path              125 lib/lock.c         elpath = vfs_path_get_by_index (fname_vpath, 0)->path;
path              212 lib/lock.c         elpath = vfs_path_get_by_index (fname_vpath, 0)->path;
path              285 lib/lock.c         elpath = vfs_path_get_by_index (fname_vpath, 0)->path;
path               70 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/bash");
path               72 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/zsh");
path               74 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/oksh");
path               76 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/ksh");
path               78 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/ksh93");
path               80 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/ash");
path               82 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/dash");
path               84 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/busybox");
path               86 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/tcsh");
path               88 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/csh");
path               90 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/mksh");
path              100 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = g_strdup ("/bin/sh");
path              144 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->path = shell_name;
path              155 lib/shell.c        if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/zsh") != NULL || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/zsh") != NULL
path              162 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/tcsh") != NULL
path              169 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/csh") != NULL
path              175 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/fish") != NULL
path              181 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/dash") != NULL
path              198 lib/shell.c            mc_shell->name = mc_shell->path;
path              200 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh") != NULL || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/ksh") != NULL
path              201 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh93") != NULL
path              203 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/oksh") != NULL
path              209 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/mksh") != NULL
path              225 lib/shell.c        if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/bash") != NULL || getenv ("BASH_VERSION") != NULL)
path              230 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/sh") != NULL)
path              235 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ash") != NULL || getenv ("BB_ASH_VERSION") != NULL)
path              240 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh") != NULL || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh93") != NULL
path              241 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/oksh") != NULL
path              248 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/mksh") != NULL
path              273 lib/shell.c        mc_shell->real_path = mc_realpath (mc_shell->path, rp_shell);
path              297 lib/shell.c            g_free (>path);
path               32 lib/shell.h        char *path;
path              332 lib/util.c     path_trunc (const char *path, size_t trunc_len)
path              337 lib/util.c         vpath = vfs_path_from_str_flags (path, VPF_STRIP_PASSWORD);
path              171 lib/util.h     const char *path_trunc (const char *path, size_t trunc_len);
path              249 lib/util.h     void canonicalize_pathname_custom (char *path, canon_path_flags_t flags);
path              251 lib/util.h     char *mc_realpath (const char *path, char *resolved_path);
path              321 lib/util.h     canonicalize_pathname (char *path)
path              323 lib/util.h         canonicalize_pathname_custom (path, CANON_PATH_ALL);
path              818 lib/utilunix.c canonicalize_pathname_custom (char *path, canon_path_flags_t flags)
path              821 lib/utilunix.c     char *lpath = path;  // path without leading UNC part
path              825 lib/utilunix.c     if ((flags & CANON_PATH_GUARDUNC) != 0 && IS_PATH_SEP (path[0]) && IS_PATH_SEP (path[1]))
path              827 lib/utilunix.c         for (p = path + 2; p[0] != '\0' && !IS_PATH_SEP (p[0]); p++)
path              829 lib/utilunix.c         if (IS_PATH_SEP (p[0]) && p > path + 2)
path             1063 lib/utilunix.c mc_realpath (const char *path, char *resolved_path)
path             1066 lib/utilunix.c     const char *p = path;
path             1085 lib/utilunix.c             path = p;
path             1091 lib/utilunix.c     return realpath (path, resolved_path);
path             1105 lib/utilunix.c         if (strlen (path) >= PATH_MAX - 2)
path             1111 lib/utilunix.c         strcpy (copy_path, path);
path             1112 lib/utilunix.c         path = copy_path;
path             1115 lib/utilunix.c         if (!IS_PATH_SEP (*path))
path             1134 lib/utilunix.c             path++;
path             1137 lib/utilunix.c         while (*path != '\0')
path             1140 lib/utilunix.c             if (IS_PATH_SEP (*path))
path             1142 lib/utilunix.c                 path++;
path             1145 lib/utilunix.c             if (*path == '.')
path             1148 lib/utilunix.c                 if (path[1] == '\0' || IS_PATH_SEP (path[1]))
path             1150 lib/utilunix.c                     path++;
path             1153 lib/utilunix.c                 if (path[1] == '.')
path             1155 lib/utilunix.c                     if (path[2] == '\0' || IS_PATH_SEP (path[2]))
path             1157 lib/utilunix.c                         path += 2;
path             1169 lib/utilunix.c             while (*path != '\0' && !IS_PATH_SEP (*path))
path             1171 lib/utilunix.c                 if (path > max_path)
path             1176 lib/utilunix.c                 *new_path++ = *path++;
path             1211 lib/utilunix.c                 if (strlen (path) + n >= PATH_MAX - 2)
path             1217 lib/utilunix.c                 strcat (link_path, path);
path             1219 lib/utilunix.c                 path = copy_path;
path             1297 lib/utilunix.c     GString *path;
path             1305 lib/utilunix.c     path = g_string_new (absolute ? PATH_SEP_STR : "");
path             1323 lib/utilunix.c             g_string_append (path, start);
path             1324 lib/utilunix.c             if (!IS_PATH_SEP (path->str[path->len - 1]) && element != NULL)
path             1325 lib/utilunix.c                 g_string_append_c (path, PATH_SEP);
path             1332 lib/utilunix.c     ret = g_string_free (path, FALSE);
path              110 lib/vfs/direntry.c vfs_s_automake (struct vfs_class *me, struct vfs_s_inode *dir, char *path, int flags)
path              115 lib/vfs/direntry.c     sep = strchr (path, PATH_SEP);
path              119 lib/vfs/direntry.c     res = vfs_s_generate_entry (me, path, dir, (flags & FL_MKDIR) != 0 ? (0777 | S_IFDIR) : 0777);
path              184 lib/vfs/direntry.c     char *path = pathref;
path              187 lib/vfs/direntry.c     canonicalize_pathname_custom (path, CANON_PATH_ALL & (~CANON_PATH_REMDOUBLEDOTS));
path              193 lib/vfs/direntry.c         while (IS_PATH_SEP (*path)) /* Strip leading '/' */
path              194 lib/vfs/direntry.c             path++;
path              196 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (path[0] == '\0')
path              202 lib/vfs/direntry.c         for (pseg = 0; path[pseg] != '\0' && !IS_PATH_SEP (path[pseg]); pseg++)
path              208 lib/vfs/direntry.c             if (strlen (ent->name) == pseg && strncmp (ent->name, path, pseg) == 0)
path              216 lib/vfs/direntry.c             ent = vfs_s_automake (me, root, path, flags);
path              223 lib/vfs/direntry.c         path += pseg;
path              227 lib/vfs/direntry.c             vfs_s_resolve_symlink (me, ent, strchr (path, PATH_SEP) != NULL ? LINK_FOLLOW : follow);
path              244 lib/vfs/direntry.c     char *const path = g_strdup (a_path);
path              251 lib/vfs/direntry.c     canonicalize_pathname_custom (path, CANON_PATH_ALL & (~CANON_PATH_REMDOUBLEDOTS));
path              258 lib/vfs/direntry.c         dirname = g_path_get_dirname (path);
path              259 lib/vfs/direntry.c         name = g_path_get_basename (path);
path              264 lib/vfs/direntry.c         g_free (path);
path              268 lib/vfs/direntry.c     iter = g_queue_find_custom (root->subdir, path, (GCompareFunc) vfs_s_entry_compare);
path              274 lib/vfs/direntry.c         vfs_print_message (_ ("Directory cache expired for %s"), path);
path              285 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ent = vfs_s_new_entry (me, path, ino);
path              286 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->dir_load (me, ino, path) == -1)
path              289 lib/vfs/direntry.c             g_free (path);
path              295 lib/vfs/direntry.c         iter = g_queue_find_custom (root->subdir, path, (GCompareFunc) vfs_s_entry_compare);
path              304 lib/vfs/direntry.c         g_free (path);
path              308 lib/vfs/direntry.c     g_free (path);
path             1084 lib/vfs/direntry.c vfs_s_find_inode (struct vfs_class *me, const struct vfs_s_super *super, const char *path,
path             1089 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (((me->flags & VFSF_REMOTE) == 0) && (*path == '\0'))
path             1092 lib/vfs/direntry.c     ent = VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->find_entry (me, super->root, path, follow, flags);
path             1174 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (path_element->path != NULL)
path             1175 lib/vfs/direntry.c         retval = path_element->path;
path             1244 lib/vfs/direntry.c         char *path;
path             1246 lib/vfs/direntry.c         path = g_strdup (ino->ent->name);
path             1256 lib/vfs/direntry.c             newpath = g_strconcat (ino->ent->name, PATH_SEP_STR, path, (char *) NULL);
path             1257 lib/vfs/direntry.c             g_free (path);
path             1258 lib/vfs/direntry.c             path = newpath;
path             1260 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return path;
path              656 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (*path_element->path != '\0')
path              660 lib/vfs/interface.c             p = strchr (path_element->path, 0) - 1;
path              661 lib/vfs/interface.c             if (IS_PATH_SEP (*p) && p > path_element->path)
path              672 lib/vfs/interface.c                 g_free (super->path_element->path);
path              673 lib/vfs/interface.c                 super->path_element->path = g_strdup (path_element->path);
path               65 lib/vfs/path.c path_magic (const char *path)
path               69 lib/vfs/path.c     return (stat (path, &buf) != 0);
path               87 lib/vfs/path.c _vfs_split_with_semi_skip_count (char *path, const char **inpath, const char **op,
path               94 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
path               97 lib/vfs/path.c     semi = strrstr_skip_count (path, "#", skip_count);
path               99 lib/vfs/path.c     if ((semi == NULL) || (!path_magic (path)))
path              128 lib/vfs/path.c     ret = _vfs_split_with_semi_skip_count (path, inpath, op, skip_count + 1);
path              140 lib/vfs/path.c vfs_canon (const char *path)
path              144 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
path              147 lib/vfs/path.c     if (!IS_PATH_SEP (*path))
path              154 lib/vfs/path.c         if (g_str_has_prefix (path, VFS_ENCODING_PREFIX))
path              160 lib/vfs/path.c             local = mc_build_filename (PATH_SEP_STR, path, (char *) NULL);
path              168 lib/vfs/path.c             local = mc_build_filename (curr_dir, path, (char *) NULL);
path              177 lib/vfs/path.c         result = g_strdup (path);
path              206 lib/vfs/path.c vfs_path_url_split (vfs_path_element_t *path_element, const char *path)
path              213 lib/vfs/path.c     pcopy = g_strdup (path);
path              341 lib/vfs/path.c vfs_path_from_str_deprecated_parser (char *path)
path              350 lib/vfs/path.c     while ((class = _vfs_split_with_semi_skip_count (path, &local, &op, 0)) != NULL)
path              357 lib/vfs/path.c         element->path = vfs_translate_path_n (local);
path              376 lib/vfs/path.c         g_array_prepend_val (vpath->path, element);
path              378 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path[0] != '\0')
path              382 lib/vfs/path.c         element->path = vfs_translate_path_n (path);
path              385 lib/vfs/path.c         element->encoding = vfs_get_encoding (path, -1);
path              389 lib/vfs/path.c         g_array_prepend_val (vpath->path, element);
path              405 lib/vfs/path.c vfs_path_from_str_uri_parser (char *path)
path              412 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
path              415 lib/vfs/path.c     path_is_absolute = IS_PATH_SEP (*path);
path              417 lib/vfs/path.c     path_is_absolute = path_is_absolute || g_str_has_prefix (path, VFS_ENCODING_PREFIX);
path              422 lib/vfs/path.c     while ((url_delimiter = g_strrstr (path, VFS_PATH_URL_DELIMITER)) != NULL)
path              427 lib/vfs/path.c         while (real_vfs_prefix_start > path && !IS_PATH_SEP (*real_vfs_prefix_start))
path              448 lib/vfs/path.c                 element->path = g_strdup ("");
path              451 lib/vfs/path.c                 element->path = vfs_translate_path_n (slash_pointer + 1);
path              461 lib/vfs/path.c             element->path = vfs_translate_path_n (url_delimiter);
path              470 lib/vfs/path.c         g_array_prepend_val (vpath->path, element);
path              472 lib/vfs/path.c         if ((real_vfs_prefix_start > path && IS_PATH_SEP (*real_vfs_prefix_start))
path              473 lib/vfs/path.c             || (real_vfs_prefix_start == path && !IS_PATH_SEP (*real_vfs_prefix_start)))
path              479 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path[0] != '\0')
path              483 lib/vfs/path.c         element->path = vfs_translate_path_n (path);
path              485 lib/vfs/path.c         element->encoding = vfs_get_encoding (path, -1);
path              489 lib/vfs/path.c         g_array_prepend_val (vpath->path, element);
path              662 lib/vfs/path.c             str_vfs_convert_from (element->dir.converter, element->path, recode_buffer);
path              668 lib/vfs/path.c             vfs_append_from_path (element->path, is_relative);
path              712 lib/vfs/path.c     char *path;
path              718 lib/vfs/path.c         path = vfs_canon (path_str);
path              720 lib/vfs/path.c         path = g_strdup (path_str);
path              722 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
path              725 lib/vfs/path.c     if ((flags & VPF_USE_DEPRECATED_PARSER) != 0 && vfs_path_is_str_path_deprecated (path))
path              726 lib/vfs/path.c         vpath = vfs_path_from_str_deprecated_parser (path);
path              728 lib/vfs/path.c         vpath = vfs_path_from_str_uri_parser (path);
path              731 lib/vfs/path.c     g_free (path);
path              764 lib/vfs/path.c     vpath->path = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (vfs_path_element_t *));
path              782 lib/vfs/path.c     return (vpath != NULL && vpath->path != NULL) ? vpath->path->len : 0;
path              795 lib/vfs/path.c     g_array_append_val (vpath->path, path_element);
path              835 lib/vfs/path.c     return g_array_index (vpath->path, vfs_path_element_t *, element_index);
path              857 lib/vfs/path.c     new_element->path = g_strdup (element->path);
path              889 lib/vfs/path.c     g_free (element->path);
path              928 lib/vfs/path.c         g_array_append_val (new_vpath->path, path_element);
path              963 lib/vfs/path.c     g_array_free (vpath->path, TRUE);
path             1000 lib/vfs/path.c     vpath->path = g_array_remove_index (vpath->path, element_index);
path             1047 lib/vfs/path.c vfs_get_encoding (const char *path, ssize_t len)
path             1052 lib/vfs/path.c     semi = g_strrstr_len (path, len, VFS_ENCODING_PREFIX);
path             1056 lib/vfs/path.c     if (semi == path || IS_PATH_SEP (semi[-1]))
path             1067 lib/vfs/path.c     return vfs_get_encoding (path, semi - path);
path             1156 lib/vfs/path.c         mc_config_set_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "path", element->path);
path             1225 lib/vfs/path.c         element->path = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "path", NULL);
path             1240 lib/vfs/path.c         vpath->path = g_array_append_val (vpath->path, element);
path             1349 lib/vfs/path.c             g_array_append_val (ret_vpath->path, path_element);
path             1387 lib/vfs/path.c         for (prev_token = element->path; (token = strchr (prev_token, PATH_SEP)) != NULL;
path             1453 lib/vfs/path.c         path_tokens = g_strsplit (element->path, PATH_SEP_STR, -1);
path             1587 lib/vfs/path.c     if (!IS_PATH_SEP (*element->path))
path             1590 lib/vfs/path.c     return g_string_append (pretty_path, element->path);
path               29 lib/vfs/path.h     GArray *path;
path               40 lib/vfs/path.h     char *path;
path               63 lib/vfs/path.h char *vfs_path_free (vfs_path_t *path, gboolean free_str);
path               64 lib/vfs/path.h int vfs_path_elements_count (const vfs_path_t *path);
path               66 lib/vfs/path.h char *vfs_path_to_str_elements_count (const vfs_path_t *path, int elements_count);
path               78 lib/vfs/path.h const vfs_path_element_t *vfs_path_get_by_index (const vfs_path_t *path, int element_index);
path               85 lib/vfs/path.h char *vfs_get_encoding (const char *path, ssize_t len);
path              119 lib/vfs/path.h     return (element != NULL) ? element->path : NULL;
path              241 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c vfs_url_split (const char *path, int default_port, vfs_url_flags_t flags)
path              253 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     pcopy_len = strlen (path);
path              254 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     pcopy = g_strndup (path, pcopy_len);
path              265 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c             path_element->path = g_strdup (PATH_SEP_STR);
path              268 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c             path_element->path = g_strndup (dir, pcopy_len - (size_t) (dir - pcopy));
path              382 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c vfs_utime (const char *path, mc_timesbuf_t *times)
path              385 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     return utimensat (AT_FDCWD, path, *times, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW);
path              387 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     return utime (path, times);
path               42 lib/vfs/utilvfs.h vfs_path_element_t *vfs_url_split (const char *path, int default_port, vfs_url_flags_t flags);
path               63 lib/vfs/utilvfs.h int vfs_utime (const char *path, mc_timesbuf_t *times);
path              121 lib/vfs/vfs.c  _vfs_translate_path (const char *path, int size, GIConv defcnv, GString *buffer)
path              130 lib/vfs/vfs.c      size = (size > 0) ? size : (signed int) strlen (path);
path              133 lib/vfs/vfs.c      semi = g_strrstr_len (path, size, VFS_ENCODING_PREFIX);
path              134 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (semi != NULL && (semi == path || IS_PATH_SEP (semi[-1])))
path              142 lib/vfs/vfs.c          ms = semi - path;
path              144 lib/vfs/vfs.c          state = _vfs_translate_path (path, ms, defcnv, buffer);
path              153 lib/vfs/vfs.c          if (slash - path >= size)
path              159 lib/vfs/vfs.c          if (semi + ms > path + size)
path              160 lib/vfs/vfs.c              ms = path + size - semi;
path              170 lib/vfs/vfs.c                  state = str_vfs_convert_to (coder, slash + 1, path + size - slash - 1, buffer);
path              181 lib/vfs/vfs.c          state = str_vfs_convert_to (defcnv, path, size, buffer);
path              187 lib/vfs/vfs.c      g_string_assign (buffer, path);
path              363 lib/vfs/vfs.c  vfs_translate_path (const char *path)
path              368 lib/vfs/vfs.c      state = _vfs_translate_path (path, -1, str_cnv_from_term, vfs_str_buffer);
path              375 lib/vfs/vfs.c  vfs_translate_path_n (const char *path)
path              379 lib/vfs/vfs.c      result = vfs_translate_path (path);
path              160 lib/vfs/vfs.h      int (*which) (struct vfs_class *me, const char *path);
path              274 lib/vfs/vfs.h  const char *vfs_translate_path (const char *path);
path              276 lib/vfs/vfs.h  char *vfs_translate_path_n (const char *path);
path              278 lib/vfs/vfs.h  void vfs_stamp_path (const vfs_path_t *path);
path              146 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h                                        const char *path, int follow, int flags);
path              147 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h     int (*dir_load) (struct vfs_class *me, struct vfs_s_inode *ino, const char *path);
path              149 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h     int (*file_store) (struct vfs_class *me, vfs_file_handler_t *fh, char *path, char *localname);
path              175 lib/vfs/xdirentry.h                                       const char *path, int follow, int flags);
path              545 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char *path = NULL;
path              582 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (path == NULL)
path              584 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 path = g_strdup (getenv ("PATH"));
path              585 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 if (path != NULL)
path              587 lib/widget/input_complete.c                     p = path;
path              633 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (path == NULL)
path              635 lib/widget/input_complete.c         cur_path = path;
path              663 lib/widget/input_complete.c         MC_PTR_FREE (path);
path               89 src/clipboard.c         my_system (EXECUTE_AS_SHELL,>path, cmd);
path             2736 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     char *path;
path             2748 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     path = vfs_path_to_str_flags (vpath, 0, VPF_STRIP_HOME | VPF_STRIP_PASSWORD);
path             2750 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buf = str_term_trim (path, filename_width);
path             2757 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     g_free (path);
path              445 src/editor/edit.c             && *(vfs_path_get_by_index (edit->filename_vpath, 0)->path) != '\0')
path              477 src/editor/edit.c         || *(vfs_path_get_by_index (edit->filename_vpath, 0)->path) == '\0')
path              511 src/editor/edit.c         || *(vfs_path_get_by_index (edit->filename_vpath, 0)->path) == '\0')
path              145 src/editor/editcmd.c     start_filename = vpath_element->path;
path              332 src/editor/editcmd.c         tmp_store_filename = last_vpath_element->path;
path              333 src/editor/editcmd.c         last_vpath_element->path =
path              411 src/editor/etags.c     char *path = NULL;
path              426 src/editor/etags.c     path = g_strconcat (ptr, PATH_SEP_STR, (char *) NULL);
path              432 src/editor/etags.c         ptr = g_path_get_dirname (path);
path              433 src/editor/etags.c         g_free (path);
path              434 src/editor/etags.c         path = ptr;
path              436 src/editor/etags.c         tagfile = mc_build_filename (path, TAGS_NAME, (char *) NULL);
path              440 src/editor/etags.c     while (strcmp (path, PATH_SEP_STR) != 0);
path              444 src/editor/etags.c         def_hash = etags_set_definition_hash (tagfile, path, match_expr->str);
path              447 src/editor/etags.c     g_free (path);
path              439 src/execute.c              do_execute (>path, cmd != NULL ? cmd : command,
path              446 src/execute.c          do_execute (>path, cmd != NULL ? cmd : command, flags | EXECUTE_AS_SHELL);
path              511 src/execute.c              my_system (EXECUTE_INTERNAL,>path, NULL);
path               87 src/filemanager/cd.c     char *path_tilde, *path;
path               91 src/filemanager/cd.c     path = str_shell_unescape (_path);
path               92 src/filemanager/cd.c     path_tilde = tilde_expand (path);
path               93 src/filemanager/cd.c     g_free (path);
path              171 src/filemanager/cd.c handle_cdpath (const char *path)
path              176 src/filemanager/cd.c     if (!IS_PATH_SEP (*path))
path              198 src/filemanager/cd.c                 r_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (p, path, (char *) NULL);
path              221 src/filemanager/cd.c cd_to (const char *path)
path              231 src/filemanager/cd.c     p = g_strstrip (g_strdup (path));
path              245 src/filemanager/cd.c                 || strlen (vfs_path_get_by_index (current_panel->cwd_vpath, 0)->path) > 1)
path              302 src/filemanager/cd.c cd_error_message (const char *path)
path              304 src/filemanager/cd.c     message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _ ("Cannot change directory to\n%s\n%s"), path,
path               18 src/filemanager/cd.h void cd_to (const char *path);
path               19 src/filemanager/cd.h void cd_error_message (const char *path);
path             1330 src/filemanager/cmd.c     const char *path;
path             1333 src/filemanager/cmd.c     path = vfs_path_as_str (vpath);
path             1336 src/filemanager/cmd.c         message (D_NORMAL, _ ("Setup"), _ ("Setup saved to %s"), path);
path             1338 src/filemanager/cmd.c         message (D_ERROR, _ ("Setup"), _ ("Unable to save setup to %s"), path);
path              205 src/filemanager/dir.c         const char *path;
path              207 src/filemanager/dir.c         path = vfs_path_get_by_index (vpath, 0)->path;
path              208 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (path != NULL && *path != '\0')
path              596 src/filemanager/dir.c handle_path (const char *path, struct stat *buf1, gboolean *link_to_dir, gboolean *stale_link)
path              600 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (DIR_IS_DOT (path) || DIR_IS_DOTDOT (path))
path              603 src/filemanager/dir.c     vpath = vfs_path_from_str (path);
path              611 src/filemanager/dir.c         tree_store_mark_checked (path);
path              759 src/filemanager/dir.c     tmp_path = vfs_path_get_by_index (vpath, 0)->path;
path               89 src/filemanager/dir.h gboolean handle_path (const char *path, struct stat *buf1, gboolean *link_to_dir,
path             3228 src/filemanager/file.c         char *path;
path             3238 src/filemanager/file.c         path = mc_build_filename (s, next->d_name, (char *) NULL);
path             3239 src/filemanager/file.c         tmp_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (path);
path             3253 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, path, mdpath, FALSE, FALSE, do_delete, parent_dirs);
path             3260 src/filemanager/file.c             dest_file = mc_build_filename (d, x_basename (path), (char *) NULL);
path             3261 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = copy_file_file (ctx, path, dest_file);
path             3265 src/filemanager/file.c         g_free (path);
path               42 src/filemanager/file.h gboolean file_is_symlink_to_dir (const vfs_path_t *path, struct stat *st, gboolean *stale_link);
path              433 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     char *path;
path              439 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     title_path_prepare (&path, &login);
path              441 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     p = g_strdup_printf ("%s [%s]:%s", _ ("Panels:"), login, path);
path              442 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     g_free (path);
path              444 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     path = g_strdup (str_trunc (p, len - 4));
path              447 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     return path;
path              109 src/filemanager/filenot.c my_rmdir (const char *path)
path              114 src/filemanager/filenot.c     vpath = vfs_path_from_str_flags (path, VPF_NO_CANON);
path               22 src/filemanager/filenot.h int my_rmdir (const char *path);
path              316 src/filemanager/hotlist.c add_name_to_list (const char *path)
path              318 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, path, NULL, FALSE);
path             1529 src/filemanager/layout.c title_path_prepare (char **path, char **login)
path             1535 src/filemanager/layout.c     *path =
path             1560 src/filemanager/layout.c         char *path;
path             1563 src/filemanager/layout.c         title_path_prepare (&path, &login);
path             1565 src/filemanager/layout.c         p = g_strdup_printf ("mc [%s]:%s", login, path);
path             1567 src/filemanager/layout.c         g_free (path);
path             1587 src/filemanager/layout.c         char *path, *path_uri;
path             1590 src/filemanager/layout.c         path = vfs_path_to_str_flags (current_panel->cwd_vpath, 0, VPF_NONE);
path             1591 src/filemanager/layout.c         path_uri = g_uri_escape_string (path, "/", FALSE);
path             1597 src/filemanager/layout.c         g_free (path);
path               95 src/filemanager/layout.h void title_path_prepare (char **path, char **login);
path             1473 src/filemanager/mountlist.c my_statfs (struct my_statfs *myfs_stats, const char *path)
path             1488 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         if (i > len && (strncmp (path, me->me_mountdir, i) == 0)
path             1489 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             && (entry == NULL || IS_PATH_SEP (path[i]) || path[i] == '\0'))
path               39 src/filemanager/mountlist.h void my_statfs (struct my_statfs *myfs_stats, const char *path);
path             1130 src/filemanager/panel.c         archive_name = strrchr (prev_path_element->path, PATH_SEP);
path             1135 src/filemanager/panel.c             last_vpath = vfs_path_from_str_flags (prev_path_element->path, VPF_NO_CANON);
path             3337 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (strcmp (element->path, "-") == 0)
path             5039 src/filemanager/panel.c         str_vfs_convert_from (converter, path_element->path, tmp_conv);
path             5041 src/filemanager/panel.c         g_free (path_element->path);
path             5042 src/filemanager/panel.c         path_element->path = g_strndup (tmp_conv->str, tmp_conv->len);
path              462 src/subshell/common.c         execl (>path,>path, "-rcfile", init_file, (char *) NULL);
path              468 src/subshell/common.c         execl (>path,>path, "-Z", "-g", (char *) NULL);
path              472 src/subshell/common.c         execl (>path,>path, "--init-command",
path              481 src/subshell/common.c         execl (>path,>path, (char *) NULL);
path              626 src/usermenu.c menu_file_own (char *path)
path              630 src/usermenu.c     if (stat (path, &st) == 0 && (st.st_uid == 0 || (st.st_uid == geteuid ()) != 0)
path              638 src/usermenu.c                  path);
path               99 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     char *path;
path              554 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     cmd = g_strconcat (info->path, info->prefix, " list ",
path              709 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c extfs_which (struct vfs_class *me, const char *path)
path              716 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     path_len = strlen (path);
path              724 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if ((strncmp (path, info->prefix, path_len) == 0)
path              823 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     return path_element->path;
path              915 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         const char *path;
path              918 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              919 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         ret_str = g_strdup (path);
path              967 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         cmd = g_strconcat (info->path, info->prefix, str_extfs_cmd, quoted_archive_name, " ", file,
path              974 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         cmd = g_strconcat (info->path, info->prefix, str_extfs_cmd, quoted_archive_name, " ", file,
path             1037 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         g_strconcat (info->path, info->prefix, " run ", quoted_archive_name, " ", q, (char *) NULL);
path             1611 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 info.path = g_strconcat (dirname, PATH_SEP_STR, (char *) NULL);
path             1627 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                         strcmp (info.path, p->path) != 0 && strcmp (info.prefix, p->prefix) == 0;
path             1632 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                     g_free (info.path);
path             1687 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         g_free (info->path);
path             1825 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         char *path;
path             1828 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         path = g_strconcat (remote_path, PATH_SEP_STR ".", (char *) NULL);
path             1829 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         sock = ftpfs_open_data_connection (me, super, "LIST -la", path, TYPE_ASCII, 0);
path             1830 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         g_free (path);
path             2230 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c ftpfs_is_same_dir (struct vfs_class *me, struct vfs_s_super *super, const char *path)
path             2235 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             && strcmp (path, FTP_SUPER (super)->current_dir) == 0);
path               68 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path               70 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path               71 src/vfs/local/local.c     fd = open (path, NO_LINEAR (flags), mode);
path               88 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path               90 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              107 src/vfs/local/local.c         dir = opendir (path);
path              155 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              157 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              158 src/vfs/local/local.c     return stat (path, buf);
path              166 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              168 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              170 src/vfs/local/local.c     return lstat (path, buf);
path              172 src/vfs/local/local.c     return statlstat (path, buf);
path              181 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              183 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              184 src/vfs/local/local.c     return chmod (path, mode);
path              192 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              194 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              195 src/vfs/local/local.c     return chown (path, owner, group);
path              205 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              207 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              208 src/vfs/local/local.c     return fgetflags (path, flags);
path              216 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              218 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              219 src/vfs/local/local.c     return fsetflags (path, flags);
path              237 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              239 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              240 src/vfs/local/local.c     return readlink (path, buf, size);
path              248 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              250 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              251 src/vfs/local/local.c     return unlink (path);
path              312 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              314 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              315 src/vfs/local/local.c     return chdir (path);
path              323 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              325 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              326 src/vfs/local/local.c     return mknod (path, mode, dev);
path              346 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              348 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              349 src/vfs/local/local.c     return mkdir (path, mode);
path              357 src/vfs/local/local.c     const char *path;
path              359 src/vfs/local/local.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path              360 src/vfs/local/local.c     return rmdir (path);
path              386 src/vfs/local/local.c local_which (struct vfs_class *me, const char *path)
path              389 src/vfs/local/local.c     (void) path;
path              196 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c                 ptr = path_element->path;
path              545 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c sfs_which (struct vfs_class *me, const char *path)
path              554 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c             if (strcmp (path, sfs_info[i].prefix) == 0)
path              557 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c         else if (strncmp (path, sfs_info[i].prefix, strlen (sfs_info[i].prefix)) == 0)
path               77 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element->path);
path              176 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element->path);
path              213 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element->path);
path              128 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename ((*path_element)->path);
path              354 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element->path);
path              396 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     ctmp_path = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element2->path);
path              450 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element->path);
path              502 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element->path);
path              548 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     fixfname = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element->path);
path              589 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     ctmp_path = sftpfs_fix_filename (path_element2->path);
path              418 src/vfs/shell/shell.c shell_pipeopen (struct vfs_s_super *super, const char *path, const char *argv[])
path              449 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         my_execvp (path, (char **) argv);
path             1681 src/vfs/shell/shell.c                             PATH_SEP_STR, super->path_element->path, (char *) NULL);
path              608 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c undelfs_getindex (char *path)
path              610 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     ext2_ino_t inode = atol (path);
path              112 tests/lib/vfs/path_len.c     char *path;
path              116 tests/lib/vfs/path_len.c     path = vpath != NULL ? vfs_path_get_by_index (vpath, 0)->path : NULL;
path              120 tests/lib/vfs/path_len.c     actual_length_element_encoding = path != NULL ? strlen (path) : 0;
path               53 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c     const char *path;
path              140 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c     actual_encoding = vfs_get_encoding (data->path, -1);
path              204 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_path_string_convert.c     mctest_assert_str_eq (path_element->path, data->expected_element_path);
path              315 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_path_string_convert.c     mctest_assert_str_eq (element->path, "");
path               41 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_prefix_to_class.c test_which (struct vfs_class *me, const char *path)
path               45 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_prefix_to_class.c     if ((strcmp (path, "test_1:") == 0) || (strcmp (path, "test_2:") == 0)
path               46 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_prefix_to_class.c         || (strcmp (path, "test_3:") == 0) || (strcmp (path, "test_4:") == 0))
path               67 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_s_get_path.c     const char *path;
path               73 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_s_get_path.c     path = vfs_path_get_last_path_str (vpath);
path               74 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_s_get_path.c     return (strcmp (ARCH_NAME, path) != 0 ? 0 : 1);
path              179 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c     char *path;
path              181 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c     path = g_strdup (data->input_string);
path              184 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c     actual_result = _vfs_split_with_semi_skip_count (path, &local, &op, 0);
path              188 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c     mctest_assert_str_eq (path, data->expected_path);
path              191 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c     g_free (path);