strip_password    233 lib/widget/input.c         if (in-> != NULL && in->strip_password)
strip_password    971 lib/widget/input.c     in->strip_password = FALSE;
strip_password     60 lib/widget/input.h     gboolean strip_password;    /* need to strip password before placing string to history */
strip_password     79 lib/widget/quick.c     in->strip_password = qw->u.input.strip_passwd;
strip_password    151 lib/widget/wtools.c                       const char *history_name, const char *def_text, gboolean strip_password,
strip_password    180 lib/widget/wtools.c                                  NULL, is_passwd, strip_password, completion_flags),
strip_password    446 lib/widget/wtools.c                    const char *history_name, const char *def_text, gboolean strip_password,
strip_password    464 lib/widget/wtools.c                                           sizeof (gboolean), strip_password,
strip_password    469 lib/widget/wtools.c         return fg_input_dialog_help (header, text, help, history_name, def_text, strip_password,
strip_password     69 lib/widget/wtools.h                          const char *history_name, const char *def_text, gboolean strip_password,
strip_password    380 src/filemanager/cmd.c          const char *history_name, const char *prefix, int to_home, gboolean strip_password)
strip_password    386 src/filemanager/cmd.c         input_dialog_help (text, xtext, help, history_name, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, strip_password,