ctx                58 lib/event-types.h     gpointer *ctx;
ctx               204 lib/widget/wtools.c wtools_parent_call (void *routine, gpointer ctx, int argc, ...)
ctx               209 lib/widget/wtools.c     event_data.ctx = ctx;
ctx                89 src/background.c register_task_running (file_op_context_t *ctx, pid_t pid, int fd, int to_child, char *info)
ctx               102 src/background.c     add_select_channel (fd, background_attention, ctx);
ctx               190 src/background.c     file_op_context_t *ctx;
ctx               223 src/background.c     ctx = closure;
ctx               228 src/background.c         unregister_task_running (ctx->pid, fd);
ctx               230 src/background.c         if (waitpid (ctx->pid, &status, WNOHANG) == 0)
ctx               233 src/background.c             kill (ctx->pid, SIGTERM);
ctx               257 src/background.c     if (have_ctx != 0 && read (fd, ctx, sizeof (*ctx)) != sizeof (*ctx))
ctx               317 src/background.c                 result = routine.non_have_ctx0 (ctx, Background);
ctx               320 src/background.c                 result = routine.non_have_ctx1 (ctx, Background, data[0]);
ctx               323 src/background.c                 result = routine.non_have_ctx2 (ctx, Background, data[0], data[1]);
ctx               326 src/background.c                 result = routine.non_have_ctx3 (ctx, Background, data[0], data[1], data[2]);
ctx               330 src/background.c                     routine.non_have_ctx4 (ctx, Background, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]);
ctx               339 src/background.c             ret = write (to_child_fd, ctx, sizeof (*ctx));
ctx               406 src/background.c parent_call_header (void *routine, int argc, enum ReturnType type, file_op_context_t *ctx)
ctx               411 src/background.c     have_ctx = ctx != NULL ? 1 : 0;
ctx               418 src/background.c         ret = write (parent_fd, ctx, sizeof (*ctx));
ctx               430 src/background.c     file_op_context_t *ctx = (file_op_context_t *) data;
ctx               432 src/background.c     parent_call_header (routine, argc, Return_Integer, ctx);
ctx               445 src/background.c     if (ctx != NULL)
ctx               446 src/background.c         ret = read (from_parent_fd, ctx, sizeof (*ctx));
ctx               520 src/background.c do_background (file_op_context_t *ctx, char *info)
ctx               587 src/background.c         ctx->pid = pid;
ctx               588 src/background.c         register_task_running (ctx, pid, comm[0], back_comm[1], info);
ctx               596 src/background.c parent_call (void *routine, file_op_context_t *ctx, int argc, ...)
ctx               602 src/background.c     ret = parent_va_call (routine, (gpointer) ctx, argc, ap);
ctx               637 src/background.c         parent_va_call (event_data->routine, event_data->ctx, event_data->argc, event_data->ap);
ctx                39 src/background.h int do_background (file_op_context_t *ctx, char *info);
ctx                40 src/background.h int parent_call (void *routine, file_op_context_t *ctx, int argc, ...);
ctx                12 src/diffviewer/internal.h typedef int (*DFUNC) (void *ctx, int ch, int line, off_t off, size_t sz, const char *str);
ctx               847 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c printer_for (char ch, DFUNC printer, void *ctx, FBUF *f, int *line, off_t *off)
ctx               857 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     printer (ctx, ch, *line, *off, sz, buf);
ctx               865 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             printer (ctx, 0, 0, 0, 1, "\n");
ctx               869 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         printer (ctx, 0, 0, 0, sz, buf);
ctx               891 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c dff_reparse (diff_place_t ord, const char *filename, const GArray *ops, DFUNC printer, void *ctx)
ctx               933 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         while (line < n && printer_for (EQU_CH, printer, ctx, f, &line, &off))
ctx               941 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                 printer (ctx, DEL_CH, 0, 0, 1, "\n");
ctx               946 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                  n != 0 && printer_for (ADD_CH, printer, ctx, f, &line, &off); n--)
ctx               956 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                  n != 0 && printer_for (CHG_CH, printer, ctx, f, &line, &off); n--)
ctx               963 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                 printer (ctx, CHG_CH, 0, 0, 1, "\n");
ctx               971 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     while (printer_for (EQU_CH, printer, ctx, f, &line, &off))
ctx              1629 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c printer (void *ctx, int ch, int line, off_t off, size_t sz, const char *str)
ctx              1631 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     GArray *a = ((PRINTER_CTX *) ctx)->a;
ctx              1632 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     DSRC dsrc = ((PRINTER_CTX *) ctx)->dsrc;
ctx              1673 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         FBUF *f = ((PRINTER_CTX *) ctx)->f;
ctx              1685 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     PRINTER_CTX ctx;
ctx              1722 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     ctx.dsrc = dview->dsrc;
ctx              1723 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     ctx.a = dview->a[DIFF_LEFT];
ctx              1724 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     ctx.f = f[DIFF_LEFT];
ctx              1725 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     rv |= dff_reparse (DIFF_LEFT, dview->file[DIFF_LEFT], ops, printer, &ctx);
ctx              1727 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     ctx.a = dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT];
ctx              1728 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     ctx.f = f[DIFF_RIGHT];
ctx              1729 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     rv |= dff_reparse (DIFF_RIGHT, dview->file[DIFF_RIGHT], ops, printer, &ctx);
ctx               237 src/filemanager/file.c build_dest (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *src, const char *dest, FileProgressStatus *status)
ctx               254 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!mc_search_run (ctx->search_handle, fnsource, 0, strlen (fnsource), NULL))
ctx               261 src/filemanager/file.c         q = mc_search_prepare_replace_str2 (ctx->search_handle, ctx->dest_mask);
ctx               262 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->search_handle->error != MC_SEARCH_E_OK)
ctx               264 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->search_handle->error_str != NULL)
ctx               265 src/filemanager/file.c                 message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, "%s", ctx->search_handle->error_str);
ctx               277 src/filemanager/file.c         repl_dest = mc_search_prepare_replace_str2 (ctx->search_handle, dest);
ctx               278 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->search_handle->error == MC_SEARCH_E_OK)
ctx               282 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->search_handle->error_str != NULL)
ctx               283 src/filemanager/file.c                 message (D_ERROR, MSG_ERROR, "%s", ctx->search_handle->error_str);
ctx               360 src/filemanager/file.c check_hardlinks (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *src_vpath, const struct stat *src_stat,
ctx               403 src/filemanager/file.c                         status = file_error (ctx, TRUE,
ctx               424 src/filemanager/file.c                             file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot create target hardlink \"%s\"\n%s"),
ctx               459 src/filemanager/file.c             status = file_error (ctx, FALSE, _ ("Cannot create target hardlink \"%s\""),
ctx               498 src/filemanager/file.c make_symlink (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *src_vpath, const vfs_path_t *dst_vpath)
ctx               518 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx               523 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot read source link \"%s\"\n%s"), src_path);
ctx               525 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx               534 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->stable_symlinks && !(vfs_file_is_local (src_vpath) && vfs_file_is_local (dst_vpath)))
ctx               539 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->stable_symlinks = FALSE;
ctx               542 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->stable_symlinks && !g_path_is_absolute (link_target))
ctx               603 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx               608 src/filemanager/file.c             file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot create target symlink \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx               610 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx               742 src/filemanager/file.c                            const struct stat *source_stat, file_op_context_t *ctx,
ctx               762 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->total_count = 0;
ctx               763 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->total_bytes = 0;
ctx               766 src/filemanager/file.c             status = panel_compute_totals (panel, &dsm, &ctx->total_count, &ctx->total_bytes,
ctx               767 src/filemanager/file.c                                            ctx->follow_links);
ctx               769 src/filemanager/file.c                  || (ctx->follow_links
ctx               775 src/filemanager/file.c             status = do_compute_dir_size (source, &dsm, &dir_count, &ctx->total_count,
ctx               776 src/filemanager/file.c                                           &ctx->total_bytes, ctx->stat_func);
ctx               780 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->total_count++;
ctx               781 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->total_bytes += (uintmax_t) source_stat->st_size;
ctx               787 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->totals_computed = (status == FILE_CONT);
ctx               795 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->total_count = panel->marked;
ctx               796 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->total_bytes = panel->total;
ctx               797 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->totals_computed = verbose && dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_ONE_ITEM;
ctx               801 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_ui_destroy (ctx);
ctx               803 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_ui_create (ctx, TRUE, dialog_type);
ctx               811 src/filemanager/file.c progress_update_one (gboolean success, file_op_context_t *ctx, off_t add)
ctx               816 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->total_progress_count++;
ctx               817 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->total_progress_bytes += (uintmax_t) add;
ctx               828 src/filemanager/file.c         if (verbose && ctx->dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
ctx               830 src/filemanager/file.c             file_progress_show_count (ctx);
ctx               831 src/filemanager/file.c             file_progress_show_total (ctx, ctx->total_progress_bytes, tv_current, TRUE);
ctx               841 src/filemanager/file.c real_warn_same_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode mode, const char *fmt,
ctx               886 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->pauses += g_get_monotonic_time () - t;
ctx               894 src/filemanager/file.c warn_same_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *fmt, const char *a, const char *b)
ctx               900 src/filemanager/file.c         FileProgressStatus (*f) (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode, const char *fmt,
ctx               907 src/filemanager/file.c         return parent_call (pntr.p, ctx, 3, strlen (fmt), fmt, strlen (a), a, strlen (b), b);
ctx               909 src/filemanager/file.c     return real_warn_same_file (ctx, Foreground, fmt, a, b);
ctx               915 src/filemanager/file.c check_same_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *a, const struct stat *ast, const char *b,
ctx               922 src/filemanager/file.c         *status = warn_same_file (ctx, _ ("\"%s\"\nand\n\"%s\"\nare the same directory"), a, b);
ctx               924 src/filemanager/file.c         *status = warn_same_file (ctx, _ ("\"%s\"\nand\n\"%s\"\nare the same file"), a, b);
ctx               933 src/filemanager/file.c real_do_file_error (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode mode, gboolean allow_retry,
ctx               940 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx != NULL)
ctx               952 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx != NULL)
ctx               953 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->pauses += g_get_monotonic_time () - t;
ctx               982 src/filemanager/file.c real_query_recursive (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode mode, const char *s)
ctx               984 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->recursive_result < RECURSIVE_ALWAYS)
ctx               999 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->recursive_result = query_dialog (op_names[OP_DELETE], text, D_ERROR, 5, _ ("&Yes"),
ctx              1003 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->recursive_result != RECURSIVE_ABORT)
ctx              1006 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->pauses += g_get_monotonic_time () - t;
ctx              1009 src/filemanager/file.c     switch (ctx->recursive_result)
ctx              1029 src/filemanager/file.c do_file_error (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean allow_retry, const char *str)
ctx              1034 src/filemanager/file.c         FileProgressStatus (*f) (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode, gboolean,
ctx              1041 src/filemanager/file.c         return parent_call (pntr.p, ctx, 2, sizeof (allow_retry), allow_retry, strlen (str), str);
ctx              1043 src/filemanager/file.c         return real_do_file_error (ctx, Foreground, allow_retry, str);
ctx              1049 src/filemanager/file.c query_recursive (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s)
ctx              1060 src/filemanager/file.c         return parent_call (pntr.p, ctx, 1, strlen (s), s);
ctx              1062 src/filemanager/file.c         return real_query_recursive (ctx, Foreground, s);
ctx              1068 src/filemanager/file.c query_replace (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *src, struct stat *src_stat, const char *dst,
ctx              1081 src/filemanager/file.c         return parent_call (pntr.p, ctx, 4, strlen (src), src, sizeof (struct stat), src_stat,
ctx              1084 src/filemanager/file.c         return file_progress_real_query_replace (ctx, Foreground, src, src_stat, dst, dst_stat);
ctx              1091 src/filemanager/file.c do_file_error (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean allow_retry, const char *str)
ctx              1093 src/filemanager/file.c     return real_do_file_error (ctx, Foreground, allow_retry, str);
ctx              1099 src/filemanager/file.c query_recursive (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s)
ctx              1101 src/filemanager/file.c     return real_query_recursive (ctx, Foreground, s);
ctx              1107 src/filemanager/file.c query_replace (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *src, struct stat *src_stat, const char *dst,
ctx              1110 src/filemanager/file.c     return file_progress_real_query_replace (ctx, Foreground, src, src_stat, dst, dst_stat);
ctx              1119 src/filemanager/file.c files_error (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *format, const char *file1, const char *file2)
ctx              1130 src/filemanager/file.c     return do_file_error (ctx, TRUE, buf);
ctx              1138 src/filemanager/file.c calc_copy_file_progress (file_op_context_t *ctx, gint64 tv_current, off_t file_part,
ctx              1147 src/filemanager/file.c     dt = (tv_current - ctx->pauses - ctx->transfer_start) / (double) G_USEC_PER_SEC;
ctx              1150 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->eta_secs = 0.0;
ctx              1152 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->eta_secs = ((double) file_size / file_part - 1) * dt;
ctx              1156 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->bps = (long) (file_part / dt);
ctx              1159 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->total_bytes != 0)
ctx              1161 src/filemanager/file.c         dt = (tv_current - ctx->pauses - ctx->total_transfer_start) / (double) G_USEC_PER_SEC;
ctx              1163 src/filemanager/file.c         const uintmax_t copied_bytes = ctx->total_progress_bytes + file_part;
ctx              1165 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->total_eta_secs = 0;
ctx              1167 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->total_eta_secs = ((double) ctx->total_bytes / copied_bytes - 1) * dt;
ctx              1170 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->total_bps = (long) (copied_bytes / dt);
ctx              1177 src/filemanager/file.c try_remove_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath, FileProgressStatus *status)
ctx              1179 src/filemanager/file.c     while (mc_unlink (vpath) != 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              1182 src/filemanager/file.c             file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot remove file \"%s\"\n%s"), vfs_path_as_str (vpath));
ctx              1186 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              1208 src/filemanager/file.c move_file_file (const WPanel *panel, file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d)
ctx              1219 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_source (ctx, src_vpath);
ctx              1220 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_target (ctx, dst_vpath);
ctx              1223 src/filemanager/file.c     if (file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              1234 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              1238 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot stat file \"%s\"\n%s"), s);
ctx              1240 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              1249 src/filemanager/file.c         if (check_same_file (ctx, s, &src_stat, d, &dst_stat, &return_status))
ctx              1262 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = query_replace (ctx, s, &src_stat, d, &dst_stat);
ctx              1269 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!ctx->do_append)
ctx              1271 src/filemanager/file.c         if (S_ISLNK (src_stat.st_mode) && ctx->stable_symlinks)
ctx              1273 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = make_symlink (ctx, src_vpath, dst_vpath);
ctx              1276 src/filemanager/file.c                 if (ctx->preserve)
ctx              1301 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              1305 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = files_error (ctx, _("Cannot move file \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n%s"), s, d);
ctx              1307 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              1321 src/filemanager/file.c         return_status = panel_operate_init_totals (panel, src_vpath, &src_stat, ctx, TRUE,
ctx              1327 src/filemanager/file.c     old_ask_overwrite = ctx->ask_overwrite;
ctx              1328 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->ask_overwrite = FALSE;
ctx              1329 src/filemanager/file.c     return_status = copy_file_file (ctx, s, d);
ctx              1330 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->ask_overwrite = old_ask_overwrite;
ctx              1340 src/filemanager/file.c         file_progress_show_source (ctx, NULL);
ctx              1342 src/filemanager/file.c             file_progress_show (ctx, 0, 0, "", FALSE);
ctx              1344 src/filemanager/file.c         return_status = file_progress_check_buttons (ctx);
ctx              1352 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!try_remove_file (ctx, src_vpath, &return_status) && panel == NULL)
ctx              1360 src/filemanager/file.c             progress_update_one (TRUE, ctx, src_stat.st_size);
ctx              1361 src/filemanager/file.c         return_status = file_progress_check_buttons (ctx);
ctx              1377 src/filemanager/file.c erase_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath)
ctx              1383 src/filemanager/file.c     if (file_progress_show_deleting (ctx, vpath, &ctx->total_progress_count))
ctx              1385 src/filemanager/file.c         file_progress_show_count (ctx);
ctx              1386 src/filemanager/file.c         if (file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              1392 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->total_progress_count != 0 && mc_lstat (vpath, &buf) != 0)
ctx              1398 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!try_remove_file (ctx, vpath, &return_status) && return_status == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              1401 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->total_progress_count == 0)
ctx              1404 src/filemanager/file.c     return file_progress_check_buttons (ctx);
ctx              1410 src/filemanager/file.c try_erase_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath)
ctx              1417 src/filemanager/file.c     while (my_rmdir (dir) != 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              1419 src/filemanager/file.c         return_status = file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot remove directory \"%s\"\n%s"), dir);
ctx              1421 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              1438 src/filemanager/file.c recursive_erase (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath)
ctx              1464 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = recursive_erase (ctx, tmp_vpath);
ctx              1466 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = erase_file (ctx, tmp_vpath);
ctx              1474 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_deleting (ctx, vpath, NULL);
ctx              1475 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_count (ctx);
ctx              1476 src/filemanager/file.c     if (file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              1481 src/filemanager/file.c     return try_erase_dir (ctx, vpath);
ctx              1501 src/filemanager/file.c check_dir_is_empty (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath, FileProgressStatus *error)
ctx              1509 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              1514 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot enter into directory \"%s\"\n%s"), vfs_path_as_str (vpath));
ctx              1519 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              1542 src/filemanager/file.c erase_dir_iff_empty (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath)
ctx              1546 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_deleting (ctx, vpath, NULL);
ctx              1547 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_count (ctx);
ctx              1548 src/filemanager/file.c     if (file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              1553 src/filemanager/file.c     const int res = check_dir_is_empty (ctx, vpath, &error);
ctx              1562 src/filemanager/file.c     return try_erase_dir (ctx, vpath);
ctx              1568 src/filemanager/file.c erase_dir_after_copy (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath, FileProgressStatus *status)
ctx              1570 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->erase_at_end && erase_list != NULL)
ctx              1573 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->total_progress_count = ctx->prev_total_progress_count;
ctx              1582 src/filemanager/file.c                 *status = erase_dir_iff_empty (ctx, lp->src_vpath);
ctx              1584 src/filemanager/file.c                 *status = erase_file (ctx, lp->src_vpath);
ctx              1590 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->prev_total_progress_count = ctx->total_progress_count;
ctx              1593 src/filemanager/file.c     erase_dir_iff_empty (ctx, vpath);
ctx              1611 src/filemanager/file.c do_move_dir_dir (const WPanel *panel, file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d)
ctx              1622 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_source (ctx, src_vpath);
ctx              1623 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_target (ctx, dst_vpath);
ctx              1626 src/filemanager/file.c     if (panel != NULL && file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              1638 src/filemanager/file.c     if (dstat_ok && check_same_file (ctx, s, &src_stat, d, &dst_stat, &return_status))
ctx              1643 src/filemanager/file.c     else if (!ctx->dive_into_subdirs)
ctx              1666 src/filemanager/file.c                 return_status = panel_operate_init_totals (panel, src_vpath, &src_stat, ctx, TRUE,
ctx              1672 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, s, d, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
ctx              1678 src/filemanager/file.c         else if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              1684 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot overwrite directory \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
ctx              1686 src/filemanager/file.c                 return_status = file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot overwrite file \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
ctx              1688 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              1705 src/filemanager/file.c         if (!ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              1708 src/filemanager/file.c                 files_error (ctx, _ ("Cannot move directory \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n%s"), s, d);
ctx              1710 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              1722 src/filemanager/file.c         return_status = panel_operate_init_totals (panel, src_vpath, &src_stat, ctx, TRUE,
ctx              1728 src/filemanager/file.c     return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, s, d, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
ctx              1738 src/filemanager/file.c         file_progress_show_source (ctx, NULL);
ctx              1739 src/filemanager/file.c         file_progress_show_target (ctx, NULL);
ctx              1741 src/filemanager/file.c             file_progress_show (ctx, 0, 0, "", FALSE);
ctx              1743 src/filemanager/file.c         return_status = file_progress_check_buttons (ctx);
ctx              1750 src/filemanager/file.c     erase_dir_after_copy (ctx, src_vpath, &return_status);
ctx              1944 src/filemanager/file.c                       struct stat *src_stat, file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean *do_bg)
ctx              1983 src/filemanager/file.c     format = panel_operate_generate_prompt (panel, ctx->operation, src_stat);
ctx              1986 src/filemanager/file.c         file_mask_dialog (ctx, source != NULL, format,
ctx              2033 src/filemanager/file.c operate_single_file (const WPanel *panel, file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *src,
ctx              2052 src/filemanager/file.c         is_file = !(is_link && ctx->follow_links);
ctx              2055 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->operation == OP_DELETE)
ctx              2057 src/filemanager/file.c         value = panel_operate_init_totals (panel, src_vpath, src_stat, ctx, !is_file, dialog_type);
ctx              2061 src/filemanager/file.c                 value = erase_file (ctx, src_vpath);
ctx              2063 src/filemanager/file.c                 value = erase_dir (ctx, src_vpath);
ctx              2072 src/filemanager/file.c         temp = build_dest (ctx, src, dest, &value);
ctx              2077 src/filemanager/file.c             switch (ctx->operation)
ctx              2081 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->stat_func (src_vpath, src_stat);
ctx              2083 src/filemanager/file.c                 value = panel_operate_init_totals (panel, src_vpath, src_stat, ctx, !is_file,
ctx              2094 src/filemanager/file.c                         is_file = !(is_link && ctx->follow_links);
ctx              2098 src/filemanager/file.c                         value = copy_file_file (ctx, src, dest);
ctx              2100 src/filemanager/file.c                         value = copy_dir_dir (ctx, src, dest, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
ctx              2109 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_progress_ui_create (ctx, TRUE, FILEGUI_DIALOG_ONE_ITEM);
ctx              2112 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = move_file_file (panel, ctx, src, dest);
ctx              2114 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = do_move_dir_dir (panel, ctx, src, dest);
ctx              2134 src/filemanager/file.c operate_one_file (const WPanel *panel, file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *src,
ctx              2148 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->operation == OP_DELETE)
ctx              2151 src/filemanager/file.c             value = erase_file (ctx, src_vpath);
ctx              2153 src/filemanager/file.c             value = erase_dir (ctx, src_vpath);
ctx              2161 src/filemanager/file.c         temp = build_dest (ctx, src, dest, &value);
ctx              2166 src/filemanager/file.c             switch (ctx->operation)
ctx              2170 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->stat_func (src_vpath, src_stat);
ctx              2174 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = copy_file_file (ctx, src, dest);
ctx              2176 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = copy_dir_dir (ctx, src, dest, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
ctx              2182 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = move_file_file (NULL, ctx, src, dest);
ctx              2184 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = do_move_dir_dir (NULL, ctx, src, dest);
ctx              2205 src/filemanager/file.c end_bg_process (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode mode)
ctx              2207 src/filemanager/file.c     int pid = ctx->pid;
ctx              2210 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->pid = 0;
ctx              2279 src/filemanager/file.c copy_file_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *src_path, const char *dst_path)
ctx              2289 src/filemanager/file.c     gboolean attrs_ok = ctx->preserve;
ctx              2301 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->do_reget < 0)
ctx              2302 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->do_reget = 0;
ctx              2309 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_source (ctx, src_vpath);
ctx              2310 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_target (ctx, dst_vpath);
ctx              2312 src/filemanager/file.c     if (file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              2324 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2329 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot overwrite directory \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2331 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2342 src/filemanager/file.c     while ((*ctx->stat_func) (src_vpath, &src_stat) != 0)
ctx              2344 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2349 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot stat source file \"%s\"\n%s"), src_path);
ctx              2351 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2357 src/filemanager/file.c             progress_update_one (FALSE, ctx, 0);
ctx              2375 src/filemanager/file.c         else if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2380 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot get ext2 attributes of source file \"%s\"\n%s"), src_path);
ctx              2382 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2397 src/filemanager/file.c         if (check_same_file (ctx, src_path, &src_stat, dst_path, &dst_stat, &return_status))
ctx              2401 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ask_overwrite)
ctx              2403 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->do_reget = 0;
ctx              2404 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = query_replace (ctx, src_path, &src_stat, dst_path, &dst_stat);
ctx              2412 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!ctx->do_append)
ctx              2415 src/filemanager/file.c         if (!ctx->follow_links)
ctx              2417 src/filemanager/file.c             switch (check_hardlinks (ctx, src_vpath, &src_stat, dst_vpath, &ctx->ignore_all))
ctx              2435 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = make_symlink (ctx, src_vpath, dst_vpath);
ctx              2436 src/filemanager/file.c             if (return_status == FILE_CONT && ctx->preserve)
ctx              2440 src/filemanager/file.c                 while (attrs_ok && mc_fsetflags (dst_vpath, attrs) != 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2448 src/filemanager/file.c                         ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2451 src/filemanager/file.c                             ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot set ext2 attributes of target file \"%s\"\n%s"),
ctx              2473 src/filemanager/file.c             while (mc_mknod (dst_vpath, src_stat.st_mode & ctx->umask_kill, rdev) < 0
ctx              2474 src/filemanager/file.c                    && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2477 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot create special file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2481 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2486 src/filemanager/file.c             while (ctx->preserve_uidgid
ctx              2488 src/filemanager/file.c                    && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2491 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot chown target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2495 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2503 src/filemanager/file.c             while (ctx->preserve && mc_chmod (dst_vpath, src_stat.st_mode & ctx->umask_kill) != 0
ctx              2504 src/filemanager/file.c                    && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2507 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot chmod target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2511 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2519 src/filemanager/file.c             while (attrs_ok && mc_fsetflags (dst_vpath, attrs) != 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2528 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot set ext2 attributes of target file \"%s\"\n%s"),
ctx              2533 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2550 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->transfer_start = g_get_monotonic_time ();
ctx              2554 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2559 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot open source file \"%s\"\n%s"), src_path);
ctx              2563 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2564 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->do_append = FALSE;
ctx              2569 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->do_reget != 0 && mc_lseek (src_desc, ctx->do_reget, SEEK_SET) != ctx->do_reget)
ctx              2572 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->do_reget = 0;
ctx              2573 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->do_append = FALSE;
ctx              2578 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2583 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot fstat source file \"%s\"\n%s"), src_path);
ctx              2587 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2588 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->do_append = FALSE;
ctx              2602 src/filemanager/file.c     else if (ctx->do_append)
ctx              2611 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2616 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot create target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2620 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2621 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->do_append = FALSE;
ctx              2630 src/filemanager/file.c     appending = ctx->do_append;
ctx              2631 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->do_append = FALSE;
ctx              2644 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2649 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot fstat target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2653 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2662 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2670 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot preallocate space for target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2673 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2675 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all || return_status == FILE_IGNORE)
ctx              2694 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->eta_secs = 0.0;
ctx              2695 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->bps = 0;
ctx              2699 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->total_bps == 0 || (file_size / ctx->total_bps) > FILEOP_UPDATE_INTERVAL)
ctx              2700 src/filemanager/file.c             file_progress_show (ctx, 0, file_size, "", TRUE);
ctx              2702 src/filemanager/file.c             file_progress_show (ctx, 1, 1, "", TRUE);
ctx              2705 src/filemanager/file.c     return_status = file_progress_check_buttons (ctx);
ctx              2711 src/filemanager/file.c         gint64 tv_last_update = ctx->transfer_start;
ctx              2724 src/filemanager/file.c                 while ((n_read = mc_read (src_desc, buf, bufsize)) < 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2727 src/filemanager/file.c                         file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot read source file \"%s\"\n%s"), src_path);
ctx              2731 src/filemanager/file.c                         ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2763 src/filemanager/file.c                     if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2767 src/filemanager/file.c                             ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot write target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2777 src/filemanager/file.c                         ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2786 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->progress_bytes = file_part + ctx->do_reget;
ctx              2792 src/filemanager/file.c                 calc_copy_file_progress (ctx, tv_current, file_part, file_size - ctx->do_reget);
ctx              2800 src/filemanager/file.c                 const gint64 total_usecs = tv_current - ctx->total_transfer_start;
ctx              2807 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_progress_show (ctx, ctx->progress_bytes, file_size, stalled_msg, force_update);
ctx              2808 src/filemanager/file.c                 if (ctx->dialog_type == FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM)
ctx              2810 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_progress_show_count (ctx);
ctx              2811 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_progress_show_total (ctx, ctx->total_progress_bytes + ctx->progress_bytes,
ctx              2818 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = file_progress_check_buttons (ctx);
ctx              2828 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->pauses += t2 - t1;
ctx              2831 src/filemanager/file.c                 calc_copy_file_progress (ctx, t2, file_part, file_size - ctx->do_reget);
ctx              2860 src/filemanager/file.c     while (src_desc != -1 && mc_close (src_desc) < 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2862 src/filemanager/file.c         temp_status = file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot close source file \"%s\"\n%s"), src_path);
ctx              2868 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2872 src/filemanager/file.c     while (dest_desc != -1 && mc_close (dest_desc) < 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2874 src/filemanager/file.c         temp_status = file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot close target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2878 src/filemanager/file.c             ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2900 src/filemanager/file.c         while (ctx->preserve_uidgid && mc_chown (dst_vpath, src_uid, src_gid) != 0
ctx              2901 src/filemanager/file.c                && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2904 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot chown target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2914 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2922 src/filemanager/file.c         while (ctx->preserve && mc_chmod (dst_vpath, (src_mode & ctx->umask_kill)) != 0
ctx              2923 src/filemanager/file.c                && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2926 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot chmod target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2936 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2944 src/filemanager/file.c         if (!ctx->preserve && !dst_exists)
ctx              2949 src/filemanager/file.c             mc_chmod (dst_vpath, (src_mode & ctx->umask_kill));
ctx              2958 src/filemanager/file.c         while (attrs_ok && mc_fsetflags (dst_vpath, attrs) != 0 && !ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              2970 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot set ext2 attributes for target file \"%s\"\n%s"), dst_path);
ctx              2980 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              2989 src/filemanager/file.c     progress_update_one (return_status == FILE_CONT, ctx, file_size);
ctx              2991 src/filemanager/file.c         return_status = file_progress_check_buttons (ctx);
ctx              3008 src/filemanager/file.c copy_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d, gboolean toplevel,
ctx              3014 src/filemanager/file.c     gboolean attrs_ok = ctx->preserve;
ctx              3027 src/filemanager/file.c     while ((*ctx->stat_func) (src_vpath, &src_stat) != 0)
ctx              3029 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              3034 src/filemanager/file.c                 file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot stat source directory \"%s\"\n%s"), s);
ctx              3036 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              3050 src/filemanager/file.c         else if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              3055 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot get ext2 attributes of source directory \"%s\"\n%s"), s);
ctx              3057 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              3081 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->preserve)
ctx              3083 src/filemanager/file.c         switch (check_hardlinks (ctx, src_vpath, &src_stat, dst_vpath, &ctx->ignore_all))
ctx              3100 src/filemanager/file.c         if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              3104 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Source \"%s\" is not a directory\n%s"), s);
ctx              3108 src/filemanager/file.c                 ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              3150 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              3155 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Destination \"%s\" must be a directory\n%s"), d);
ctx              3157 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              3164 src/filemanager/file.c         if (toplevel && ctx->dive_into_subdirs)
ctx              3180 src/filemanager/file.c         while (my_mkdir (dst_vpath, (src_stat.st_mode & ctx->umask_kill) | S_IRWXU) != 0)
ctx              3182 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              3187 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot create target directory \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
ctx              3189 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              3203 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->preserve_uidgid)
ctx              3207 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->ignore_all)
ctx              3212 src/filemanager/file.c                     file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Cannot chown target directory \"%s\"\n%s"), d);
ctx              3214 src/filemanager/file.c                     ctx->ignore_all = TRUE;
ctx              3241 src/filemanager/file.c         (*ctx->stat_func) (tmp_vpath, &dst_stat);
ctx              3253 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, path, mdpath, FALSE, FALSE, do_delete, parent_dirs);
ctx              3261 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = copy_file_file (ctx, path, dest_file);
ctx              3269 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->erase_at_end)
ctx              3281 src/filemanager/file.c                 return_status = erase_dir_iff_empty (ctx, tmp_vpath);
ctx              3283 src/filemanager/file.c                 return_status = erase_file (ctx, tmp_vpath);
ctx              3289 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->preserve)
ctx              3293 src/filemanager/file.c         mc_chmod (dst_vpath, src_stat.st_mode & ctx->umask_kill);
ctx              3306 src/filemanager/file.c         mc_chmod (dst_vpath, src_stat.st_mode & ctx->umask_kill);
ctx              3324 src/filemanager/file.c move_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d)
ctx              3326 src/filemanager/file.c     return do_move_dir_dir (NULL, ctx, s, d);
ctx              3335 src/filemanager/file.c erase_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath)
ctx              3339 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_deleting (ctx, vpath, NULL);
ctx              3340 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_count (ctx);
ctx              3341 src/filemanager/file.c     if (file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
ctx              3353 src/filemanager/file.c     const int res = check_dir_is_empty (ctx, vpath, &error);
ctx              3361 src/filemanager/file.c         error = query_recursive (ctx, vfs_path_as_str (vpath));
ctx              3363 src/filemanager/file.c             error = recursive_erase (ctx, vpath);
ctx              3367 src/filemanager/file.c     return try_erase_dir (ctx, vpath);
ctx              3513 src/filemanager/file.c     file_op_context_t *ctx;
ctx              3539 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx = file_op_context_new (operation);
ctx              3544 src/filemanager/file.c         dest = do_confirm_copy_move (panel, force_single, source, &src_stat, ctx, &do_bg);
ctx              3559 src/filemanager/file.c     ctx->total_transfer_start = g_get_monotonic_time ();
ctx              3567 src/filemanager/file.c         v = do_background (ctx,
ctx              3636 src/filemanager/file.c         value = operate_single_file (panel, ctx, source, &src_stat, dest, dialog_type);
ctx              3655 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->ignore_all
ctx              3656 src/filemanager/file.c                 || file_error (ctx, TRUE, _ ("Destination \"%s\" must be a directory\n%s"), dest)
ctx              3667 src/filemanager/file.c             panel_operate_init_totals (panel, NULL, NULL, ctx, file_op_compute_totals, dialog_type);
ctx              3680 src/filemanager/file.c                 value = operate_one_file (panel, ctx, source2, &src_stat, dest);
ctx              3709 src/filemanager/file.c     MC_PTR_FREE (ctx->dest_mask);
ctx              3717 src/filemanager/file.c         ctx->pid = getpid ();
ctx              3718 src/filemanager/file.c         parent_call ((void *) end_bg_process, ctx, 0);
ctx              3726 src/filemanager/file.c     file_op_context_destroy (ctx);
ctx              3740 src/filemanager/file.c file_error (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean allow_retry, const char *format, const char *file)
ctx              3746 src/filemanager/file.c     return do_file_error (ctx, allow_retry, buf);
ctx                44 src/filemanager/file.h FileProgressStatus copy_file_file (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *src_path,
ctx                46 src/filemanager/file.h FileProgressStatus move_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d);
ctx                47 src/filemanager/file.h FileProgressStatus copy_dir_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const char *s, const char *d,
ctx                50 src/filemanager/file.h FileProgressStatus erase_dir (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath);
ctx                57 src/filemanager/file.h FileProgressStatus file_error (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean allow_retry, const char *format,
ctx               432 src/filemanager/filegui.c overwrite_query_dialog (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode mode)
ctx               514 src/filemanager/filegui.c     file_progress_ui_t *ui = ctx->ui;
ctx               703 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->pauses += g_get_monotonic_time () - t;
ctx               786 src/filemanager/filegui.c     file_op_context_t *ctx;
ctx               788 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx = g_new0 (file_op_context_t, 1);
ctx               789 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->operation = op;
ctx               790 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->preserve = TRUE;
ctx               791 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->preserve_uidgid = (geteuid () == 0);
ctx               792 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->umask_kill = (mode_t) (~0);
ctx               793 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->erase_at_end = TRUE;
ctx               794 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->do_reget = -1;
ctx               795 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->stat_func = mc_lstat;
ctx               796 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->ask_overwrite = TRUE;
ctx               798 src/filemanager/filegui.c     return ctx;
ctx               811 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_op_context_destroy (file_op_context_t *ctx)
ctx               813 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx != NULL)
ctx               815 src/filemanager/filegui.c         file_progress_ui_destroy (ctx);
ctx               816 src/filemanager/filegui.c         mc_search_free (ctx->search_handle);
ctx               817 src/filemanager/filegui.c         g_free (ctx);
ctx               824 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_check_buttons (file_op_context_t *ctx)
ctx               830 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx               833 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx               837 src/filemanager/filegui.c     c = tty_get_event (&event, FALSE, ctx->suspended);
ctx               848 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ctx->suspended)
ctx               854 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ctx->suspended = FALSE;
ctx               858 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ctx->suspended = FALSE;
ctx               861 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ctx->suspended = !ctx->suspended;
ctx               862 src/filemanager/filegui.c         place_progress_buttons (ui->op_dlg, ctx->suspended);
ctx               866 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ctx->suspended)
ctx               876 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_ui_create (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean with_eta,
ctx               887 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui != NULL)
ctx               900 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->dialog_type = dialog_type;
ctx               901 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->recursive_result = RECURSIVE_YES;
ctx               902 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->ui = g_new0 (file_progress_ui_t, 1);
ctx               904 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx               908 src/filemanager/filegui.c                              file_ui_op_dlg_callback, NULL, NULL, op_names[ctx->operation]);
ctx               914 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->showing_eta = with_eta && ctx->totals_computed;
ctx               942 src/filemanager/filegui.c             if (ctx->totals_computed)
ctx              1024 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_ui_destroy (file_op_context_t *ctx)
ctx              1026 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx != NULL && ctx->ui != NULL)
ctx              1028 src/filemanager/filegui.c         file_progress_ui_t *ui = (file_progress_ui_t *) ctx->ui;
ctx              1032 src/filemanager/filegui.c         MC_PTR_FREE (ctx->ui);
ctx              1042 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_show (file_op_context_t *ctx, off_t done, off_t total, const char *stalled_msg,
ctx              1047 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx              1050 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx              1064 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (!ui->showing_eta || ctx->eta_secs <= 0.5)
ctx              1070 src/filemanager/filegui.c         file_eta_prepare_for_show (buffer2, ctx->eta_secs, FALSE);
ctx              1071 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ctx->bps == 0)
ctx              1077 src/filemanager/filegui.c             file_bps_prepare_for_show (buffer3, ctx->bps);
ctx              1086 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_show_count (file_op_context_t *ctx)
ctx              1090 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx              1093 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx              1098 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx->totals_computed)
ctx              1100 src/filemanager/filegui.c                          ctx->total_progress_count, ctx->total_count);
ctx              1103 src/filemanager/filegui.c                          ctx->total_progress_count);
ctx              1109 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_show_total (file_op_context_t *ctx, uintmax_t copied_bytes, gint64 tv_current,
ctx              1116 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx              1119 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx              1123 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ctx->total_bytes == 0)
ctx              1128 src/filemanager/filegui.c                              (int) (1024 * copied_bytes / ctx->total_bytes));
ctx              1133 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (!show_summary && ctx->total_bps == 0)
ctx              1141 src/filemanager/filegui.c                         (tv_current - ctx->pauses - ctx->total_transfer_start) / G_USEC_PER_SEC);
ctx              1143 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ctx->totals_computed)
ctx              1145 src/filemanager/filegui.c             file_eta_prepare_for_show (buffer3, ctx->total_eta_secs, TRUE);
ctx              1146 src/filemanager/filegui.c             if (ctx->total_bps == 0)
ctx              1150 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 file_bps_prepare_for_show (buffer4, ctx->total_bps);
ctx              1156 src/filemanager/filegui.c             if (ctx->total_bps == 0)
ctx              1160 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 file_bps_prepare_for_show (buffer4, ctx->total_bps);
ctx              1170 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (!ctx->totals_computed)
ctx              1174 src/filemanager/filegui.c             size_trunc_len (buffer3, 5, ctx->total_bytes, 0, panels_options.kilobyte_si);
ctx              1185 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_show_source (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath)
ctx              1189 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx              1192 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx              1209 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_show_target (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath)
ctx              1213 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx              1216 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx              1233 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_show_deleting (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath, size_t *count)
ctx              1241 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx              1251 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui = ctx->ui;
ctx              1269 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_progress_real_query_replace (file_op_context_t *ctx, enum OperationMode mode, const char *src,
ctx              1275 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
ctx              1278 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ui = ctx->ui;
ctx              1287 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->replace_result = overwrite_query_dialog (ctx, mode);
ctx              1322 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ctx->do_reget = dst_stat->st_size;
ctx              1326 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ctx->do_append = TRUE;
ctx              1347 src/filemanager/filegui.c file_mask_dialog (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean only_one, const char *format, const void *text,
ctx              1359 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL)
ctx              1365 src/filemanager/filegui.c     ctx->stable_symlinks = FALSE;
ctx              1428 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Follow &links"), &ctx->follow_links, NULL),
ctx              1431 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Di&ve into subdir if exists"), &ctx->dive_into_subdirs, NULL),
ctx              1432 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Stable symlinks"), &ctx->stable_symlinks, NULL),
ctx              1448 src/filemanager/filegui.c             .title = op_names[ctx->operation],
ctx              1465 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->stat_func = ctx->follow_links ? mc_stat : mc_lstat;
ctx              1469 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 ctx->preserve = TRUE;
ctx              1470 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 ctx->umask_kill = (mode_t) (~0);
ctx              1471 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 ctx->preserve_uidgid = (geteuid () == 0);
ctx              1477 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 ctx->preserve = ctx->preserve_uidgid = FALSE;
ctx              1480 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 ctx->umask_kill = i2 ^ ((mode_t) (~0));
ctx              1491 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->search_handle = mc_search_new (source_mask, NULL);
ctx              1492 src/filemanager/filegui.c             if (ctx->search_handle != NULL)
ctx              1503 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ctx->search_handle->is_case_sensitive = TRUE;
ctx              1505 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->search_handle->search_type = MC_SEARCH_T_GLOB;
ctx              1507 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->search_handle->search_type = MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX;
ctx              1514 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ctx->dest_mask = strrchr (dest_dir, PATH_SEP);
ctx              1515 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ctx->dest_mask == NULL)
ctx              1516 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->dest_mask = dest_dir;
ctx              1518 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->dest_mask++;
ctx              1520 src/filemanager/filegui.c         orig_mask = ctx->dest_mask;
ctx              1522 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (*ctx->dest_mask == '\0'
ctx              1523 src/filemanager/filegui.c             || (!ctx->dive_into_subdirs && !is_wildcarded (ctx->dest_mask)
ctx              1525 src/filemanager/filegui.c             || (ctx->dive_into_subdirs
ctx              1526 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 && ((!only_one && !is_wildcarded (ctx->dest_mask))
ctx              1528 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->dest_mask = g_strdup ("\\0");
ctx              1531 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->dest_mask = g_strdup (ctx->dest_mask);
ctx               164 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_op_context_destroy (file_op_context_t *ctx);
ctx               166 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_progress_ui_create (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean with_eta,
ctx               168 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_progress_ui_destroy (file_op_context_t *ctx);
ctx               170 src/filemanager/filegui.h char *file_mask_dialog (file_op_context_t *ctx, gboolean only_one, const char *format,
ctx               173 src/filemanager/filegui.h FileProgressStatus file_progress_check_buttons (file_op_context_t *ctx);
ctx               175 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_progress_show (file_op_context_t *ctx, off_t done, off_t total, const char *stalled_msg,
ctx               177 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_progress_show_count (file_op_context_t *ctx);
ctx               178 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_progress_show_total (file_op_context_t *ctx, uintmax_t copied_bytes, gint64 tv_current,
ctx               180 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_progress_show_source (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath);
ctx               181 src/filemanager/filegui.h void file_progress_show_target (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath);
ctx               182 src/filemanager/filegui.h gboolean file_progress_show_deleting (file_op_context_t *ctx, const vfs_path_t *vpath,
ctx               186 src/filemanager/filegui.h FileProgressStatus file_progress_real_query_replace (file_op_context_t *ctx,
ctx               724 src/filemanager/tree.c         file_op_context_t *ctx;
ctx               726 src/filemanager/tree.c         ctx = file_op_context_new (OP_COPY);
ctx               727 src/filemanager/tree.c         file_progress_ui_create (ctx, FALSE, FILEGUI_DIALOG_MULTI_ITEM);
ctx               728 src/filemanager/tree.c         ctx->ask_overwrite = FALSE;
ctx               729 src/filemanager/tree.c         copy_dir_dir (ctx, vfs_path_as_str (tree->selected_ptr->name), dest, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
ctx               731 src/filemanager/tree.c         file_op_context_destroy (ctx);
ctx               767 src/filemanager/tree.c             file_op_context_t *ctx;
ctx               769 src/filemanager/tree.c             ctx = file_op_context_new (OP_MOVE);
ctx               770 src/filemanager/tree.c             file_progress_ui_create (ctx, FALSE, FILEGUI_DIALOG_ONE_ITEM);
ctx               771 src/filemanager/tree.c             move_dir_dir (ctx, vfs_path_as_str (tree->selected_ptr->name), dest);
ctx               772 src/filemanager/tree.c             file_op_context_destroy (ctx);
ctx               805 src/filemanager/tree.c     file_op_context_t *ctx;
ctx               823 src/filemanager/tree.c     ctx = file_op_context_new (OP_DELETE);
ctx               824 src/filemanager/tree.c     file_progress_ui_create (ctx, FALSE, FILEGUI_DIALOG_ONE_ITEM);
ctx               825 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (erase_dir (ctx, tree->selected_ptr->name) == FILE_CONT)
ctx               827 src/filemanager/tree.c     file_op_context_destroy (ctx);
ctx                57 src/util.c             file_op_context_t *ctx;
ctx                62 src/util.c             ctx = file_op_context_new (OP_COPY);
ctx                63 src/util.c             file_progress_ui_create (ctx, 0, FALSE);
ctx                64 src/util.c             copy_file_file (ctx, vfs_path_as_str (default_file_vpath), vfs_path_as_str (file_vpath));
ctx                65 src/util.c             file_op_context_destroy (ctx);