mcerror 27 lib/event.h gboolean mc_event_init (GError ** mcerror); mcerror 28 lib/event.h gboolean mc_event_deinit (GError ** mcerror); mcerror 34 lib/event.h GError ** mcerror); mcerror 40 lib/event.h gboolean mc_event_mass_add (const event_init_t * events, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 51 lib/event/event.c mc_event_init (GError **mcerror) mcerror 53 lib/event/event.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 57 lib/event/event.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Event system already initialized")); mcerror 67 lib/event/event.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Failed to initialize event system")); mcerror 77 lib/event/event.c mc_event_deinit (GError **mcerror) mcerror 79 lib/event/event.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 83 lib/event/event.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Event system not initialized")); mcerror 95 lib/event/event.c mc_event_mass_add (const event_init_t *events, GError **mcerror) mcerror 99 lib/event/event.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 105 lib/event/event.c events[array_index].cb, events[array_index].init_data, mcerror)) mcerror 24 lib/event/internal.h GError ** mcerror); mcerror 26 lib/event/internal.h gboolean create_new, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 61 lib/event/manage.c mc_event_callback_func_t event_callback, gpointer event_init_data, GError **mcerror) mcerror 67 lib/event/manage.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 72 lib/event/manage.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Check input data! Some of parameters are NULL!")); mcerror 76 lib/event/manage.c event_group = mc_event_get_event_group_by_name (event_group_name, TRUE, mcerror); mcerror 80 lib/event/manage.c callbacks = mc_event_get_event_by_name (event_group, event_name, TRUE, mcerror); mcerror 150 lib/event/manage.c GError **mcerror) mcerror 154 lib/event/manage.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 166 lib/event/manage.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, _("Unable to create group '%s' for events!"), mcerror 179 lib/event/manage.c GError **mcerror) mcerror 183 lib/event/manage.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 191 lib/event/manage.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, _("Unable to create event '%s'!"), event_name); mcerror 44 lib/mcconfig.h gboolean mc_config_save_file (mc_config_t * config, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 46 lib/mcconfig.h GError ** mcerror); mcerror 51 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_config_new_or_override_file (mc_config_t *mc_config, const gchar *ini_path, GError **mcerror) mcerror 60 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 65 lib/mcconfig/common.c ret = g_file_set_contents (ini_path, data, len, mcerror); mcerror 78 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", unix_error_string (errno)); mcerror 94 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", unix_error_string (errno)); mcerror 264 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_config_save_file (mc_config_t *mc_config, GError **mcerror) mcerror 266 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 271 lib/mcconfig/common.c return mc_config_new_or_override_file (mc_config, mc_config->ini_path, mcerror); mcerror 277 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_config_save_to_file (mc_config_t *mc_config, const gchar *ini_path, GError **mcerror) mcerror 279 lib/mcconfig/common.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 284 lib/mcconfig/common.c return mc_config_new_or_override_file (mc_config, ini_path, mcerror); mcerror 105 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_mkdir (const char *directory_name, GError **mcerror) mcerror 107 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_return_if_error (mcerror); mcerror 111 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, _("Cannot create %s directory"), directory_name); mcerror 117 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_init_one_config_path (const char *path_base, const char *subdir, GError **mcerror) mcerror 121 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 136 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_mkdir (full_path, mcerror); mcerror 137 lib/mcconfig/paths.c if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL) mcerror 148 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_init_config_paths (GError **mcerror) mcerror 153 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_return_if_error (mcerror); mcerror 170 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_str = mc_config_init_one_config_path (dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, mcerror); mcerror 174 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_cache_str = mc_config_init_one_config_path (dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, mcerror); mcerror 178 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_data_str = mc_config_init_one_config_path (dir, MC_USERCONF_DIR, mcerror); mcerror 184 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_init_one_config_path (g_get_user_config_dir (), MC_USERCONF_DIR, mcerror); mcerror 186 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_init_one_config_path (g_get_user_cache_dir (), MC_USERCONF_DIR, mcerror); mcerror 188 lib/mcconfig/paths.c mc_config_init_one_config_path (g_get_user_data_dir (), MC_USERCONF_DIR, mcerror); mcerror 324 lib/search/regex.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 328 lib/search/regex.c &lc_mc_search->regex_match_info, &mcerror)) mcerror 332 lib/search/regex.c if (mcerror != NULL) mcerror 337 lib/search/regex.c str_conv_gerror_message (mcerror, _("Regular expression error")); mcerror 338 lib/search/regex.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 804 lib/search/regex.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 827 lib/search/regex.c g_regex_new (mc_search_cond->str->str, g_regex_options, 0, &mcerror); mcerror 829 lib/search/regex.c if (mcerror != NULL) mcerror 834 lib/search/regex.c str_conv_gerror_message (mcerror, _("Regular expression error")); mcerror 835 lib/search/regex.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 116 lib/skin/common.c mc_skin_init (const gchar *skin_override, GError **mcerror) mcerror 121 lib/skin/common.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 133 lib/skin/common.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, mcerror 143 lib/skin/common.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, mcerror 154 lib/skin/common.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, mcerror 166 lib/skin/common.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, mcerror 138 lib/strutil/strutil.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 141 lib/strutil/strutil.c left, coder, &bytes_read, &bytes_written, &mcerror); mcerror 142 lib/strutil/strutil.c if (mcerror != NULL) mcerror 144 lib/strutil/strutil.c int code = mcerror->code; mcerror 146 lib/strutil/strutil.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 147 lib/strutil/strutil.c mcerror = NULL; mcerror 298 lib/strutil/strutil.c str_conv_gerror_message (GError *mcerror, const char *def_msg) mcerror 300 lib/strutil/strutil.c return used_class.conv_gerror_message (mcerror, def_msg); mcerror 246 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c str_8bit_conv_gerror_message (GError *mcerror, const char *def_msg) mcerror 262 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c if (str_convert (conv, mcerror->message, buf) != ESTR_FAILURE) mcerror 219 lib/strutil/strutilascii.c str_ascii_conv_gerror_message (GError *mcerror, const char *def_msg) mcerror 222 lib/strutil/strutilascii.c if (mcerror != NULL) mcerror 223 lib/strutil/strutilascii.c return g_strdup (mcerror->message); mcerror 415 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c str_utf8_conv_gerror_message (GError *mcerror, const char *def_msg) mcerror 417 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c if (mcerror != NULL) mcerror 418 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c return g_strdup (mcerror->message); mcerror 67 lib/tty/tty-internal.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 69 lib/tty/tty-internal.c if (!g_unix_open_pipe (sigwinch_pipe, FD_CLOEXEC, &mcerror)) mcerror 72 lib/tty/tty-internal.c mcerror->message, mcerror->code); mcerror 73 lib/tty/tty-internal.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 82 lib/tty/tty-internal.c if (!g_unix_set_fd_nonblocking (sigwinch_pipe[0], TRUE, &mcerror)) mcerror 85 lib/tty/tty-internal.c mcerror->message, mcerror->code); mcerror 86 lib/tty/tty-internal.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 91 lib/tty/tty-internal.c if (!g_unix_set_fd_nonblocking (sigwinch_pipe[1], TRUE, &mcerror)) mcerror 94 lib/tty/tty-internal.c mcerror->message, mcerror->code); mcerror 95 lib/tty/tty-internal.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 27 lib/util.h #define mc_return_if_error(mcerror) do { if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL) return; } while (0) mcerror 28 lib/util.h #define mc_return_val_if_error(mcerror, mcvalue) do { if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL) return mcvalue; } while (0) mcerror 1131 lib/vfs/path.c vfs_path_serialize (const vfs_path_t *vpath, GError **mcerror) mcerror 1137 lib/vfs/path.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 1141 lib/vfs/path.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", "vpath object is empty"); mcerror 1170 lib/vfs/path.c ret_value = mc_serialize_config (cpath, mcerror); mcerror 1186 lib/vfs/path.c vfs_path_deserialize (const char *data, GError **mcerror) mcerror 1192 lib/vfs/path.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 1194 lib/vfs/path.c cpath = mc_deserialize_config (data, mcerror); mcerror 1216 lib/vfs/path.c g_set_error (mcerror, MC_ERROR, 0, "Unable to find VFS class by name '%s'", cfg_value); mcerror 1247 lib/vfs/path.c g_set_error (mcerror, MC_ERROR, 0, "No any path elements found"); mcerror 417 lib/widget/wtools.c mc_error_message (GError **mcerror, int *code) mcerror 419 lib/widget/wtools.c if (mcerror == NULL || *mcerror == NULL) mcerror 422 lib/widget/wtools.c if ((*mcerror)->code == 0) mcerror 423 lib/widget/wtools.c message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, "%s", (*mcerror)->message); mcerror 425 lib/widget/wtools.c message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("%s (%d)"), (*mcerror)->message, (*mcerror)->code); mcerror 428 lib/widget/wtools.c *code = (*mcerror)->code; mcerror 430 lib/widget/wtools.c g_error_free (*mcerror); mcerror 431 lib/widget/wtools.c *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 86 lib/widget/wtools.h gboolean mc_error_message (GError ** mcerror, int *code); mcerror 78 src/args.c gpointer data, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 80 src/args.c gpointer data, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 448 src/args.c parse_mc_e_argument (const gchar *option_name, const gchar *value, gpointer data, GError **mcerror) mcerror 454 src/args.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 464 src/args.c parse_mc_v_argument (const gchar *option_name, const gchar *value, gpointer data, GError **mcerror) mcerror 470 src/args.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 619 src/args.c mc_args_parse (int *argc, char ***argv, const char *translation_domain, GError **mcerror) mcerror 624 src/args.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 658 src/args.c if (!g_option_context_parse (context, argc, argv, mcerror)) mcerror 660 src/args.c if (*mcerror == NULL) mcerror 661 src/args.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s\n", _("Arguments parse error!")); mcerror 669 src/args.c mc_replace_error (mcerror, (*mcerror)->code, "%s\n\n%s\n", (*mcerror)->message, mcerror 676 src/args.c mc_args__convert_help_to_syscharset (_system_codepage, (*mcerror)->message, mcerror 678 src/args.c mc_replace_error (mcerror, (*mcerror)->code, "%s", full_help_str->str); mcerror 735 src/args.c mc_setup_by_args (int argc, char **argv, GError **mcerror) mcerror 739 src/args.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 769 src/args.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s\n", _("MC is built without builtin editor.")); mcerror 776 src/args.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s\n", _("No arguments given to the viewer.")); mcerror 787 src/args.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s\n", mcerror 41 src/args.h gboolean mc_args_parse (int *argc, char ***argv, const char *translation_domain, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 43 src/args.h gboolean mc_setup_by_args (int argc, char **argv, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 58 src/events_init.c events_init (GError **mcerror) mcerror 80 src/events_init.c if (!mc_event_init (mcerror)) mcerror 83 src/events_init.c return mc_event_mass_add (standard_events, mcerror); mcerror 15 src/events_init.h gboolean events_init (GError ** mcerror); mcerror 157 src/filemanager/boxes.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 160 src/filemanager/boxes.c mc_skin_init (skin_override, &mcerror); mcerror 171 src/filemanager/boxes.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 660 src/filemanager/ext.c gboolean *have_type, GError **mcerror) mcerror 669 src/filemanager/ext.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 686 src/filemanager/ext.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, _("Cannot fetch a local copy of %s"), mcerror 757 src/filemanager/ext.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Pipe failed")); mcerror 777 src/filemanager/ext.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("Regular expression error")); mcerror 979 src/filemanager/ext.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 983 src/filemanager/ext.c regex_check_type (filename_vpath, pattern, ignore_case, &have_type, &mcerror) mcerror 987 src/filemanager/ext.c if (mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL)) mcerror 1499 src/filemanager/hotlist.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 1502 src/filemanager/hotlist.c if (!mc_config_save_file (mc_global.main_config, &mcerror)) mcerror 1503 src/filemanager/hotlist.c setup_save_config_show_error (mc_global.main_config->ini_path, &mcerror); mcerror 1505 src/filemanager/hotlist.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 259 src/main.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 277 src/main.c if (!mc_args_parse (&argc, &argv, "mc", &mcerror)) mcerror 280 src/main.c fprintf (stderr, _("Failed to run:\n%s\n"), mcerror->message); mcerror 281 src/main.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 300 src/main.c mc_propagate_error (&mcerror, 0, "%s: %s", _("Home directory path is not absolute"), mcerror 312 src/main.c if (!events_init (&mcerror)) mcerror 315 src/main.c mc_config_init_config_paths (&mcerror); mcerror 316 src/main.c if (mcerror != NULL) mcerror 335 src/main.c if (!mc_setup_by_args (argc, argv, &mcerror)) mcerror 407 src/main.c mc_skin_init (NULL, &mcerror); mcerror 413 src/main.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 560 src/main.c (void) mc_event_deinit (&mcerror); mcerror 561 src/main.c if (mcerror != NULL) mcerror 563 src/main.c fprintf (stderr, _("\nFailed while close:\n%s\n"), mcerror->message); mcerror 564 src/main.c g_error_free (mcerror); mcerror 1075 src/setup.c setup_save_config_show_error (const char *filename, GError **mcerror) mcerror 1077 src/setup.c if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL) mcerror 1079 src/setup.c message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _("Cannot save file %s:\n%s"), filename, (*mcerror)->message); mcerror 1080 src/setup.c g_error_free (*mcerror); mcerror 1081 src/setup.c *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 150 src/setup.h void setup_save_config_show_error (const char *filename, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 225 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c const vfs_path_element_t *vpath_element, GError **mcerror) mcerror 233 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 251 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, e, mcerror 316 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c sftpfs_get_config_entity (const vfs_path_element_t *vpath_element, GError **mcerror) mcerror 322 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 339 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c (ssh_config_handler, config_entity, vpath_element, mcerror); mcerror 356 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, EPERM, "%s", _("sftp: Unable to get current user name.")); mcerror 373 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c sftpfs_fill_connection_data_from_config (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 378 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c mc_return_if_error (mcerror); mcerror 380 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c config_entity = sftpfs_get_config_entity (super->path_element, mcerror); mcerror 133 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_open_socket (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 143 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, LIBSSH2_INVALID_SOCKET); mcerror 147 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("sftp: Invalid host name.")); mcerror 179 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, e, _("sftp: %s"), gai_strerror (e)); mcerror 206 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", mcerror 234 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("sftp: connection interrupted by user")); mcerror 236 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, save_errno, _("sftp: connection to server failed: %s"), mcerror 264 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_read_known_hosts (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 354 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", mcerror 358 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s 0x%x", _("sftp: unknown host key type:"), mcerror 383 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (sftpfs_super, sftp_errno, mcerror); mcerror 468 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_process_known_host (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 486 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("sftp: cannot get the remote host key")); mcerror 525 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", mcerror 533 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("sftp: can't compute host key fingerprint hash")); mcerror 595 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("sftp: host key verification failed")); mcerror 607 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (sftpfs_super, sftp_errno, mcerror); mcerror 660 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_open_connection_ssh_agent (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 666 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 712 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_open_connection_ssh_key (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 718 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 736 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("sftp: Passphrase is empty.")); mcerror 804 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_open_connection_ssh_password (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 811 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 846 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", _("sftp: Password is empty.")); mcerror 894 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_open_connection (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 899 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1); mcerror 905 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_super->socket_handle = sftpfs_open_socket (super, mcerror); mcerror 914 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c if (!sftpfs_read_known_hosts (super, mcerror)) mcerror 927 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, rc, "%s", _("sftp: failure establishing SSH session")); mcerror 931 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c if (!sftpfs_process_known_host (super, mcerror)) mcerror 939 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (sftpfs_super, sftp_errno, mcerror); mcerror 943 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c if (!sftpfs_open_connection_ssh_agent (super, mcerror) mcerror 944 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c && !sftpfs_open_connection_ssh_key (super, mcerror) mcerror 945 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c && !sftpfs_open_connection_ssh_password (super, mcerror)) mcerror 969 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c sftpfs_close_connection (struct vfs_s_super *super, const char *shutdown_message, GError **mcerror) mcerror 974 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c (void) mcerror; mcerror 66 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c sftpfs_opendir (const vfs_path_t *vpath, GError **mcerror) mcerror 74 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (&sftpfs_super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror)) mcerror 90 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (sftpfs_super, libssh_errno, mcerror)) mcerror 111 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c sftpfs_readdir (void *data, GError **mcerror) mcerror 118 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, NULL); mcerror 126 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (sftpfs_dir->super, rc, mcerror)) mcerror 144 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c sftpfs_closedir (void *data, GError **mcerror) mcerror 149 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1); mcerror 167 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c sftpfs_mkdir (const vfs_path_t *vpath, mode_t mode, GError **mcerror) mcerror 174 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (&sftpfs_super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror)) mcerror 186 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (sftpfs_super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 204 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c sftpfs_rmdir (const vfs_path_t *vpath, GError **mcerror) mcerror 211 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (&sftpfs_super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror)) mcerror 222 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (sftpfs_super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 70 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_reopen (vfs_file_handler_t *fh, GError **mcerror) mcerror 76 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c g_return_if_fail (mcerror == NULL || *mcerror == NULL); mcerror 81 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_close_file (fh, mcerror); mcerror 82 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_open_file (fh, flags, mode, mcerror); mcerror 88 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_file__handle_error (sftpfs_super_t *super, int sftp_res, GError **mcerror) mcerror 96 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (super, sftp_res, mcerror)) mcerror 129 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_open_file (vfs_file_handler_t *fh, int flags, mode_t mode, GError **mcerror) mcerror 140 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 178 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (super, libssh_errno, mcerror); mcerror 206 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c if (sftpfs_fstat (fh, &file_info, mcerror) == 0) mcerror 223 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_fstat (void *data, struct stat *buf, GError **mcerror) mcerror 232 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1); mcerror 245 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c err = sftpfs_file__handle_error (sftpfs_super, res, mcerror); mcerror 269 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_read_file (vfs_file_handler_t *fh, char *buffer, size_t count, GError **mcerror) mcerror 275 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1); mcerror 279 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", mcerror 294 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c err = sftpfs_file__handle_error (super, (int) rc, mcerror); mcerror 319 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_write_file (vfs_file_handler_t *fh, const char *buffer, size_t count, GError **mcerror) mcerror 325 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1); mcerror 337 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c err = sftpfs_file__handle_error (super, (int) rc, mcerror); mcerror 358 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_close_file (vfs_file_handler_t *fh, GError **mcerror) mcerror 362 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1); mcerror 383 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_lseek (vfs_file_handler_t *fh, off_t offset, int whence, GError **mcerror) mcerror 387 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, 0); mcerror 398 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_reopen (fh, mcerror); mcerror 399 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, 0); mcerror 409 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c sftpfs_reopen (fh, mcerror); mcerror 410 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, 0); mcerror 81 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_internal_waitsocket (sftpfs_super_t *super, GError **mcerror) mcerror 89 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1); mcerror 108 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, my_errno, _("sftp: socket error: %s"), mcerror 119 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c const vfs_path_t *vpath, GError **mcerror, int stat_type, mcerror 125 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (super, path_element, vpath, mcerror)) mcerror 143 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (*super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 156 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_waitsocket (sftpfs_super_t *super, int sftp_res, GError **mcerror) mcerror 160 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (super, sftp_res, mcerror); mcerror 164 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_internal_waitsocket (super, mcerror); mcerror 166 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c return (mcerror == NULL || *mcerror == NULL); mcerror 188 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (sftpfs_super_t *super, int libssh_errno, GError **mcerror) mcerror 193 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c mc_return_if_error (mcerror); mcerror 197 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, libssh_errno, "%s %lu", err, mcerror 200 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c mc_propagate_error (mcerror, libssh_errno, "%s", err); mcerror 225 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c const vfs_path_t *vpath, GError **mcerror) mcerror 229 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE); mcerror 286 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_lstat (const vfs_path_t *vpath, struct stat *buf, GError **mcerror) mcerror 293 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c res = sftpfs_stat_init (&super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror, LIBSSH2_SFTP_LSTAT, &attrs); mcerror 314 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_stat (const vfs_path_t *vpath, struct stat *buf, GError **mcerror) mcerror 321 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c res = sftpfs_stat_init (&super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror, LIBSSH2_SFTP_STAT, &attrs); mcerror 344 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_readlink (const vfs_path_t *vpath, char *buf, size_t size, GError **mcerror) mcerror 351 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (&super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror)) mcerror 364 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 383 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_symlink (const vfs_path_t *vpath1, const vfs_path_t *vpath2, GError **mcerror) mcerror 394 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (&super, &path_element2, vpath2, mcerror)) mcerror 412 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 436 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_utime (const vfs_path_t *vpath, time_t atime, time_t mtime, GError **mcerror) mcerror 444 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c res = sftpfs_stat_init (&super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror, LIBSSH2_SFTP_LSTAT, &attrs); mcerror 471 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 490 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_chmod (const vfs_path_t *vpath, mode_t mode, GError **mcerror) mcerror 498 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c res = sftpfs_stat_init (&super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror, LIBSSH2_SFTP_LSTAT, &attrs); mcerror 524 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 542 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_unlink (const vfs_path_t *vpath, GError **mcerror) mcerror 549 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (&super, &path_element, vpath, mcerror)) mcerror 560 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 579 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c sftpfs_rename (const vfs_path_t *vpath1, const vfs_path_t *vpath2, GError **mcerror) mcerror 590 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_op_init (&super, &path_element2, vpath2, mcerror)) mcerror 608 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c if (!sftpfs_waitsocket (super, res, mcerror)) mcerror 73 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h void sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (sftpfs_super_t * super, int libssh_errno, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 74 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h gboolean sftpfs_waitsocket (sftpfs_super_t * super, int sftp_res, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 79 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h const vfs_path_t * vpath, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 82 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_lstat (const vfs_path_t * vpath, struct stat *buf, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 83 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_stat (const vfs_path_t * vpath, struct stat *buf, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 84 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_readlink (const vfs_path_t * vpath, char *buf, size_t size, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 85 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_symlink (const vfs_path_t * vpath1, const vfs_path_t * vpath2, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 86 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_utime (const vfs_path_t * vpath, time_t atime, time_t mtime, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 87 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_chmod (const vfs_path_t * vpath, mode_t mode, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 88 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_unlink (const vfs_path_t * vpath, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 89 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_rename (const vfs_path_t * vpath1, const vfs_path_t * vpath2, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 91 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h void sftpfs_fill_connection_data_from_config (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 92 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_open_connection (struct vfs_s_super *super, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 94 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h GError ** mcerror); mcerror 98 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h void *sftpfs_opendir (const vfs_path_t * vpath, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 99 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h struct vfs_dirent *sftpfs_readdir (void *data, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 100 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_closedir (void *data, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 101 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_mkdir (const vfs_path_t * vpath, mode_t mode, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 102 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_rmdir (const vfs_path_t * vpath, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 104 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h gboolean sftpfs_open_file (vfs_file_handler_t * fh, int flags, mode_t mode, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 105 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h ssize_t sftpfs_read_file (vfs_file_handler_t * fh, char *buffer, size_t count, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 107 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h GError ** mcerror); mcerror 108 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_close_file (vfs_file_handler_t * fh, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 109 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h int sftpfs_fstat (void *data, struct stat *buf, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 110 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.h off_t sftpfs_lseek (vfs_file_handler_t * fh, off_t offset, int whence, GError ** mcerror); mcerror 114 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 158 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c if (!sftpfs_open_file (fh, flags, mode, &mcerror)) mcerror 160 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 182 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 188 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c ret_value = sftpfs_opendir (vpath, &mcerror); mcerror 189 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 204 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 213 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c sftpfs_dirent = sftpfs_readdir (data, &mcerror); mcerror 214 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c if (!mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL)) mcerror 237 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 239 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_closedir (data, &mcerror); mcerror 240 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 257 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 259 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_lstat (vpath, buf, &mcerror); mcerror 260 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 277 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 279 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_stat (vpath, buf, &mcerror); mcerror 280 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 297 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 299 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_fstat (data, buf, &mcerror); mcerror 300 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 318 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 320 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_readlink (vpath, buf, size, &mcerror); mcerror 321 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 338 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 342 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_utime (vpath, atime.tv_sec, mtime.tv_sec, &mcerror); mcerror 344 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 361 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 363 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_symlink (vpath1, vpath2, &mcerror); mcerror 364 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 440 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 449 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_read_file (fh, buffer, count, &mcerror); mcerror 450 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 468 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 471 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_write_file (fh, buf, nbyte, &mcerror); mcerror 472 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 488 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 496 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_close_file (fh, &mcerror); mcerror 497 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 520 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 522 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_chmod (vpath, mode, &mcerror); mcerror 523 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 540 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 542 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_mkdir (vpath, mode, &mcerror); mcerror 543 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 559 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 561 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_rmdir (vpath, &mcerror); mcerror 562 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 581 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 583 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c ret_offset = sftpfs_lseek (fh, offset, whence, &mcerror); mcerror 584 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 600 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 602 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_unlink (vpath, &mcerror); mcerror 603 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 620 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 622 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c rc = sftpfs_rename (vpath1, vpath2, &mcerror); mcerror 623 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 732 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 748 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c sftpfs_fill_connection_data_from_config (super, &mcerror); mcerror 749 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c if (mc_error_message (&mcerror, &ret_value)) mcerror 759 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c ret_value = sftpfs_open_connection (super, &mcerror); mcerror 760 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL); mcerror 775 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c GError *mcerror = NULL; mcerror 779 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c sftpfs_close_connection (super, "Normal Shutdown", &mcerror); mcerror 783 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);