a 102 lib/intprops-internal.h #define _GL_INT_NEGATE_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, min, max) \ a 103 lib/intprops-internal.h ((min) < 0 ? (a) < - (max) : 0 < (a)) a 152 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_ADD_WRAPV(a, b, r) __builtin_add_overflow (a, b, r) a 153 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_SUBTRACT_WRAPV(a, b, r) __builtin_sub_overflow (a, b, r) a 155 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_ADD_WRAPV(a, b, r) ckd_add (r, + (a), + (b)) a 156 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_SUBTRACT_WRAPV(a, b, r) ckd_sub (r, + (a), + (b)) a 158 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_ADD_WRAPV(a, b, r) \ a 159 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV (a, b, r, +, _GL_INT_ADD_RANGE_OVERFLOW) a 160 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_SUBTRACT_WRAPV(a, b, r) \ a 161 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV (a, b, r, -, _GL_INT_SUBTRACT_RANGE_OVERFLOW) a 167 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(a, b, r) __builtin_mul_overflow (a, b, r) a 170 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(a, b, r) \ a 171 lib/intprops-internal.h ((!_GL_SIGNED_TYPE_OR_EXPR (*(r)) && _GL_EXPR_SIGNED (a) && _GL_EXPR_SIGNED (b) \ a 172 lib/intprops-internal.h && _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, b, \ a 175 lib/intprops-internal.h ? ((void) __builtin_mul_overflow (a, b, r), 1) \ a 176 lib/intprops-internal.h : __builtin_mul_overflow (a, b, r)) a 179 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(a, b, r) ckd_mul (r, + (a), + (b)) a 181 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(a, b, r) \ a 182 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV (a, b, r, *, _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_RANGE_OVERFLOW) a 203 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV(a, b, r, op, overflow) \ a 207 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 210 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 213 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 216 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 219 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 222 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 225 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long int, \ a 228 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long int, \ a 231 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long long int, \ a 234 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long long int, \ a 245 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_SMALLISH(a,b,r,op,overflow,st,smin,smax,ut,umax) \ a 247 lib/intprops-internal.h ? _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, st, smin, smax) \ a 248 lib/intprops-internal.h : _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, ut, 0, umax)) a 250 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_SMALLISH(a,b,r,op,overflow,st,smin,smax,ut,umax) \ a 251 lib/intprops-internal.h (overflow (a, b, smin, smax) \ a 252 lib/intprops-internal.h ? (overflow (a, b, 0, umax) \ a 253 lib/intprops-internal.h ? (*(r) = _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_VIA_UNSIGNED (a,b,op,unsigned,st), 1) \ a 254 lib/intprops-internal.h : (*(r) = _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_VIA_UNSIGNED (a,b,op,unsigned,st)) < 0) \ a 255 lib/intprops-internal.h : (overflow (a, b, 0, umax) \ a 256 lib/intprops-internal.h ? (*(r) = _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_VIA_UNSIGNED (a,b,op,unsigned,st)) >= 0 \ a 257 lib/intprops-internal.h : (*(r) = _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_VIA_UNSIGNED (a,b,op,unsigned,st), 0))) a 260 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV(a, b, r, op, overflow) \ a 262 lib/intprops-internal.h ? _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_SMALLISH (a, b, r, op, overflow, \ a 266 lib/intprops-internal.h ? _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_SMALLISH (a, b, r, op, overflow, \ a 271 lib/intprops-internal.h ? _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 273 lib/intprops-internal.h : _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned int, \ a 275 lib/intprops-internal.h : _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_LONGISH(a, b, r, op, overflow)) a 277 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_LONGISH(a, b, r, op, overflow) \ a 280 lib/intprops-internal.h ? _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long int, \ a 282 lib/intprops-internal.h : _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long int, \ a 285 lib/intprops-internal.h ? _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long long int, \ a 287 lib/intprops-internal.h : _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long long int, \ a 290 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_LONGISH(a, b, r, op, overflow) \ a 292 lib/intprops-internal.h ? _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long int, \ a 294 lib/intprops-internal.h : _GL_INT_OP_CALC (a, b, r, op, overflow, unsigned long int, \ a 305 lib/intprops-internal.h #define _GL_INT_OP_CALC(a, b, r, op, overflow, ut, t, tmin, tmax) \ a 306 lib/intprops-internal.h (overflow (a, b, tmin, tmax) \ a 307 lib/intprops-internal.h ? (*(r) = _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_VIA_UNSIGNED (a, b, op, ut, t), 1) \ a 308 lib/intprops-internal.h : (*(r) = _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_VIA_UNSIGNED (a, b, op, ut, t), 0)) a 317 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_NEGATE_OVERFLOW(a) \ a 318 lib/intprops-internal.h __builtin_sub_overflow_p (0, a, (__typeof__ (- (a))) 0) a 320 lib/intprops-internal.h # define _GL_INT_NEGATE_OVERFLOW(a) \ a 321 lib/intprops-internal.h _GL_INT_NEGATE_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, _GL_INT_MINIMUM (a), _GL_INT_MAXIMUM (a)) a 341 lib/intprops-internal.h #define _GL_INT_OP_WRAPV_VIA_UNSIGNED(a, b, op, ut, t) \ a 342 lib/intprops-internal.h ((t) ((ut) (a) op (ut) (b))) a 350 lib/intprops-internal.h #define _GL_INT_ADD_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, tmin, tmax) \ a 353 lib/intprops-internal.h ? ((_GL_EXPR_SIGNED (_GL_INT_CONVERT (a, (tmin) - (b))) || (b) < (tmin)) \ a 354 lib/intprops-internal.h && (a) < (tmin) - (b)) \ a 355 lib/intprops-internal.h : (a) <= -1 - (b)) \ a 356 lib/intprops-internal.h || ((_GL_EXPR_SIGNED (a) ? 0 <= (a) : (tmax) < (a)) && (tmax) < (a) + (b))) \ a 357 lib/intprops-internal.h : (a) < 0 \ a 359 lib/intprops-internal.h ? ((_GL_EXPR_SIGNED (_GL_INT_CONVERT (b, (tmin) - (a))) || (a) < (tmin)) \ a 360 lib/intprops-internal.h && (b) < (tmin) - (a)) \ a 361 lib/intprops-internal.h : (b) <= -1 - (a)) \ a 362 lib/intprops-internal.h || ((_GL_EXPR_SIGNED (_GL_INT_CONVERT (a, b)) || (tmax) < (b)) \ a 363 lib/intprops-internal.h && (tmax) < (a) + (b))) \ a 364 lib/intprops-internal.h : (tmax) < (b) || (tmax) - (b) < (a)) a 365 lib/intprops-internal.h #define _GL_INT_SUBTRACT_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, tmin, tmax) \ a 366 lib/intprops-internal.h (((a) < 0) == ((b) < 0) \ a 367 lib/intprops-internal.h ? ((a) < (b) \ a 368 lib/intprops-internal.h ? !(tmin) || -1 - (tmin) < (b) - (a) - 1 \ a 369 lib/intprops-internal.h : (tmax) < (a) - (b)) \ a 370 lib/intprops-internal.h : (a) < 0 \ a 371 lib/intprops-internal.h ? ((!_GL_EXPR_SIGNED (_GL_INT_CONVERT ((a) - (tmin), b)) && (a) - (tmin) < 0) \ a 372 lib/intprops-internal.h || (a) - (tmin) < (b)) \ a 374 lib/intprops-internal.h && _GL_EXPR_SIGNED (_GL_INT_CONVERT ((tmax) + (b), a))) \ a 376 lib/intprops-internal.h || (tmax) + (b) < (a))) a 377 lib/intprops-internal.h #define _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, tmin, tmax) \ a 379 lib/intprops-internal.h ? ((a) < 0 \ a 381 lib/intprops-internal.h ? (a) < (tmax) / (b) \ a 385 lib/intprops-internal.h <= -1 - (a))) \ a 387 lib/intprops-internal.h ? (_GL_EXPR_SIGNED (a) \ a 388 lib/intprops-internal.h ? 0 < (a) + (tmin) \ a 389 lib/intprops-internal.h : 0 < (a) && -1 - (tmin) < (a) - 1) \ a 390 lib/intprops-internal.h : (tmin) / (b) < (a)) \ a 393 lib/intprops-internal.h : ((a) < 0 \ a 394 lib/intprops-internal.h ? (_GL_INT_NEGATE_OVERFLOW (_GL_INT_CONVERT (a, tmin)) && (a) == -1 \ a 396 lib/intprops-internal.h : (tmin) / (a) < (b)) \ a 397 lib/intprops-internal.h : (tmax) / (b) < (a))) a 114 lib/intprops.h #define INT_ADD_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 116 lib/intprops.h ? (a) < (min) - (b) \ a 117 lib/intprops.h : (max) - (b) < (a)) a 121 lib/intprops.h #define INT_SUBTRACT_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 123 lib/intprops.h ? (max) + (b) < (a) \ a 124 lib/intprops.h : (a) < (min) + (b)) a 128 lib/intprops.h #define INT_NEGATE_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, min, max) \ a 129 lib/intprops.h _GL_INT_NEGATE_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, min, max) a 135 lib/intprops.h #define INT_MULTIPLY_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 137 lib/intprops.h ? ((a) < 0 \ a 138 lib/intprops.h ? (a) < (max) / (b) \ a 141 lib/intprops.h : (min) / (b) < (a)) \ a 144 lib/intprops.h : ((a) < 0 \ a 145 lib/intprops.h ? (a) < (min) / (b) \ a 146 lib/intprops.h : (max) / (b) < (a))) a 150 lib/intprops.h #define INT_DIVIDE_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 151 lib/intprops.h ((min) < 0 && (b) == -1 && (a) < - (max)) a 158 lib/intprops.h #define INT_REMAINDER_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 159 lib/intprops.h INT_DIVIDE_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, b, min, max) a 168 lib/intprops.h #define INT_LEFT_SHIFT_RANGE_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 169 lib/intprops.h ((a) < 0 \ a 170 lib/intprops.h ? (a) < (min) >> (b) \ a 171 lib/intprops.h : (max) >> (b) < (a)) a 178 lib/intprops.h # define _GL_ADD_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 179 lib/intprops.h __builtin_add_overflow_p (a, b, (__typeof__ ((a) + (b))) 0) a 180 lib/intprops.h # define _GL_SUBTRACT_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 181 lib/intprops.h __builtin_sub_overflow_p (a, b, (__typeof__ ((a) - (b))) 0) a 182 lib/intprops.h # define _GL_MULTIPLY_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 183 lib/intprops.h __builtin_mul_overflow_p (a, b, (__typeof__ ((a) * (b))) 0) a 185 lib/intprops.h # define _GL_ADD_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 186 lib/intprops.h ((min) < 0 ? INT_ADD_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, b, min, max) \ a 187 lib/intprops.h : (a) < 0 ? (b) <= (a) + (b) \ a 188 lib/intprops.h : (b) < 0 ? (a) <= (a) + (b) \ a 189 lib/intprops.h : (a) + (b) < (b)) a 190 lib/intprops.h # define _GL_SUBTRACT_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 191 lib/intprops.h ((min) < 0 ? INT_SUBTRACT_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, b, min, max) \ a 192 lib/intprops.h : (a) < 0 ? 1 \ a 193 lib/intprops.h : (b) < 0 ? (a) - (b) <= (a) \ a 194 lib/intprops.h : (a) < (b)) a 195 lib/intprops.h # define _GL_MULTIPLY_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 196 lib/intprops.h (((min) == 0 && (((a) < 0 && 0 < (b)) || ((b) < 0 && 0 < (a)))) \ a 197 lib/intprops.h || INT_MULTIPLY_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, b, min, max)) a 199 lib/intprops.h #define _GL_DIVIDE_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 200 lib/intprops.h ((min) < 0 ? (b) == _GL_INT_NEGATE_CONVERT (min, 1) && (a) < - (max) \ a 201 lib/intprops.h : (a) < 0 ? (b) <= (a) + (b) - 1 \ a 202 lib/intprops.h : (b) < 0 && (a) + (b) <= (a)) a 203 lib/intprops.h #define _GL_REMAINDER_OVERFLOW(a, b, min, max) \ a 204 lib/intprops.h ((min) < 0 ? (b) == _GL_INT_NEGATE_CONVERT (min, 1) && (a) < - (max) \ a 205 lib/intprops.h : (a) < 0 ? (a) % (b) != ((max) - (b) + 1) % (b) \ a 206 lib/intprops.h : (b) < 0 && ! _GL_UNSIGNED_NEG_MULTIPLE (a, b, max)) a 212 lib/intprops.h #define _GL_UNSIGNED_NEG_MULTIPLE(a, b, max) \ a 215 lib/intprops.h ? (a) \ a 216 lib/intprops.h : (a) % (_GL_INT_CONVERT (a, _GL_SIGNED_INT_MAXIMUM (b)) + 1)) \ a 217 lib/intprops.h : (a) % - (b)) \ a 274 lib/intprops.h #define INT_ADD_OVERFLOW(a, b) \ a 275 lib/intprops.h _GL_BINARY_OP_OVERFLOW (a, b, _GL_ADD_OVERFLOW) a 276 lib/intprops.h #define INT_SUBTRACT_OVERFLOW(a, b) \ a 277 lib/intprops.h _GL_BINARY_OP_OVERFLOW (a, b, _GL_SUBTRACT_OVERFLOW) a 278 lib/intprops.h #define INT_NEGATE_OVERFLOW(a) _GL_INT_NEGATE_OVERFLOW (a) a 279 lib/intprops.h #define INT_MULTIPLY_OVERFLOW(a, b) \ a 280 lib/intprops.h _GL_BINARY_OP_OVERFLOW (a, b, _GL_MULTIPLY_OVERFLOW) a 281 lib/intprops.h #define INT_DIVIDE_OVERFLOW(a, b) \ a 282 lib/intprops.h _GL_BINARY_OP_OVERFLOW (a, b, _GL_DIVIDE_OVERFLOW) a 283 lib/intprops.h #define INT_REMAINDER_OVERFLOW(a, b) \ a 284 lib/intprops.h _GL_BINARY_OP_OVERFLOW (a, b, _GL_REMAINDER_OVERFLOW) a 285 lib/intprops.h #define INT_LEFT_SHIFT_OVERFLOW(a, b) \ a 286 lib/intprops.h INT_LEFT_SHIFT_RANGE_OVERFLOW (a, b, \ a 287 lib/intprops.h _GL_INT_MINIMUM (a), _GL_INT_MAXIMUM (a)) a 293 lib/intprops.h #define _GL_BINARY_OP_OVERFLOW(a, b, op_result_overflow) \ a 294 lib/intprops.h op_result_overflow (a, b, \ a 295 lib/intprops.h _GL_INT_MINIMUM (_GL_INT_CONVERT (a, b)), \ a 296 lib/intprops.h _GL_INT_MAXIMUM (_GL_INT_CONVERT (a, b))) a 300 lib/intprops.h #define INT_ADD_WRAPV(a, b, r) _GL_INT_ADD_WRAPV (a, b, r) a 301 lib/intprops.h #define INT_SUBTRACT_WRAPV(a, b, r) _GL_INT_SUBTRACT_WRAPV (a, b, r) a 302 lib/intprops.h #define INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV(a, b, r) _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV (a, b, r) a 331 lib/intprops.h #define INT_ADD_OK(a, b, r) (! INT_ADD_WRAPV (a, b, r)) a 332 lib/intprops.h #define INT_SUBTRACT_OK(a, b, r) (! INT_SUBTRACT_WRAPV (a, b, r)) a 333 lib/intprops.h #define INT_MULTIPLY_OK(a, b, r) (! INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV (a, b, r)) a 94 lib/skin/ini-file.c string_array_comparator (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) a 96 lib/skin/ini-file.c return strcmp (*(char *const *) a, *(char *const *) b); a 31 lib/stdckdint.in.h #define ckd_add(r, a, b) ((bool) _GL_INT_ADD_WRAPV (a, b, r)) a 32 lib/stdckdint.in.h #define ckd_sub(r, a, b) ((bool) _GL_INT_SUBTRACT_WRAPV (a, b, r)) a 33 lib/stdckdint.in.h #define ckd_mul(r, a, b) ((bool) _GL_INT_MULTIPLY_WRAPV (a, b, r)) a 545 lib/strutil.h int filenvercmp (char const *a, ssize_t alen, char const *b, ssize_t blen); a 195 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c filenvercmp (const char *a, ssize_t alen, const char *b, ssize_t blen) a 203 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c aempty = alen < 0 ? a[0] == '\0' : alen == 0; a 213 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c if (a[0] == '.') a 221 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c adot = alen < 0 ? a[1] == '\0' : alen == 1; a 229 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c adotdot = a[1] == '.' && (alen < 0 ? a[2] == '\0' : alen == 2); a 240 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c aprefixlen = file_prefixlen (a, &alen); a 246 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c result = verrevcmp (a, aprefixlen, b, bprefixlen); a 250 lib/strutil/filevercmp.c return (result != 0 || one_pass_only ? result : verrevcmp (a, alen, b, blen)); a 565 lib/tty/key.c select_cmp_by_fd_set (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) a 567 lib/tty/key.c const select_t *s = (const select_t *) a; a 576 lib/tty/key.c select_cmp_by_fd (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) a 578 lib/tty/key.c const select_t *s = (const select_t *) a; a 58 lib/util.h #define DOZ(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) - (b) : 0) a 993 lib/vfs/direntry.c vfs_s_entry_compare (const void *a, const void *b) a 995 lib/vfs/direntry.c const struct vfs_s_entry *e = (const struct vfs_s_entry *) a; a 92 lib/vfs/gc.c #define VFS_STAMPING(a) ((struct vfs_stamping *)(a)) a 114 lib/vfs/gc.c vfs_stamp_compare (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) a 116 lib/vfs/gc.c const struct vfs_stamping *vsa = (const struct vfs_stamping *) a; a 28 lib/vfs/vfs.h #define VFS_CLASS(a) ((struct vfs_class *) (a)) a 39 lib/vfs/vfs.h #define IS_LINEAR(a) 0 a 40 lib/vfs/vfs.h #define NO_LINEAR(a) a a 43 lib/vfs/vfs.h #define IS_LINEAR(a) ((a) == (O_RDONLY | O_LINEAR)) /* Return only 0 and 1 ! */ a 44 lib/vfs/vfs.h #define NO_LINEAR(a) (((a) == (O_RDONLY | O_LINEAR)) ? O_RDONLY : (a)) a 35 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define ERRNOR(a, b) do { me->verrno = a; return b; } while (0) a 37 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define VFS_SUBCLASS(a) ((struct vfs_s_subclass *) (a)) a 39 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define VFS_SUPER(a) ((struct vfs_s_super *) (a)) a 40 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define CONST_VFS_SUPER(a) ((const struct vfs_s_super *) (a)) a 41 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define VFS_ENTRY(a) ((struct vfs_s_entry *) (a)) a 42 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define VFS_INODE(a) ((struct vfs_s_inode *) (a)) a 44 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define VFS_FILE_HANDLER(a) ((vfs_file_handler_t *) a) a 45 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h #define VFS_FILE_HANDLER_SUPER(a) VFS_FILE_HANDLER (a)->ino->super a 167 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h int vfs_s_entry_compare (const void *a, const void *b); a 393 lib/widget/input_complete.c host_equal_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) a 395 lib/widget/input_complete.c return (strcmp ((const char *) a, (const char *) b) == 0); a 683 lib/widget/input_complete.c match_compare (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) a 685 lib/widget/input_complete.c return strcmp (*(char *const *) a, *(char *const *) b); a 67 lib/widget/listbox.c listbox_entry_cmp (const void *a, const void *b, void *user_data) a 69 lib/widget/listbox.c const WLEntry *ea = (const WLEntry *) a; a 455 lib/widget/widget-common.h widget_overlapped (const Widget *a, const Widget *b) a 457 lib/widget/widget-common.h return rects_are_overlapped (&a->rect, &b->rect); a 55 src/diffviewer/internal.h int a[2][2]; a 81 src/diffviewer/internal.h GArray *a; a 95 src/diffviewer/internal.h GArray *a[DIFF_COUNT]; a 157 src/diffviewer/search.c if ((size_t) dview->search.last_accessed_num_line >= dview->a[dview->ord]->len) a 158 src/diffviewer/search.c dview->search.last_accessed_num_line = (ssize_t) dview->a[dview->ord]->len; a 164 src/diffviewer/search.c p = (DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (dview->a[dview->ord], DIFFLN, (size_t) ind); a 188 src/diffviewer/search.c else if ((size_t) dview->search.last_accessed_num_line >= dview->a[dview->ord]->len) a 190 src/diffviewer/search.c dview->search.last_accessed_num_line = (ssize_t) dview->a[dview->ord]->len; a 194 src/diffviewer/search.c for (ind = (size_t) ++dview->search.last_accessed_num_line; ind < dview->a[dview->ord]->len; a 199 src/diffviewer/search.c p = (DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (dview->a[dview->ord], DIFFLN, ind); a 748 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c op.a[0][0] = f1; a 749 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c op.a[0][1] = f2; a 751 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c op.a[1][0] = t1; a 752 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c op.a[1][1] = t2; a 921 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c #define F1 a[eff][0] a 922 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c #define F2 a[eff][1] a 923 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c #define T1 a[ ord^1 ][0] a 924 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c #define T2 a[ ord^1 ][1] a 1633 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c GArray *a = ((PRINTER_CTX *) ctx)->a; a 1652 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_append_val (a, p); a 1658 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c p = &g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, a->len - 1); a 1725 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c ctx.a = dview->a[DIFF_LEFT]; a 1729 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c ctx.a = dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT]; a 1736 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (rv != 0 || dview->a[DIFF_LEFT]->len != dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT]->len) a 1751 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (i = 0; i < dview->a[DIFF_LEFT]->len; i++) a 1757 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c p = &g_array_index (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT], DIFFLN, i); a 1758 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c q = &g_array_index (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT], DIFFLN, i); a 1790 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c len = dview->a[DIFF_LEFT]->len; a 1825 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c get_line_numbers (const GArray *a, size_t pos, int *linenum, int *lineofs) a 1832 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (a->len != 0) a 1834 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (pos >= a->len) a 1835 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c pos = a->len - 1; a 1837 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c p = &g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos); a 1860 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c calc_nwidth (const GArray *const *a) a 1865 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c get_line_numbers (a[DIFF_LEFT], a[DIFF_LEFT]->len - 1, &l1, &o1); a 1866 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c get_line_numbers (a[DIFF_RIGHT], a[DIFF_RIGHT]->len - 1, &l2, &o2); a 1875 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c find_prev_hunk (const GArray *a, int pos) a 1878 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; pos > 0 && ((DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos))->ch != EQU_CH; pos--) a 1880 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; pos > 0 && ((DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos))->ch == EQU_CH; pos--) a 1882 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; pos > 0 && ((DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos))->ch != EQU_CH; pos--) a 1884 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (pos > 0 && (size_t) pos < a->len) a 1887 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; pos > 0 && ((DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos - 1))->ch == EQU_CH; pos--) a 1889 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; pos > 0 && ((DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos - 1))->ch != EQU_CH; pos--) a 1899 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c find_next_hunk (const GArray *a, size_t pos) a 1901 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; pos < a->len && ((DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos))->ch != EQU_CH; pos++) a 1903 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; pos < a->len && ((DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (a, DIFFLN, pos))->ch == EQU_CH; pos++) a 1923 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c const GArray *a0 = dview->a[DIFF_LEFT]; a 1924 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c const GArray *a1 = dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT]; a 2229 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] != NULL) a 2230 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_free (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT], TRUE); a 2231 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] != NULL) a 2232 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_free (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT], TRUE); a 2234 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (DIFFLN)); a 2235 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_set_clear_func (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT], cc_free_elt); a 2236 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (DIFFLN)); a 2237 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_set_clear_func (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT], cc_free_elt); a 2456 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (DIFFLN)); a 2457 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_set_clear_func (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT], cc_free_elt); a 2458 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (DIFFLN)); a 2459 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_set_clear_func (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT], cc_free_elt); a 2481 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] != NULL) a 2483 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_free (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT], TRUE); a 2484 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] = NULL; a 2486 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c if (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] != NULL) a 2488 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c g_array_free (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT], TRUE); a 2489 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] = NULL; a 2546 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (i = dview->skip_rows, j = 0; i < dview->a[ord]->len && j < height; j++, i++) a 2553 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c p = (DIFFLN *) & g_array_index (dview->a[ord], DIFFLN, i); a 2742 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c get_line_numbers (dview->a[ord], dview->skip_rows, &linenum, &lineofs); a 2771 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->display_numbers = calc_nwidth ((const GArray * const *) dview->a); a 2786 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c last = dview->a[DIFF_LEFT]->len - 1; a 2800 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->display_numbers = calc_nwidth ((const GArray * const *) dview->a); a 2879 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c get_line_numbers (dview->a[ord], dview->skip_rows, &linenum, &lineofs); a 2926 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c for (; i < dview->a[ord]->len; i++) a 2930 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c p = &g_array_index (dview->a[ord], DIFFLN, i); a 3051 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->display_numbers ^= calc_nwidth ((const GArray * const *) dview->a); a 3100 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c find_next_hunk (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT], dview->skip_rows); a 3104 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c find_prev_hunk (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT], dview->skip_rows); a 3133 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dview->skip_rows = dview->search.last_accessed_num_line = dview->a[DIFF_LEFT]->len - 1; a 74 src/editor/edit-impl.h #define edit_query_dialog2(h,t,a,b) query_dialog (h, t, D_NORMAL, 2, a, b) a 75 src/editor/edit-impl.h #define edit_query_dialog3(h,t,a,b,c) query_dialog (h, t, D_NORMAL, 3, a, b, c) a 1566 src/editor/edit.c int a; a 1571 src/editor/edit.c a = edit_buffer_get_byte (&edit->buffer, q); a 1581 src/editor/edit.c if (inc > 0 && a == '\n') a 1586 src/editor/edit.c i += (a == c) - (a == d); a 86 src/editor/syntax.c #define check_a { if (*a == NULL) { result = line; break; } } a 87 src/editor/syntax.c #define check_not_a { if (*a != NULL) { result = line ;break; } } a 817 src/editor/syntax.c char f[80], b[80], a[80], *p; a 877 src/editor/syntax.c g_strlcpy (a, color->attrs, sizeof (a)); a 878 src/editor/syntax.c p = strchr (a, '/'); a 882 src/editor/syntax.c p = a; a 885 src/editor/syntax.c color->attrs = a; a 961 src/editor/syntax.c char **a; a 988 src/editor/syntax.c a = args + 1; a 1018 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "left") == 0) a 1020 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1021 src/editor/syntax.c g_strlcpy (whole_left, *a, sizeof (whole_left)); a 1023 src/editor/syntax.c else if (strcmp (*a, "right") == 0) a 1025 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1026 src/editor/syntax.c g_strlcpy (whole_right, *a, sizeof (whole_right)); a 1030 src/editor/syntax.c g_strlcpy (whole_left, *a, sizeof (whole_left)); a 1031 src/editor/syntax.c g_strlcpy (whole_right, *a, sizeof (whole_right)); a 1033 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1044 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "default") != 0) a 1047 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1058 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "exclusive") == 0) a 1060 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1064 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "whole") == 0) a 1066 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1070 src/editor/syntax.c else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeleft") == 0) a 1072 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1075 src/editor/syntax.c else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeright") == 0) a 1077 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1081 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "linestart") == 0) a 1083 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1087 src/editor/syntax.c c->left = g_string_new (*a++); a 1089 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "linestart") == 0) a 1091 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1095 src/editor/syntax.c c->right = g_string_new (*a++); a 1103 src/editor/syntax.c subst_defines (edit->defines, a, &args[ARGS_LEN]); a 1104 src/editor/syntax.c color.fg = *a; a 1105 src/editor/syntax.c if (*a != NULL) a 1106 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1107 src/editor/syntax.c color.bg = *a; a 1108 src/editor/syntax.c if (*a != NULL) a 1109 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1110 src/editor/syntax.c color.attrs = *a; a 1111 src/editor/syntax.c if (*a != NULL) a 1112 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1140 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "whole") == 0) a 1142 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1146 src/editor/syntax.c else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeleft") == 0) a 1148 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1151 src/editor/syntax.c else if (strcmp (*a, "wholeright") == 0) a 1153 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1157 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "linestart") == 0) a 1159 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1163 src/editor/syntax.c if (strcmp (*a, "whole") == 0) a 1166 src/editor/syntax.c k->keyword = g_string_new (*a++); a 1167 src/editor/syntax.c subst_defines (edit->defines, a, &args[ARGS_LEN]); a 1168 src/editor/syntax.c color.fg = *a; a 1169 src/editor/syntax.c if (*a != NULL) a 1170 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1171 src/editor/syntax.c color.bg = *a; a 1172 src/editor/syntax.c if (*a != NULL) a 1173 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1174 src/editor/syntax.c color.attrs = *a; a 1175 src/editor/syntax.c if (*a != NULL) a 1176 src/editor/syntax.c a++; a 1196 src/editor/syntax.c char *key = *a++; a 1209 src/editor/syntax.c while (*a != NULL) a 1210 src/editor/syntax.c *argv++ = g_strdup (*a++); a 112 src/filemanager/dir.c compare_by_names (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 115 src/filemanager/dir.c if (a->name_sort_key == NULL) a 116 src/filemanager/dir.c a->name_sort_key = str_create_key_for_filename (a->fname->str, case_sensitive); a 120 src/filemanager/dir.c return key_collate (a->name_sort_key, b->name_sort_key); a 326 src/filemanager/dir.c unsorted (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 328 src/filemanager/dir.c (void) a; a 337 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_name (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 339 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 343 src/filemanager/dir.c return compare_by_names (a, b); a 351 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_vers (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 353 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 360 src/filemanager/dir.c result = filevercmp (a->fname->str, b->fname->str); a 364 src/filemanager/dir.c return compare_by_names (a, b); a 373 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_ext (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 375 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 382 src/filemanager/dir.c if (a->extension_sort_key == NULL) a 383 src/filemanager/dir.c a->extension_sort_key = str_create_key (extension (a->fname->str), case_sensitive); a 387 src/filemanager/dir.c r = str_key_collate (a->extension_sort_key, b->extension_sort_key, case_sensitive); a 391 src/filemanager/dir.c return compare_by_names (a, b); a 400 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_time (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 402 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 407 src/filemanager/dir.c int result = _GL_CMP (a->st.st_mtime, b->st.st_mtime); a 412 src/filemanager/dir.c return compare_by_names (a, b); a 421 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_ctime (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 423 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 428 src/filemanager/dir.c int result = _GL_CMP (a->st.st_ctime, b->st.st_ctime); a 433 src/filemanager/dir.c return compare_by_names (a, b); a 442 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_atime (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 444 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 449 src/filemanager/dir.c int result = _GL_CMP (a->st.st_atime, b->st.st_atime); a 454 src/filemanager/dir.c return compare_by_names (a, b); a 463 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_inode (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 465 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 469 src/filemanager/dir.c return (a->st.st_ino - b->st.st_ino) * reverse; a 477 src/filemanager/dir.c sort_size (file_entry_t *a, file_entry_t *b) a 479 src/filemanager/dir.c int ad = MY_ISDIR (a); a 484 src/filemanager/dir.c int result = _GL_CMP (a->st.st_size, b->st.st_size); a 489 src/filemanager/dir.c return compare_by_names (a, b); a 93 src/filemanager/dir.h int unsorted (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 94 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_name (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 95 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_vers (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 96 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_ext (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 97 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_time (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 98 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_atime (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 99 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_ctime (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 100 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_size (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 101 src/filemanager/dir.h int sort_inode (file_entry_t * a, file_entry_t * b); a 849 src/filemanager/file.c const char *a, const char *b) a 860 src/filemanager/file.c width_a = str_term_width1 (a); a 870 src/filemanager/file.c s = g_strndup (str_trunc (a, width), width); a 877 src/filemanager/file.c a = str_trunc (a, width); a 878 src/filemanager/file.c msg = g_strdup_printf (fmt, a, b); a 886 src/filemanager/file.c msg = g_strdup_printf (fmt, a, b); a 901 src/filemanager/file.c warn_same_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *fmt, const char *a, const char *b) a 909 src/filemanager/file.c const char *a, const char *b); a 916 src/filemanager/file.c return parent_call (pntr.p, ctx, 3, strlen (fmt), fmt, strlen (a), a, strlen (b), b); a 918 src/filemanager/file.c return real_warn_same_file (ctx, Foreground, fmt, a, b); a 924 src/filemanager/file.c check_same_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *a, const struct stat *ast, const char *b, a 931 src/filemanager/file.c *status = warn_same_file (ctx, _("\"%s\"\nand\n\"%s\"\nare the same directory"), a, b); a 933 src/filemanager/file.c *status = warn_same_file (ctx, _("\"%s\"\nand\n\"%s\"\nare the same file"), a, b); a 226 src/filemanager/find.c max (int a, int b) a 228 src/filemanager/find.c return (a > b ? a : b); a 196 src/filemanager/layout.c max (int a, int b) a 198 src/filemanager/layout.c return a > b ? a : b; a 99 src/filemanager/panelize.c panelize_entry_cmp_by_label (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) a 101 src/filemanager/panelize.c const panelize_entry_t *entry = (const panelize_entry_t *) a; a 198 src/textconf.c #define PRINTF_GROUP(a) \ a 199 src/textconf.c (void) printf ("[%s]\n", a) a 200 src/textconf.c #define PRINTF_SECTION(a,b) \ a 201 src/textconf.c (void) printf (" %-17s %s\n", a, b) a 202 src/textconf.c #define PRINTF_SECTION2(a,b) \ a 203 src/textconf.c (void) printf (" %-17s %s/\n", a, b) a 204 src/textconf.c #define PRINTF(a, b, c) \ a 205 src/textconf.c (void) printf ("\t%-15s %s/%s\n", a, b, c) a 206 src/textconf.c #define PRINTF2(a, b, c) \ a 207 src/textconf.c (void) printf ("\t%-15s %s%s\n", a, b, c) a 161 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c cpio_defer_find (const void *a, const void *b) a 163 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c const defer_inode *a1 = (const defer_inode *) a; a 77 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c #define EXTFS_SUPER(a) ((struct extfs_super_t *) (a)) a 167 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c struct vfs_s_super *a = VFS_SUPER (data); a 172 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c info = &g_array_index (extfs_plugins, extfs_plugin_info_t, EXTFS_SUPER (a)->fstype); a 174 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c g_strconcat (a->name != NULL ? a->name : "", PATH_SEP_STR, info->prefix, a 183 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c extfs_cmp_archive (const void *a, const void *b) a 185 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c const struct vfs_s_super *ar = (const struct vfs_s_super *) a; a 730 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c struct extfs_super_t *a; a 736 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c a = *archive; a 754 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c result = extfs_read_archive (pip, a, &error); a 757 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c VFS_SUPER (a)->me->free (VFS_SUPER (a)); a 783 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c struct extfs_super_t *a = NULL; a 797 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c a = EXTFS_SUPER (parc->data); a 798 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c vfs_stamp (vfs_extfs_ops, (vfsid) a); a 804 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c result = extfs_open_and_read_archive (fstype, archive_name, &a); a 815 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c *archive = a; a 1264 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c unsigned char *a = (unsigned char *) &((struct sockaddr_in *) &data_addr)->sin_addr; a 1268 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c "PORT %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a 82 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c #define COPY_STRING(a) \ a 83 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c if ((t - pad) + strlen (a) > sizeof (pad)) \ a 90 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c strcpy (t, a); \ a 91 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c t += strlen (a); \ a 124 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c cachedfile_compare (const void *a, const void *b) a 126 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c const cachedfile *cf = (const cachedfile *) a; a 43 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c #define SFTP_FILE_HANDLER(a) ((sftpfs_file_handler_t *) a) a 72 src/viewer/coord_cache.c typedef gboolean (*cmp_func_t) (const coord_cache_entry_t * a, const coord_cache_entry_t * b); a 96 src/viewer/coord_cache.c mcview_coord_cache_entry_less_offset (const coord_cache_entry_t *a, const coord_cache_entry_t *b) a 98 src/viewer/coord_cache.c return (a->cc_offset < b->cc_offset); a 104 src/viewer/coord_cache.c mcview_coord_cache_entry_less_plain (const coord_cache_entry_t *a, const coord_cache_entry_t *b) a 106 src/viewer/coord_cache.c if (a->cc_line < b->cc_line) a 109 src/viewer/coord_cache.c if (a->cc_line == b->cc_line) a 110 src/viewer/coord_cache.c return (a->cc_column < b->cc_column); a 118 src/viewer/coord_cache.c mcview_coord_cache_entry_less_nroff (const coord_cache_entry_t *a, const coord_cache_entry_t *b) a 120 src/viewer/coord_cache.c if (a->cc_line < b->cc_line) a 123 src/viewer/coord_cache.c if (a->cc_line == b->cc_line) a 124 src/viewer/coord_cache.c return (a->cc_nroff_column < b->cc_nroff_column); a 340 src/viewer/internal.h mcview_offset_rounddown (off_t a, off_t b) a 343 src/viewer/internal.h return a - a % b; a 33 tests/lib/search/regex_replace_esc_seq.c #define test_helper_check_valid_data( a, b, c, d, e, f ) \ a 35 tests/lib/search/regex_replace_esc_seq.c ck_assert_msg (a == b, "ret_value != %s", (b) ? "TRUE": "FALSE"); \ a 64 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c test_filevercmp (char const *a, char const *b) a 72 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c result = filevercmp (a, b); a 74 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c alen = strlen (a); a 78 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c memcpy (buffer, a, alen); a 37 tests/lib/strutil/str_verscmp.c static char const a[] = "B0075022800016.gbp.corp.com"; a 90 tests/lib/strutil/str_verscmp.c { a, b, -1 }, a 92 tests/lib/strutil/str_verscmp.c { a, c, -1 }, a 93 tests/lib/strutil/str_verscmp.c { b, a, 1 }, a 95 tests/lib/strutil/str_verscmp.c { c, a, 1 }