  extern void tty_draw_box_shadow (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, int shadow_color);
x                 130 lib/tty/tty.h  extern void tty_fill_region (int y, int x, int rows, int cols, unsigned char ch);
x                 349 lib/util.c         static char x[BUF_TINY];
x                 370 lib/util.c         g_snprintf (x, sizeof (x), "%.0f %s", 1.0 * size / divisor, xtra);
x                 371 lib/util.c         return x;
x                 379 lib/util.c         static char x[60];
x                 386 lib/util.c         d = x + sizeof (x) - 1;
x                  87 lib/vfs/direntry.c #define CALL(x) \
x                  88 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->x != NULL) \
x                  89 lib/vfs/direntry.c             VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->x
x                  78 lib/widget/background.c     tty_fill_region (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, b->pattern);
x                 108 lib/widget/background.c background_new (int y, int x, int lines, int cols, int color, unsigned char pattern,
x                 111 lib/widget/background.c     WRect r = { y, x, lines, cols };
x                  11 lib/widget/background.h #define BACKGROUND(x) ((WBackground *)(x))
x                  12 lib/widget/background.h #define CONST_BACKGROUND(x) ((const WBackground *)(x))
x                  30 lib/widget/background.h WBackground *background_new (int y, int x, int lines, int cols, int color, unsigned char pattern,
x                 207 lib/widget/button.c button_new (int y, int x, int action, button_flags_t flags, const char *text, bcback_fn callback)
x                 209 lib/widget/button.c     WRect r = { y, x, 1, 1 };
x                  11 lib/widget/button.h #define BUTTON(x) ((WButton *)(x))
x                  46 lib/widget/button.h WButton *button_new (int y, int x, int action, button_flags_t flags, const char *text,
x                 124 lib/widget/buttonbar.c buttonbar_get_button_by_x_coord (const WButtonBar *bb, int x)
x                 129 lib/widget/buttonbar.c         if (bb->labels[i].end_coord > x)
x                 228 lib/widget/buttonbar.c             button = buttonbar_get_button_by_x_coord (bb, event->x);
x                  11 lib/widget/buttonbar.h #define BUTTONBAR(x) ((WButtonBar *)(x))
x                 138 lib/widget/check.c check_new (int y, int x, gboolean state, const char *text)
x                 140 lib/widget/check.c     WRect r = { y, x, 1, 1 };
x                  11 lib/widget/check.h #define CHECK(x) ((WCheck *)(x))
x                  28 lib/widget/check.h WCheck *check_new (int y, int x, gboolean state, const char *text);
x                 286 lib/widget/dialog.c     event.x = -1;
x                 382 lib/widget/dialog.c         if (event->y < 0 || event->y >= w->rect.lines || event->x < 0 || event->x >= w->rect.cols)
x                  20 lib/widget/dialog.h #define DIALOG(x) ((WDialog *)(x))
x                  21 lib/widget/dialog.h #define CONST_DIALOG(x) ((const WDialog *)(x))
x                  78 lib/widget/frame.c         tty_draw_box_shadow (w->y, w->x, w->lines, w->cols, SHADOW_COLOR);
x                  81 lib/widget/frame.c     tty_fill_region (w->y, w->x, w->lines, w->cols, ' ');
x                  82 lib/widget/frame.c     tty_draw_box (w->y + d, w->x + d, w->lines - 2 * d, w->cols - 2 * d, f->single);
x                  98 lib/widget/frame.c frame_new (int y, int x, int lines, int cols, const char *title, gboolean single, gboolean compact)
x                 100 lib/widget/frame.c     WRect r = { y, x, lines, cols };
x                  11 lib/widget/frame.h #define FRAME(x) ((WFrame *)(x))
x                  12 lib/widget/frame.h #define CONST_FRAME(x) ((const WFrame *)(x))
x                  36 lib/widget/frame.h WFrame *frame_new (int y, int x, int lines, int cols, const char *title, gboolean single,
x                 131 lib/widget/gauge.c gauge_new (int y, int x, int cols, gboolean shown, int max, int current)
x                 133 lib/widget/gauge.c     WRect r = { y, x, 1, cols };
x                  11 lib/widget/gauge.h #define GAUGE(x) ((WGauge *)(x))
x                  30 lib/widget/gauge.h WGauge *gauge_new (int y, int x, int cols, gboolean shown, int max, int current);
x                 396 lib/widget/group.c         r.x = g->x + (g->cols - c->rect.cols) / 2;
x                 399 lib/widget/group.c         r.x += wss->shift_x;
x                 403 lib/widget/group.c         r.x += wss->shift_x;
x                 405 lib/widget/group.c         r.x += wss->shift_x + wss->scale_x;
x                 442 lib/widget/group.c     wss.shift_x = w->x - or.x;
x                 774 lib/widget/group.c         ww->rect.x = (wg->rect.cols - ww->rect.cols) / 2;
x                  16 lib/widget/group.h #define GROUP(x) ((WGroup *)(x))
x                  17 lib/widget/group.h #define CONST_GROUP(x) ((const WGroup *)(x))
x                  75 lib/widget/groupbox.c             tty_draw_box (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, TRUE);
x                 100 lib/widget/groupbox.c groupbox_new (int y, int x, int height, int width, const char *title)
x                 102 lib/widget/groupbox.c     WRect r = { y, x, height, width };
x                  11 lib/widget/groupbox.h #define GROUPBOX(x) ((WGroupbox *)(x))
x                  27 lib/widget/groupbox.h WGroupbox *groupbox_new (int y, int x, int height, int width, const char *title);
x                  59 lib/widget/history.c     int x;
x                  76 lib/widget/history.c     int x = 0, y, he, wi;
x                  99 lib/widget/history.c     if (data->x > 2)
x                 100 lib/widget/history.c         x = data->x - 2;
x                 104 lib/widget/history.c     if ((wi + x) > COLS)
x                 107 lib/widget/history.c         x = COLS - wi;
x                 110 lib/widget/history.c     rect_init (&r, y, x, he, wi);
x                 188 lib/widget/history.c history_descriptor_init (history_descriptor_t *hd, int y, int x, GList *history, int current)
x                 192 lib/widget/history.c     hd->x = x;
x                 227 lib/widget/history.c     hist_data.x = hd->x;
x                  27 lib/widget/history.h     int x;                      /**< x-coordinate to place history window */
x                  44 lib/widget/history.h void history_descriptor_init (history_descriptor_t * hd, int y, int x, GList * history,
x                  73 lib/widget/hline.c             w->x = wo->x;
x                  78 lib/widget/hline.c             w->x = wo->x + 1;
x                 113 lib/widget/hline.c         tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y, w->rect.x + 1, ACS_HLINE, w->rect.cols - 2);
x                 147 lib/widget/hline.c hline_new (int y, int x, int width)
x                 149 lib/widget/hline.c     WRect r = { y, x, 1, width };
x                  11 lib/widget/hline.h #define HLINE(x) ((WHLine *)(x))
x                  29 lib/widget/hline.h WHLine *hline_new (int y, int x, int width);
x                 162 lib/widget/input.c     history_descriptor_init (&hd, WIDGET (in)->rect.y, WIDGET (in)->rect.x, in->history.list,
x                 882 lib/widget/input.c input_screen_to_point (const WInput *in, int x)
x                 884 lib/widget/input.c     x += in->term_first_shown;
x                 886 lib/widget/input.c     if (x < 0)
x                 889 lib/widget/input.c     if (x < str_term_width1 (in->buffer->str))
x                 890 lib/widget/input.c         return str_column_to_pos (in->buffer->str, x);
x                 909 lib/widget/input.c         if (event->x >= w->rect.cols - HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH && should_show_history_button (in))
x                 915 lib/widget/input.c             input_set_point (in, input_screen_to_point (in, event->x));
x                 926 lib/widget/input.c         input_set_point (in, input_screen_to_point (in, event->x));
x                 952 lib/widget/input.c input_new (int y, int x, const int *colors, int width, const char *def_text,
x                 955 lib/widget/input.c     WRect r = { y, x, 1, width };
x                  13 lib/widget/input.h #define INPUT(x) ((WInput *)(x))
x                  86 lib/widget/input.h WInput *input_new (int y, int x, const int *colors,
x                1199 lib/widget/input_complete.c             int x, y, w, h;
x                1213 lib/widget/input_complete.c             start_x = WIDGET (in)->rect.x;
x                1230 lib/widget/input_complete.c             x = start - in->term_first_shown - 2 + start_x;
x                1232 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (x + w > COLS)
x                1233 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 x = COLS - w;
x                1234 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (x < 0)
x                1235 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 x = 0;
x                1236 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (x + w > COLS)
x                1243 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 dlg_create (TRUE, y, x, h, w, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, TRUE,
x                 134 lib/widget/label.c label_new (int y, int x, const char *text)
x                 136 lib/widget/label.c     WRect r = { y, x, 1, 1 };
x                  11 lib/widget/label.h #define LABEL(x) ((WLabel *)(x))
x                  29 lib/widget/label.h WLabel *label_new (int y, int x, const char *text);
x                 553 lib/widget/listbox.c listbox_new (int y, int x, int height, int width, gboolean deletable, lcback_fn callback)
x                 555 lib/widget/listbox.c     WRect r = { y, x, 1, width };
x                  11 lib/widget/listbox.h #define LISTBOX(x) ((WListbox *)(x))
x                  12 lib/widget/listbox.h #define LENTRY(x) ((WLEntry *)(x))
x                  63 lib/widget/listbox.h WListbox *listbox_new (int y, int x, int height, int width, gboolean deletable, lcback_fn callback);
x                  52 lib/widget/menu.c #define MENUENTRY(x) ((menu_entry_t *)(x))
x                  53 lib/widget/menu.c #define MENU(x) ((menu_t *)(x))
x                 130 lib/widget/menu.c     int x = menu->start_x;
x                 132 lib/widget/menu.c     if (x + menu->max_entry_len + 4 > (gsize) w->cols)
x                 133 lib/widget/menu.c         x = w->cols - menu->max_entry_len - 4;
x                 140 lib/widget/menu.c         widget_gotoyx (menubar, y, x - 1);
x                 142 lib/widget/menu.c         tty_draw_hline (w->y + y, w->x + x, ACS_HLINE, menu->max_entry_len + 3);
x                 143 lib/widget/menu.c         widget_gotoyx (menubar, y, x + menu->max_entry_len + 3);
x                 152 lib/widget/menu.c         widget_gotoyx (menubar, y, x);
x                 170 lib/widget/menu.c             widget_gotoyx (menubar, y, x + menu->max_hotkey_len + 3);
x                 175 lib/widget/menu.c         widget_gotoyx (menubar, y, x + 1);
x                 194 lib/widget/menu.c         tty_draw_box_shadow (w->y + 1, w->x + column, count + 2, menu->max_entry_len + 5,
x                 198 lib/widget/menu.c     tty_draw_box (w->y + 1, w->x + column, count + 2, menu->max_entry_len + 5, FALSE);
x                 228 lib/widget/menu.c     tty_draw_hline (w->y, w->x, ' ', w->cols);
x                 711 lib/widget/menu.c menubar_get_menu_by_x_coord (const WMenuBar *menubar, int x)
x                 717 lib/widget/menu.c          menu != NULL && x >= MENU (menu->data)->start_x; i++, menu = g_list_next (menu))
x                 730 lib/widget/menu.c menubar_mouse_on_menu (const WMenuBar *menubar, int y, int x)
x                 750 lib/widget/menu.c     return (x >= left_x && x < right_x && y > 1 && y < bottom_y);
x                 783 lib/widget/menu.c     mouse_on_drop = menubar_mouse_on_menu (menubar, event->y, event->x);
x                 795 lib/widget/menu.c             selected = menubar_get_menu_by_x_coord (menubar, event->x);
x                 848 lib/widget/menu.c             menubar_drop (menubar, menubar_get_menu_by_x_coord (menubar, event->x));
x                  14 lib/widget/menu.h #define MENUBAR(x) ((WMenuBar *)(x))
x                  66 lib/widget/mouse.c     event->x = global_gpm->x - w->rect.x - 1;   /* '-1' because Gpm_Event is 1-based. */
x                  42 lib/widget/mouse.h     int x, y;                   /* Local to the widget. */
x                  49 lib/widget/quick.c #define I18N(x) (x = x != NULL && *x != '\0' ? _(x) : x)
x                  51 lib/widget/quick.c #define I18N(x) (x = x)
x                  71 lib/widget/quick.c quick_create_input (int y, int x, const quick_widget_t *qw)
x                  75 lib/widget/quick.c     in = input_new (y, x, input_colors, 8, qw->u.input.text, qw->u.input.histname,
x                  87 lib/widget/quick.c quick_create_labeled_input (GArray *widgets, int *y, int x, quick_widget_t *quick_widget,
x                 102 lib/widget/quick.c         label.widget = WIDGET (label_new (*y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
x                 106 lib/widget/quick.c         in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (++(*y), x, quick_widget));
x                 114 lib/widget/quick.c         label.widget = WIDGET (label_new (*y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
x                 117 lib/widget/quick.c         in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (*y, x + label.widget->rect.cols + 1, quick_widget));
x                 125 lib/widget/quick.c         in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (*y, x, quick_widget));
x                 131 lib/widget/quick.c                     (*y, x + in.widget->rect.cols + 1, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
x                 138 lib/widget/quick.c         in.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (*y, x, quick_widget));
x                 142 lib/widget/quick.c         label.widget = WIDGET (label_new (++(*y), x, I18N (quick_widget->u.input.label_text)));
x                 168 lib/widget/quick.c     int x, y;                   /* current positions */
x                 194 lib/widget/quick.c     x = x1;
x                 209 lib/widget/quick.c                         (++y, x, *quick_widget->u.checkbox.state,
x                 223 lib/widget/quick.c             item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (++y, x, quick_widget->u.button.action,
x                 243 lib/widget/quick.c                 quick_create_labeled_input (widgets, &y, x, quick_widget, &width);
x                 248 lib/widget/quick.c                 item.widget = WIDGET (quick_create_input (y, x, quick_widget));
x                 261 lib/widget/quick.c             item.widget = WIDGET (label_new (++y, x, I18N (quick_widget->u.label.text)));
x                 284 lib/widget/quick.c                 r = radio_new (++y, x, quick_widget->u.radio.count, (const char **) items);
x                 303 lib/widget/quick.c             g = groupbox_new (++y, x, 1, len + 4, quick_widget->u.groupbox.title);
x                 326 lib/widget/quick.c                 item.widget = WIDGET (hline_new (y, x, 1));
x                 338 lib/widget/quick.c             x = x2;
x                 344 lib/widget/quick.c             x = x1;
x                 367 lib/widget/quick.c                 item.widget = WIDGET (button_new (y, x++, quick_widget->u.button.action,
x                 410 lib/widget/quick.c     if (quick_dlg->rect.x == -1 || quick_dlg->rect.y == -1)
x                 415 lib/widget/quick.c         dd = dlg_create (TRUE, quick_dlg->rect.y, quick_dlg->rect.x, y + 3, quick_dlg->rect.cols,
x                 423 lib/widget/quick.c     x = (WIDGET (dd)->rect.cols - blen) / 2;
x                 451 lib/widget/quick.c             if (r->x != x1)
x                 452 lib/widget/quick.c                 r->x = x2;
x                 454 lib/widget/quick.c                 r->x += 2;
x                 460 lib/widget/quick.c                 if (r->x != x1)
x                 461 lib/widget/quick.c                     r->x = x2;
x                 463 lib/widget/quick.c                     r->x += 2;
x                 467 lib/widget/quick.c                 r->x = x;
x                 468 lib/widget/quick.c                 x += r->cols + 1;
x                 484 lib/widget/quick.c                     r->x = label->rect.x + label->rect.cols + 1 - WIDGET (label->owner)->rect.x;
x                 489 lib/widget/quick.c                     if (r->x != x1)
x                 490 lib/widget/quick.c                         r->x = x2;
x                 492 lib/widget/quick.c                         r->x += 2;
x                 494 lib/widget/quick.c                     label->rect.x = r->x + r->cols + 1;
x                 498 lib/widget/quick.c                     if (r->x != x1)
x                 499 lib/widget/quick.c                         r->x = x2;
x                 501 lib/widget/quick.c                         r->x += 2;
x                 514 lib/widget/quick.c             if (r->x != x1)
x                 515 lib/widget/quick.c                 r->x = x2;
x                 531 lib/widget/quick.c                     r->x = wg->rect.x + 1 - WIDGET (wg->owner)->rect.x;
x                 537 lib/widget/quick.c                     if (r->x != x1)
x                 538 lib/widget/quick.c                         r->x = x2;
x                 539 lib/widget/quick.c                     r->x--;
x                 169 lib/widget/radio.c                 tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + i, w->rect.x, ' ', w->rect.cols);
x                 216 lib/widget/radio.c radio_new (int y, int x, int count, const char **texts)
x                 218 lib/widget/radio.c     WRect r0 = { y, x, count, 1 };
x                  13 lib/widget/radio.h #define RADIO(x) ((WRadio *)(x))
x                  34 lib/widget/radio.h WRadio *radio_new (int y, int x, int count, const char **text);
x                  62 lib/widget/rect.c rect_new (int y, int x, int lines, int cols)
x                  69 lib/widget/rect.c         rect_init (r, y, x, lines, cols);
x                  86 lib/widget/rect.c rect_init (WRect *r, int y, int x, int lines, int cols)
x                  89 lib/widget/rect.c     r->x = x;
x                 107 lib/widget/rect.c     r->x += dx;
x                 143 lib/widget/rect.c     r->x -= dc;
x                 162 lib/widget/rect.c     int y, x;
x                 167 lib/widget/rect.c     x = r->x + r->cols;
x                 169 lib/widget/rect.c     x1 = r1->x + r1->cols;
x                 173 lib/widget/rect.c     x = MIN (x, x1);
x                 177 lib/widget/rect.c     r->x = MAX (r->x, r1->x);
x                 181 lib/widget/rect.c     r->cols = x - r->x;
x                 198 lib/widget/rect.c     int x, y;
x                 203 lib/widget/rect.c     x = r->x + r->cols;
x                 205 lib/widget/rect.c     x1 = r1->x + r1->cols;
x                 209 lib/widget/rect.c     x = MAX (x, x1);
x                 213 lib/widget/rect.c     r->x = MIN (r->x, r1->x);
x                 217 lib/widget/rect.c     r->cols = x - r->x;
x                 233 lib/widget/rect.c     return !((r2->x >= r1->x + r1->cols) || (r1->x >= r2->x + r2->cols)
x                 250 lib/widget/rect.c     return (r1->y == r2->y && r1->x == r2->x && r1->lines == r2->lines && r1->cols == r2->cols);
x                  11 lib/widget/rect.h #define RECT(x) ((WRect *)(x))
x                  12 lib/widget/rect.h #define CONST_RECT(x) ((const WRect *)(x))
x                  24 lib/widget/rect.h     int x;
x                  33 lib/widget/rect.h WRect *rect_new (int y, int x, int lines, int cols);
x                  34 lib/widget/rect.h void rect_init (WRect * r, int y, int x, int lines, int cols);
x                 400 lib/widget/widget-common.c         r->x = 0;
x                 407 lib/widget/widget-common.c             r->x = (COLS - r->cols) / 2;
x                 434 lib/widget/widget-common.c widget_set_size (Widget *w, int y, int x, int lines, int cols)
x                 436 lib/widget/widget-common.c     WRect r = { y, x, lines, cols };
x                 483 lib/widget/widget-common.c         tty_fill_region (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, ' ');
x                 693 lib/widget/widget-common.c         rect_move (&w->rect, delta->y, delta->x);
x                 695 lib/widget/widget-common.c         rect_move (&w->rect, WIDGET (w->owner)->rect.y, WIDGET (w->owner)->rect.x);
x                 712 lib/widget/widget-common.c         rect_move (&w->rect, -delta->y, -delta->x);
x                 714 lib/widget/widget-common.c         rect_move (&w->rect, -WIDGET (w->owner)->rect.y, -WIDGET (w->owner)->rect.x);
x                 887 lib/widget/widget-common.c     local.x = global->x - w->rect.x;
x                 901 lib/widget/widget-common.c     return (event->x > r->x) && (event->y > r->y) && (event->x <= r->x + r->cols)
x                  15 lib/widget/widget-common.h #define WIDGET(x) ((Widget *)(x))
x                  16 lib/widget/widget-common.h #define CONST_WIDGET(x) ((const Widget *)(x))
x                  18 lib/widget/widget-common.h #define widget_gotoyx(w, _y, _x) tty_gotoyx (CONST_WIDGET(w)->rect.y + (_y), CONST_WIDGET(w)->rect.x + (_x))
x                 213 lib/widget/widget-common.h void widget_set_size (Widget * w, int y, int x, int lines, int cols);
x                 676 lib/widget/wtools.c     event.x = -1;               /* Don't show the GPM cursor */
x                  17 lib/widget/wtools.h #define STATUS_MSG(x) ((status_msg_t *)(x))
x                  20 lib/widget/wtools.h #define SIMPLE_STATUS_MSG(x) ((simple_status_msg_t *)(x))
x                  61 src/cons.handler.c #define cursor_to(x, y) \
x                  64 src/cons.handler.c     printf("\x1B[%d;%df", (y) + 1, (x) + 1); \
x                  95 src/consaver/cons.saver.c     unsigned int lastline, lc_index, x;
x                 101 src/consaver/cons.saver.c         for (x = 0; x < columns; x++)
x                 179 src/editor/edit.c         r.x = wd->rect.x + (wd->rect.cols - r.cols) / 2;
x                 940 src/editor/edit.c         unsigned long x;
x                 943 src/editor/edit.c         for (x = 1, p = chars_move_whole_word; p < q; p++)
x                 945 src/editor/edit.c                 x <<= 1;
x                 946 src/editor/edit.c         r |= x;
x                  23 src/editor/edit.h #define EDIT(x) ((WEdit *)(x))
x                  24 src/editor/edit.h #define CONST_EDIT(x) ((const WEdit *)(x))
x                 589 src/editor/editcmd.c             off_t x;
x                 591 src/editor/editcmd.c             x = edit_buffer_get_bol (&edit->buffer, start);
x                 592 src/editor/editcmd.c             x = edit_move_forward3 (edit, x, 0, start);
x                 594 src/editor/editcmd.c             if ((x >= edit->column1 && x < edit->column2)
x                 595 src/editor/editcmd.c                 || (x >= edit->column2 && x < edit->column1) || c == '\n')
x                1360 src/editor/editcmd.c         long x, x2;
x                1369 src/editor/editcmd.c         x = edit->curs_col;
x                1370 src/editor/editcmd.c         x2 = x + edit->over_col;
x                1381 src/editor/editcmd.c             if (x > c2)
x                1382 src/editor/editcmd.c                 x -= b_width;
x                1383 src/editor/editcmd.c             else if (x > c1 && x <= c2)
x                1384 src/editor/editcmd.c                 x = c1;
x                1395 src/editor/editcmd.c         current = edit_move_forward3 (edit, b1, x, 0);
x                1409 src/editor/editcmd.c         off_t x;
x                1420 src/editor/editcmd.c         x = current > edit->buffer.curs1 ? end_mark - start_mark : 0;
x                1421 src/editor/editcmd.c         edit_cursor_move (edit, current - edit->buffer.curs1 - x);
x                 371 src/editor/editcomplete.c     start_x = we->x + edit->curs_col + edit->start_col + EDIT_TEXT_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET +
x                 377 src/editor/editcomplete.c     if (start_x < we->x + 1)
x                 378 src/editor/editcomplete.c         start_x = we->x + 1 + edit_options.line_state_width;
x                  71 src/editor/editdraw.c #define edit_move(x,y) widget_gotoyx(edit, y, x);
x                  73 src/editor/editdraw.c #define key_pending(x) (!is_idle())
x                 249 src/editor/editdraw.c     int y, x;
x                 274 src/editor/editdraw.c     tty_getyx (&y, &x);
x                 275 src/editor/editdraw.c     x -= w->rect.x;
x                 276 src/editor/editdraw.c     x += 4;
x                 277 src/editor/editdraw.c     if (x + 6 <= cols - 2 - 6)
x                 279 src/editor/editdraw.c         edit_move (x, 0);
x                 344 src/editor/editdraw.c     tty_draw_box (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, !active);
x                 385 src/editor/editdraw.c     int x, x1, y, cols_to_skip;
x                 390 src/editor/editdraw.c     x = start_col_real;
x                 393 src/editor/editdraw.c     cols_to_skip = abs (x);
x                 411 src/editor/editdraw.c             tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + y, w->rect.x + x1, ' ', len);
x                 415 src/editor/editdraw.c             tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + y, w->rect.x + x1, ' ', len);
x                 420 src/editor/editdraw.c                 tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + y, w->rect.x + x1, ' ', wrap_start);
x                 426 src/editor/editdraw.c                 tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + y, w->rect.x + x1 + wrap_start, ' ', len);
x                 523 src/editor/editdraw.c         if (w->rect.x + w->rect.cols <= WIDGET (w->owner)->rect.cols)
x                 587 src/editor/editdraw.c                         long x, cl;
x                 589 src/editor/editdraw.c                         x = (long) edit_move_forward3 (edit, b, 0, q);
x                 591 src/editor/editdraw.c                         if (x >= cl)
x                 594 src/editor/editdraw.c                             if (x < cl)
x                 853 src/editor/editdraw.c     last_column = wh->rect.x + wh->rect.cols - 1;
x                 855 src/editor/editdraw.c     x1 = w->x;
x                 863 src/editor/editdraw.c     x2 = w->x + w->cols - 1;
x                 864 src/editor/editdraw.c     if (x2 < wh->rect.x)
x                 881 src/editor/editdraw.c         else if (x1 >= wh->rect.x)
x                 227 src/editor/editsearch.c         xpos = w->rect.x + edit_options.line_state_width + 1;
x                 764 src/editor/editsearch.c         r.x = wd->rect.x + (wd->rect.cols - r.cols) / 2;
x                 236 src/editor/editwidget.c         if (w->x + wh->cols > wh->x)
x                 237 src/editor/editwidget.c             w->x--;
x                 240 src/editor/editwidget.c         if (w->x < wh->x + wh->cols)
x                 241 src/editor/editwidget.c             w->x++;
x                 282 src/editor/editwidget.c         if (w->x + w->cols < wh->x + wh->cols)
x                 704 src/editor/editwidget.c     int x, y;
x                 707 src/editor/editwidget.c     x = event->x - (edit->fullscreen ? 0 : 1);
x                 717 src/editor/editwidget.c         edit->prev_col = x - edit->start_col - edit_options.line_state_width;
x                 726 src/editor/editwidget.c         if (x > line_len - 1)
x                 728 src/editor/editwidget.c             edit->over_col = x - line_len - edit->start_col - edit_options.line_state_width;
x                 734 src/editor/editwidget.c             edit->prev_col = x - edit_options.line_state_width - edit->start_col;
x                 882 src/editor/editwidget.c             int x;
x                 890 src/editor/editwidget.c             x = w->rect.cols - 6;
x                 892 src/editor/editwidget.c             if (top != NULL && event->x >= x)
x                 903 src/editor/editwidget.c                 if (event->x - x <= 2)
x                 985 src/editor/editwidget.c             int y, x;
x                 988 src/editor/editwidget.c             x = (e->fullscreen ? 0 : 1) + EDIT_TEXT_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET +
x                 991 src/editor/editwidget.c             widget_gotoyx (w, y, x);
x                1040 src/editor/editwidget.c     global_x = event->x + r->x;
x                1045 src/editor/editwidget.c     global_x = CLAMP (global_x, h->x, h->x + h->cols - 1);      /* Currently a no-op, as the dialog has no left/right margins. */
x                1050 src/editor/editwidget.c         r->x = global_x - edit->drag_state_start;
x                1055 src/editor/editwidget.c         r->cols = MAX (WINDOW_MIN_COLS, global_x - r->x + 1);
x                1113 src/editor/editwidget.c                 if (event->x >= close_x - 1 && event->x <= close_x + 1)
x                1115 src/editor/editwidget.c                 else if (event->x >= toggle_fullscreen_x - 1 && event->x <= toggle_fullscreen_x + 1)
x                1122 src/editor/editwidget.c                     edit->drag_state_start = event->x;
x                1127 src/editor/editwidget.c             if (event->y == w->rect.lines - 1 && event->x == w->rect.cols - 1)
x                1145 src/editor/editwidget.c             if (event->x >= close_x - 1 && event->x <= close_x + 1)
x                1147 src/editor/editwidget.c             else if (event->x >= toggle_fullscreen_x - 1 && event->x <= toggle_fullscreen_x + 1)
x                 328 src/editor/etags.c     start_x = w->x + edit->curs_col + edit->start_col + EDIT_TEXT_HORIZONTAL_OFFSET +
x                 334 src/editor/etags.c     if (start_x < w->x + 1)
x                 335 src/editor/etags.c         start_x = w->x + 1 + edit_options.line_state_width;
x                 208 src/editor/format.c next_tab_pos (off_t x)
x                 210 src/editor/format.c     x += TAB_SIZE - x % TAB_SIZE;
x                 211 src/editor/format.c     return x;
x                 219 src/editor/format.c     off_t xn, x;                /* position counters */
x                 226 src/editor/format.c     for (xn = 0, x = 0; xn <= l; x = xn)
x                 239 src/editor/format.c             xn = next_tab_pos (x);
x                 257 src/editor/format.c                         x++;
x                 262 src/editor/format.c             xn = x + 1;
x                  89 src/editor/syntax.c #define SYNTAX_KEYWORD(x) ((syntax_keyword_t *) (x))
x                  90 src/editor/syntax.c #define CONTEXT_RULE(x) ((context_rule_t *) (x))
x                 222 src/file_history.c     history_descriptor_init (&hd, w->rect.y, w->rect.x, file_list, 0);
x                  74 src/filemanager/achown.c     int x;
x                 248 src/filemanager/achown.c         widget_gotoyx (h, BY + 1, advanced_chown_but[0].x + 6 + i);
x                 254 src/filemanager/achown.c         widget_gotoyx (h, BY + 1, advanced_chown_but[1].x + 6 + i);
x                 260 src/filemanager/achown.c         widget_gotoyx (h, BY + 1, advanced_chown_but[2].x + 6 + i);
x                 268 src/filemanager/achown.c         widget_gotoyx (h, BY + 1, advanced_chown_but[3].x + 6 + i);
x                 273 src/filemanager/achown.c         widget_gotoyx (h, BY + 1, advanced_chown_but[4].x + 6 + i);
x                 285 src/filemanager/achown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, BY - 1, advanced_chown_but[0].x + 5);
x                 287 src/filemanager/achown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, BY - 1, advanced_chown_but[1].x + 5);
x                 289 src/filemanager/achown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, BY - 1, advanced_chown_but[2].x + 5);
x                 292 src/filemanager/achown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, BY - 1, advanced_chown_but[3].x + 5);
x                 294 src/filemanager/achown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, BY - 1, advanced_chown_but[4].x + 5);
x                 447 src/filemanager/achown.c         BUTTON (w)->hotpos = CLAMP (event->x - 1, 0, 2);
x                 459 src/filemanager/achown.c perm_button_new (int y, int x, int action, button_flags_t flags, const char *text,
x                 466 src/filemanager/achown.c     b = button_new (y, x, action, flags, text, callback);
x                 546 src/filemanager/achown.c             lxx = WIDGET (b_user)->rect.x + 1;
x                 551 src/filemanager/achown.c             lxx = WIDGET (b_group)->rect.x + 1;
x                 762 src/filemanager/achown.c #define XTRACT(i,y,cb) y, BX+advanced_chown_but[i].x, \
x                 198 src/filemanager/boxes.c             r.x = wd->x + wd->cols / 2;
x                 416 src/filemanager/boxes.c             bar->rect.x = 0;
x                1101 src/filemanager/boxes.c     WIDGET (bar)->rect.x = 0;
x                1229 src/filemanager/boxes.c     WRect r = { w->rect.y + w->rect.lines - 6, w->rect.x, 0, w->rect.cols };
x                1303 src/filemanager/boxes.c     int x = 0;
x                1314 src/filemanager/boxes.c         x += job_but[i].len;
x                1317 src/filemanager/boxes.c     x += (int) n_but - 1;
x                1318 src/filemanager/boxes.c     cols = MAX (cols, x + 6);
x                1330 src/filemanager/boxes.c     x = (cols - x) / 2;
x                1333 src/filemanager/boxes.c         group_add_widget (g, button_new (lines - 3, x, job_but[i].value, job_but[i].flags,
x                1335 src/filemanager/boxes.c         x += job_but[i].len + 1;
x                  64 src/filemanager/chattr.c #define CHATTRBOXES(x) ((WChattrBoxes *)(x))
x                 342 src/filemanager/chattr.c                 w->rect.x = wo->x + wx;
x                 360 src/filemanager/chattr.c fileattrtext_new (int y, int x, const char *filename, unsigned long attr)
x                 362 src/filemanager/chattr.c     WRect r = { y, x, 2, 1 };
x                 456 src/filemanager/chattr.c     tty_fill_region (w->rect.y, w->rect.x - 1, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols + 1, ' ');
x                1055 src/filemanager/chattr.c         cols = dw->rect.x + dw->rect.cols / 2 + 1;
x                1063 src/filemanager/chattr.c             r.x = cols - r.cols;
x                1068 src/filemanager/chattr.c             r.x = cols + 1;
x                 205 src/filemanager/chmod.c     int y, x;
x                 213 src/filemanager/chmod.c     x = WIDGET (file_gb)->rect.x + 2;
x                 215 src/filemanager/chmod.c     tty_gotoyx (y, x);
x                 217 src/filemanager/chmod.c     tty_gotoyx (y + 2, x);
x                 219 src/filemanager/chmod.c     tty_gotoyx (y + 4, x);
x                 221 src/filemanager/chmod.c     tty_gotoyx (y + 6, x);
x                 152 src/filemanager/chown.c     int x = 7 + GW * 2;
x                 156 src/filemanager/chown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, y + 0, x);
x                 158 src/filemanager/chown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, y + 2, x);
x                 160 src/filemanager/chown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, y + 4, x);
x                 162 src/filemanager/chown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, y + 6, x);
x                 164 src/filemanager/chown.c     widget_gotoyx (h, y + 8, x);
x                 242 src/filemanager/chown.c         int x;
x                 247 src/filemanager/chown.c         x = (cols - blen) / 2;
x                 251 src/filemanager/chown.c             group_add_widget (g, button_new (y, x, chown_but[i].ret_cmd, chown_but[i].flags,
x                 253 src/filemanager/chown.c             x += chown_but[i].len + 1;
x                 206 src/filemanager/command.c command_new (int y, int x, int cols)
x                 211 src/filemanager/command.c     cmd = input_new (y, x, command_colors, cols, "", "cmdline",
x                  22 src/filemanager/command.h WInput *command_new (int y, int x, int len);
x                  56 src/filemanager/dir.c #define MY_ISDIR(x) (\
x                  57 src/filemanager/dir.c     (is_exe (x->st.st_mode) && !(S_ISDIR (x->st.st_mode) || link_isdir (x)) && exec_first) \
x                  59 src/filemanager/dir.c         : ( (S_ISDIR (x->st.st_mode) || link_isdir (x)) ? 2 : 0) )
x                 204 src/filemanager/file.c     int y, x;
x                 208 src/filemanager/file.c     x = wd->rect.x;
x                 213 src/filemanager/file.c         x += (wd->rect.cols - dsm->abort_button->rect.cols) / 2;
x                 216 src/filemanager/file.c         r.x = x;
x                 225 src/filemanager/file.c         x += (wd->rect.cols - cols) / 2;
x                 228 src/filemanager/file.c         r.x = x;
x                 230 src/filemanager/file.c         x += dsm->abort_button->rect.cols + 1;
x                 233 src/filemanager/file.c         r.x = x;
x                 426 src/filemanager/filegui.c #define WX(i) W(i)->rect.x
x                 431 src/filemanager/filegui.c     W(i) = WIDGET (label_new (dlg_widgets[i].y, dlg_widgets[i].x, text))
x                 438 src/filemanager/filegui.c     W(i) = WIDGET (button_new (dlg_widgets[i].y, dlg_widgets[i].x, \
x                 453 src/filemanager/filegui.c         int x;
x                 587 src/filemanager/filegui.c         WIDGET (check_new (dlg_widgets[14].y, dlg_widgets[14].x, FALSE, dlg_widgets[14].text));
x                 749 src/filemanager/filegui.c     progress_buttons[0].w->rect.x = w->rect.x + (w->rect.cols - buttons_width) / 2;
x                 750 src/filemanager/filegui.c     progress_buttons[i].w->rect.x = progress_buttons[0].w->rect.x + progress_buttons[0].len + 1;
x                 751 src/filemanager/filegui.c     progress_buttons[3].w->rect.x = progress_buttons[i].w->rect.x + progress_buttons[i].len + 1;
x                 831 src/filemanager/filegui.c     event.x = -1;               /* Don't show the GPM cursor */
x                 879 src/filemanager/filegui.c     int y = 2, x = 3;
x                 912 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->src_file_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 915 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 918 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->tgt_file_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 921 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->tgt_file = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 924 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->progress_file_gauge = gauge_new (y++, x + 3, dlg_width - (x + 3) * 2, FALSE, 100, 0);
x                 929 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->progress_file_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 940 src/filemanager/filegui.c                     gauge_new (y++, x + 3, dlg_width - (x + 3) * 2, FALSE, 100, 0);
x                 947 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 950 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ui->time_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 956 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 959 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
x                 185 src/filemanager/find.c     int x;
x                 983 src/filemanager/find.c     event.x = -1;
x                1509 src/filemanager/find.c     fbuts[0].x = (cols - l1) / 2;
x                1510 src/filemanager/find.c     fbuts[1].x = fbuts[0].x + fbuts[0].len + 1;
x                1511 src/filemanager/find.c     fbuts[2].x = fbuts[1].x + fbuts[1].len + 1;
x                1512 src/filemanager/find.c     fbuts[3].x = fbuts[2].x;
x                1513 src/filemanager/find.c     fbuts[4].x = fbuts[2].x + fbuts[is_start ? 3 : 2].len + 1;
x                1517 src/filemanager/find.c         fbuts[5].x = (cols - l2) / 2;
x                1518 src/filemanager/find.c         fbuts[6].x = fbuts[5].x + fbuts[5].len + 1;
x                1519 src/filemanager/find.c         fbuts[7].x = fbuts[6].x + fbuts[6].len + 1;
x                1562 src/filemanager/find.c         fbuts[i].button->rect.x = CONST_WIDGET (h)->rect.x + fbuts[i].x;
x                1728 src/filemanager/find.c                         (y, fbuts[i].x, fbuts[i].ret_cmd, fbuts[i].flags, fbuts[i].text,
x                 166 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     int ret_cmd, flags, y, x, len;
x                 728 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                 if (hotlist_but[i].x != 0)
x                 732 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                         hotlist_but[i].x = cols - hotlist_but[i].len - 6;
x                 734 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                         hotlist_but[i].x = cur_x[row];
x                 820 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                                       button_new (y + hotlist_but[i].y, UX + hotlist_but[i].x,
x                 873 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                                       button_new (y + hotlist_but[i].y, UX + hotlist_but[i].x,
x                  92 src/filemanager/info.c     tty_draw_box (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, FALSE);
x                 101 src/filemanager/info.c     tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + 2, w->rect.x + 1, ACS_HLINE, w->rect.cols - 2);
x                 755 src/filemanager/layout.c     int cols, x;
x                 772 src/filemanager/layout.c         x = mw->rect.x;
x                 777 src/filemanager/layout.c         x = mw->rect.x;
x                 782 src/filemanager/layout.c         x = mw->rect.x + panels_layout.left_panel_size;
x                 786 src/filemanager/layout.c     widget->rect.x = x;
x                 868 src/filemanager/layout.c         widget_set_size (panels[0].widget, start_y, r->x, panels_layout.top_panel_size,
x                 870 src/filemanager/layout.c         widget_set_size (panels[1].widget, start_y + panels_layout.top_panel_size, r->x,
x                 875 src/filemanager/layout.c         widget_set_size (panels[0].widget, start_y, r->x, height, panels[0].widget->rect.cols);
x                 876 src/filemanager/layout.c         widget_set_size (panels[1].widget, start_y, panels[1].widget->rect.x, height,
x                 880 src/filemanager/layout.c     widget_set_size (WIDGET (the_hint), height + start_y, r->x, 1, r->cols);
x                1024 src/filemanager/layout.c     widget_set_size (WIDGET (the_prompt), y, r->x, 1, prompt_width);
x                1026 src/filemanager/layout.c     widget_set_size (WIDGET (cmdline), y, r->x + prompt_width, 1, r->cols - prompt_width);
x                1158 src/filemanager/layout.c                 r.x = 0;
x                1164 src/filemanager/layout.c                     r.x = panels_layout.left_panel_size;
x                1297 src/filemanager/layout.c #define panelswap(x) panel.x = panel1->x; panel1->x = panel2->x; panel2->x = panel.x;
x                  75 src/filemanager/listmode.c     int ret_cmd, flags, y, x;
x                  82 src/filemanager/listmode.c     int y, x;
x                 213 src/filemanager/listmode.c                     button_new (listmode_but[i].y, listmode_but[i].x,
x                 221 src/filemanager/listmode.c         pname = label_new (listmode_labels[i].y, listmode_labels[i].x, listmode_labels[i].text);
x                 287 src/filemanager/mountlist.c #define PROPAGATE_ALL_ONES(x) \
x                 288 src/filemanager/mountlist.c   ((sizeof (x) < sizeof (uintmax_t) \
x                 289 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     && (~ (x) == (sizeof (x) < sizeof (int) \
x                 290 src/filemanager/mountlist.c           ? - (1 << (sizeof (x) * CHAR_BIT)) \
x                 292 src/filemanager/mountlist.c    ? UINTMAX_MAX : (uintmax_t) (x))
x                 295 src/filemanager/mountlist.c #define EXTRACT_TOP_BIT(x) ((x) & ((uintmax_t) 1 << (sizeof (x) * CHAR_BIT - 1)))
x                 304 src/filemanager/mountlist.c #define PROPAGATE_TOP_BIT(x) ((x) | ~ (EXTRACT_TOP_BIT (x) - 1))
x                 930 src/filemanager/panel.c         int y, x;
x                 932 src/filemanager/panel.c         tty_getyx (&y, &x);
x                 933 src/filemanager/panel.c         tty_draw_hline (y, x, ' ', width - length);
x                1133 src/filemanager/panel.c display_total_marked_size (const WPanel *panel, int y, int x, gboolean size_only)
x                1158 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (x < 0)
x                1160 src/filemanager/panel.c         x = (w->rect.cols - str_term_width1 (buf)) / 2 - 1;
x                1166 src/filemanager/panel.c     widget_gotoyx (w, y, x);
x                1184 src/filemanager/panel.c         tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + y, w->rect.x + 1, ACS_HLINE, w->rect.cols - 2);
x                1323 src/filemanager/panel.c     tty_draw_box (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, FALSE);
x                1623 src/filemanager/panel.c     int y, x;
x                1628 src/filemanager/panel.c     tty_getyx (&y, &x);
x                1630 src/filemanager/panel.c     tty_draw_hline (y, x, ' ', w->rect.cols - 2);
x                3581 src/filemanager/panel.c     history_descriptor_init (&hd, WIDGET (panel)->rect.y, WIDGET (panel)->rect.x,
x                4006 src/filemanager/panel.c mouse_sort_col (WPanel *panel, int x)
x                4018 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (x < i + 1)
x                4057 src/filemanager/panel.c panel_mouse_is_on_item (const WPanel *panel, int y, int x)
x                4070 src/filemanager/panel.c     col = x / col_width;
x                4098 src/filemanager/panel.c             if (event->x == 1)
x                4101 src/filemanager/panel.c             else if (event->x == w->rect.cols - 2)
x                4104 src/filemanager/panel.c             else if (event->x >= w->rect.cols - 5 && event->x <= w->rect.cols - 3)
x                4107 src/filemanager/panel.c             else if (event->x == w->rect.cols - 6)
x                4123 src/filemanager/panel.c             mouse_sort_col (panel, event->x + 1);
x                4136 src/filemanager/panel.c             my_index = panel_mouse_is_on_item (panel, event->y - 2, event->x);
x                4173 src/filemanager/panel.c             panel_mouse_is_on_item (panel, event->y - 2, event->x) >= 0)
x                  22 src/filemanager/panel.h #define PANEL(x) ((WPanel *)(x))
x                 180 src/filemanager/panelize.c     int x, y;
x                 226 src/filemanager/panelize.c     x = (panelize_cols - blen) / 2;
x                 231 src/filemanager/panelize.c         b = button_new (y, x,
x                 235 src/filemanager/panelize.c         x += button_get_len (b) + 1;
x                 241 src/filemanager/tree.c         tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + line, w->rect.x + 1, ' ', tree_cols);
x                 255 src/filemanager/tree.c         tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + line, w->rect.x + 1, ' ', tree_cols);
x                 271 src/filemanager/tree.c     int x = 0, y = 0;
x                 278 src/filemanager/tree.c     widget_gotoyx (w, y, x);
x                 282 src/filemanager/tree.c         x = y = 1;
x                 343 src/filemanager/tree.c         tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + y + i, w->rect.x + x, ' ', tree_cols);
x                 397 src/filemanager/tree.c                               (current->subname, tree_cols - x - 3 * j, J_LEFT_FIT));
x                1124 src/filemanager/tree.c         tty_draw_box (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, FALSE);
x                1138 src/filemanager/tree.c             tty_draw_hline (w->rect.y + y, w->rect.x + 1, ACS_HLINE, w->rect.cols - 2);
x                 360 src/help.c     start_link_area (int x, int y, const char *link_name)
x                 370 src/help.c         la->x1 = x;
x                 382 src/help.c     end_link_area (int x, int y)
x                 388 src/help.c             la->x2 = x;
x                 576 src/help.c                                                    WIDGET (h)->rect.x + col + 2, c);
x                 992 src/help.c         int x, y;
x                1008 src/help.c         x = event->x - 1;
x                1017 src/help.c             if (y == la->y1 && x >= la->x1 && y == la->y2 && x <= la->x2)
x                1024 src/help.c                 if ((y == la->y1 && x >= la->x1) || (y == la->y2 && x <= la->x2))
x                1161 src/help.c         WIDGET (help_bar)->rect.x -= wh->rect.x;
x                 263 src/learn.c        int x, y, i;
x                 295 src/learn.c        x = UX;
x                 314 src/learn.c                WIDGET (button_new (y, x, B_USER + i, NARROW_BUTTON, buffer, learn_button));
x                 315 src/learn.c            learnkeys[i].label = WIDGET (label_new (y, x + 19, NULL));
x                 322 src/learn.c                x += COLSHIFT;
x                  66 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c #define RETURN(x) return (CPIO_SUPER(super)->type = (x))
x                  67 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c #define TYPEIS(x) ((CPIO_SUPER(super)->type == CPIO_UNKNOWN) || (CPIO_SUPER(super)->type == (x)))
x                  73 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c #define ERRNOR(x,y) do { my_errno = x; return y; } while(0)
x                 581 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c     union block *x;
x                 590 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c         x = tar_find_next_block (archive);
x                 591 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c         if (x == NULL)
x                 594 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c         tar_set_next_block_after (x);
x                 676 src/viewer/ascii.c                 widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + row, r->x + ((off_t) col - dpy_text_column));
x                 704 src/viewer/ascii.c                     widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + row, r->x + (i - dpy_text_column));
x                 717 src/viewer/ascii.c                     widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + row, r->x + (i - dpy_text_column));
x                 899 src/viewer/ascii.c             widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + row, r->x);
x                 141 src/viewer/display.c         right = view->status_area.x + view->status_area.cols;
x                 161 src/viewer/display.c     tty_draw_hline (WIDGET (view)->rect.y + r->y, WIDGET (view)->rect.x + r->x, ' ', r->cols);
x                 188 src/viewer/display.c     widget_gotoyx (view, r->y, r->x);
x                 271 src/viewer/display.c     view_area.x = view->dpy_frame_size;
x                 360 src/viewer/display.c         tty_draw_box (w->rect.y, w->rect.x, w->rect.lines, w->rect.cols, FALSE);
x                 386 src/viewer/display.c             widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + line_row, r->x + c);
x                 395 src/viewer/display.c                 widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + nums_row, r->x + c - 1);
x                 163 src/viewer/hex.c             widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + row, r->x);
x                 277 src/viewer/hex.c             widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + row, r->x + col);
x                 348 src/viewer/hex.c                 widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + row, r->x + text_start + bytes);
x                 407 src/viewer/lib.c     if (view->status_area.cols < 1 || (view->status_area.x + view->status_area.cols) < 4)
x                 123 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             int x;
x                 125 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             x = event->x + 1;   /* FIXME */
x                 127 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             if (x < r->cols * 1 / 4)
x                 132 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             else if (x < r->cols * 3 / 4)
x                 384 src/viewer/move.c     widget_gotoyx (view, r->y + view->cursor_row, r->x + col);
x                 109 src/viewer/search.c         r.x = wd->rect.x + (wd->rect.cols - r.cols) / 2;
x                  32 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c #define C(x) ((char *) x)
x                  86 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (w0->rect.x, 21);
x                  89 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (WIDGET (g1)->rect.x, 25);
x                  92 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (w1->rect.x, 30);
x                  95 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (WIDGET (g2)->rect.x, 40);
x                  98 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (w2->rect.x, 55);
x                 106 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (w0->rect.x, 1);
x                 110 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (WIDGET (g1)->rect.x, 5);
x                 113 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (w1->rect.x, 10);
x                 116 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (WIDGET (g2)->rect.x, 20);
x                 119 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     ck_assert_int_eq (w2->rect.x, 35);