y1 511 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c int y1; y1 516 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c y1 = y; y1 531 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c move (y1, x); y1 533 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c mc_curs_row = y1; y1 579 lib/tty/tty-slang.c int y1; y1 584 lib/tty/tty-slang.c y1 = y; y1 615 lib/tty/tty-slang.c SLsmg_gotorc (y1, x); y1 106 lib/tty/win.c show_rxvt_contents (int starty, unsigned char y1, unsigned char y2) y1 111 lib/tty/win.c y1 += mc_global.keybar_visible != 0 ? 1 : 0; // i don't know why we need this - paul y1 117 lib/tty/win.c printf (ESC_STR "CL%c%c%c%c\n", (y1 / 26) + 'A', (y1 % 26) + 'A', (y2 / 26) + 'A', y1 120 lib/tty/win.c bytes = (y2 - y1) * (COLS + 1) + 1; // *should* be the number of bytes read y1 20 lib/tty/win.h void show_rxvt_contents (int starty, unsigned char y1, unsigned char y2); y1 399 lib/widget/dialog.c dlg_create (gboolean modal, int y1, int x1, int lines, int cols, widget_pos_flags_t pos_flags, y1 403 lib/widget/dialog.c WRect r = { y1, x1, lines, cols }; y1 103 lib/widget/dialog.h WDialog *dlg_create (gboolean modal, int y1, int x1, int lines, int cols, y1 169 lib/widget/quick.c int y1 = 0; // bottom of 1st column in case of two columns y1 336 lib/widget/quick.c y1 = y; y1 342 lib/widget/quick.c y = MAX (y1, y); y1 163 lib/widget/rect.c int y1, x1; y1 168 lib/widget/rect.c y1 = r1->y + r1->lines; y1 172 lib/widget/rect.c y = MIN (y, y1); y1 199 lib/widget/rect.c int x1, y1; y1 204 lib/widget/rect.c y1 = r1->y + r1->lines; y1 208 lib/widget/rect.c y = MAX (y, y1); y1 843 src/editor/editdraw.c int y1, x1, y2, x2; y1 850 src/editor/editdraw.c y1 = w->y; y1 851 src/editor/editdraw.c if (y1 > last_line - 1) // buttonbar y1 875 src/editor/editdraw.c else if (y1 >= wh->rect.y + 1) // menubar y1 876 src/editor/editdraw.c end_row = wh->rect.lines - 1 - y1 - 1; y1 615 src/filemanager/find.c int y1, y2, x1, x2; y1 692 src/filemanager/find.c y1 = 2; y1 694 src/filemanager/find.c group_add_widget (g, label_new (y1++, x1, _ ("Start at:"))); y1 695 src/filemanager/find.c in_start = input_new (y1, x1, input_colors, cols - b0 - 7, in_start_dir, "start", y1 699 src/filemanager/find.c group_add_widget (g, button_new (y1++, cols - b0 - 3, B_TREE, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[0], NULL)); y1 702 src/filemanager/find.c check_new (y1++, x1, options.ignore_dirs_enable, _ ("Ena&ble ignore directories:")); y1 705 src/filemanager/find.c in_ignore = input_new (y1++, x1, input_colors, cols - 6, y1 710 src/filemanager/find.c group_add_widget (g, hline_new (y1++, -1, -1)); y1 712 src/filemanager/find.c y2 = y1; y1 715 src/filemanager/find.c group_add_widget (g, label_new (y1++, x1, file_name_label)); y1 716 src/filemanager/find.c in_name = input_new (y1++, x1, input_colors, cw, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, "name", y1 729 src/filemanager/find.c recursively_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.find_recurs, file_recurs_label); y1 732 src/filemanager/find.c follow_sym_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.follow_symlinks, file_follow_symlinks); y1 735 src/filemanager/find.c file_pattern_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_pattern, file_pattern_label); y1 738 src/filemanager/find.c file_case_sens_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_case_sens, file_case_label); y1 743 src/filemanager/find.c check_new (y1++, x1, options.file_all_charsets, file_all_charsets_label); y1 747 src/filemanager/find.c skip_hidden_cbox = check_new (y1++, x1, options.skip_hidden, file_skip_hidden_label); y1 772 src/filemanager/find.c y1 = max (y1, y2); y1 774 src/filemanager/find.c group_add_widget (g, hline_new (y1++, -1, -1)); y1 775 src/filemanager/find.c group_add_widget (g, button_new (y1, x1, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, buts[1], NULL)); y1 776 src/filemanager/find.c group_add_widget (g, button_new (y1, x1 + b1 + 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[2], NULL)); y1 87 src/help.c int x1, y1, x2, y2; y1 369 src/help.c la->y1 = y; y1 1015 src/help.c if (y == la->y1 && x >= la->x1 && y == la->y2 && x <= la->x2) y1 1019 src/help.c if (la->y1 + 1 == la->y2) y1 1022 src/help.c if ((y == la->y1 && x >= la->x1) || (y == la->y2 && x <= la->x2))