start_line        863 src/editor/edit.c         edit->start_line = edit->buffer.lines;
start_line       1241 src/editor/edit.c         edit->start_line -=
start_line       1247 src/editor/edit.c         edit->start_line +=
start_line       1324 src/editor/edit.c         edit->start_line -=
start_line       1330 src/editor/edit.c         edit->start_line +=
start_line       2555 src/editor/edit.c             edit->start_line++;
start_line       2595 src/editor/edit.c             edit->start_line++;
start_line       2685 src/editor/edit.c             edit->start_line--;
start_line       2746 src/editor/edit.c             edit->start_line--;
start_line       2895 src/editor/edit.c     edit->curs_row = edit->buffer.curs_line - edit->start_line;
start_line       2923 src/editor/edit.c     long lines_above = edit->start_line;
start_line       2929 src/editor/edit.c         edit->start_line -= i;
start_line       2945 src/editor/edit.c     lines_below = edit->buffer.lines - edit->start_line - (WIDGET (edit)->rect.lines - 1);
start_line       2950 src/editor/edit.c         edit->start_line += i;
start_line       3082 src/editor/edit.c     if (line < e->start_line)
start_line       3083 src/editor/edit.c         edit_scroll_upward (e, e->start_line - line);
start_line       3085 src/editor/edit.c         edit_scroll_downward (e, line - e->start_line);
start_line       3860 src/editor/edit.c                 if (p->line >= edit->start_line + w->lines || p->line < edit->start_line)
start_line       3877 src/editor/edit.c                 if (p->line >= edit->start_line + w->lines || p->line < edit->start_line)
start_line        162 src/editor/editdraw.c                     edit->start_line + 1,
start_line        509 src/editor/editdraw.c     if (book_mark_query_color (edit, edit->start_line + row, BOOK_MARK_COLOR))
start_line        511 src/editor/editdraw.c     else if (book_mark_query_color (edit, edit->start_line + row, BOOK_MARK_FOUND_COLOR))
start_line        535 src/editor/editdraw.c         cur_line = edit->start_line + row;
start_line        556 src/editor/editdraw.c         if (row <= edit->buffer.lines - edit->start_line)
start_line        107 src/editor/editwidget.h     long start_line;            /* line number of the top of the page */
start_line        393 src/editor/etags.c                              edit->start_line + edit->curs_row + 1);
start_line         72 src/execute.c                                                               long start_line);
start_line        264 src/execute.c                                             long start_line)
start_line        274 src/execute.c      if (start_line <= 0)
start_line        284 src/execute.c      parameter = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", start_line);
start_line        639 src/execute.c                                     long start_line)
start_line        652 src/execute.c          execute_get_external_cmd_opts_from_config (command, do_execute_vpath, start_line);
start_line         44 src/execute.h                                          long start_line);
start_line        481 src/filemanager/cmd.c                    long start_line, off_t search_start, off_t search_end)
start_line        503 src/filemanager/cmd.c         ret = mcview_viewer (NULL, filename_vpath, start_line, search_start, search_end);
start_line        518 src/filemanager/cmd.c         if (start_line > 0)
start_line        519 src/filemanager/cmd.c             g_snprintf (view_entry, sizeof (view_entry), "View:%ld", start_line);
start_line        526 src/filemanager/cmd.c             ret = mcview_viewer (NULL, filename_vpath, start_line, search_start, search_end);
start_line        543 src/filemanager/cmd.c         execute_external_editor_or_viewer (viewer, filename_vpath, start_line);
start_line        647 src/filemanager/cmd.c edit_file_at_line (const vfs_path_t *what_vpath, gboolean internal, long start_line)
start_line        653 src/filemanager/cmd.c         const edit_arg_t arg = { (vfs_path_t *) what_vpath, start_line };
start_line        671 src/filemanager/cmd.c         execute_external_editor_or_viewer (editor, what_vpath, start_line);
start_line         47 src/filemanager/cmd.h                             gboolean internal, long start_line, off_t search_start,
start_line         54 src/filemanager/cmd.h void edit_file_at_line (const vfs_path_t * what_vpath, gboolean internal, long start_line);
start_line        372 src/filemanager/ext.c exec_extension_view (void *target, char *cmd, const vfs_path_t *filename_vpath, int start_line)
start_line        394 src/filemanager/ext.c         mcview_viewer (cmd, filename_vpath, start_line, 0, 0);
start_line        396 src/filemanager/ext.c         mcview_load ((WView *) target, cmd, vfs_path_as_str (filename_vpath), start_line, 0, 0);
start_line        433 src/filemanager/ext.c                 const char *lc_data, int start_line)
start_line        518 src/filemanager/ext.c             exec_extension_view (target, NULL, filename_vpath, start_line);
start_line        520 src/filemanager/ext.c             exec_extension_view (target, cmd, filename_vpath, start_line);
start_line        237 src/viewer/mcviewer.c mcview_viewer (const char *command, const vfs_path_t *file_vpath, int start_line,
start_line        266 src/viewer/mcviewer.c         mcview_load (lc_mcview, command, vfs_path_as_str (file_vpath), start_line, search_start,
start_line        285 src/viewer/mcviewer.c mcview_load (WView *view, const char *command, const char *file, int start_line,
start_line        437 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     if (mcview_remember_file_position && view->filename_vpath != NULL && start_line == 0)
start_line        459 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     else if (start_line > 0)
start_line        460 src/viewer/mcviewer.c         mcview_moveto (view, start_line - 1, 0);
start_line         47 src/viewer/mcviewer.h extern gboolean mcview_viewer (const char *command, const vfs_path_t * file_vpath, int start_line,
start_line         50 src/viewer/mcviewer.h extern gboolean mcview_load (WView * view, const char *command, const char *file, int start_line,
start_line         36 tests/src/execute__execute_external_editor_or_viewer.c                                                  long start_line);
start_line         51 tests/src/execute__execute_external_editor_or_viewer.c                                            long start_line)
start_line         55 tests/src/execute__execute_external_editor_or_viewer.c     execute_external_cmd_opts__start_line__captured = start_line;
start_line         37 tests/src/execute__execute_get_external_cmd_opts_from_config.c                                                  long start_line);
start_line        123 tests/src/execute__execute_get_external_cmd_opts_from_config.c     int  start_line;
start_line        159 tests/src/execute__execute_get_external_cmd_opts_from_config.c                                                    data->start_line);