d                 382 lib/util.c         char *d;
d                 386 lib/util.c         d = x + sizeof (x) - 1;
d                 387 lib/util.c         *d-- = '\0';
d                 391 lib/util.c             *d-- = *p--;
d                 396 lib/util.c                 *d-- = ',';
d                 399 lib/util.c             *d-- = *p--;
d                 401 lib/util.c         d++;
d                 402 lib/util.c         if (*d == ',')
d                 403 lib/util.c             d++;
d                 404 lib/util.c         return d;
d                 598 lib/util.c         const char *d;
d                 600 lib/util.c         d = strrchr (filename, '.');
d                 602 lib/util.c         return d != NULL ? d + 1 : "";
d                 525 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     int d[3];
d                 590 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (sscanf (p, "%2d-%2d-%d", &d[0], &d[1], &d[2]) != 3)
d                 594 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (d[0] > 0)
d                 595 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c             d[0]--;
d                 597 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (d[2] > 1900)
d                 598 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c             d[2] -= 1900;
d                 599 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         else if (d[2] < 70)
d                 601 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c             d[2] += 100;
d                 603 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         tim.tm_mon = d[0];
d                 604 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         tim.tm_mday = d[1];
d                 605 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         tim.tm_year = d[2];
d                 535 lib/vfs/vfs.c  vfs_dirent_init (struct vfs_dirent *d, const char *fname, ino_t ino)
d                 537 lib/vfs/vfs.c      struct vfs_dirent *ret = d;
d                 560 lib/vfs/vfs.c  vfs_dirent_assign (struct vfs_dirent *d, const char *fname, ino_t ino)
d                 562 lib/vfs/vfs.c      g_string_assign (d->d_name_str, fname);
d                 563 lib/vfs/vfs.c      d->d_name = d->d_name_str->str;
d                 564 lib/vfs/vfs.c      d->d_len = d->d_name_str->len;
d                 565 lib/vfs/vfs.c      d->d_ino = ino;
d                 576 lib/vfs/vfs.c  vfs_dirent_free (struct vfs_dirent *d)
d                 578 lib/vfs/vfs.c      g_string_free (d->d_name_str, TRUE);
d                 579 lib/vfs/vfs.c      g_free (d);
d                 282 lib/vfs/vfs.h  struct vfs_dirent *vfs_dirent_init (struct vfs_dirent *d, const char *fname, ino_t ino);
d                 283 lib/vfs/vfs.h  void vfs_dirent_assign (struct vfs_dirent *d, const char *fname, ino_t ino);
d                 284 lib/vfs/vfs.h  void vfs_dirent_free (struct vfs_dirent *d);
d                 128 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c dialog_switch_resize (WDialog *d)
d                 130 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (widget_get_state (WIDGET (d), WST_ACTIVE))
d                 131 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         send_message (d, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
d                 133 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         GROUP (d)->winch_pending = TRUE;
d                 328 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     GList *d = top_dlg;
d                 332 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         if (d != NULL)
d                 333 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c             widget_draw (WIDGET (d->data));
d                 338 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         for (; d != NULL; d = g_list_next (d))
d                 339 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c             if ((WIDGET (d->data)->pos_flags & WPOS_FULLSCREEN) != 0)
d                 344 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         if (d == NULL)
d                 345 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c             d = g_list_last (top_dlg);
d                 348 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         for (; d != NULL; d = g_list_previous (d))
d                 349 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c             widget_draw (WIDGET (d->data));
d                 387 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     GList *d;
d                 409 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     for (d = g_list_last (top_dlg); d != NULL; d = g_list_previous (d))
d                 410 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         dialog_switch_resize (DIALOG (d->data));
d                 111 lib/widget/dialog.h int dlg_run (WDialog *d);
d                  72 lib/widget/frame.c     int d = f->compact ? 0 : 1;
d                  82 lib/widget/frame.c     tty_draw_box (w->y + d, w->x + d, w->lines - 2 * d, w->cols - 2 * d, f->single);
d                  88 lib/widget/frame.c         widget_gotoyx (f, d, (w->cols - str_term_width1 (f->title)) / 2);
d                 829 lib/widget/group.c     GList *d;
d                 836 lib/widget/group.c     d = g_list_find (g->widgets, ww);
d                 837 lib/widget/group.c     if (d == g->current)
d                 840 lib/widget/group.c     g->widgets = g_list_delete_link (g->widgets, d);
d                 128 lib/widget/history.c         WDialog *d = DIALOG (w);
d                 133 lib/widget/history.c             d->ret_value = B_VIEW;
d                 136 lib/widget/history.c             d->ret_value = B_EDIT;
d                 139 lib/widget/history.c             d->ret_value = B_ENTER;
d                 145 lib/widget/history.c         dlg_close (d);
d                  10 lib/widget/listbox-window.h #define LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT(l, h, t, d, f)                                                         \
d                  11 lib/widget/listbox-window.h     listbox_add_item (l->list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, h, t, d, f)
d                 355 lib/widget/wtools.c     WDialog *d;
d                 363 lib/widget/wtools.c     d = last_query_dlg;
d                 366 lib/widget/wtools.c     send_message (d, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
d                 368 lib/widget/wtools.c     dlg_init (d);
d                 371 lib/widget/wtools.c     return d;
d                1813 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     int d = 1;
d                1816 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         d++;
d                1817 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     return d;
d                2945 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     Widget *d = WIDGET (dview);
d                2948 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     b = buttonbar_find (DIALOG (d->owner));
d                2950 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 1, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Help"), d->keymap, d);
d                2951 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 2, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Save"), d->keymap, d);
d                2952 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 4, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Edit"), d->keymap, d);
d                2953 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 5, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Merge"), d->keymap, d);
d                2954 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 7, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Search"), d->keymap, d);
d                2955 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 9, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Options"), d->keymap, d);
d                2956 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 10, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Quit"), d->keymap, d);
d                1534 src/editor/edit.c     int i = 1, inc = -1, c, d, n = 0;
d                1545 src/editor/edit.c     d = p[1];
d                1574 src/editor/edit.c         i += (a == c) - (a == d);
d                2394 src/editor/edit.c         long d;
d                2398 src/editor/edit.c             d = edit->undo_stack[(sp - 2) & edit->undo_stack_size_mask];
d                2399 src/editor/edit.c             if (d == c && edit->undo_stack[spm1] > -1000000000)
d                2408 src/editor/edit.c             d = edit->undo_stack[spm1];
d                2409 src/editor/edit.c             if (d == c)
d                2475 src/editor/edit.c         long d;
d                2479 src/editor/edit.c             d = edit->redo_stack[(sp - 2) & edit->redo_stack_size_mask];
d                2480 src/editor/edit.c             if (d == c && edit->redo_stack[spm1] > -1000000000)
d                2489 src/editor/edit.c             d = edit->redo_stack[spm1];
d                2490 src/editor/edit.c             if (d == c)
d                 464 src/editor/editcmd.c     long b, c, d;
d                 470 src/editor/editcmd.c     d = (long) edit_move_forward3 (edit, r, 0, m2);
d                 471 src/editor/editcmd.c     b = MAX (MIN (c, d), MIN (edit->column1, edit->column2));
d                 267 src/editor/syntax.c     int c, d, j;
d                 334 src/editor/syntax.c                 d = c;
d                 349 src/editor/syntax.c             if (p[1] == d)
d                 616 src/editor/syntax.c             off_t d = SYNTAX_MARKER_DENSITY;
d                 621 src/editor/syntax.c                 d += ((syntax_marker_t *) edit->syntax_marker->data)->offset;
d                 623 src/editor/syntax.c             if (i > d)
d                 193 src/filemanager/boxes.c         WDialog *d = DIALOG (w);
d                 194 src/filemanager/boxes.c         const WRect *wd = &WIDGET (d->data.p)->rect;
d                 285 src/filemanager/cd.c             char *d;
d                 287 src/filemanager/cd.c             d = vfs_path_to_str_flags (q_vpath, 0, VPF_STRIP_PASSWORD);
d                 288 src/filemanager/cd.c             cd_error_message (d);
d                 289 src/filemanager/cd.c             g_free (d);
d                 329 src/filemanager/cmd.c         vfs_path_t *s, *d;
d                 336 src/filemanager/cmd.c             d = vfs_path_append_new (other_panel->cwd_vpath, fname, (char *) NULL);
d                 338 src/filemanager/cmd.c             d = vfs_path_from_str (fname);
d                 350 src/filemanager/cmd.c         symlink_box (s, d, &dest, &src);
d                 351 src/filemanager/cmd.c         vfs_path_free (d, TRUE);
d                1208 src/filemanager/file.c move_file_file (const WPanel *panel, file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d)
d                1217 src/filemanager/file.c     dst_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (d);
d                1249 src/filemanager/file.c         if (check_same_file (ctx, s, &src_stat, d, &dst_stat, &return_status))
d                1254 src/filemanager/file.c             message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, _ ("Cannot overwrite directory \"%s\""), d);
d                1262 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = query_replace (ctx, s, &src_stat, d, &dst_stat);
d                1305 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = files_error (ctx, _("Cannot move file \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n%s"), s, d);
d                1329 src/filemanager/file.c     return_status = copy_file_file (ctx, s, d);
d                1504 src/filemanager/file.c     struct vfs_dirent *d;
d                1527 src/filemanager/file.c     for (d = mc_readdir (dir); d != NULL; d = mc_readdir (dir))
d                1528 src/filemanager/file.c         if (!DIR_IS_DOT (d->d_name) && !DIR_IS_DOTDOT (d->d_name))
d                1611 src/filemanager/file.c do_move_dir_dir (const WPanel *panel, file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d)
d                1620 src/filemanager/file.c     dst_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (d);
d                1638 src/filemanager/file.c     if (dstat_ok && check_same_file (ctx, s, &src_stat, d, &dst_stat, &return_status))
d                1654 src/filemanager/file.c     d = vfs_path_as_str (dst_vpath);
d                1672 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, s, d, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
d                1684 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot overwrite directory \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
d                1686 src/filemanager/file.c                 return_status = file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot overwrite file \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
d                1708 src/filemanager/file.c                 files_error (ctx, _ ("Cannot move directory \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n%s"), s, d);
d                1728 src/filemanager/file.c     return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, s, d, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
d                3008 src/filemanager/file.c copy_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d, gboolean toplevel,
d                3022 src/filemanager/file.c     dst_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (d);
d                3155 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Destination \"%s\" must be a directory\n%s"), d);
d                3176 src/filemanager/file.c     d = vfs_path_as_str (dst_vpath);
d                3187 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot create target directory \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
d                3212 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot chown target directory \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
d                3246 src/filemanager/file.c             mdpath = mc_build_filename (d, next->d_name, (char *) NULL);
d                3260 src/filemanager/file.c             dest_file = mc_build_filename (d, x_basename (path), (char *) NULL);
d                3324 src/filemanager/file.c move_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d)
d                3326 src/filemanager/file.c     return do_move_dir_dir (NULL, ctx, s, d);
d                  46 src/filemanager/file.h FileProgressStatus move_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d);
d                  47 src/filemanager/file.h FileProgressStatus copy_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d,
d                 866 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     char *d;
d                 869 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     d = vfs_get_cwd ();
d                 871 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     vpath = vfs_path_from_str (d);
d                 875 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     g_free (d);
d                1027 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             char *d;
d                1029 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             d = g_path_get_dirname (s);
d                1030 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             s_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (d);
d                1033 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             g_free (d);
d                1226 src/filemanager/find.c                 char *d;
d                1228 src/filemanager/find.c                 d = strstr (dir, *ignore_dir);
d                1229 src/filemanager/find.c                 if (d != NULL && IS_PATH_SEP (d[-1]) && (d[ilen] == '\0' || IS_PATH_SEP (d[ilen])))
d                 817 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             struct dirent *d;
d                 819 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             while ((d = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
d                 824 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 if (DIR_IS_DOT (d->d_name))
d                 827 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 if (DIR_IS_DOTDOT (d->d_name))
d                 830 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                     name = g_strconcat (PATH_SEP_STR, d->d_name, (char *) NULL);
d                 128 src/help.c         char *d;
d                 135 src/help.c         for (d = local_text; *d != '\0'; str_next_char (&d))
d                 136 src/help.c             if (*d == '\n')
d                 137 src/help.c                 *d = ' ';
d                 140 src/help.c         for (d = local_text; *e != '\0'; e++)
d                 142 src/help.c             if (*d == *e)
d                 143 src/help.c                 d++;
d                 145 src/help.c                 d = local_text;
d                 146 src/help.c             if (*d == '\0')
d                 168 src/help.c             const char *d = text;
d                 173 src/help.c                 if (*d == *e)
d                 174 src/help.c                     d++;
d                 176 src/help.c                     d = text;
d                 177 src/help.c                 if (*d == '\0')
d                  86 src/learn.c        WDialog *d;
d                  91 src/learn.c        d = create_message (D_ERROR, _ ("Teach me a key"),
d                 127 src/learn.c        dlg_run_done (d);
d                 128 src/learn.c        widget_destroy (WIDGET (d));
d                 131 src/vfs/local/local.c     struct dirent *d;
d                 133 src/vfs/local/local.c     d = readdir (*(DIR **) data);
d                 135 src/vfs/local/local.c     return (d != NULL ? vfs_dirent_init (NULL, d->d_name, d->d_ino) : NULL);
d                  33 tests/lib/search/regex_replace_esc_seq.c #define test_helper_check_valid_data(a, b, c, d, e, f)                                             \
d                  36 tests/lib/search/regex_replace_esc_seq.c         ck_assert_msg (c == d, "skip_len(%d) != %d", c, d);                                        \