NULL               45 lib/charsets.c GPtrArray *codepages = NULL;
NULL               50 lib/charsets.c const char *cp_display = NULL;
NULL               51 lib/charsets.c const char *cp_source = NULL;
NULL              101 lib/charsets.c     char *default_codepage = NULL;
NULL              104 lib/charsets.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL              107 lib/charsets.c     while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf, f) != NULL)
NULL              136 lib/charsets.c             if (*list == NULL)
NULL              169 lib/charsets.c     if (default_codepage != NULL)
NULL              184 lib/charsets.c     gchar *tmp_buff = NULL;
NULL              190 lib/charsets.c     tmp_buff = g_convert_with_iconv (ibuf, ibuflen, cd, &bytes_read, &bytes_written, NULL);
NULL              191 lib/charsets.c     if (tmp_buff != NULL)
NULL              207 lib/charsets.c     fname = g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, CHARSETS_LIST, (char *) NULL);
NULL              212 lib/charsets.c     fname = g_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, CHARSETS_LIST, (char *) NULL);
NULL              216 lib/charsets.c     if (codepages == NULL)
NULL              233 lib/charsets.c     codepages = NULL;
NULL              251 lib/charsets.c     if (codepages == NULL)
NULL              273 lib/charsets.c     if (encoding == NULL)
NULL              301 lib/charsets.c         return NULL;
NULL              338 lib/charsets.c     return NULL;
NULL              346 lib/charsets.c     if (str != NULL)
NULL              359 lib/charsets.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              360 lib/charsets.c         return NULL;
NULL              380 lib/charsets.c     if (str != NULL)
NULL              393 lib/charsets.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              394 lib/charsets.c         return NULL;
NULL              419 lib/charsets.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL               43 lib/event/event.c GTree *mc_event_grouplist = NULL;
NULL               55 lib/event/event.c     if (mc_event_grouplist != NULL)
NULL               61 lib/event/event.c     mc_event_grouplist = g_tree_new_full ((GCompareDataFunc) g_ascii_strcasecmp, NULL,
NULL               64 lib/event/event.c     if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL)
NULL               80 lib/event/event.c     if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL)
NULL               87 lib/event/event.c     mc_event_grouplist = NULL;
NULL              100 lib/event/event.c     for (array_index = 0; events[array_index].event_group_name != NULL; array_index++)
NULL              119 lib/event/event.c     if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL || event_group_name == NULL || event_name == NULL)
NULL              122 lib/event/event.c     event_group = mc_event_get_event_group_by_name (event_group_name, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              123 lib/event/event.c     if (event_group == NULL)
NULL              126 lib/event/event.c     callbacks = mc_event_get_event_by_name (event_group, event_name, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              127 lib/event/event.c     if (callbacks == NULL)
NULL               69 lib/event/manage.c     if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL || event_group_name == NULL || event_name == NULL
NULL               70 lib/event/manage.c         || event_callback == NULL)
NULL               77 lib/event/manage.c     if (event_group == NULL)
NULL               81 lib/event/manage.c     if (callbacks == NULL)
NULL               85 lib/event/manage.c     if (cb == NULL)
NULL              105 lib/event/manage.c     if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL || event_group_name == NULL || event_name == NULL
NULL              106 lib/event/manage.c         || event_callback == NULL)
NULL              109 lib/event/manage.c     event_group = mc_event_get_event_group_by_name (event_group_name, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              110 lib/event/manage.c     if (event_group == NULL)
NULL              113 lib/event/manage.c     callbacks = mc_event_get_event_by_name (event_group, event_name, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              114 lib/event/manage.c     if (callbacks == NULL)
NULL              118 lib/event/manage.c     if (cb != NULL)
NULL              129 lib/event/manage.c     if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL || event_group_name == NULL || event_name == NULL)
NULL              132 lib/event/manage.c     event_group = mc_event_get_event_group_by_name (event_group_name, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              142 lib/event/manage.c     if (mc_event_grouplist != NULL && event_group_name != NULL)
NULL              157 lib/event/manage.c     if (event_group == NULL && create_new)
NULL              160 lib/event/manage.c             g_tree_new_full ((GCompareDataFunc) g_ascii_strcasecmp, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_free,
NULL              162 lib/event/manage.c         if (event_group == NULL)
NULL              166 lib/event/manage.c             return NULL;
NULL              184 lib/event/manage.c     if (callbacks == NULL && create_new)
NULL              187 lib/event/manage.c         if (callbacks == NULL)
NULL              190 lib/event/manage.c             return NULL;
NULL              211 lib/event/manage.c     return NULL;
NULL               55 lib/event/raise.c     if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL || event_group_name == NULL || event_name == NULL)
NULL               58 lib/event/raise.c     event_group = mc_event_get_event_group_by_name (event_group_name, FALSE, NULL);
NULL               59 lib/event/raise.c     if (event_group == NULL)
NULL               62 lib/event/raise.c     callbacks = mc_event_get_event_by_name (event_group, event_name, FALSE, NULL);
NULL               63 lib/event/raise.c     if (callbacks == NULL)
NULL               68 lib/filehighlight/common.c     if (fhl->filters != NULL)
NULL               71 lib/filehighlight/common.c         fhl->filters = NULL;
NULL               83 lib/filehighlight/common.c     if (fhl == NULL)
NULL               84 lib/filehighlight/common.c         return NULL;
NULL               92 lib/filehighlight/common.c         return NULL;
NULL               98 lib/filehighlight/common.c         return NULL;
NULL              109 lib/filehighlight/common.c     if (fhl == NULL || *fhl == NULL)
NULL              122 lib/filehighlight/common.c     if (fhl != NULL)
NULL              265 lib/filehighlight/get-color.c     if (mc_filter->search_condition == NULL)
NULL              268 lib/filehighlight/get-color.c     if (mc_search_run (mc_filter->search_condition, fe->fname->str, 0, fe->fname->len, NULL))
NULL              284 lib/filehighlight/get-color.c     if (fhl == NULL)
NULL               75 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c         NULL,
NULL               87 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     for (i = 0; types[i] != NULL; i++)
NULL               93 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     if (types[i] == NULL)
NULL              143 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     exts_orig = mc_config_get_string_list (fhl->config, group_name, "extensions", NULL);
NULL              144 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     if (exts_orig == NULL || exts_orig[0] == NULL)
NULL              152 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     for (exts = exts_orig; *exts != NULL; exts++)
NULL              189 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     if (fhl == NULL || filename == NULL || !exist_file (filename))
NULL              192 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     if (fhl->config != NULL)
NULL              197 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     return (fhl->config != NULL);
NULL              216 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     name = g_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              223 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     name = g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              240 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     orig_group_names = mc_config_get_groups (fhl->config, NULL);
NULL              241 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     ok = (*orig_group_names != NULL);
NULL              243 lib/filehighlight/ini-file-read.c     for (group_names = orig_group_names; *group_names != NULL; group_names++)
NULL               85 lib/glibcompat.c     g_return_val_if_fail (haystack != NULL, FALSE);
NULL               87 lib/glibcompat.c     if (equal_func == NULL)
NULL               93 lib/glibcompat.c             if (index_ != NULL)
NULL              123 lib/glibcompat.c     if (slist != NULL)
NULL              125 lib/glibcompat.c         *slist_ptr = NULL;
NULL              127 lib/glibcompat.c         if (destroy != NULL)
NULL              154 lib/glibcompat.c     if (list != NULL)
NULL              156 lib/glibcompat.c         *list_ptr = NULL;
NULL              158 lib/glibcompat.c         if (destroy != NULL)
NULL              183 lib/glibcompat.c     g_return_if_fail (queue != NULL);
NULL              185 lib/glibcompat.c     if (free_func != NULL)
NULL              186 lib/glibcompat.c         g_queue_foreach (queue, (GFunc) free_func, NULL);
NULL              214 lib/glibcompat.c     if (init == NULL)
NULL              215 lib/glibcompat.c         return g_string_new (NULL);
NULL              244 lib/glibcompat.c     g_return_val_if_fail (src != NULL, NULL);
NULL              245 lib/glibcompat.c     g_return_val_if_fail (dest != NULL, NULL);
NULL              267 lib/glibcompat.c     GString *ret = NULL;
NULL              269 lib/glibcompat.c     if (s != NULL)
NULL              291 lib/glibcompat.c     g_return_val_if_fail (s != NULL, NULL);
NULL                7 lib/glibcompat.h #    define G_OPTION_ENTRY_NULL { NULL, '\0', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
NULL               57 lib/global.c       .sysconfig_dir = NULL,
NULL               58 lib/global.c       .share_data_dir = NULL,
NULL               60 lib/global.c       .profile_name = NULL,
NULL               85 lib/global.c       .shell = NULL,
NULL               89 lib/global.c           .skin = NULL,
NULL               91 lib/global.c           .setup_color_string = NULL,
NULL               92 lib/global.c           .term_color_string = NULL,
NULL               93 lib/global.c           .color_terminal_string = NULL,
NULL               94 lib/global.c           .command_line_colors = NULL,
NULL               73 lib/hook.c         hook_t *new_hook = NULL;
NULL               80 lib/hook.c         while (hook_list != NULL)
NULL               87 lib/hook.c         while (new_hook != NULL)
NULL               93 lib/hook.c         for (hook_list = p; hook_list != NULL;)
NULL              106 lib/hook.c         hook_t *new_list = NULL;
NULL              109 lib/hook.c         for (current = *hook_list; current != NULL; current = next)
NULL              127 lib/hook.c         for (p = hook_list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
NULL              379 lib/keybind.c      { NULL, CK_IgnoreKey }
NULL              435 lib/keybind.c      char *caption = NULL;
NULL              456 lib/keybind.c      return (res != NULL) ? res->val : CK_IgnoreKey;
NULL              466 lib/keybind.c      for (i = 0; command_names[i].name != NULL; i++)
NULL              470 lib/keybind.c      return NULL;
NULL              478 lib/keybind.c      if (keymap != NULL)
NULL              484 lib/keybind.c                  return (keymap[i].caption[0] != '\0') ? keymap[i].caption : NULL;
NULL              486 lib/keybind.c      return NULL;
NULL              494 lib/keybind.c      if (keymap != NULL)
NULL               94 lib/lock.c         const char *user = NULL;
NULL               98 lib/lock.c         if (pw != NULL)
NULL              100 lib/lock.c         if (user == NULL)
NULL              102 lib/lock.c         if (user == NULL)
NULL              104 lib/lock.c         if (user == NULL)
NULL              106 lib/lock.c         if (user == NULL)
NULL              129 lib/lock.c         symlink_name = g_strconcat (str_dirname, PATH_SEP_STR ".#", str_filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              186 lib/lock.c             return NULL;
NULL              202 lib/lock.c         char *lockfname = NULL, *newlock, *msg;
NULL              209 lib/lock.c         if (fname_vpath == NULL)
NULL              225 lib/lock.c         if (!is_local || lockfname == NULL)
NULL              233 lib/lock.c             if (lock == NULL)
NULL              282 lib/lock.c         if (fname_vpath == NULL)
NULL              291 lib/lock.c         if (lockfname != NULL)
NULL              302 lib/lock.c                 if (lock == NULL || lock_extract_info (lock)->pid == getpid ())
NULL               69 lib/logging.c      if (env_is_enabled == NULL)
NULL              104 lib/logging.c      if (env_filename != NULL)
NULL              109 lib/logging.c                                       NULL);
NULL              123 lib/logging.c      if (logfilename != NULL)
NULL              128 lib/logging.c          if (f != NULL)
NULL               62 lib/mcconfig/common.c     data = g_key_file_to_data (mc_config->handle, &len, NULL);
NULL              113 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config == NULL)
NULL              114 lib/mcconfig/common.c         return NULL;
NULL              117 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config->handle == NULL)
NULL              120 lib/mcconfig/common.c         return NULL;
NULL              123 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (ini_path == NULL)
NULL              139 lib/mcconfig/common.c             g_key_file_load_from_file (mc_config->handle, ini_path, flags, NULL);
NULL              153 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config != NULL)
NULL              169 lib/mcconfig/common.c     g_return_val_if_fail (mc_config != NULL, FALSE);
NULL              171 lib/mcconfig/common.c     value = g_key_file_get_value (mc_config->handle, group, param, NULL);
NULL              172 lib/mcconfig/common.c     ret = value != NULL;
NULL              183 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL)
NULL              194 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL || param == NULL)
NULL              197 lib/mcconfig/common.c     return g_key_file_remove_key (mc_config->handle, group, param, NULL);
NULL              205 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL)
NULL              208 lib/mcconfig/common.c     return g_key_file_remove_group (mc_config->handle, group, NULL);
NULL              222 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config == NULL)
NULL              226 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (tmp_config == NULL)
NULL              229 lib/mcconfig/common.c     groups = mc_config_get_groups (tmp_config, NULL);
NULL              230 lib/mcconfig/common.c     ok = (*groups != NULL);
NULL              232 lib/mcconfig/common.c     for (curr_grp = groups; *curr_grp != NULL; curr_grp++)
NULL              236 lib/mcconfig/common.c         keys = mc_config_get_keys (tmp_config, *curr_grp, NULL);
NULL              238 lib/mcconfig/common.c         for (curr_key = keys; *curr_key != NULL; curr_key++)
NULL              240 lib/mcconfig/common.c             value = g_key_file_get_value (tmp_config->handle, *curr_grp, *curr_key, NULL);
NULL              241 lib/mcconfig/common.c             if (value != NULL)
NULL              244 lib/mcconfig/common.c                     g_key_file_remove_key (mc_config->handle, *curr_grp, *curr_key, NULL);
NULL              250 lib/mcconfig/common.c                 g_key_file_remove_key (mc_config->handle, *curr_grp, *curr_key, NULL);
NULL              268 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config == NULL || mc_config->ini_path == NULL)
NULL              281 lib/mcconfig/common.c     if (mc_config == NULL)
NULL               51 lib/mcconfig/get.c     gchar **ret = NULL;
NULL               53 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config != NULL)
NULL               56 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (ret == NULL)
NULL               59 lib/mcconfig/get.c         if (len != NULL)
NULL               71 lib/mcconfig/get.c     gchar **ret = NULL;
NULL               73 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL)
NULL               74 lib/mcconfig/get.c         ret = g_key_file_get_keys (mc_config->handle, group, len, NULL);
NULL               76 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (ret == NULL)
NULL               79 lib/mcconfig/get.c         if (len != NULL)
NULL              129 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL || param == NULL)
NULL              134 lib/mcconfig/get.c         if (def != NULL)
NULL              139 lib/mcconfig/get.c     ret = g_key_file_get_string (mc_config->handle, group, param, NULL);
NULL              141 lib/mcconfig/get.c     return ret != NULL ? ret : g_strdup (def);
NULL              149 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL || param == NULL)
NULL              158 lib/mcconfig/get.c     return g_key_file_get_boolean (mc_config->handle, group, param, NULL);
NULL              166 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL || param == NULL)
NULL              175 lib/mcconfig/get.c     return g_key_file_get_integer (mc_config->handle, group, param, NULL);
NULL              184 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL || param == NULL)
NULL              185 lib/mcconfig/get.c         return NULL;
NULL              187 lib/mcconfig/get.c     return g_key_file_get_string_list (mc_config->handle, group, param, length, NULL);
NULL              196 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL || param == NULL)
NULL              197 lib/mcconfig/get.c         return NULL;
NULL              199 lib/mcconfig/get.c     return g_key_file_get_boolean_list (mc_config->handle, group, param, length, NULL);
NULL              208 lib/mcconfig/get.c     if (mc_config == NULL || group == NULL || param == NULL)
NULL              209 lib/mcconfig/get.c         return NULL;
NULL              211 lib/mcconfig/get.c     return g_key_file_get_integer_list (mc_config->handle, group, param, length, NULL);
NULL               75 lib/mcconfig/history.c     GList *hist = NULL;
NULL               80 lib/mcconfig/history.c         return NULL;
NULL               81 lib/mcconfig/history.c     if (name == NULL || *name == '\0')
NULL               82 lib/mcconfig/history.c         return NULL;
NULL              107 lib/mcconfig/history.c     char *item = NULL;
NULL              110 lib/mcconfig/history.c     if (history != NULL)
NULL              114 lib/mcconfig/history.c         history->data = NULL;
NULL              131 lib/mcconfig/history.c     GList *hist = NULL;
NULL              137 lib/mcconfig/history.c     if (name == NULL || *name == '\0')
NULL              138 lib/mcconfig/history.c         return NULL;
NULL              159 lib/mcconfig/history.c         if (this_entry == NULL)
NULL              197 lib/mcconfig/history.c     if (name == NULL || *name == '\0' || h == NULL)
NULL              204 lib/mcconfig/history.c     for (i = 0; (i < num_history_items_recorded - 1) && (h->prev != NULL); i++)
NULL              217 lib/mcconfig/history.c     for (i = 0; h != NULL; h = g_list_next (h))
NULL              223 lib/mcconfig/history.c         if (text == NULL)
NULL               49 lib/mcconfig/paths.c static char *mc_config_str = NULL;
NULL               50 lib/mcconfig/paths.c static char *mc_cache_str = NULL;
NULL               51 lib/mcconfig/paths.c static char *mc_data_str = NULL;
NULL               96 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         NULL,
NULL               97 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         NULL,
NULL              124 lib/mcconfig/paths.c     full_path = g_build_filename (path_base, subdir, (char *) NULL);
NULL              138 lib/mcconfig/paths.c     if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL)
NULL              170 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         dir = g_build_filename (profile_root, ".config", (char *) NULL);
NULL              174 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         dir = g_build_filename (profile_root, ".cache", (char *) NULL);
NULL              178 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         dir = g_build_filename (profile_root, ".local", "share", (char *) NULL);
NULL              219 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         mc_config_init_config_paths (NULL);
NULL              230 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         mc_config_init_config_paths (NULL);
NULL              240 lib/mcconfig/paths.c     static const char *homedir = NULL;
NULL              242 lib/mcconfig/paths.c     if (homedir == NULL)
NULL              249 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         if (homedir == NULL || *homedir == '\0')
NULL              262 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         mc_config_init_config_paths (NULL);
NULL              280 lib/mcconfig/paths.c     if (config_name == NULL)
NULL              281 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         return NULL;
NULL              284 lib/mcconfig/paths.c         mc_config_init_config_paths (NULL);
NULL              286 lib/mcconfig/paths.c     for (rule_index = 0; mc_config_files_reference[rule_index].filename != NULL; rule_index++)
NULL              289 lib/mcconfig/paths.c                                      mc_config_files_reference[rule_index].filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              291 lib/mcconfig/paths.c     return NULL;
NULL               80 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL && value != NULL)
NULL               90 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL && value != NULL)
NULL              100 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL && value != NULL)
NULL              115 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL)
NULL              124 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL)
NULL              134 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL && value != NULL && length != 0)
NULL              144 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL && value != NULL && length != 0)
NULL              154 lib/mcconfig/set.c     if (mc_config != NULL && group != NULL && param != NULL && value != NULL && length != 0)
NULL              123 lib/search/hex.c         if (error_ptr != NULL)
NULL              125 lib/search/hex.c         if (error_pos_ptr != NULL)
NULL              127 lib/search/hex.c         return NULL;
NULL              182 lib/search/hex.c     if (tmp != NULL)
NULL               75 lib/search/lib.c     if (charset == NULL)
NULL              118 lib/search/lib.c     GString *ret = NULL;
NULL              120 lib/search/lib.c     if (charset_from != NULL && charset_to != NULL
NULL              132 lib/search/lib.c             val = g_convert_with_iconv (str, str_len, conv, &bytes_read, &bytes_written, NULL);
NULL              136 lib/search/lib.c             if (val != NULL)
NULL              144 lib/search/lib.c     if (ret == NULL)
NULL              162 lib/search/lib.c     if (charset == NULL)
NULL              179 lib/search/lib.c     if (just_letters != NULL)
NULL              218 lib/search/lib.c     if (ret == NULL)
NULL              219 lib/search/lib.c         return NULL;
NULL              221 lib/search/lib.c     for (lc_index = 0, type_str = types_str; type_str->str != NULL; type_str++, lc_index++)
NULL              225 lib/search/lib.c     if (num != NULL)
NULL               95 lib/search/regex.c         NULL,
NULL              103 lib/search/regex.c     for (spec_chr = special_chars; *spec_chr != NULL; spec_chr++)
NULL              289 lib/search/regex.c         || g_utf8_validate (string, string_len, NULL))
NULL              331 lib/search/regex.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              338 lib/search/regex.c         lc_mc_search->regex_match_info = NULL;
NULL              339 lib/search/regex.c         if (mcerror != NULL)
NULL              356 lib/search/regex.c                      lc_mc_search->regex_match_info, NULL);
NULL              534 lib/search/regex.c     if (strchr ("ntvbrfa", c) != NULL)
NULL              577 lib/search/regex.c         if (tmp_str == NULL)
NULL              655 lib/search/regex.c         GString *tmp_string = NULL;
NULL              658 lib/search/regex.c         s = mc_search__get_one_symbol (NULL, from + loop, len - loop, NULL);
NULL              664 lib/search/regex.c             tmp_string = mc_search__toupper_case_str (NULL, s);
NULL              670 lib/search/regex.c             tmp_string = mc_search__tolower_case_str (NULL, s);
NULL              675 lib/search/regex.c             tmp_string = mc_search__toupper_case_str (NULL, s);
NULL              680 lib/search/regex.c             tmp_string = mc_search__tolower_case_str (NULL, s);
NULL              685 lib/search/regex.c         if (tmp_string != NULL)
NULL              811 lib/search/regex.c         GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              836 lib/search/regex.c         if (mcerror != NULL)
NULL              882 lib/search/regex.c                            pcre_options, &errcode, &erroffset, NULL);
NULL              884 lib/search/regex.c             pcre_compile (mc_search_cond->str->str, pcre_options, &error, &erroffset, NULL);
NULL              886 lib/search/regex.c         if (mc_search_cond->regex_handle == NULL)
NULL              898 lib/search/regex.c         if (lc_mc_search->regex_match_info == NULL && error != NULL)
NULL              922 lib/search/regex.c     if (lc_mc_search->regex_buffer != NULL)
NULL              933 lib/search/regex.c         if (lc_mc_search->search_fn != NULL)
NULL              994 lib/search/regex.c             if (found_len != NULL)
NULL             1002 lib/search/regex.c             lc_mc_search->regex_buffer = NULL;
NULL             1006 lib/search/regex.c         if ((lc_mc_search->update_fn != NULL)
NULL             1015 lib/search/regex.c     lc_mc_search->regex_buffer = NULL;
NULL             1046 lib/search/regex.c         return NULL;
NULL             1103 lib/search/regex.c             return NULL;
NULL               59 lib/search/search.c     { NULL, MC_SEARCH_T_INVALID }
NULL               75 lib/search/search.c     lc_mc_search->regex_match_info = pcre2_match_data_create (MC_SEARCH__NUM_REPLACE_ARGS, NULL);
NULL              105 lib/search/search.c     if (mc_search_cond->upper != NULL)
NULL              108 lib/search/search.c     if (mc_search_cond->lower != NULL)
NULL              115 lib/search/search.c     if (mc_search_cond->regex_handle != NULL)
NULL              138 lib/search/search.c     if (original == NULL)
NULL              139 lib/search/search.c         return NULL;
NULL              159 lib/search/search.c     if (original == NULL || original_len == 0)
NULL              160 lib/search/search.c         return NULL;
NULL              166 lib/search/search.c         original_charset != NULL && *original_charset != '\0' ? original_charset : cp_display);
NULL              179 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search == NULL)
NULL              188 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search->prepared.conditions != NULL)
NULL              192 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search->regex_match_info != NULL)
NULL              198 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search->regex_buffer != NULL)
NULL              211 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search->prepared.conditions != NULL)
NULL              278 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search == NULL || user_data == NULL)
NULL              286 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search->regex_match_info != NULL)
NULL              289 lib/search/search.c         lc_mc_search->regex_match_info = NULL;
NULL              293 lib/search/search.c     mc_search_set_error (lc_mc_search, MC_SEARCH_E_OK, NULL);
NULL              342 lib/search/search.c     if (num != NULL)
NULL              355 lib/search/search.c     if (replace_str == NULL || replace_str->len == 0)
NULL              358 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search == NULL)
NULL              393 lib/search/search.c     return (ret != NULL) ? g_string_free (ret, FALSE) : NULL;
NULL              401 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search == NULL)
NULL              431 lib/search/search.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              435 lib/search/search.c     if (search == NULL)
NULL              444 lib/search/search.c     ret = mc_search_run (search, str, 0, strlen (str), NULL);
NULL              454 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search == NULL)
NULL              476 lib/search/search.c     if (lc_mc_search == NULL)
NULL              509 lib/search/search.c     if (format != NULL)
NULL               64 lib/serialize.c     if ((error == NULL) || (*error == NULL))
NULL               88 lib/serialize.c         return NULL;
NULL              113 lib/serialize.c     if (data == NULL)
NULL              116 lib/serialize.c         return NULL;
NULL              138 lib/serialize.c     if ((data == NULL) || (*data == '\0'))
NULL              141 lib/serialize.c         return NULL;
NULL              147 lib/serialize.c         return NULL;
NULL              156 lib/serialize.c         if (semi_ptr == NULL)
NULL              160 lib/serialize.c             return NULL;
NULL              166 lib/serialize.c             return NULL;
NULL              180 lib/serialize.c         return NULL;
NULL              204 lib/serialize.c     groups = mc_config_get_groups (data, NULL);
NULL              206 lib/serialize.c     for (group_iterator = groups; *group_iterator != NULL; group_iterator++)
NULL              212 lib/serialize.c         if (serialized_str == NULL)
NULL              216 lib/serialize.c             return NULL;
NULL              221 lib/serialize.c         params = mc_config_get_keys (data, *group_iterator, NULL);
NULL              223 lib/serialize.c         for (param_iterator = params; *param_iterator != NULL; param_iterator++)
NULL              228 lib/serialize.c             if (serialized_str == NULL)
NULL              233 lib/serialize.c                 return NULL;
NULL              242 lib/serialize.c             if (serialized_str == NULL)
NULL              247 lib/serialize.c                 return NULL;
NULL              277 lib/serialize.c         return NULL;                                                                               \
NULL              283 lib/serialize.c     char *current_group = NULL, *current_param = NULL, *current_value = NULL;
NULL              293 lib/serialize.c     ret_data = mc_config_init (NULL, FALSE);
NULL              295 lib/serialize.c     while (data != NULL)
NULL              297 lib/serialize.c         if ((current_status == WAIT_GROUP) && (*data == 'p') && (current_group != NULL))
NULL              306 lib/serialize.c             if (current_group == NULL)
NULL              316 lib/serialize.c             if (current_param == NULL)
NULL              327 lib/serialize.c             if (current_value == NULL)
NULL              111 lib/shell.c        char *shell_name = NULL;
NULL              114 lib/shell.c        if ((shell_env == NULL) || (shell_env[0] == '\0'))
NULL              120 lib/shell.c            if (pwd != NULL)
NULL              135 lib/shell.c        mc_shell_t *mc_shell = NULL;
NULL              141 lib/shell.c        if (shell_name != NULL)
NULL              155 lib/shell.c        if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/zsh") != NULL || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/zsh") != NULL
NULL              156 lib/shell.c            || getenv ("ZSH_VERSION") != NULL)
NULL              162 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/tcsh") != NULL
NULL              163 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/tcsh") != NULL)
NULL              169 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/csh") != NULL
NULL              170 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/csh") != NULL)
NULL              175 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/fish") != NULL
NULL              176 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/fish") != NULL)
NULL              181 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/dash") != NULL
NULL              182 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/dash") != NULL)
NULL              188 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/busybox") != NULL)
NULL              200 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh") != NULL || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/ksh") != NULL
NULL              201 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh93") != NULL
NULL              202 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/ksh93") != NULL
NULL              203 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/oksh") != NULL
NULL              204 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/oksh") != NULL)
NULL              209 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/mksh") != NULL
NULL              210 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->real_path, "/mksh") != NULL)
NULL              225 lib/shell.c        if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/bash") != NULL || getenv ("BASH_VERSION") != NULL)
NULL              230 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/sh") != NULL)
NULL              235 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ash") != NULL || getenv ("BB_ASH_VERSION") != NULL)
NULL              240 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh") != NULL || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/ksh93") != NULL
NULL              241 lib/shell.c                 || strstr (mc_shell->path, "/oksh") != NULL
NULL              242 lib/shell.c                 || (getenv ("KSH_VERSION") != NULL
NULL              243 lib/shell.c                     && strstr (getenv ("KSH_VERSION"), "PD KSH") != NULL))
NULL              248 lib/shell.c        else if (strstr (mc_shell->path, "/mksh") != NULL
NULL              249 lib/shell.c                 || (getenv ("KSH_VERSION") != NULL
NULL              250 lib/shell.c                     && strstr (getenv ("KSH_VERSION"), "MIRBSD KSH") != NULL))
NULL              270 lib/shell.c        if (mc_shell == NULL)
NULL              278 lib/shell.c        if (mc_shell->real_path != NULL)
NULL              295 lib/shell.c        if ( != NULL)
NULL              128 lib/skin/colors-old.c     const mc_skin_colors_old_t oc = { old_color, NULL, NULL };
NULL              131 lib/skin/colors-old.c     if (old_color == NULL)
NULL              137 lib/skin/colors-old.c     if (res == NULL)
NULL              140 lib/skin/colors-old.c     if (group != NULL)
NULL              142 lib/skin/colors-old.c     if (key != NULL)
NULL              154 lib/skin/colors-old.c     if (the_color_string == NULL)
NULL              158 lib/skin/colors-old.c     if (orig_colors == NULL)
NULL              161 lib/skin/colors-old.c     for (colors = orig_colors; *colors != NULL; colors++)
NULL              168 lib/skin/colors-old.c         if (key_val == NULL)
NULL              171 lib/skin/colors-old.c         if (key_val[1] != NULL && mc_skin_colors_old_transform (key_val[0], &skin_group, &skin_key))
NULL              175 lib/skin/colors-old.c             if (key_val[2] == NULL)
NULL              177 lib/skin/colors-old.c             else if (key_val[3] == NULL)
NULL               58 lib/skin/colors.c     if (group == NULL || key == NULL)
NULL               59 lib/skin/colors.c         return NULL;
NULL               61 lib/skin/colors.c     if (mc_skin == NULL)
NULL               77 lib/skin/colors.c     if (group == NULL || key == NULL)
NULL               80 lib/skin/colors.c     if (mc_skin == NULL)
NULL               97 lib/skin/colors.c     if (kname != NULL)
NULL               99 lib/skin/colors.c         if (g_hash_table_lookup (mc_skin->colors, (gpointer) kname) != NULL)
NULL              113 lib/skin/colors.c     mc_skin_color = mc_skin_color_get_from_hash (NULL, group, name);
NULL              114 lib/skin/colors.c     if (mc_skin_color != NULL)
NULL              117 lib/skin/colors.c     mc_skin_color = mc_skin_color_get_from_hash (NULL, group, "_default_");
NULL              118 lib/skin/colors.c     if (mc_skin_color != NULL)
NULL              121 lib/skin/colors.c     mc_skin_color = mc_skin_color_get_from_hash (NULL, "core", "_default_");
NULL              190 lib/skin/colors.c     if (values == NULL || values[0] == NULL)
NULL              193 lib/skin/colors.c         return NULL;
NULL              197 lib/skin/colors.c     if (mc_skin_color == NULL)
NULL              200 lib/skin/colors.c         return NULL;
NULL              206 lib/skin/colors.c         : (tmp != NULL) ? g_strdup (tmp->fg)
NULL              207 lib/skin/colors.c                         : NULL;
NULL              210 lib/skin/colors.c         : (tmp != NULL) ? g_strdup (tmp->bg)
NULL              211 lib/skin/colors.c                         : NULL;
NULL              214 lib/skin/colors.c         : (tmp != NULL) ? g_strdup (tmp->attrs)
NULL              215 lib/skin/colors.c                         : NULL;
NULL              232 lib/skin/colors.c     if (mc_skin_color != NULL)
NULL              236 lib/skin/colors.c         mc_skin_color->attrs = NULL;
NULL              346 lib/skin/colors.c     orig_groups = mc_config_get_groups (mc_skin->config, NULL);
NULL              348 lib/skin/colors.c     for (groups = orig_groups; *groups != NULL; groups++)
NULL              372 lib/skin/colors.c     if (*orig_groups == NULL)
NULL              378 lib/skin/colors.c     if (mc_skin_color == NULL)
NULL              384 lib/skin/colors.c     for (groups = orig_groups; *groups != NULL; groups++)
NULL              391 lib/skin/colors.c         orig_keys = mc_config_get_keys (mc_skin->config, *groups, NULL);
NULL              393 lib/skin/colors.c         for (keys = orig_keys; *keys != NULL; keys++)
NULL              396 lib/skin/colors.c             if (mc_skin_color != NULL)
NULL              420 lib/skin/colors.c     return (mc_skin_color != NULL) ? mc_skin_color->pair_index : 0;
NULL               73 lib/skin/common.c     if ( != NULL)
NULL               78 lib/skin/common.c     if (tmp_str != NULL)
NULL              119 lib/skin/common.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              127 lib/skin/common.c         skin_override != NULL ? g_strdup (skin_override) : mc_skin_get_default_name ();
NULL              188 lib/skin/common.c     mc_skin__default.colors = NULL;
NULL              193 lib/skin/common.c     mc_skin__default.config = NULL;
NULL               57 lib/skin/ini-file.c     name = g_build_filename (base_dir, MC_SKINS_DIR, (char *) NULL);
NULL               58 lib/skin/ini-file.c     dir = g_dir_open (name, 0, NULL);
NULL               61 lib/skin/ini-file.c     if (dir != NULL)
NULL               65 lib/skin/ini-file.c         while ((cname = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL)
NULL              106 lib/skin/ini-file.c     file_name = g_build_filename (base_dir, MC_SKINS_DIR, mc_skin->name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              111 lib/skin/ini-file.c         return (mc_skin->config != NULL);
NULL              116 lib/skin/ini-file.c     file_name = g_build_filename (base_dir, MC_SKINS_DIR, file_name2, (char *) NULL);
NULL              123 lib/skin/ini-file.c         return (mc_skin->config != NULL);
NULL              155 lib/skin/ini-file.c     if (file_name == NULL)
NULL              164 lib/skin/ini-file.c         return (mc_skin->config != NULL);
NULL              202 lib/skin/ini-file.c     mc_skin->config = mc_config_init (NULL, TRUE);
NULL               63 lib/strutil/replace.c     GString *return_str = NULL;
NULL               69 lib/strutil/replace.c     while ((needle_in_str = strstr (haystack, needle)) != NULL)
NULL               71 lib/strutil/replace.c         if (return_str == NULL)
NULL               94 lib/strutil/replace.c         if (return_str == NULL)
NULL              100 lib/strutil/replace.c     return (return_str != NULL ? g_string_free (return_str, FALSE) : NULL);
NULL               61 lib/strutil/strescape.c     if (src == NULL)
NULL               62 lib/strutil/strescape.c         return NULL;
NULL              112 lib/strutil/strescape.c     if (src == NULL)
NULL              113 lib/strutil/strescape.c         return NULL;
NULL              162 lib/strutil/strescape.c             if (strchr (unescaped_chars, (int) src[curr_index]) == NULL)
NULL              254 lib/strutil/strescape.c     if (start == NULL || current == NULL || current <= start)
NULL               55 lib/strutil/strutil.c     NULL,
NULL               84 lib/strutil/strutil.c     NULL,
NULL               88 lib/strutil/strutil.c static char *codeset = NULL;
NULL               89 lib/strutil/strutil.c static char *term_encoding = NULL;
NULL              119 lib/strutil/strutil.c     if (string == NULL || buffer == NULL)
NULL              138 lib/strutil/strutil.c     g_iconv (coder, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
NULL              143 lib/strutil/strutil.c         GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              147 lib/strutil/strutil.c         if (mcerror != NULL)
NULL              152 lib/strutil/strutil.c             mcerror = NULL;
NULL              164 lib/strutil/strutil.c                 if ((tmp_buff == NULL) && (bytes_read != 0))
NULL              167 lib/strutil/strutil.c                                                      NULL, NULL, NULL);
NULL              169 lib/strutil/strutil.c                 if (tmp_buff != NULL)
NULL              201 lib/strutil/strutil.c         else if (tmp_buff == NULL)
NULL              231 lib/strutil/strutil.c     if (encoding != NULL)
NULL              235 lib/strutil/strutil.c         for (t = 0; table[t] != NULL; t++)
NULL              316 lib/strutil/strutil.c         g_string_append (buffer, string != NULL ? string : "");
NULL              359 lib/strutil/strutil.c     g_iconv (conv, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
NULL              376 lib/strutil/strutil.c     if (term_encoding == NULL)
NULL              401 lib/strutil/strutil.c     codeset = termenc != NULL ? g_ascii_strup (termenc, -1) : g_strdup (str_detect_termencoding ());
NULL              406 lib/strutil/strutil.c         if (termenc != NULL)
NULL              940 lib/strutil/strutil.c         if (q != NULL)
NULL              950 lib/strutil/strutil.c         if (q == NULL)
NULL              974 lib/strutil/strutil.c         if (semi == NULL)
NULL              975 lib/strutil/strutil.c             return NULL;
NULL             1030 lib/strutil/strutil.c     if (s == NULL || *s == '\0')
NULL              250 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c         ret = g_strdup (def_msg != NULL ? def_msg : "");
NULL              261 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c             ret = g_strdup (def_msg != NULL ? def_msg : "");
NULL              583 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              584 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c         return NULL;
NULL              607 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     if (match != NULL)
NULL              637 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     if (match != NULL)
NULL              683 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     g_return_val_if_fail (s1 != NULL, 0);
NULL              684 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     g_return_val_if_fail (s2 != NULL, 0);
NULL              689 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     g_return_val_if_fail (s1 != NULL, 0);
NULL              690 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     g_return_val_if_fail (s2 != NULL, 0);
NULL              717 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     g_return_val_if_fail (s1 != NULL, 0);
NULL              718 lib/strutil/strutil8bit.c     g_return_val_if_fail (s2 != NULL, 0);
NULL              222 lib/strutil/strutilascii.c     if (mcerror != NULL)
NULL              225 lib/strutil/strutilascii.c     return g_strdup (def_msg != NULL ? def_msg : "");
NULL              591 lib/strutil/strutilascii.c     if (match != NULL)
NULL              621 lib/strutil/strutilascii.c     if (match != NULL)
NULL               93 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     return g_utf8_validate (text, -1, NULL);
NULL              290 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     left = g_unichar_to_utf8 (uni, NULL);
NULL              313 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     left = g_unichar_to_utf8 (uni, NULL);
NULL              417 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     if (mcerror != NULL)
NULL              420 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     return g_strdup (def_msg != NULL ? def_msg : "");
NULL              554 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c         left = g_unichar_to_utf8 (uni, NULL);
NULL              593 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c         left = g_unichar_to_utf8 (uni, NULL);
NULL              969 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     if (needle == NULL)
NULL              970 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c         return NULL;
NULL              997 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     const char *result = NULL;
NULL             1017 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c         if (match != NULL)
NULL             1035 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     while (match != NULL && result == NULL);
NULL             1049 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     const char *result = NULL;
NULL             1068 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c         if (match != NULL)
NULL             1086 lib/strutil/strutilutf8.c     while (match != NULL && result == NULL);
NULL               52 lib/strutil/tokenize.c #define member(c, s)       ((c != '\0') ? (strchr ((s), (c)) != NULL) : FALSE)
NULL              215 lib/strutil/tokenize.c     GPtrArray *result = NULL;
NULL              242 lib/strutil/tokenize.c         if (result == NULL)
NULL              100 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c     p = endptr != NULL ? endptr : &t_ptr;
NULL              123 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c         if (!(valid_suffixes != NULL && *nptr != '\0' && strchr (valid_suffixes, *nptr) != NULL))
NULL              137 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c     if (valid_suffixes == NULL)
NULL              149 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c         if (strchr (valid_suffixes, **p) == NULL)
NULL              171 lib/strutil/xstrtol.c             if (strchr (valid_suffixes, '0') != NULL)
NULL               49 lib/timefmt.c  char *user_recent_timeformat = NULL;  // time format string for recent dates
NULL               50 lib/timefmt.c  char *user_old_timeformat = NULL;     // time format string for older dates
NULL               88 lib/timefmt.c      testtime = time (NULL);
NULL               91 lib/timefmt.c      if (lt == NULL)
NULL              135 lib/timefmt.c      time_t current_time = time (NULL);
NULL               25 lib/timefmt.h          if (whentm == NULL)                                                                        \
NULL               83 lib/tty/color-internal.c     { NULL, 0 },
NULL               95 lib/tty/color-internal.c     { NULL, 0 },
NULL              178 lib/tty/color-internal.c     for (i = 0; color_table[i].name != NULL; i++)
NULL              201 lib/tty/color-internal.c     if (color_name != NULL)
NULL              205 lib/tty/color-internal.c         for (i = 0; color_table[i].name != NULL; i++)
NULL              220 lib/tty/color-internal.c     if (attrs != NULL)
NULL              227 lib/tty/color-internal.c         for (i = 0; attr_list[i] != NULL; i++)
NULL              231 lib/tty/color-internal.c             for (j = 0; attributes_table[j].name != NULL; j++)
NULL               55 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c static GHashTable *mc_tty_color_color_pair_attrs = NULL;
NULL               75 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c     if (attr == NULL)
NULL               79 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c     if (key == NULL)
NULL               96 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c     int *fnd = NULL;
NULL               98 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c     if (mc_tty_color_color_pair_attrs != NULL)
NULL              100 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c     return (fnd != NULL) ? *fnd : 0;
NULL              142 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c     mc_tty_color_color_pair_attrs = NULL;
NULL              183 lib/tty/color-ncurses.c         if (!tty_use_256colors (NULL) && !tty_use_truecolors (NULL))
NULL               64 lib/tty/color-slang.c     if (force || (getenv ("COLORTERM") != NULL))
NULL              119 lib/tty/color-slang.c         SLtt_set_mono (mc_color_pair->pair_index, NULL, mask);
NULL              248 lib/tty/color-slang.c     if (colorterm == NULL
NULL               50 lib/tty/color.c     .fg = NULL, .bg = NULL, .attrs = NULL, .pair_index = 0
NULL               64 lib/tty/color.c static GHashTable *mc_tty_color__hashtable = NULL;
NULL              113 lib/tty/color.c             == NULL)
NULL              158 lib/tty/color.c     is_base = (color->fg == NULL || strcmp (color->fg, "base") == 0);
NULL              160 lib/tty/color.c     is_base = (color->bg == NULL || strcmp (color->bg, "base") == 0);
NULL              162 lib/tty/color.c     is_base = (color->attrs == NULL || strcmp (color->attrs, "base") == 0);
NULL              166 lib/tty/color.c     if (color_pair == NULL)
NULL              172 lib/tty/color.c     if (mc_color_pair != NULL)
NULL              179 lib/tty/color.c     if (mc_color_pair == NULL)
NULL              203 lib/tty/color.c     g_hash_table_foreach_remove (mc_tty_color__hashtable, tty_color_free_temp_cb, NULL);
NULL              218 lib/tty/key.c      { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL },
NULL              287 lib/tty/key.c      { 0, NULL, MCKEY_NOACTION },
NULL              452 lib/tty/key.c      { 0, NULL, MCKEY_NOACTION },
NULL              525 lib/tty/key.c      { 0, NULL, MCKEY_NOACTION },
NULL              529 lib/tty/key.c  static key_def *keys = NULL;
NULL              534 lib/tty/key.c  static GSList *select_list = NULL;
NULL              537 lib/tty/key.c  static int *seq_append = NULL;
NULL              539 lib/tty/key.c  static int *pending_keys = NULL;
NULL              593 lib/tty/key.c          for (s = select_list; s != NULL; s = g_slist_next (s))
NULL              617 lib/tty/key.c          if (s == NULL)
NULL              637 lib/tty/key.c          struct timeval *timeptr = NULL;
NULL              651 lib/tty/key.c          v = select (maxfdp + 1, &select_set, NULL, NULL, timeptr);
NULL              668 lib/tty/key.c      for (base = attach = NULL; *seq != '\0'; seq++)
NULL              673 lib/tty/key.c          if (base == NULL)
NULL              675 lib/tty/key.c          if (attach != NULL)
NULL              680 lib/tty/key.c          p->child = NULL;
NULL              681 lib/tty/key.c          p->next = NULL;
NULL              705 lib/tty/key.c      if (getenv ("DISPLAY") != NULL && !mc_global.tty.disable_x11)
NULL              709 lib/tty/key.c          if (x11_display != NULL)
NULL              727 lib/tty/key.c          if (pending_keys == NULL)
NULL              927 lib/tty/key.c          if (getenv ("PHOTON2_PATH") != NULL)
NULL              933 lib/tty/key.c              if (ph_handle != NULL)
NULL              938 lib/tty/key.c                  if ((ph_attach != NULL) && (ph_input_group != NULL) && (ph_query_cursor != NULL)
NULL              939 lib/tty/key.c                      && (*ph_attach) (0, 0) != NULL)
NULL              954 lib/tty/key.c          if (devctl (fileno (stdin), DCMD_CHR_LINESTATUS, &mod_status, sizeof (mod_status), NULL)
NULL             1008 lib/tty/key.c      if (seq_append == NULL)
NULL             1165 lib/tty/key.c      select (input_fd + 1, &Read_FD_Set, NULL, NULL, &time_out);
NULL             1194 lib/tty/key.c      if (k != NULL)
NULL             1254 lib/tty/key.c          const key_code_name_t key = { 0, name, NULL, NULL };
NULL             1269 lib/tty/key.c          if (res != NULL)
NULL             1287 lib/tty/key.c          const key_code_name_t key = { code, NULL, NULL, NULL };
NULL             1296 lib/tty/key.c          if (res != NULL)
NULL             1326 lib/tty/key.c          || (term != NULL
NULL             1335 lib/tty/key.c      if ((term != NULL) && (strncmp (term, "qnx", 3) == 0))
NULL             1360 lib/tty/key.c      if (term != NULL && (strncmp (term, "qansi-m", 7) == 0))
NULL             1414 lib/tty/key.c      if (p != NULL)
NULL             1454 lib/tty/key.c      if (name == NULL)
NULL             1461 lib/tty/key.c      for (p = lc_keys; p != NULL && *p != NULL; p++)
NULL             1490 lib/tty/key.c      if (label != NULL)
NULL             1519 lib/tty/key.c              if ((k >= 'A') || (lc_index < 0) || (key_conv_tab_sorted[lc_index]->shortcut == NULL))
NULL             1524 lib/tty/key.c          else if ((lc_index != -1) && (key_conv_tab_sorted[lc_index]->shortcut != NULL))
NULL             1608 lib/tty/key.c              if ((k >= 'A') || (key_idx < 0) || (key_conv_tab_sorted[key_idx]->name == NULL))
NULL             1613 lib/tty/key.c          else if ((key_idx != -1) && (key_conv_tab_sorted[key_idx]->name != NULL))
NULL             1636 lib/tty/key.c      for (base = keys; (base != NULL) && (*seq != '\0');)
NULL             1639 lib/tty/key.c              if (base->child == NULL)
NULL             1657 lib/tty/key.c              if (base->next != NULL)
NULL             1727 lib/tty/key.c      static key_def *this = NULL, *parent;
NULL             1733 lib/tty/key.c          this = NULL;
NULL             1738 lib/tty/key.c      if (pending_keys != NULL)
NULL             1748 lib/tty/key.c              pending_keys = seq_append = NULL;
NULL             1787 lib/tty/key.c              if (this == NULL || parent == NULL || parent->action != MCKEY_ESCAPE || !old_esc_mode
NULL             1791 lib/tty/key.c              this = NULL;
NULL             1792 lib/tty/key.c              pending_keys = seq_append = NULL;
NULL             1801 lib/tty/key.c          if (seq_append == NULL)
NULL             1803 lib/tty/key.c              this = NULL;
NULL             1812 lib/tty/key.c      if (no_delay == 0 || this == NULL)
NULL             1815 lib/tty/key.c          parent = NULL;
NULL             1827 lib/tty/key.c      while (this != NULL)
NULL             1831 lib/tty/key.c              if (this->child == NULL)
NULL             1834 lib/tty/key.c                  pending_keys = seq_append = NULL;
NULL             1861 lib/tty/key.c                  pending_keys = seq_append = NULL;
NULL             1862 lib/tty/key.c                  this = NULL;
NULL             1873 lib/tty/key.c          if (this->next != NULL)
NULL             1880 lib/tty/key.c          if ((parent != NULL) && (parent->action == MCKEY_ESCAPE))
NULL             1890 lib/tty/key.c              pending_keys = seq_append = NULL;
NULL             1901 lib/tty/key.c      this = NULL;
NULL             1920 lib/tty/key.c      struct timeval *time_addr = NULL;
NULL             1945 lib/tty/key.c      while (pending_keys == NULL)
NULL             1993 lib/tty/key.c              time_addr = NULL;
NULL             2016 lib/tty/key.c          flag = select (nfd, &select_set, NULL, NULL, time_addr);
NULL             2109 lib/tty/key.c              extended || (c == KEY_MOUSE && xmouse_seq == NULL && xmouse_extended_seq != NULL);
NULL             2183 lib/tty/key.c              select (input_fd + 1, &Read_FD_Set, NULL, NULL, &tv);
NULL              416 lib/tty/keyxdef.c         __setupterm (NULL, fileno (stdout), &term_setup_ok);
NULL               94 lib/tty/mouse.c         if (xmouse_seq != NULL)
NULL               96 lib/tty/mouse.c         if (xmouse_extended_seq != NULL)
NULL               67 lib/tty/tty-internal.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              207 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c         { NULL, 0 },
NULL              210 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (ch == NULL)
NULL              293 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (mc_global.tty.xterm_flag && smcup != NULL)
NULL              305 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     if (mc_global.tty.xterm_flag && rmcup != NULL)
NULL              582 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c             getcchar (&ctext[col], wch, &attrs, &color_pair, NULL);
NULL              583 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c             setcchar (&ctext[col], wch, attrs, color, NULL);
NULL              750 lib/tty/tty-ncurses.c     char *unused = NULL;
NULL              131 lib/tty/tty-slang.c         NULL,
NULL              191 lib/tty/tty-slang.c         if (send != NULL)
NULL              208 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     if (seq != NULL)
NULL              250 lib/tty/tty-slang.c         { NULL, 0 },
NULL              316 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     SLtt_Blink_Mode = (tty_use_256colors (NULL) || tty_use_truecolors (NULL)) ? 1 : 0;
NULL              362 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     if (op_cap != NULL)
NULL              459 lib/tty/tty-slang.c     if (keypad_string != NULL)
NULL              116 lib/tty/tty.c      if (termvalue == NULL || *termvalue == '\0')
NULL              143 lib/tty/tty.c      my_sigaction (SIGINT, &act, NULL);
NULL              156 lib/tty/tty.c      my_sigaction (SIGINT, &act, NULL);
NULL              170 lib/tty/tty.c      my_sigaction (SIGINT, &act, NULL);
NULL              198 lib/tty/tty.c      while ((ok = select (sigwinch_pipe[0] + 1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout)) < 0)
NULL              363 lib/tty/tty.c      if (xmouse_seq == NULL)
NULL              366 lib/tty/tty.c      if (smcup == NULL)
NULL              369 lib/tty/tty.c      if (rmcup == NULL)
NULL              381 lib/tty/tty.c          if (xmouse_seq == NULL)
NULL              394 lib/tty/tty.c                      || (color_term != NULL && strncmp (color_term, "rxvt", 4) == 0)
NULL              406 lib/tty/tty.c      if (xmouse_seq != NULL)
NULL               51 lib/tty/win.c  char *smcup = NULL;
NULL               52 lib/tty/win.c  char *rmcup = NULL;
NULL              160 lib/tty/win.c          rxvt_extensions = ((e != NULL) && (strcmp (e, "1.0") == 0));
NULL              135 lib/tty/x11conn.c     if (x11_module != NULL)
NULL              139 lib/tty/x11conn.c     if (x11_module == NULL)
NULL              142 lib/tty/x11conn.c     if (x11_module == NULL)
NULL              166 lib/tty/x11conn.c     x11_module = NULL;
NULL              197 lib/tty/x11conn.c     return NULL;
NULL              121 lib/util.c             return NULL;
NULL              132 lib/util.c             if (q == NULL)
NULL              197 lib/util.c         if (!g_file_get_contents (from_file_name, &contents, &length, NULL))
NULL              201 lib/util.c         if (backup_fd == NULL)
NULL              259 lib/util.c         if (s == NULL || *s == '\0')
NULL              260 lib/util.c             return NULL;
NULL              321 lib/util.c         return (s == NULL || *s == '\0' ? NULL : g_strdup (s));
NULL              456 lib/util.c             "", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y", "R", "Q", NULL
NULL              459 lib/util.c             "", "k", "m", "g", "t", "p", "e", "z", "y", "r", "q", NULL,
NULL              469 lib/util.c             for (sfx_last = 0; sfx[sfx_last] != NULL; sfx_last++)
NULL              505 lib/util.c         for (j = units_safe; sfx[j] != NULL; j++)
NULL              602 lib/util.c         return d != NULL ? d + 1 : "";
NULL              615 lib/util.c         hintfile_base = g_build_filename (from, filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              618 lib/util.c         hintfile = g_strconcat (hintfile_base, ".", lang, (char *) NULL);
NULL              619 lib/util.c         if (!g_file_get_contents (hintfile, &data, length, NULL))
NULL              625 lib/util.c             hintfile = g_strconcat (hintfile_base, ".", lang, (char *) NULL);
NULL              626 lib/util.c             if (!g_file_get_contents (hintfile, &data, length, NULL))
NULL              630 lib/util.c                 g_file_get_contents (hintfile_base, &data, length, NULL);
NULL              639 lib/util.c         if (allocated_filename != NULL)
NULL              659 lib/util.c         if (len != NULL)
NULL              678 lib/util.c         if (path_sep == NULL)
NULL              681 lib/util.c         if (url_delim == NULL || url_delim < path_sep - strlen (VFS_PATH_URL_DELIMITER)
NULL              709 lib/util.c         strerror_currentlocale = g_locale_from_utf8 (g_strerror (error_num), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
NULL              768 lib/util.c         if (s == NULL)
NULL              769 lib/util.c             return NULL;
NULL              780 lib/util.c                     while (*(++r) != '\0' && strchr ("0123456789;:<=>?", *r) != NULL)
NULL              970 lib/util.c         if (passwd != NULL)
NULL             1048 lib/util.c         char *my_first = NULL, *my_second = NULL;
NULL             1049 lib/util.c         char *buf = NULL;
NULL             1052 lib/util.c         if (my_first == NULL)
NULL             1056 lib/util.c         if (my_second == NULL)
NULL             1073 lib/util.c                 if (r == NULL)
NULL             1076 lib/util.c                 if (s == NULL)
NULL             1087 lib/util.c             for (i = 0; (p = strchr (p + 1, PATH_SEP)) != NULL; i++)
NULL             1129 lib/util.c         while (lc_link != NULL)
NULL             1173 lib/util.c         if (f == NULL)
NULL             1177 lib/util.c         if (bookmarks != NULL)
NULL             1180 lib/util.c         while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f) != NULL)
NULL             1195 lib/util.c             if (strchr (p, ' ') != NULL)
NULL             1199 lib/util.c             if (pos_tokens[0] == NULL)
NULL             1207 lib/util.c                 *line = strtol (pos_tokens[0], NULL, 10);
NULL             1208 lib/util.c                 if (pos_tokens[1] == NULL)
NULL             1215 lib/util.c                     *column = strtol (pos_tokens[1], NULL, 10);
NULL             1216 lib/util.c                     if (pos_tokens[2] == NULL)
NULL             1218 lib/util.c                     else if (bookmarks != NULL)
NULL             1222 lib/util.c                         *offset = (off_t) g_ascii_strtoll (pos_tokens[2], NULL, 10);
NULL             1224 lib/util.c                         for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVED_BOOKMARKS && pos_tokens[3 + i] != NULL; i++)
NULL             1228 lib/util.c                             val = strtoul (pos_tokens[3 + i], NULL, 10);
NULL             1263 lib/util.c         if (fn == NULL)
NULL             1270 lib/util.c         if (f == NULL)
NULL             1275 lib/util.c         if (tmp_f == NULL)
NULL             1282 lib/util.c         if (line != 1 || column != 0 || bookmarks != NULL)
NULL             1288 lib/util.c             if (bookmarks != NULL)
NULL             1298 lib/util.c         while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), tmp_f) != NULL)
NULL             1301 lib/util.c                 && strchr (&buf[len + 1], ' ') == NULL)
NULL             1321 lib/util.c         if (bookmarks != NULL)
NULL             1346 lib/util.c         return sep != NULL ? sep + 1 : result;
NULL             1362 lib/util.c         if (backup_path == NULL)
NULL             1389 lib/util.c         if (backup_path == NULL)
NULL             1406 lib/util.c         if (backup_path == NULL)
NULL             1440 lib/util.c             NULL
NULL             1444 lib/util.c         const char *locale = NULL;
NULL             1446 lib/util.c         for (i = 0; var[i] != NULL; i++)
NULL             1449 lib/util.c             if (locale != NULL && locale[0] != '\0')
NULL             1453 lib/util.c         if (locale == NULL)
NULL             1471 lib/util.c         static const char *profile_root = NULL;
NULL             1473 lib/util.c         if (profile_root == NULL)
NULL             1476 lib/util.c             if (profile_root == NULL || *profile_root == '\0')
NULL             1496 lib/util.c         if (dest != NULL && *dest == NULL)
NULL             1522 lib/util.c         if (dest != NULL)
NULL             1532 lib/util.c             *dest = NULL;
NULL               29 lib/util.h             (ptr) = NULL;                                                                              \
NULL               36 lib/util.h             if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL)                                                   \
NULL               43 lib/util.h             if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL)                                                   \
NULL              191 lib/utilunix.c     my_sigaction (SIGINT, &sigactions->intr, NULL);
NULL              192 lib/utilunix.c     my_sigaction (SIGQUIT, &sigactions->quit, NULL);
NULL              193 lib/utilunix.c     my_sigaction (SIGTSTP, &sigactions->stop, NULL);
NULL              209 lib/utilunix.c     else if (shell == NULL || *shell == '\0')
NULL              212 lib/utilunix.c         g_ptr_array_add (args_array, NULL);
NULL              278 lib/utilunix.c     if (name != NULL)
NULL              282 lib/utilunix.c     if (pwd != NULL)
NULL              306 lib/utilunix.c     if (name != NULL)
NULL              310 lib/utilunix.c     if (grp != NULL)
NULL              332 lib/utilunix.c     my_sigaction (SIGTSTP, NULL, &startup_handler);
NULL              422 lib/utilunix.c     return my_systeml (flags, shell, command, NULL);
NULL              450 lib/utilunix.c     while ((one_arg = va_arg (vargs, char *)) != NULL)
NULL              454 lib/utilunix.c     g_ptr_array_add (args_array, NULL);
NULL              531 lib/utilunix.c     for (; argv != NULL && *argv != NULL; argv++)
NULL              534 lib/utilunix.c     g_ptr_array_add (args_array, NULL);
NULL              558 lib/utilunix.c     const char *const argv[] = { "/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", command, NULL };
NULL              561 lib/utilunix.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              571 lib/utilunix.c     if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes (NULL, (gchar **) argv, NULL,
NULL              572 lib/utilunix.c                                    G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD | G_SPAWN_FILE_AND_ARGV_ZERO, NULL,
NULL              573 lib/utilunix.c                                    NULL, &p->child_pid, NULL, read_out ? &p->out.fd : NULL,
NULL              574 lib/utilunix.c                                    read_err ? &p->err.fd : NULL, error))
NULL              593 lib/utilunix.c     return NULL;
NULL              624 lib/utilunix.c     if (error != NULL)
NULL              625 lib/utilunix.c         *error = NULL;
NULL              651 lib/utilunix.c     res = select (maxfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
NULL              689 lib/utilunix.c     g_return_val_if_fail (ps != NULL, NULL);
NULL              692 lib/utilunix.c         return NULL;
NULL              697 lib/utilunix.c         return NULL;
NULL              702 lib/utilunix.c         return NULL;
NULL              729 lib/utilunix.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              786 lib/utilunix.c         if (q == NULL)
NULL              800 lib/utilunix.c     if (passwd == NULL)
NULL              803 lib/utilunix.c     return g_strconcat (passwd->pw_dir, PATH_SEP_STR, q, (char *) NULL);
NULL              946 lib/utilunix.c                     if (vclass != NULL && (vclass->flags & VFSF_REMOTE) != 0)
NULL             1080 lib/utilunix.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL             1108 lib/utilunix.c             return NULL;
NULL             1118 lib/utilunix.c             if (new_path == NULL)
NULL             1174 lib/utilunix.c                     return NULL;
NULL             1183 lib/utilunix.c                 return NULL;
NULL             1196 lib/utilunix.c                     return NULL;
NULL             1214 lib/utilunix.c                     return NULL;
NULL             1254 lib/utilunix.c         ngroups = getgroups (0, NULL);
NULL             1300 lib/utilunix.c     if (first_element == NULL)
NULL             1301 lib/utilunix.c         return NULL;
NULL             1324 lib/utilunix.c             if (!IS_PATH_SEP (path->str[path->len - 1]) && element != NULL)
NULL             1330 lib/utilunix.c     while (element != NULL);
NULL             1350 lib/utilunix.c     if (first_element == NULL)
NULL             1351 lib/utilunix.c         return NULL;
NULL               88 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->x != NULL)                                                              \
NULL              116 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (sep != NULL)
NULL              122 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (sep != NULL)
NULL              135 lib/vfs/direntry.c     char *fullname = NULL;
NULL              141 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ERRNOR (ELOOP, NULL);
NULL              142 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL              143 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ERRNOR (ENOENT, NULL);
NULL              148 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (linkname == NULL)
NULL              149 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ERRNOR (EFAULT, NULL);
NULL              157 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (fullpath != NULL)
NULL              159 lib/vfs/direntry.c             fullname = g_strconcat (fullpath, PATH_SEP_STR, linkname, (char *) NULL);
NULL              182 lib/vfs/direntry.c     struct vfs_s_entry *ent = NULL;
NULL              189 lib/vfs/direntry.c     while (root != NULL)
NULL              205 lib/vfs/direntry.c         for (iter = g_queue_peek_head_link (root->subdir); iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              213 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ent = iter != NULL ? VFS_ENTRY (iter->data) : NULL;
NULL              215 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (ent == NULL && (flags & (FL_MKFILE | FL_MKDIR)) != 0)
NULL              217 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (ent == NULL)
NULL              227 lib/vfs/direntry.c             vfs_s_resolve_symlink (me, ent, strchr (path, PATH_SEP) != NULL ? LINK_FOLLOW : follow);
NULL              228 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (ent == NULL)
NULL              234 lib/vfs/direntry.c     return NULL;
NULL              243 lib/vfs/direntry.c     struct vfs_s_entry *ent = NULL;
NULL              269 lib/vfs/direntry.c     ent = iter != NULL ? VFS_ENTRY (iter->data) : NULL;
NULL              271 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ent != NULL && !VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->dir_uptodate (me, ent->ino))
NULL              277 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ent = NULL;
NULL              280 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ent == NULL)
NULL              290 lib/vfs/direntry.c             return NULL;
NULL              296 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ent = iter != NULL ? VFS_ENTRY (iter->data) : NULL;
NULL              298 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ent == NULL)
NULL              302 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (vfs_s_resolve_symlink (me, ent, follow) == NULL)
NULL              305 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              339 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (super->root != NULL)
NULL              342 lib/vfs/direntry.c         super->root = NULL;
NULL              383 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (s->fh_free != NULL)
NULL              402 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL              403 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              409 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino == NULL && *q == '\0')
NULL              427 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (dir == NULL)
NULL              428 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              435 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              440 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (dir->subdir == NULL)    // This can actually happen if we allow empty directories 
NULL              443 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              458 lib/vfs/direntry.c     struct vfs_dirent *dir = NULL;
NULL              462 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (info->cur == NULL || info->cur->data == NULL)
NULL              463 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              466 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (name != NULL)
NULL              467 lib/vfs/direntry.c         dir = vfs_dirent_init (NULL, name, 0);
NULL              497 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (data == NULL)
NULL              512 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino == NULL)
NULL              528 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino == NULL)
NULL              539 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino->linkname == NULL)
NULL              661 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (me == NULL)
NULL              670 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (sub->fh_close != NULL)
NULL              672 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if ((me->flags & VFSF_USETMP) != 0 && file->changed && sub->file_store != NULL)
NULL              678 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (s == NULL)
NULL              722 lib/vfs/direntry.c     for (iter = VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->supers; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              728 lib/vfs/direntry.c                             (char *) NULL);
NULL              752 lib/vfs/direntry.c     vfs_path_t *local = NULL;
NULL              754 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              755 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              759 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (fh != NULL)
NULL              764 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if ((me->flags & VFSF_USETMP) != 0 && fh->ino != NULL)
NULL              804 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (ino == NULL)
NULL              806 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (arg != NULL)
NULL              832 lib/vfs/direntry.c     struct vfs_s_super *archive = NULL;
NULL              836 lib/vfs/direntry.c     return (p == NULL ? NULL : (vfsid) archive);
NULL              883 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino == NULL)
NULL              884 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL              886 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (initstat != NULL)
NULL              906 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino == NULL)
NULL              925 lib/vfs/direntry.c     ino->subdir = NULL;
NULL              929 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if ((me->flags & VFSF_USETMP) != 0 && ino->localname != NULL)
NULL              960 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ent->dir != NULL)
NULL              965 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ent->ino != NULL)
NULL              967 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ent->ino->ent = NULL;
NULL             1093 lib/vfs/direntry.c     return (ent != NULL ? ent->ino : NULL);
NULL             1110 lib/vfs/direntry.c     void *cookie = NULL;
NULL             1113 lib/vfs/direntry.c     struct vfs_s_super *super = NULL;
NULL             1122 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (subclass->archive_check != NULL)
NULL             1125 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (cookie == NULL)
NULL             1129 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (subclass->archive_same == NULL)
NULL             1132 lib/vfs/direntry.c     for (iter = subclass->supers; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL             1145 lib/vfs/direntry.c         super = NULL;
NULL             1174 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (path_element->path != NULL)
NULL             1178 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (super != NULL)
NULL             1184 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL             1189 lib/vfs/direntry.c     super = subclass->new_archive != NULL ? subclass->new_archive (path_element->class)
NULL             1192 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (subclass->open_archive != NULL)
NULL             1206 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL             1208 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (super->name == NULL)
NULL             1210 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (super->root == NULL)
NULL             1238 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino->ent == NULL)
NULL             1239 lib/vfs/direntry.c         ERRNOR (EAGAIN, NULL);
NULL             1256 lib/vfs/direntry.c             newpath = g_strconcat (ino->ent->name, PATH_SEP_STR, path, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1264 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino->ent->dir == NULL || ino->ent->dir->ent == NULL)
NULL             1267 lib/vfs/direntry.c     return g_strconcat (ino->ent->dir->ent->name, PATH_SEP_STR, ino->ent->name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1296 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1297 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL             1302 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino != NULL && (flags & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL))
NULL             1305 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL             1310 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (ino == NULL)
NULL             1317 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if ((flags & O_CREAT) == 0 || me->write == NULL)
NULL             1318 lib/vfs/direntry.c             return NULL;
NULL             1323 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (dir == NULL)
NULL             1324 lib/vfs/direntry.c             return NULL;
NULL             1340 lib/vfs/direntry.c                 return NULL;
NULL             1353 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL             1356 lib/vfs/direntry.c     fh = s->fh_new != NULL ? s->fh_new (ino, was_changed) : vfs_s_new_fh (ino, was_changed);
NULL             1360 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (s->linear_start != NULL)
NULL             1368 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (s->fh_open != NULL && s->fh_open (me, fh, flags, mode) != 0)
NULL             1371 lib/vfs/direntry.c             return NULL;
NULL             1375 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if ((VFS_CLASS (s)->flags & VFSF_USETMP) != 0 && fh->ino->localname != NULL)
NULL             1382 lib/vfs/direntry.c             return NULL;
NULL             1429 lib/vfs/direntry.c     vfs_file_handler_t *fh = NULL;
NULL             1444 lib/vfs/direntry.c     fh = s->fh_new != NULL ? s->fh_new (ino, FALSE) : vfs_s_new_fh (ino, FALSE);
NULL             1489 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (fh != NULL)
NULL             1568 lib/vfs/direntry.c     if (me == NULL || me->getid == NULL)
NULL             1569 lib/vfs/direntry.c         return NULL;
NULL             1619 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (logfile != NULL)
NULL             1641 lib/vfs/direntry.c         if (logfile != NULL)
NULL             1712 lib/vfs/direntry.c     for (iter = g_queue_peek_head_link (root_inode->subdir); iter != NULL;
NULL             1723 lib/vfs/direntry.c             entry->name = g_strconcat (spacer, source_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              106 lib/vfs/gc.c   static GSList *stamps = NULL;
NULL              118 lib/vfs/gc.c       return (vsa == NULL || vsb == NULL || (vsa->v == vsb->v && vsa->id == vsb->id)) ? 0 : 1;
NULL              126 lib/vfs/gc.c       if ((v->flags & VFSF_LOCAL) == 0 && id != NULL && !vfs_stamp (v, id))
NULL              154 lib/vfs/gc.c       if (stamp != NULL && stamp->data != NULL)
NULL              175 lib/vfs/gc.c       if (stamp != NULL)
NULL              223 lib/vfs/gc.c       if (!(id == NULL || (me == vclass && nvfsid == id)))
NULL              227 lib/vfs/gc.c           if (!event_data.ret && vclass != NULL && vclass->nothingisopen != NULL
NULL              260 lib/vfs/gc.c       for (stamp = stamps; stamp != NULL; stamp = g_slist_next (stamp))
NULL              267 lib/vfs/gc.c               if (stamping->v->free != NULL)
NULL              274 lib/vfs/gc.c               if (stamping->v->nothingisopen != NULL && !stamping->v->nothingisopen (stamping->id))
NULL              278 lib/vfs/gc.c                   if (stamping->v->free != NULL)
NULL              286 lib/vfs/gc.c       stamps = g_slist_remove_all (stamps, NULL);
NULL              301 lib/vfs/gc.c       return stamps != NULL ? 10 : 0;
NULL               84 lib/vfs/interface.c     vfs_path_t *tmp_vpath = NULL;
NULL              126 lib/vfs/interface.c     return NULL;
NULL              145 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (vfs_path_get_last_path_vfs (filename_vpath)->write == NULL)
NULL              197 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              214 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (me != NULL && me->open != NULL)
NULL              220 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (info == NULL)
NULL              239 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (vpath == NULL)                                                                         \
NULL              243 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (me == NULL)                                                                            \
NULL              246 lib/vfs/interface.c         result = me->name != NULL ? me->name callarg : -1;                                         \
NULL              248 lib/vfs/interface.c             errno = me->name != NULL ? vfs_ferrno (me) : ENOTSUP;                                  \
NULL              270 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vpath1 != NULL && vpath2 != NULL)
NULL              275 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (me != NULL)
NULL              277 lib/vfs/interface.c             result = me->symlink != NULL ? me->symlink (vpath1, vpath2) : -1;
NULL              279 lib/vfs/interface.c                 errno = me->symlink != NULL ? vfs_ferrno (me) : ENOTSUP;
NULL              291 lib/vfs/interface.c         void *fsinfo = NULL;                                                                       \
NULL              298 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (vfs == NULL)                                                                           \
NULL              301 lib/vfs/interface.c         result = vfs->name != NULL ? vfs->name callarg : -1;                                       \
NULL              303 lib/vfs/interface.c             errno = vfs->name != NULL ? vfs_ferrno (vfs) : ENOTSUP;                                \
NULL              319 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (vpath1 == NULL || vpath2 == NULL)                                                      \
NULL              325 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (me1 == NULL || me2 == NULL || me1 != me2)                                              \
NULL              331 lib/vfs/interface.c         result = me1->name != NULL ? me1->name (vpath1, vpath2) : -1;                              \
NULL              333 lib/vfs/interface.c             errno = me1->name != NULL ? vfs_ferrno (me1) : ENOTSUP;                                \
NULL              346 lib/vfs/interface.c     void *fsinfo = NULL;
NULL              350 lib/vfs/interface.c     return (vfs == NULL || vfs->ctl == NULL) ? 0 : vfs->ctl (fsinfo, ctlop, arg);
NULL              361 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              365 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (me != NULL)
NULL              366 lib/vfs/interface.c         result = me->setctl != NULL ? me->setctl (vpath, ctlop, arg) : 0;
NULL              377 lib/vfs/interface.c     void *fsinfo = NULL;
NULL              384 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vfs == NULL || fsinfo == NULL)
NULL              390 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vfs->close == NULL)
NULL              409 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              410 lib/vfs/interface.c         return NULL;
NULL              416 lib/vfs/interface.c         return NULL;
NULL              419 lib/vfs/interface.c     info = path_element->class->opendir ? path_element->class->opendir (vpath) : NULL;
NULL              420 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (info == NULL)
NULL              423 lib/vfs/interface.c         return NULL;
NULL              429 lib/vfs/interface.c     path_element->dir.converter = (path_element->encoding != NULL)
NULL              450 lib/vfs/interface.c     void *fsinfo = NULL;
NULL              451 lib/vfs/interface.c     struct vfs_dirent *entry = NULL;
NULL              454 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (dirp == NULL)
NULL              457 lib/vfs/interface.c         return NULL;
NULL              463 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vfs == NULL || fsinfo == NULL)
NULL              464 lib/vfs/interface.c         return NULL;
NULL              467 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vfs->readdir != NULL)
NULL              470 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (entry == NULL)
NULL              471 lib/vfs/interface.c             return NULL;
NULL              482 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL              484 lib/vfs/interface.c     return (entry != NULL) ? mc_readdir_result : NULL;
NULL              494 lib/vfs/interface.c     void *fsinfo = NULL;
NULL              497 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (dirp == NULL)
NULL              503 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vfs != NULL && fsinfo != NULL)
NULL              531 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (vpath == NULL)                                                                         \
NULL              535 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (me != NULL)                                                                            \
NULL              553 lib/vfs/interface.c     vfs_path_t *result = NULL;
NULL              556 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (pathname_vpath == NULL)
NULL              557 lib/vfs/interface.c         return NULL;
NULL              560 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (me != NULL)
NULL              562 lib/vfs/interface.c         result = me->getlocalcopy != NULL ? me->getlocalcopy (pathname_vpath)
NULL              564 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (result == NULL)
NULL              579 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (pathname_vpath == NULL)
NULL              583 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (me != NULL)
NULL              584 lib/vfs/interface.c         result = me->ungetlocalcopy != NULL
NULL              611 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              623 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (me == NULL)
NULL              629 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (me->chdir == NULL)
NULL              670 lib/vfs/interface.c             if (super != NULL && super->path_element != NULL)
NULL              692 lib/vfs/interface.c     void *fsinfo = NULL;
NULL              699 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (vfs == NULL)
NULL              728 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (strchr (prefix, PATH_SEP) != NULL)
NULL              733 lib/vfs/interface.c         p1 = g_build_filename (mc_tmpdir (), prefix, (char *) NULL);
NULL              736 lib/vfs/interface.c     p2 = g_strconcat (p1, "XXXXXX", suffix, (char *) NULL);
NULL              744 lib/vfs/interface.c         *pname_vpath = NULL;
NULL              766 lib/vfs/interface.c     static const char *tmpdir = NULL;
NULL              771 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (tmpdir != NULL)
NULL              781 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (sys_tmp == NULL || !IS_PATH_SEP (sys_tmp[0]))
NULL              784 lib/vfs/interface.c         if (sys_tmp == NULL || !IS_PATH_SEP (sys_tmp[0]))
NULL              788 lib/vfs/interface.c     template = g_build_filename (sys_tmp, "mc-XXXXXX", (char *) NULL);
NULL              793 lib/vfs/interface.c     if (tmpdir != NULL)
NULL               79 lib/vfs/netutil.c     my_sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL);
NULL               75 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     return (column != NULL && isdigit (column[0]));
NULL               86 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL               96 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     return (strchr ("\\-/", (int) str[2]) != NULL);
NULL              107 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              111 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (pos == NULL)
NULL              114 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (tim != NULL)
NULL              133 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (month == NULL)
NULL              151 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              155 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              159 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (p2 == NULL)
NULL              183 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              186 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (strchr (str, ':') != NULL)
NULL              268 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (ret_skipped != NULL)
NULL              405 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (ret_skipped != NULL)
NULL              504 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              508 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (pos == NULL)
NULL              511 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (tim != NULL)
NULL              532 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     current_time = time (NULL);
NULL              687 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     char *p_copy = NULL;
NULL              688 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     char *t = NULL;
NULL              739 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (vfs_parse_month (columns[idx], NULL) || is_week (columns[idx], NULL)
NULL              792 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         s->st_size = (off_t) g_ascii_strtoll (columns[idx2], NULL, 10);
NULL              813 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c     if (num_spaces != NULL)
NULL              831 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (filename != NULL)
NULL              834 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (linkname != NULL)
NULL              845 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (filename != NULL)
NULL              852 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c         if (linkname != NULL)
NULL              853 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c             *linkname = NULL;
NULL              867 lib/vfs/parse_ls_vga.c                  (p_copy != NULL && *p_copy != '\0') ? p_copy : line);
NULL               94 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
NULL               99 lib/vfs/path.c     if ((semi == NULL) || (!path_magic (path)))
NULL              100 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              105 lib/vfs/path.c     if (op != NULL)
NULL              106 lib/vfs/path.c         *op = NULL;
NULL              108 lib/vfs/path.c     if (inpath != NULL)
NULL              109 lib/vfs/path.c         *inpath = NULL;
NULL              111 lib/vfs/path.c     if (slash != NULL)
NULL              115 lib/vfs/path.c     if (ret != NULL)
NULL              117 lib/vfs/path.c         if (op != NULL)
NULL              119 lib/vfs/path.c         if (inpath != NULL)
NULL              120 lib/vfs/path.c             *inpath = slash != NULL ? slash + 1 : NULL;
NULL              124 lib/vfs/path.c     if (slash != NULL)
NULL              144 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
NULL              160 lib/vfs/path.c             local = mc_build_filename (PATH_SEP_STR, path, (char *) NULL);
NULL              168 lib/vfs/path.c             local = mc_build_filename (curr_dir, path, (char *) NULL);
NULL              219 lib/vfs/path.c     if (at == NULL)
NULL              230 lib/vfs/path.c         if (inner_colon != NULL)
NULL              252 lib/vfs/path.c         if (colon != NULL)
NULL              261 lib/vfs/path.c     if (colon != NULL)
NULL              304 lib/vfs/path.c     if (class_name == NULL)
NULL              305 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              310 lib/vfs/path.c         if ((vfs->name != NULL) && (strcmp (vfs->name, class_name) == 0))
NULL              314 lib/vfs/path.c     return NULL;
NULL              329 lib/vfs/path.c     return strstr (path_str, VFS_PATH_URL_DELIMITER) == NULL;
NULL              350 lib/vfs/path.c     while ((class = _vfs_split_with_semi_skip_count (path, &local, &op, 0)) != NULL)
NULL              355 lib/vfs/path.c         if (local == NULL)
NULL              362 lib/vfs/path.c             (element->encoding != NULL) ? str_crt_conv_from (element->encoding) : INVALID_CONV;
NULL              366 lib/vfs/path.c         if (url_params != NULL)
NULL              387 lib/vfs/path.c             (element->encoding != NULL) ? str_crt_conv_from (element->encoding) : INVALID_CONV;
NULL              412 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
NULL              422 lib/vfs/path.c     while ((url_delimiter = g_strrstr (path, VFS_PATH_URL_DELIMITER)) != NULL)
NULL              442 lib/vfs/path.c         if (element->class != NULL && (element->class->flags & VFSF_REMOTE) != 0)
NULL              447 lib/vfs/path.c             if (slash_pointer == NULL)
NULL              468 lib/vfs/path.c             (element->encoding != NULL) ? str_crt_conv_from (element->encoding) : INVALID_CONV;
NULL              487 lib/vfs/path.c             (element->encoding != NULL) ? str_crt_conv_from (element->encoding) : INVALID_CONV;
NULL              521 lib/vfs/path.c         if (url_str != NULL)
NULL              530 lib/vfs/path.c     if (element->encoding != NULL)
NULL              554 lib/vfs/path.c     if (home_dir != NULL)
NULL              606 lib/vfs/path.c     GString *recode_buffer = NULL;
NULL              609 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              610 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              626 lib/vfs/path.c         if (element->vfs_prefix != NULL)
NULL              637 lib/vfs/path.c             if (url_str != NULL)
NULL              657 lib/vfs/path.c             if (recode_buffer == NULL)
NULL              673 lib/vfs/path.c     if (recode_buffer != NULL)
NULL              714 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path_str == NULL)
NULL              715 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              722 lib/vfs/path.c     if (path == NULL)
NULL              723 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              782 lib/vfs/path.c     return (vpath != NULL && vpath->path != NULL) ? vpath->path->len : 0;
NULL              818 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              821 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              832 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              862 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vfs_path_element_need_cleanup_converter (element) && element->encoding != NULL)
NULL              883 lib/vfs/path.c     if (element == NULL)
NULL              917 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              918 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              951 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              952 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL              970 lib/vfs/path.c         ret = NULL;
NULL              993 lib/vfs/path.c     if ((vpath == NULL) || (vfs_path_elements_count (vpath) == 1))
NULL             1020 lib/vfs/path.c         if (vfs->which != NULL)
NULL             1027 lib/vfs/path.c         if (vfs->prefix != NULL && strncmp (prefix, vfs->prefix, strlen (vfs->prefix)) == 0)
NULL             1031 lib/vfs/path.c     return NULL;
NULL             1053 lib/vfs/path.c     if (semi == NULL)
NULL             1054 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1062 lib/vfs/path.c         if (slash != NULL)
NULL             1101 lib/vfs/path.c     if ((path_element->encoding != NULL) && (strcmp (encoding, path_element->encoding) == 0))
NULL             1139 lib/vfs/path.c     if ((vpath == NULL) || (vfs_path_elements_count (vpath) == 0))
NULL             1142 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1145 lib/vfs/path.c     cpath = mc_config_init (NULL, FALSE);
NULL             1195 lib/vfs/path.c     if (cpath == NULL)
NULL             1196 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1211 lib/vfs/path.c         cfg_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "class-name", NULL);
NULL             1213 lib/vfs/path.c         if (eclass == NULL)
NULL             1219 lib/vfs/path.c             return NULL;
NULL             1225 lib/vfs/path.c         element->path = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "path", NULL);
NULL             1228 lib/vfs/path.c         element->encoding = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "encoding", NULL);
NULL             1230 lib/vfs/path.c             (element->encoding != NULL) ? str_crt_conv_from (element->encoding) : INVALID_CONV;
NULL             1233 lib/vfs/path.c         element->vfs_prefix = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "vfs_prefix", NULL);
NULL             1235 lib/vfs/path.c         element->user = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "user", NULL);
NULL             1236 lib/vfs/path.c         element->password = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "password", NULL);
NULL             1237 lib/vfs/path.c         element->host = mc_config_get_string_raw (cpath, groupname, "host", NULL);
NULL             1248 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1272 lib/vfs/path.c     if (first_element == NULL)
NULL             1273 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1302 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL || first_element == NULL)
NULL             1303 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1310 lib/vfs/path.c     ret_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (result_str, str_path, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1334 lib/vfs/path.c     if (first_vpath == NULL)
NULL             1335 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1353 lib/vfs/path.c     while (current_vpath != NULL);
NULL             1377 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL             1387 lib/vfs/path.c         for (prev_token = element->path; (token = strchr (prev_token, PATH_SEP)) != NULL;
NULL             1422 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL             1423 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1435 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1438 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1455 lib/vfs/path.c         for (iterator = path_tokens; *iterator != NULL; iterator++)
NULL             1501 lib/vfs/path.c     vfs_path_t *ret_vpath = NULL;
NULL             1504 lib/vfs/path.c     if (str_tokens != NULL)
NULL             1528 lib/vfs/path.c     if (element == NULL)
NULL             1529 lib/vfs/path.c         return NULL;
NULL             1533 lib/vfs/path.c     if (element->user != NULL)
NULL             1536 lib/vfs/path.c     if (element->password != NULL && keep_password)
NULL             1542 lib/vfs/path.c     if (element->host != NULL)
NULL             1544 lib/vfs/path.c         if ((element->user != NULL) || (element->password != NULL))
NULL             1560 lib/vfs/path.c     return NULL;
NULL             1581 lib/vfs/path.c     if (url_params != NULL)
NULL             1609 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath1 == NULL || vpath2 == NULL)
NULL             1637 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath1 == NULL || vpath2 == NULL)
NULL             1660 lib/vfs/path.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              106 lib/vfs/path.h     return (element != NULL && element->class != NULL);
NULL              116 lib/vfs/path.h     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              117 lib/vfs/path.h         return NULL;
NULL              119 lib/vfs/path.h     return (element != NULL) ? element->path : NULL;
NULL              129 lib/vfs/path.h     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL              130 lib/vfs/path.h         return NULL;
NULL              132 lib/vfs/path.h     return (element != NULL) ? element->class : NULL;
NULL              147 lib/vfs/path.h     return (vpath == NULL ? NULL : vpath->str);
NULL               98 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     return (p_i != NULL && p_i->pw_name != NULL) ? g_strdup (p_i->pw_name) : g_strdup ("anonymous");
NULL              126 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c         if (pw != NULL)
NULL              161 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c         if (gr != NULL)
NULL              195 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              209 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c         if (strchr (".-_@", *p) != NULL || g_ascii_isalnum (*p))
NULL              264 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c         if (dir == NULL)
NULL              277 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     if (at == NULL)
NULL              285 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c         if (inner_colon != NULL)
NULL              312 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c         if (colon != NULL)
NULL              322 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c             return NULL;
NULL              326 lib/vfs/utilvfs.c     if (colon != NULL)
NULL               80 lib/vfs/vfs.c  MC_MOCKABLE struct vfs_dirent *mc_readdir_result = NULL;
NULL               81 lib/vfs/vfs.c  MC_MOCKABLE GPtrArray *vfs__classes_list = NULL;
NULL               82 lib/vfs/vfs.c  MC_MOCKABLE GString *vfs_str_buffer = NULL;
NULL               83 lib/vfs/vfs.c  MC_MOCKABLE vfs_class *current_vfs = NULL;
NULL              103 lib/vfs/vfs.c  static vfs_path_t *current_path = NULL;
NULL              105 lib/vfs/vfs.c  static GPtrArray *vfs_openfiles = NULL;
NULL              134 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (semi != NULL && (semi == path || IS_PATH_SEP (semi[-1])))
NULL              154 lib/vfs/vfs.c              slash = NULL;
NULL              156 lib/vfs/vfs.c          ms = (slash != NULL) ? slash - semi : (int) strlen (semi);
NULL              169 lib/vfs/vfs.c              if (slash != NULL)
NULL              201 lib/vfs/vfs.c          return NULL;
NULL              204 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (h != NULL)
NULL              253 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (h == NULL)
NULL              254 lib/vfs/vfs.c          return NULL;
NULL              256 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (fsinfo != NULL)
NULL              300 lib/vfs/vfs.c      return vfs->ferrno != NULL ? vfs->ferrno (vfs) : E_UNKNOWN;
NULL              309 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (vfs->init != NULL)         // vfs has own initialization function
NULL              323 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (vfs->done != NULL)
NULL              340 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (filename == NULL)
NULL              345 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (semi != NULL)
NULL              351 lib/vfs/vfs.c          if (vfs_prefix == NULL)
NULL              369 lib/vfs/vfs.c      return (state != ESTR_FAILURE) ? vfs_str_buffer->str : NULL;
NULL              472 lib/vfs/vfs.c      mc_readdir_result = vfs_dirent_init (NULL, "", -1);
NULL              500 lib/vfs/vfs.c      vfs_set_raw_current_dir (NULL);
NULL              506 lib/vfs/vfs.c          if (vfs->done != NULL)
NULL              512 lib/vfs/vfs.c      vfs_openfiles = NULL;
NULL              514 lib/vfs/vfs.c      vfs__classes_list = NULL;
NULL              516 lib/vfs/vfs.c      vfs_str_buffer = NULL;
NULL              517 lib/vfs/vfs.c      current_vfs = NULL;
NULL              520 lib/vfs/vfs.c      mc_readdir_result = NULL;
NULL              539 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (ret == NULL)
NULL              542 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (ret->d_name_str == NULL)
NULL              598 lib/vfs/vfs.c          if (vfs->fill_names != NULL)
NULL              639 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (vfs_get_raw_current_dir () == NULL)
NULL              648 lib/vfs/vfs.c          if (tmp_vpath != NULL)
NULL              664 lib/vfs/vfs.c          if (tmp_vpath != NULL)
NULL              713 lib/vfs/vfs.c      void *dest_fd = NULL;
NULL              720 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if ((dest_class->flags & VFSF_LOCAL) == 0 || dest_fd == NULL)
NULL              734 lib/vfs/vfs.c      void *dest_fd = NULL;
NULL              735 lib/vfs/vfs.c      void *src_fd = NULL;
NULL              745 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (dest_fd == NULL)
NULL              757 lib/vfs/vfs.c      if (src_fd == NULL)
NULL              117 lib/widget/background.c     widget_init (w, &r, callback != NULL ? callback : background_callback, NULL);
NULL               90 lib/widget/button.c         if (b->text.hotkey != NULL && g_ascii_tolower ((gchar) b->text.hotkey[0]) == parm)
NULL              102 lib/widget/button.c         if (b->callback == NULL || b->callback (b, b->action) != 0)
NULL              195 lib/widget/button.c         send_message (w, NULL, MSG_KEY, ' ', NULL);
NULL              196 lib/widget/button.c         send_message (w->owner, w, MSG_POST_KEY, ' ', NULL);
NULL              223 lib/widget/button.c     b->hotpos = (b->text.hotkey != NULL) ? str_term_width1 (b->text.start) : -1;
NULL              253 lib/widget/button.c     b->hotpos = (b->text.hotkey != NULL) ? str_term_width1 (b->text.start) : -1;
NULL              154 lib/widget/buttonbar.c     if ((bb != NULL) && (bb->labels[i].command != CK_IgnoreKey))
NULL              156 lib/widget/buttonbar.c         target = (bb->labels[i].receiver != NULL) ? bb->labels[i].receiver : WIDGET (w->owner);
NULL              157 lib/widget/buttonbar.c         ret = send_message (target, w, MSG_ACTION, bb->labels[i].command, NULL);
NULL              200 lib/widget/buttonbar.c                 text = (bb->labels[i].text != NULL) ? bb->labels[i].text : "";
NULL              266 lib/widget/buttonbar.c     if ((bb != NULL) && (idx >= 1) && (idx <= BUTTONBAR_LABELS_NUM))
NULL              270 lib/widget/buttonbar.c         if (keymap != NULL)
NULL              273 lib/widget/buttonbar.c         if ((text == NULL) || (text[0] == '\0'))
NULL               16 lib/widget/buttonbar.h #define buttonbar_clear_label(bb, idx, recv) buttonbar_set_label (bb, idx, "", NULL, recv)
NULL               66 lib/widget/check.c         if (c->text.hotkey != NULL)
NULL               82 lib/widget/check.c         send_message (w->owner, w, MSG_NOTIFY, 0, NULL);
NULL              124 lib/widget/check.c         send_message (w, NULL, MSG_KEY, ' ', NULL);
NULL              125 lib/widget/check.c         send_message (w->owner, w, MSG_POST_KEY, ' ', NULL);
NULL              174 lib/widget/check.c     if (check->text.start[0] == '\0' && check->text.hotkey == NULL && check->text.end == NULL)
NULL               45 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c GList *top_dlg = NULL;
NULL               51 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c WDialog *filemanager = NULL;
NULL               62 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c static GList *mc_dialogs = NULL;
NULL               64 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c static GList *mc_current = NULL;
NULL              131 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         send_message (d, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
NULL              147 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (dlg != NULL)
NULL              156 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     g_list_foreach (mc_dialogs, dialog_switch_suspend, NULL);
NULL              174 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (top_dlg != NULL)
NULL              180 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (mc_current != NULL)
NULL              199 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (mc_global.midnight_shutdown || mc_current == NULL)
NULL              203 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (next == NULL)
NULL              216 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (mc_global.midnight_shutdown || mc_current == NULL)
NULL              220 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (prev == NULL)
NULL              237 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (mc_global.midnight_shutdown || mc_current == NULL)
NULL              245 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     for (h = mc_dialogs; h != NULL; h = g_list_next (h))
NULL              250 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         if (dlg->get_title != NULL)
NULL              260 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (selected != NULL)
NULL              287 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c                 mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_FILEMANAGER, "update_panels", NULL);
NULL              304 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     for (dlg = mc_dialogs; dlg != NULL; dlg = g_list_next (dlg))
NULL              314 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     while (mc_dialogs != NULL)
NULL              332 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         if (d != NULL)
NULL              338 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         for (; d != NULL; d = g_list_next (d))
NULL              344 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         if (d == NULL)
NULL              348 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c         for (; d != NULL; d = g_list_previous (d))
NULL              394 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     if (top_dlg == NULL)
NULL              409 lib/widget/dialog-switch.c     for (d = g_list_last (top_dlg); d != NULL; d = g_list_previous (d))
NULL               59 lib/widget/dialog.c hook_t *idle_hook = NULL;
NULL               64 lib/widget/dialog.c const global_keymap_t *dialog_map = NULL;
NULL               99 lib/widget/dialog.c     event_data.receiver = NULL;
NULL              128 lib/widget/dialog.c     ev_help_t event_data = { NULL, h->help_ctx };
NULL              141 lib/widget/dialog.c     if (send_message (h, NULL, MSG_ACTION, command, NULL) == MSG_HANDLED)
NULL              169 lib/widget/dialog.c         mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "suspend", NULL);
NULL              227 lib/widget/dialog.c     if (g->widgets == NULL)
NULL              230 lib/widget/dialog.c     if (g->current == NULL)
NULL              249 lib/widget/dialog.c     handled = send_message (h, NULL, MSG_KEY, d_key, NULL);
NULL              252 lib/widget/dialog.c         handled = group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_KEY, d_key, NULL);
NULL              258 lib/widget/dialog.c     send_message (h, NULL, MSG_POST_KEY, d_key, NULL);
NULL              266 lib/widget/dialog.c     if (w->mouse_callback != NULL)
NULL              291 lib/widget/dialog.c         send_message (h, NULL, MSG_VALIDATE, 0, NULL);
NULL              308 lib/widget/dialog.c                 send_message (wh, NULL, MSG_IDLE, 0, NULL);
NULL              324 lib/widget/dialog.c             send_message (h, NULL, MSG_VALIDATE, 0, NULL);
NULL              337 lib/widget/dialog.c     group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
NULL              338 lib/widget/dialog.c     send_message (w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
NULL              412 lib/widget/dialog.c     group_init (g, &r, callback != NULL ? callback : dlg_default_callback,
NULL              413 lib/widget/dialog.c                 mouse_callback != NULL ? mouse_callback : dlg_default_mouse_callback);
NULL              432 lib/widget/dialog.c     new_d->data.p = NULL;
NULL              491 lib/widget/dialog.c     if (top_dlg != NULL && widget_get_state (WIDGET (top_dlg->data), WST_MODAL))
NULL              503 lib/widget/dialog.c         send_message (h, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL              504 lib/widget/dialog.c         group_default_callback (wh, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL              509 lib/widget/dialog.c     while (g->current != NULL && !widget_is_focusable (g->current->data))
NULL              554 lib/widget/dialog.c         send_message (h, GROUP (h)->current == NULL ? NULL : WIDGET (GROUP (h)->current->data),
NULL              555 lib/widget/dialog.c                       MSG_END, 0, NULL);
NULL              603 lib/widget/dialog.c         event_data.receiver = NULL;
NULL              608 lib/widget/dialog.c         mc_config_save_file (event_data.cfg, NULL);
NULL              622 lib/widget/dialog.c     if (h == NULL)
NULL              625 lib/widget/dialog.c     if (h->get_title != NULL)
NULL               84 lib/widget/frame.c     if (f->title != NULL)
NULL              106 lib/widget/frame.c     widget_init (w, &r, frame_callback, NULL);
NULL              111 lib/widget/frame.c     f->title = NULL;
NULL              151 lib/widget/frame.c     if (title != NULL && *title != '\0')
NULL              139 lib/widget/gauge.c     widget_init (w, &r, gauge_callback, NULL);
NULL               76 lib/widget/group.c     send_message (WIDGET (data), NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL               84 lib/widget/group.c     GList *l = NULL;
NULL               86 lib/widget/group.c     if (list != NULL)
NULL               90 lib/widget/group.c         if (owner != NULL)
NULL               95 lib/widget/group.c                 if (l == NULL)
NULL              101 lib/widget/group.c                 if (l == NULL)
NULL              115 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->widgets != NULL && g->current != NULL)
NULL              156 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->widgets == NULL)
NULL              159 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->current == NULL)
NULL              174 lib/widget/group.c                 send_message (w, NULL, msg, 0, NULL);
NULL              193 lib/widget/group.c     if (delta != NULL)
NULL              198 lib/widget/group.c         for (iter = GROUP (w)->widgets; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              201 lib/widget/group.c     else if (w->owner != NULL)
NULL              210 lib/widget/group.c         for (iter = GROUP (w)->widgets; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              229 lib/widget/group.c     if (delta != NULL)
NULL              234 lib/widget/group.c         for (iter = GROUP (w)->widgets; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              237 lib/widget/group.c     else if (w->owner != NULL)
NULL              246 lib/widget/group.c         for (iter = GROUP (w)->widgets; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              268 lib/widget/group.c     if (w0 == NULL)
NULL              272 lib/widget/group.c         for (iter = CONST_GROUP (w)->widgets; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              275 lib/widget/group.c             if (w0 != NULL)
NULL              300 lib/widget/group.c     if (w0 == NULL)
NULL              304 lib/widget/group.c         for (iter = CONST_GROUP (w)->widgets; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              307 lib/widget/group.c             if (w0 != NULL)
NULL              332 lib/widget/group.c     if (w0 == NULL)
NULL              336 lib/widget/group.c         for (iter = CONST_GROUP (w)->widgets; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              339 lib/widget/group.c             if (w0 != NULL)
NULL              361 lib/widget/group.c     if (p != NULL && widget_get_state (WIDGET (g), WST_ACTIVE))
NULL              419 lib/widget/group.c     send_message (c, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              435 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->widgets == NULL)
NULL              438 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->current == NULL)
NULL              465 lib/widget/group.c     r0 = r != NULL ? *r : w->rect;
NULL              485 lib/widget/group.c             send_message (wg, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
NULL              488 lib/widget/group.c         for (p = g->widgets; p != NULL; p = g_list_next (p))
NULL              503 lib/widget/group.c     handled = send_message (g, NULL, MSG_HOTKEY, key, NULL);
NULL              507 lib/widget/group.c         handled = send_message (g->current->data, NULL, MSG_KEY, key, NULL);
NULL              511 lib/widget/group.c         handled = send_message (g, g->current->data, MSG_UNHANDLED_KEY, key, NULL);
NULL              526 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->widgets == NULL)
NULL              529 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->current == NULL)
NULL              552 lib/widget/group.c         handled = send_message (w, NULL, MSG_HOTKEY, key, NULL);
NULL              566 lib/widget/group.c             handled = send_message (w, NULL, MSG_HOTKEY, key, NULL);
NULL              576 lib/widget/group.c         send_message (g, w, MSG_HOTKEY_HANDLED, 0, NULL);
NULL              603 lib/widget/group.c     widget_init (w, r, callback != NULL ? callback : group_default_callback, mouse_callback);
NULL              629 lib/widget/group.c         g_list_foreach (g->widgets, group_widget_init, NULL);
NULL              650 lib/widget/group.c         g_list_foreach (g->widgets, (GFunc) widget_destroy, NULL);
NULL              652 lib/widget/group.c         g->widgets = NULL;
NULL              692 lib/widget/group.c             if (g->current != NULL)
NULL              718 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->widgets != NULL)
NULL              743 lib/widget/group.c         while (p != NULL);
NULL              771 lib/widget/group.c     assert (ww != NULL);
NULL              783 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->widgets == NULL || before == NULL)
NULL              795 lib/widget/group.c         assert (b != NULL);
NULL              799 lib/widget/group.c         if (b != NULL)
NULL              808 lib/widget/group.c         group_widget_init (ww, NULL);
NULL              832 lib/widget/group.c     assert (w != NULL);
NULL              841 lib/widget/group.c     if (g->widgets == NULL)
NULL              842 lib/widget/group.c         g->current = NULL;
NULL              852 lib/widget/group.c     ww->owner = NULL;
NULL              952 lib/widget/group.c     if (w != NULL)
NULL               82 lib/widget/group.h                                      g->current != NULL ? g->current->data : NULL);
NULL              112 lib/widget/group.h     if (g->current != NULL)
NULL               77 lib/widget/groupbox.c         if (g->title != NULL)
NULL              108 lib/widget/groupbox.c     widget_init (w, &r, groupbox_callback, NULL);
NULL              110 lib/widget/groupbox.c     g->title = NULL;
NULL              124 lib/widget/groupbox.c     if (title != NULL && *title != '\0')
NULL              129 lib/widget/groupbox.c         g->title = g_strconcat (" ", t, " ", (char *) NULL);
NULL               80 lib/widget/history.c     if (dlg_head == NULL || dlg_head->data.p == NULL)
NULL              112 lib/widget/history.c     return dlg_default_callback (WIDGET (dlg_head), NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              165 lib/widget/history.c     listbox_add_item (hd->listbox, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, text, NULL, TRUE);
NULL              178 lib/widget/history.c     le->text = NULL;
NULL              195 lib/widget/history.c     hd->text = NULL;
NULL              197 lib/widget/history.c     hd->listbox = listbox_new (1, 1, 2, 2, TRUE, NULL);
NULL              215 lib/widget/history.c     if (hd == NULL || hd->list == NULL)
NULL              220 lib/widget/history.c     for (z = hd->list; z != NULL; z = g_list_previous (z))
NULL              232 lib/widget/history.c                             history_dlg_callback, NULL, "[History-query]", _ ("History"));
NULL              237 lib/widget/history.c     group_add_widget_autopos (GROUP (query_dlg), hd->listbox, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              244 lib/widget/history.c     send_message (query_dlg, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
NULL              280 lib/widget/history.c         listbox_get_current (hd->listbox, &q, NULL);
NULL              285 lib/widget/history.c     z = NULL;
NULL              286 lib/widget/history.c     for (hi = listbox_get_first_link (hd->listbox); hi != NULL; hi = g_list_next (hi))
NULL              123 lib/widget/hline.c         if (l->text != NULL)
NULL              156 lib/widget/hline.c     widget_init (w, &r, hline_callback, NULL);
NULL              157 lib/widget/hline.c     l->text = NULL;
NULL              171 lib/widget/hline.c     if (text == NULL || *text == '\0')
NULL              172 lib/widget/hline.c         l->text = NULL;
NULL               57 lib/widget/input.c const global_keymap_t *input_map = NULL;
NULL               73 lib/widget/input.c     (in->history.list != NULL && WIDGET (in)->rect.cols > HISTORY_BUTTON_WIDTH * 2 + 1             \
NULL               74 lib/widget/input.c      && WIDGET (in)->owner != NULL)
NULL               84 lib/widget/input.c static char *kill_buffer = NULL;
NULL               95 lib/widget/input.c     for (; history != NULL; history = g_list_previous (history))
NULL              109 lib/widget/input.c     if (g_list_next (in->history.current) == NULL)
NULL              111 lib/widget/input.c     else if (g_list_previous (in->history.current) == NULL)
NULL              170 lib/widget/input.c     if (hd.text != NULL)
NULL              195 lib/widget/input.c     if (at == NULL)
NULL              201 lib/widget/input.c     if (delim != NULL)
NULL              208 lib/widget/input.c     if (colon != NULL && colon > at)
NULL              209 lib/widget/input.c         colon = NULL;
NULL              211 lib/widget/input.c     if (colon == NULL)
NULL              215 lib/widget/input.c     return g_strconcat (url, at, (char *) NULL);
NULL              233 lib/widget/input.c         if (in-> != NULL && in->strip_password)
NULL              248 lib/widget/input.c     if (in->history.list == NULL || in->history.list->data == NULL
NULL              400 lib/widget/input.c         mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_FILEMANAGER, "panel_save_current_file_to_clip_file", NULL);
NULL              402 lib/widget/input.c         mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_to_ext_clip", NULL);
NULL              415 lib/widget/input.c     mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_to_ext_clip", NULL);
NULL              524 lib/widget/input.c     if (kill_buffer != NULL)
NULL              566 lib/widget/input.c     char *p = NULL;
NULL              567 lib/widget/input.c     ev_clipboard_text_from_file_t event_data = { NULL, FALSE };
NULL              570 lib/widget/input.c     mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_from_ext_clip", NULL);
NULL              592 lib/widget/input.c     if (in->history.list == NULL)
NULL              599 lib/widget/input.c     if (prev != NULL)
NULL              622 lib/widget/input.c     if (in->history.list == NULL)
NULL              626 lib/widget/input.c     if (next == NULL)
NULL              823 lib/widget/input.c         if (in->history.list != NULL && in->history.list->data != NULL)
NULL              865 lib/widget/input.c     if (in->history.list != NULL)
NULL              977 lib/widget/input.c     in->completions = NULL;
NULL              982 lib/widget/input.c     if (in->init_from_history || def_text == NULL)
NULL              988 lib/widget/input.c     in->history.list = NULL;
NULL              989 lib/widget/input.c     in->history.current = NULL;
NULL              991 lib/widget/input.c     in-> = NULL;
NULL              992 lib/widget/input.c     if ((histname != NULL) && (*histname != '\0'))
NULL              996 lib/widget/input.c     in->label = NULL;
NULL             1014 lib/widget/input.c         mc_event_add (h->event_group, MCEVENT_HISTORY_LOAD, input_load_history, w, NULL);
NULL             1016 lib/widget/input.c         mc_event_add (h->event_group, MCEVENT_HISTORY_SAVE, input_save_history, w, NULL);
NULL             1017 lib/widget/input.c         if (in->label != NULL)
NULL             1055 lib/widget/input.c         if (in->label != NULL)
NULL             1137 lib/widget/input.c     if (text == NULL)
NULL             1196 lib/widget/input.c     if (wi->owner == NULL || !widget_get_state (WIDGET (wi->owner), WST_ACTIVE))
NULL              132 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static DIR *directory = NULL;
NULL              133 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char *filename = NULL;
NULL              134 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char *dirname = NULL;
NULL              135 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char *users_dirname = NULL;
NULL              137 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static vfs_path_t *dirname_vpath = NULL;
NULL              140 lib/widget/input_complete.c     struct vfs_dirent *entry = NULL;
NULL              144 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (text != NULL && (flags & INPUT_COMPLETE_SHELL_ESC) != 0)
NULL              171 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if ((*text != '\0') && (temp = strrchr (text, PATH_SEP)) != NULL)
NULL              200 lib/widget/input_complete.c     while (directory != NULL && (entry = mc_readdir (directory)) != NULL)
NULL              228 lib/widget/input_complete.c             tmp_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (dirname, entry->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              266 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL              268 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (directory != NULL)
NULL              271 lib/widget/input_complete.c             directory = NULL;
NULL              275 lib/widget/input_complete.c         dirname_vpath = NULL;
NULL              278 lib/widget/input_complete.c         return NULL;
NULL              286 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (users_dirname != NULL && !DIR_IS_DOT (users_dirname))
NULL              309 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static struct passwd *entry = NULL;
NULL              323 lib/widget/input_complete.c     while ((entry = getpwent ()) != NULL)
NULL              332 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (entry != NULL)
NULL              333 lib/widget/input_complete.c         return g_strconcat ("~", entry->pw_name, PATH_SEP_STR, (char *) NULL);
NULL              336 lib/widget/input_complete.c     return NULL;
NULL              346 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char **env_p = NULL;
NULL              349 lib/widget/input_complete.c     const char *p = NULL;
NULL              361 lib/widget/input_complete.c     while (*env_p != NULL)
NULL              364 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (p != NULL && ((size_t) (p - *env_p) >= varlen)
NULL              370 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (*env_p == NULL)
NULL              371 lib/widget/input_complete.c         return NULL;
NULL              409 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (file == NULL)
NULL              412 lib/widget/input_complete.c     while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer) - 1, file) != NULL)
NULL              463 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (!g_ptr_array_find_with_equal_func (hosts, name, host_equal_func, NULL))
NULL              478 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static GPtrArray *hosts = NULL;
NULL              490 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (hosts != NULL)
NULL              494 lib/widget/input_complete.c         fetch_hosts (p != NULL ? p : "/etc/hosts", hosts);
NULL              511 lib/widget/input_complete.c         hosts = NULL;
NULL              512 lib/widget/input_complete.c         return NULL;
NULL              540 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static const char *path_end = NULL;
NULL              544 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static const char *const *words = NULL;
NULL              545 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char *path = NULL;
NULL              546 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char *cur_path = NULL;
NULL              547 lib/widget/input_complete.c     static char *cur_word = NULL;
NULL              568 lib/widget/input_complete.c         return NULL;
NULL              575 lib/widget/input_complete.c         isabsolute = strchr (u_text, PATH_SEP) != NULL;
NULL              582 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (path == NULL)
NULL              585 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 if (path != NULL)
NULL              589 lib/widget/input_complete.c                     while ((p = strchr (p, PATH_ENV_SEP)) != NULL)
NULL              600 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL              612 lib/widget/input_complete.c     found = NULL;
NULL              616 lib/widget/input_complete.c         for (; *words != NULL; words++)
NULL              626 lib/widget/input_complete.c         for (; *words != NULL; words++)
NULL              633 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (path == NULL)
NULL              636 lib/widget/input_complete.c         cur_word = NULL;
NULL              639 lib/widget/input_complete.c         while (found == NULL)
NULL              641 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (cur_word == NULL)
NULL              648 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 cur_word = mc_build_filename (expanded, u_text, (char *) NULL);
NULL              654 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (found == NULL)
NULL              662 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (found == NULL)
NULL              667 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL              705 lib/widget/input_complete.c     while ((string = entry_function (text, match_list->len, flags)) != NULL)
NULL              714 lib/widget/input_complete.c         return NULL;
NULL              813 lib/widget/input_complete.c     else if (strchr (command_separator_chars, ti[0]) != NULL)
NULL              852 lib/widget/input_complete.c             state->q = NULL;
NULL              857 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (state->q != NULL && state->q[1] == '(' && (state->flags & INPUT_COMPLETE_COMMANDS) != 0)
NULL              861 lib/widget/input_complete.c         state->q = NULL;
NULL              870 lib/widget/input_complete.c     GPtrArray *matches = NULL;
NULL              885 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (matches == NULL && state->is_cd && !IS_PATH_SEP (*state->word) && *state->word != '~')
NULL              904 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 c = (cdpath == NULL) ? '\0' : ':';
NULL              906 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 while (matches == NULL && c == ':')
NULL              912 lib/widget/input_complete.c                     if (s == NULL)
NULL              918 lib/widget/input_complete.c                         state->r = mc_build_filename (cdpath, state->word, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1030 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 for (i = 0, e = listbox_get_first_link (LISTBOX (g->current->data)); e != NULL;
NULL             1068 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 char *last_text = NULL;
NULL             1084 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 for (i = 0, e = listbox_get_first_link (LISTBOX (g->current->data)); e != NULL;
NULL             1169 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (in->completions != NULL && str_offset_to_pos (in->buffer->str, in->point) != end)
NULL             1172 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (in->completions == NULL)
NULL             1175 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (in->completions == NULL)
NULL             1191 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if ((what_to_do & DO_QUERY) != 0 && in->completions != NULL && in->completions->len > 1)
NULL             1241 lib/widget/input_complete.c                                        complete_callback, NULL, "[Completion]", NULL);
NULL             1242 lib/widget/input_complete.c             complete_list = listbox_new (1, 1, h - 2, w - 2, FALSE, NULL);
NULL             1248 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 listbox_add_item (complete_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, q, NULL, FALSE);
NULL             1252 lib/widget/input_complete.c             q = NULL;
NULL             1255 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 listbox_get_current (complete_list, &q, NULL);
NULL             1256 lib/widget/input_complete.c                 if (q != NULL)
NULL             1259 lib/widget/input_complete.c             if (q != NULL || end != min_end)
NULL             1280 lib/widget/input_complete.c     GPtrArray *matches = NULL;
NULL             1305 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (matches != NULL)
NULL             1314 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (matches != NULL)
NULL             1324 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (matches != NULL)
NULL             1330 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (matches == NULL && *state.word == '~' && (state.flags & INPUT_COMPLETE_USERNAMES) != 0
NULL             1331 lib/widget/input_complete.c         && strchr (state.word, PATH_SEP) == NULL)
NULL             1340 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (matches == NULL)
NULL             1344 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (matches == NULL)
NULL             1352 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (matches != NULL && (flags & INPUT_COMPLETE_FILENAMES) != 0
NULL             1398 lib/widget/input_complete.c         if (strchr (word_separators, *s) != NULL && !str_is_char_escaped (in->buffer->str, s))
NULL             1422 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (in->completions != NULL)
NULL             1441 lib/widget/input_complete.c     if (in->completions != NULL)
NULL             1444 lib/widget/input_complete.c         in->completions = NULL;
NULL               77 lib/widget/label.c         if (l->text == NULL)
NULL              100 lib/widget/label.c             if (q != NULL)
NULL              109 lib/widget/label.c             if (q == NULL)
NULL              139 lib/widget/label.c     if (text != NULL)
NULL              144 lib/widget/label.c     widget_init (w, &r, label_callback, NULL);
NULL              162 lib/widget/label.c     if (label->text != NULL && text != NULL && strcmp (label->text, text) == 0)
NULL              167 lib/widget/label.c     if (text == NULL)
NULL              168 lib/widget/label.c         label->text = NULL;
NULL               71 lib/widget/listbox-window.c     if (title != NULL)
NULL              108 lib/widget/listbox-window.c                                listbox_colors, NULL, NULL, help, title);
NULL              110 lib/widget/listbox-window.c     listbox->list = listbox_new (2, 2, lines, cols, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              151 lib/widget/listbox-window.c     void *val = NULL;
NULL              153 lib/widget/listbox-window.c     if (select != NULL)
NULL              161 lib/widget/listbox-window.c         if (e != NULL)
NULL               49 lib/widget/listbox.c const global_keymap_t *listbox_map = NULL;
NULL              142 lib/widget/listbox.c     GList *le = NULL;
NULL              153 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l->list != NULL)
NULL              160 lib/widget/listbox.c     pos = (le == NULL) ? 0 : l->top;
NULL              177 lib/widget/listbox.c         if (l->list != NULL && le != NULL && (i == 0 || pos < length))
NULL              208 lib/widget/listbox.c         for (i = 0, le = g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); le != NULL; i++, le = g_list_next (le))
NULL              281 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l->list == NULL || g_queue_is_empty (l->list))
NULL              333 lib/widget/listbox.c         ret = send_message (WIDGET (l)->owner, l, MSG_NOTIFY, command, NULL);
NULL              350 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l->list == NULL)
NULL              372 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l->list == NULL)
NULL              393 lib/widget/listbox.c         g_queue_insert_sorted (l->list, e, (GCompareDataFunc) listbox_entry_cmp, NULL);
NULL              408 lib/widget/listbox.c     send_message (WIDGET (l)->owner, l, MSG_NOTIFY, 0, NULL);
NULL              421 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l->callback != NULL)
NULL              568 lib/widget/listbox.c     l->list = NULL;
NULL              591 lib/widget/listbox.c         for (i = 0, le = g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); le != NULL; i++, le = g_list_next (le))
NULL              616 lib/widget/listbox.c         for (i = 0, le = g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); le != NULL; i++, le = g_list_next (le))
NULL              665 lib/widget/listbox.c     for (pos = 0, le = g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list); le != NULL; pos++, le = g_list_next (le))
NULL              704 lib/widget/listbox.c     WLEntry *e = NULL;
NULL              707 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l != NULL)
NULL              710 lib/widget/listbox.c     ok = (e != NULL);
NULL              712 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (string != NULL)
NULL              713 lib/widget/listbox.c         *string = ok ? e->text : NULL;
NULL              715 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (extra != NULL)
NULL              716 lib/widget/listbox.c         *extra = ok ? e->data : NULL;
NULL              729 lib/widget/listbox.c         if (item != NULL)
NULL              733 lib/widget/listbox.c     return NULL;
NULL              741 lib/widget/listbox.c     return (l == NULL || l->list == NULL) ? NULL : g_queue_peek_head_link (l->list);
NULL              772 lib/widget/listbox.c     return (l == NULL || l->list == NULL || g_queue_is_empty (l->list));
NULL              788 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l != NULL)
NULL              797 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l != NULL)
NULL              799 lib/widget/listbox.c         if (l->list != NULL)
NULL              802 lib/widget/listbox.c             l->list = NULL;
NULL              852 lib/widget/listbox.c     if (l == NULL)
NULL              853 lib/widget/listbox.c         return NULL;
NULL              856 lib/widget/listbox.c         return NULL;
NULL               48 lib/widget/menu.c const global_keymap_t *menu_map = NULL;
NULL               87 lib/widget/menu.c     if (menu != NULL)
NULL               95 lib/widget/menu.c         for (i = menu->entries; i != NULL; i = g_list_next (i))
NULL               99 lib/widget/menu.c             if (entry != NULL)
NULL              106 lib/widget/menu.c                 if (get_shortcut != NULL)
NULL              109 lib/widget/menu.c                 if (entry->shortcut != NULL)
NULL              135 lib/widget/menu.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL              158 lib/widget/menu.c         if (entry->text.hotkey != NULL)
NULL              165 lib/widget/menu.c         if (entry->text.end != NULL)
NULL              168 lib/widget/menu.c         if (entry->shortcut != NULL)
NULL              231 lib/widget/menu.c     for (i = menubar->menu; i != NULL; i = g_list_next (i))
NULL              242 lib/widget/menu.c         if (menu->text.hotkey != NULL)
NULL              249 lib/widget/menu.c         if (menu->text.end != NULL)
NULL              332 lib/widget/menu.c     if (DIALOG (w->owner)->bg != NULL)
NULL              357 lib/widget/menu.c     if ((entry != NULL) && (entry->command != CK_IgnoreKey))
NULL              363 lib/widget/menu.c         send_message (w->owner, w, MSG_ACTION, entry->command, NULL);
NULL              384 lib/widget/menu.c     while ((entry == NULL) || (entry->command == CK_IgnoreKey));
NULL              408 lib/widget/menu.c     while ((entry == NULL) || (entry->command == CK_IgnoreKey));
NULL              435 lib/widget/menu.c             if ((entry == NULL) || (entry->command == CK_IgnoreKey))
NULL              473 lib/widget/menu.c         while ((entry == NULL) || (entry->command == CK_IgnoreKey));
NULL              491 lib/widget/menu.c     for (i = menubar->menu; i != NULL; i = g_list_next (i))
NULL              495 lib/widget/menu.c         if (menu->text.hotkey != NULL && hotkey == g_ascii_tolower (menu->text.hotkey[0]))
NULL              515 lib/widget/menu.c     for (i = menu->entries; i != NULL; i = g_list_next (i))
NULL              519 lib/widget/menu.c         if (entry != NULL && entry->text.hotkey != NULL
NULL              538 lib/widget/menu.c     event_data.filename = NULL;
NULL              695 lib/widget/menu.c         widget_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, data);
NULL              716 lib/widget/menu.c     for (i = 0, menu = menubar->menu; menu != NULL && x >= MENU (menu->data)->start_x;
NULL              765 lib/widget/menu.c     if (entry != NULL && entry->command != CK_IgnoreKey)
NULL              900 lib/widget/menu.c     entry->shortcut = NULL;
NULL              910 lib/widget/menu.c     if (entry != NULL)
NULL              997 lib/widget/menu.c     if (menu != NULL)
NULL             1019 lib/widget/menu.c     if (menubar->menu == NULL)
NULL             1025 lib/widget/menu.c     for (i = menubar->menu; i != NULL; i = g_list_next (i))
NULL             1034 lib/widget/menu.c     if (g_list_next (menubar->menu) == NULL)
NULL             1048 lib/widget/menu.c     for (i = menubar->menu; i != NULL; i = g_list_next (i))
NULL               16 lib/widget/menu.h #define menu_separator_new() NULL
NULL               49 lib/widget/quick.c #    define I18N(x) (x = x != NULL && *x != '\0' ? _ (x) : x)
NULL              185 lib/widget/quick.c     WGroupbox *g = NULL;
NULL              187 lib/widget/quick.c     GList *input_labels = NULL;  // Widgets not directly requested by the user.
NULL              201 lib/widget/quick.c         quick_widget_item_t item = { NULL, quick_widget };
NULL              211 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              227 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              236 lib/widget/quick.c             *quick_widget->u.input.result = NULL;
NULL              249 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              262 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              273 lib/widget/quick.c             char **items = NULL;
NULL              279 lib/widget/quick.c             items[i] = NULL;
NULL              288 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              307 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              313 lib/widget/quick.c                 g = NULL;
NULL              417 lib/widget/quick.c     g = NULL;
NULL              437 lib/widget/quick.c             if (input != NULL && input->u.input.label_location == input_label_right)
NULL              449 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              459 lib/widget/quick.c                 if (g != NULL)
NULL              474 lib/widget/quick.c             if (g != NULL)
NULL              490 lib/widget/quick.c                 if (g != NULL)
NULL              499 lib/widget/quick.c                 if (g != NULL)
NULL              520 lib/widget/quick.c             g = NULL;
NULL              524 lib/widget/quick.c             if (item->widget != NULL)
NULL              528 lib/widget/quick.c                 if (g != NULL)
NULL              566 lib/widget/quick.c         if (item->widget != NULL)
NULL              576 lib/widget/quick.c                                            NULL);
NULL              577 lib/widget/quick.c             if (item->quick_widget->id != NULL)
NULL              583 lib/widget/quick.c     if (dd->bg != NULL)
NULL               49 lib/widget/quick.h                  .label_text = NULL,                                                               \
NULL               51 lib/widget/quick.h                  .label = NULL,                                                                    \
NULL               73 lib/widget/quick.h                 .label = NULL,                                                                     \
NULL               93 lib/widget/quick.h                 .input = NULL,                                                                     \
NULL              118 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              131 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              134 lib/widget/quick.h                 .text = NULL,                                                                      \
NULL              135 lib/widget/quick.h                 .histname = NULL,                                                                  \
NULL              136 lib/widget/quick.h                 .result = NULL,                                                                    \
NULL              146 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              160 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              163 lib/widget/quick.h                 .text = NULL,                                                                      \
NULL              164 lib/widget/quick.h                 .histname = NULL,                                                                  \
NULL              165 lib/widget/quick.h                 .result = NULL,                                                                    \
NULL              175 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              178 lib/widget/quick.h                 .text = NULL,                                                                      \
NULL              179 lib/widget/quick.h                 .histname = NULL,                                                                  \
NULL              180 lib/widget/quick.h                 .result = NULL,                                                                    \
NULL              190 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              193 lib/widget/quick.h                 .text = NULL,                                                                      \
NULL              194 lib/widget/quick.h                 .histname = NULL,                                                                  \
NULL              195 lib/widget/quick.h                 .result = NULL,                                                                    \
NULL              205 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              216 lib/widget/quick.h         QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),                                            \
NULL              217 lib/widget/quick.h         QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL)
NULL              224 lib/widget/quick.h         .id = NULL,                                                                                \
NULL              227 lib/widget/quick.h                 .text = NULL,                                                                      \
NULL              228 lib/widget/quick.h                 .histname = NULL,                                                                  \
NULL              229 lib/widget/quick.h                 .result = NULL,                                                                    \
NULL               46 lib/widget/radio.c const global_keymap_t *radio_map = NULL;
NULL               95 lib/widget/radio.c         send_message (w->owner, w, MSG_NOTIFY, 0, NULL);
NULL              133 lib/widget/radio.c             if (r->texts[i].hotkey != NULL)
NULL              202 lib/widget/radio.c         send_message (w, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_Select, NULL);
NULL              203 lib/widget/radio.c         send_message (w->owner, w, MSG_POST_KEY, ' ', NULL);
NULL               68 lib/widget/rect.c     if (r != NULL)
NULL               87 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (r == NULL)
NULL              100 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (w != NULL && widget_get_state (WIDGET (w->owner), WST_VISIBLE | WST_FOCUSED))
NULL              116 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (g == NULL || g->current == NULL)
NULL              123 lib/widget/widget-common.c         if (g->current == NULL || !widget_get_state (WIDGET (g->current->data), WST_FOCUSED))
NULL              157 lib/widget/widget-common.c     n1 = s1 != NULL;
NULL              158 lib/widget/widget-common.c     n2 = s2 != NULL;
NULL              187 lib/widget/widget-common.c     return (owner == NULL ? NULL : widget_get_colors (owner));
NULL              200 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (text == NULL)
NULL              205 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (cp != NULL && cp[1] != '\0')
NULL              220 lib/widget/widget-common.c         result.hotkey = NULL;
NULL              221 lib/widget/widget-common.c         result.end = NULL;
NULL              245 lib/widget/widget-common.c     result += (hotkey.hotkey != NULL) ? str_term_width1 (hotkey.hotkey) : 0;
NULL              246 lib/widget/widget-common.c     result += (hotkey.end != NULL) ? str_term_width1 (hotkey.end) : 0;
NULL              270 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (hotkey.hotkey != NULL)
NULL              276 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (hotkey.end != NULL)
NULL              292 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (hotkey.hotkey != NULL)
NULL              298 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (hotkey.end != NULL)
NULL              314 lib/widget/widget-common.c     w->keymap = NULL;
NULL              315 lib/widget/widget-common.c     w->ext_keymap = NULL;
NULL              318 lib/widget/widget-common.c     w->mouse_callback = mouse_callback != NULL ? mouse_callback : widget_default_mouse_callback;
NULL              319 lib/widget/widget-common.c     w->owner = NULL;
NULL              435 lib/widget/widget-common.c     send_message (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              450 lib/widget/widget-common.c     send_message (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, r);
NULL              479 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (w != NULL)
NULL              514 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (owner == NULL)
NULL              530 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (w != NULL && widget_get_state (w, WST_VISIBLE))
NULL              534 lib/widget/widget-common.c         if (g != NULL && widget_get_state (WIDGET (g), WST_ACTIVE))
NULL              535 lib/widget/widget-common.c             ret = w->callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL              556 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (g->widgets == NULL)
NULL              559 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (g->current == NULL)
NULL              593 lib/widget/widget-common.c     send_message (old_w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
NULL              594 lib/widget/widget-common.c     send_message (new_w, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL              630 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (g != NULL)
NULL              689 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (delta != NULL)
NULL              691 lib/widget/widget-common.c     else if (w->owner != NULL)
NULL              708 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (delta != NULL)
NULL              710 lib/widget/widget-common.c     else if (w->owner != NULL)
NULL              727 lib/widget/widget-common.c     return (w != what || w->owner == NULL) ? NULL
NULL              745 lib/widget/widget-common.c     return (w->callback == cb ? WIDGET (w) : NULL);
NULL              761 lib/widget/widget-common.c     return (w->id == id ? WIDGET (w) : NULL);
NULL              809 lib/widget/widget-common.c     if (owner == NULL)
NULL              831 lib/widget/widget-common.c         ret = send_message (w, NULL, enable ? MSG_DISABLE : MSG_ENABLE, 0, NULL);
NULL              841 lib/widget/widget-common.c         ret = send_message (w, NULL, msg, 0, NULL);
NULL              846 lib/widget/widget-common.c             send_message (owner, w, MSG_CHANGED_FOCUS, 0, NULL);
NULL              868 lib/widget/widget-common.c     send_message (w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
NULL              253 lib/widget/widget-common.h     if (w != NULL)  // This must be always true, but...
NULL              302 lib/widget/widget-common.h     w->make_global (w, NULL);
NULL              316 lib/widget/widget-common.h     w->make_local (w, NULL);
NULL              425 lib/widget/widget-common.h     return (send_message (w, NULL, MSG_CURSOR, 0, NULL) == MSG_HANDLED);
NULL               77 lib/widget/wtools.c             WDialog *prev_dlg = NULL;
NULL               82 lib/widget/wtools.c             if (top_dlg != NULL)
NULL               93 lib/widget/wtools.c                     if (p != NULL)
NULL               99 lib/widget/wtools.c             if (prev_dlg == NULL || (WIDGET (prev_dlg)->pos_flags & WPOS_FULLSCREEN) != 0)
NULL              113 lib/widget/wtools.c             return dlg_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              130 lib/widget/wtools.c     title = g_strconcat (_ ("Background process:"), " ", title, (char *) NULL);
NULL              157 lib/widget/wtools.c     char *my_str = NULL;
NULL              163 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (history_name != NULL && *history_name != '\0')
NULL              176 lib/widget/wtools.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (p_text, input_label_above, def_text, histname, &my_str, NULL,
NULL              189 lib/widget/wtools.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL              190 lib/widget/wtools.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              197 lib/widget/wtools.c     return (ret != B_CANCEL) ? my_str : NULL;
NULL              264 lib/widget/wtools.c             if (strchr (cp, '&') != NULL)
NULL              277 lib/widget/wtools.c                             query_default_callback, NULL, "[QueryBox]", header);
NULL              282 lib/widget/wtools.c         WButton *defbutton = NULL;
NULL              285 lib/widget/wtools.c                                   NULL);
NULL              297 lib/widget/wtools.c             if (strchr (cur_name, '&') != NULL)
NULL              300 lib/widget/wtools.c             button = button_new (lines - 3, cols, B_USER + i, NORMAL_BUTTON, cur_name, NULL);
NULL              309 lib/widget/wtools.c         send_message (query_dlg, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
NULL              311 lib/widget/wtools.c         if (defbutton != NULL)
NULL              329 lib/widget/wtools.c                                   NULL);
NULL              330 lib/widget/wtools.c         group_add_widget (g, button_new (0, 0, 0, HIDDEN_BUTTON, "-", NULL));
NULL              366 lib/widget/wtools.c     send_message (d, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
NULL              401 lib/widget/wtools.c         wtools_parent_call (func.p, NULL, 3, sizeof (flags), &flags, strlen (title), title,
NULL              417 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (mcerror == NULL || *mcerror == NULL)
NULL              425 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (code != NULL)
NULL              429 lib/widget/wtools.c     *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              561 lib/widget/wtools.c                           dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, NULL, title);
NULL              570 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (sm->init != NULL)
NULL              590 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (sm == NULL)
NULL              593 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (sm->deinit != NULL)
NULL              616 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (sm == NULL)
NULL              620 lib/widget/wtools.c     if (sm->dlg == NULL)
NULL              677 lib/widget/wtools.c     ssm->label = label_new (y++, 3, NULL);
NULL              678 lib/widget/wtools.c     group_add_widget_autopos (wg, ssm->label, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, NULL);
NULL              680 lib/widget/wtools.c     b = WIDGET (button_new (y++, 3, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, b_name, NULL));
NULL              681 lib/widget/wtools.c     group_add_widget_autopos (wg, b, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, NULL);
NULL               60 src/args.c     char *mc_args__last_wd_file = NULL;
NULL               63 src/args.c     char *mc_args__netfs_logfile = NULL;
NULL               66 src/args.c     char *mc_args__keymap_file = NULL;
NULL               68 src/args.c     void *mc_run_param0 = NULL;
NULL               69 src/args.c     char *mc_run_param1 = NULL;
NULL              109 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              120 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              131 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              143 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              165 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              175 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              228 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              238 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              248 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              258 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              263 src/args.c           N_ ("Tries to use termcap instead of terminfo"), NULL },
NULL              273 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              283 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              288 src/args.c           N_ ("Resets soft keys on HP terminals"), NULL },
NULL              308 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              328 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              338 src/args.c             NULL,
NULL              366 src/args.c     static gchar *mc_args__loc__colors_string = NULL;
NULL              367 src/args.c     static gchar *mc_args__loc__footer_string = NULL;
NULL              368 src/args.c     static gchar *mc_args__loc__header_string = NULL;
NULL              369 src/args.c     static gchar *mc_args__loc__usage_string = NULL;
NULL              419 src/args.c         return g_option_group_new ("color", mc_args__loc__colors_string, _ ("Color options"), NULL,
NULL              420 src/args.c                                    NULL);
NULL              540 src/args.c         GList *flist = NULL;
NULL              618 src/args.c         if (flist == NULL)
NULL              619 src/args.c             flist = g_list_prepend (flist, edit_arg_new (NULL, 0));
NULL              688 src/args.c         main_group = g_option_group_new ("main", _ ("Main options"), _ ("Main options"), NULL, NULL);
NULL              695 src/args.c             g_option_group_new ("terminal", _ ("Terminal options"), _ ("Terminal options"), NULL, NULL);
NULL              709 src/args.c             if (*mcerror == NULL)
NULL              715 src/args.c                 help_str = g_option_context_get_help (context, TRUE, NULL);
NULL              798 src/args.c         if (mc_args__netfs_logfile != NULL)
NULL              808 src/args.c         tmp = (argc > 0) ? argv[1] : NULL;
NULL              822 src/args.c             if (tmp == NULL)
NULL              846 src/args.c             if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              849 src/args.c                 tmp = (argc > 1) ? argv[2] : NULL;
NULL              850 src/args.c                 if (tmp != NULL)
NULL               82 src/background.c TaskList *task_list = NULL;
NULL              111 src/background.c     TaskList *prev = NULL;
NULL              113 src/background.c     while (p != NULL)
NULL              119 src/background.c             if (prev != NULL)
NULL              277 src/background.c     for (p = task_list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
NULL              281 src/background.c     if (p != NULL)
NULL              344 src/background.c         char *resstr = NULL;
NULL              370 src/background.c         if (resstr != NULL)
NULL              411 src/background.c     have_ctx = ctx != NULL ? 1 : 0;
NULL              445 src/background.c     if (ctx != NULL)
NULL              461 src/background.c     parent_call_header (routine, argc, Return_String, NULL);
NULL              471 src/background.c             return NULL;
NULL              475 src/background.c         return NULL;
NULL              481 src/background.c         return NULL;
NULL              562 src/background.c         top_dlg = NULL;
NULL               48 src/clipboard.c char *clipboard_store_path = NULL;
NULL               49 src/clipboard.c char *clipboard_paste_path = NULL;
NULL               82 src/clipboard.c     if (clipboard_store_path == NULL || clipboard_store_path[0] == '\0')
NULL               86 src/clipboard.c     cmd = g_strconcat (clipboard_store_path, " ", tmp, " 2>/dev/null", (char *) NULL);
NULL               88 src/clipboard.c     if (cmd != NULL)
NULL              111 src/clipboard.c     if (clipboard_paste_path == NULL || clipboard_paste_path[0] == '\0')
NULL              114 src/clipboard.c     p = mc_popen (clipboard_paste_path, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
NULL              115 src/clipboard.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              123 src/clipboard.c         GError *error = NULL;
NULL              130 src/clipboard.c         if (error != NULL)
NULL              165 src/clipboard.c     mc_pclose (p, NULL);
NULL              178 src/clipboard.c     vfs_path_t *fname_vpath = NULL;
NULL              186 src/clipboard.c     if (text == NULL)
NULL              216 src/clipboard.c     char *fname = NULL;
NULL              228 src/clipboard.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL              234 src/clipboard.c     *(event_data->text) = NULL;
NULL              256 src/clipboard.c                 tmp = g_strconcat (*(event_data->text), " ", buf, (char *) NULL);
NULL              264 src/clipboard.c     event_data->ret = (*(event_data->text) != NULL);
NULL              217 src/cons.handler.c                 if (tty_name != NULL)
NULL              222 src/cons.handler.c                     mc_conssaver = mc_build_filename (SAVERDIR, "cons.saver", (char *) NULL);
NULL              223 src/cons.handler.c                     execl (mc_conssaver, "cons.saver", tty_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              298 src/cons.handler.c     if (screen_shot.buf != NULL)
NULL              245 src/consaver/cons.saver.c     if (buffer == NULL)
NULL               77 src/diffviewer/search.c     char *exp = NULL;
NULL               88 src/diffviewer/search.c                                  MC_HISTORY_SHARED_SEARCH, &exp, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL               93 src/diffviewer/search.c                              (int *) &mcdiffview_search_options.type, NULL),
NULL               95 src/diffviewer/search.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &mcdiffview_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
NULL               96 src/diffviewer/search.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &mcdiffview_search_options.backwards, NULL),
NULL               97 src/diffviewer/search.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &mcdiffview_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
NULL              100 src/diffviewer/search.c                                 NULL),
NULL              115 src/diffviewer/search.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              116 src/diffviewer/search.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              136 src/diffviewer/search.c         if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              173 src/diffviewer/search.c         if (mc_search_run (dview->search.handle, p->p, 0, p->u.len, NULL))
NULL              207 src/diffviewer/search.c         if (mc_search_run (dview->search.handle, p->p, 0, p->u.len, NULL))
NULL              264 src/diffviewer/search.c     dview->search.handle = mc_search_new (dview->search.last_string, NULL);
NULL              267 src/diffviewer/search.c     if (dview->search.handle == NULL)
NULL              287 src/diffviewer/search.c     else if (dview->search.handle == NULL)
NULL              145 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (!g_file_get_contents (from_file_name, &contents, &length, NULL))
NULL              149 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (backup_fd == NULL)
NULL              177 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     vfs_path_t *diff_file_name = NULL;
NULL              179 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     fd = mc_mkstemps (&diff_file_name, "mcdiff", NULL);
NULL              206 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              209 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (fs == NULL)
NULL              210 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              213 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (fs->buf == NULL)
NULL              216 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              222 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     fs->data = NULL;
NULL              266 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (fs == NULL)
NULL              267 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              273 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              299 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (fs == NULL)
NULL              300 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              306 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              488 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (fs != NULL)
NULL              513 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     const char *type = NULL;
NULL              520 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (type == NULL)
NULL              521 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              524 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (fs == NULL)
NULL              525 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              528 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL              531 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return NULL;
NULL              553 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (fs != NULL)
NULL              575 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              597 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              626 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (text == NULL || text[0] == '\0')
NULL              629 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (g_utf8_validate (text, -1, NULL))
NULL              826 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (cmd == NULL)
NULL              832 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL              902 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL             1013 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (Lprev == NULL)
NULL             1017 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (Lcurr == NULL)
NULL             1330 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (src != NULL)
NULL             1426 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (src != NULL)
NULL             1528 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     const char *q = NULL;
NULL             1571 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (q == NULL)
NULL             1622 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (p != NULL)
NULL             1638 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         p.p = NULL;
NULL             1717 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (ops != NULL)
NULL             1731 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (ops != NULL)
NULL             1751 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             GArray *h = NULL;
NULL             1768 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                     h = NULL;
NULL             1783 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (dview->hdiff != NULL)
NULL             1795 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             if (h != NULL)
NULL             1799 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         dview->hdiff = NULL;
NULL             1803 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     dview->search.handle = NULL;
NULL             2003 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     for (line = 0; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f0) != NULL && line < from1 - 1; line++)
NULL             2006 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f0) != NULL)
NULL             2046 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     for (line = 0; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f0) != NULL && line < from1 - 1; line++)
NULL             2048 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     for (line = 0; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f1) != NULL && line <= to2;)
NULL             2054 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f0) != NULL)
NULL             2093 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     for (line1 = 0; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f0) != NULL && line1 < from1 - 1; line1++)
NULL             2095 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     for (line2 = 0; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f1) != NULL && line2 <= to2;)
NULL             2101 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f0) != NULL)
NULL             2135 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         vfs_path_t *merge_file_name_vpath = NULL;
NULL             2148 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         merge_file_fd = mc_mkstemps (&merge_file_name_vpath, "mcmerge", NULL);
NULL             2226 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] != NULL)
NULL             2228 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] != NULL)
NULL             2247 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     const char *encoding_id = NULL;
NULL             2252 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (encoding_id != NULL)
NULL             2353 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_RADIO (3, (const char **) quality_str, (int *) &dview->opt.quality, NULL),
NULL             2356 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Ignore case"), &dview->opt.ignore_case, NULL),
NULL             2357 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ignore tab &expansion"), &dview->opt.ignore_tab_expansion, NULL),
NULL             2358 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ignore &space change"), &dview->opt.ignore_space_change, NULL),
NULL             2359 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ignore all &whitespace"), &dview->opt.ignore_all_space, NULL),
NULL             2361 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                             NULL),
NULL             2375 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             2376 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             2391 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     f[DIFF_LEFT] = NULL;
NULL             2392 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     f[DIFF_RIGHT] = NULL;
NULL             2397 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (f[DIFF_LEFT] == NULL)
NULL             2401 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (f[DIFF_RIGHT] == NULL)
NULL             2410 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (f[DIFF_LEFT] == NULL)
NULL             2414 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (f[DIFF_RIGHT] == NULL)
NULL             2434 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     dview->search.handle = NULL;
NULL             2435 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     dview->search.last_string = NULL;
NULL             2450 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     dview->hdiff = NULL;
NULL             2481 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] != NULL)
NULL             2484 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         dview->a[DIFF_LEFT] = NULL;
NULL             2486 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] != NULL)
NULL             2489 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         dview->a[DIFF_RIGHT] = NULL;
NULL             2573 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             if (f == NULL)
NULL             2577 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                 else if (dview->hdiff != NULL && g_ptr_array_index (dview->hdiff, i) != NULL)
NULL             2912 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                           first_run ? NULL : INPUT_LAST_TEXT, INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE);
NULL             2913 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     if (input != NULL)
NULL             3254 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         widget_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, data);
NULL             3310 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         return dview_execute_cmd (NULL, parm);
NULL             3364 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     dview_dlg = dlg_create (FALSE, 0, 0, 1, 1, WPOS_FULLSCREEN, FALSE, NULL, dview_dialog_callback,
NULL             3365 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c                             NULL, "[Diff Viewer]", NULL);
NULL             3378 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, w, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL             3381 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, w, w->pos_flags, NULL);
NULL             3416 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             if (real_file##n != NULL)                                                              \
NULL             3449 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     vfs_path_t *file0 = NULL;
NULL             3450 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c     vfs_path_t *file1 = NULL;
NULL             3464 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (fe0 == NULL)
NULL             3470 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         file0 = vfs_path_append_new (panel0->cwd_vpath, fe0->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL             3480 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (fe1 == NULL)
NULL             3485 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         file1 = vfs_path_append_new (panel1->cwd_vpath, fe1->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL             3548 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         if (file0 != NULL && file1 != NULL)
NULL             3557 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             if (real_file0 != NULL && real_file1 != NULL)
NULL               72 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (p->next != NULL)
NULL               86 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark == NULL)
NULL               94 src/editor/bookmark.c     for (p = edit->book_mark; p != NULL; p = p->next)
NULL               99 src/editor/bookmark.c         if (p->next != NULL)
NULL              114 src/editor/bookmark.c     for (p = edit->book_mark; p != NULL; p = p->prev)
NULL              116 src/editor/bookmark.c         if (p->next != NULL && p->next->line <= line)
NULL              121 src/editor/bookmark.c             if (p->next != NULL)
NULL              137 src/editor/bookmark.c     return NULL;  // can't get here
NULL              156 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark != NULL)
NULL              160 src/editor/bookmark.c         for (p = book_mark_find (edit, line); p != NULL; p = p->prev)
NULL              200 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (p->next != NULL)
NULL              223 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark == NULL)
NULL              226 src/editor/bookmark.c     for (p = book_mark_find (edit, line); p != NULL; p = q)
NULL              234 src/editor/bookmark.c             if (p->next != NULL)
NULL              242 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark->line == -1 && edit->book_mark->next == NULL)
NULL              256 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark == NULL)
NULL              259 src/editor/bookmark.c     while (edit->book_mark->prev != NULL)
NULL              262 src/editor/bookmark.c     for (q = edit->book_mark->next; q != NULL; q = p)
NULL              268 src/editor/bookmark.c             if (p != NULL)
NULL              273 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark->next == NULL)
NULL              285 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark != NULL)
NULL              290 src/editor/bookmark.c         for (p = p->next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
NULL              301 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark != NULL)
NULL              306 src/editor/bookmark.c         for (p = p->next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
NULL              317 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->serialized_bookmarks != NULL)
NULL              320 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->book_mark != NULL)
NULL              324 src/editor/bookmark.c         if (edit->serialized_bookmarks == NULL)
NULL              328 src/editor/bookmark.c         for (p = book_mark_find (edit, 0); p != NULL; p = p->next)
NULL              340 src/editor/bookmark.c     if (edit->serialized_bookmarks != NULL)
NULL               99 src/editor/edit.c     .backup_ext = NULL,
NULL              100 src/editor/edit.c     .filesize_threshold = NULL,
NULL              101 src/editor/edit.c     .stop_format_chars = NULL,
NULL              213 src/editor/edit.c                      edit_load_status_update_cb, NULL);
NULL              232 src/editor/edit.c     if (filename_vpath != NULL)
NULL              254 src/editor/edit.c     char *p = NULL;
NULL              258 src/editor/edit.c         return NULL;
NULL              261 src/editor/edit.c     if (quoted_name != NULL)
NULL              299 src/editor/edit.c     gchar *errmsg = NULL;
NULL              371 src/editor/edit.c     if (errmsg != NULL)
NULL              408 src/editor/edit.c     if (edit->filename_vpath != NULL)
NULL              444 src/editor/edit.c         if (edit->filename_vpath != NULL
NULL              476 src/editor/edit.c     if (edit->filename_vpath == NULL
NULL              510 src/editor/edit.c     if (edit->filename_vpath == NULL
NULL              517 src/editor/edit.c     edit->serialized_bookmarks = NULL;
NULL              655 src/editor/edit.c         if (strchr (" \t", edit_buffer_get_byte (buf, p)) == NULL)
NULL              920 src/editor/edit.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL              933 src/editor/edit.c     while ((q = strchr (q + 1, c)) != NULL);
NULL             1542 src/editor/edit.c     if (p == NULL || *p == '\0')
NULL             1547 src/editor/edit.c     if (strchr ("{[(", c) != NULL)
NULL             1726 src/editor/edit.c         width = pn == NULL ? blocklen : pn - (char *) data;
NULL             1818 src/editor/edit.c         if (fd != NULL)
NULL             1837 src/editor/edit.c     char *p = NULL;
NULL             1841 src/editor/edit.c         return NULL;
NULL             1845 src/editor/edit.c     if (write_name_quoted != NULL)
NULL             1963 src/editor/edit.c     return (isspace (c) || strchr ("{}[]()<>=|/\\!?~-+`'\",.;:#$%^&*", c) != NULL);
NULL             1979 src/editor/edit.c     if (p != NULL)
NULL             1984 src/editor/edit.c         if (f != NULL)
NULL             2099 src/editor/edit.c     if (edit != NULL)
NULL             2122 src/editor/edit.c         widget_init (w, r, NULL, NULL);
NULL             2137 src/editor/edit.c     if (arg != NULL)
NULL             2148 src/editor/edit.c     if (arg != NULL)
NULL             2155 src/editor/edit.c         edit_set_filename (edit, NULL);
NULL             2178 src/editor/edit.c         return NULL;
NULL             2184 src/editor/edit.c     edit_load_syntax (edit, NULL, NULL);
NULL             2210 src/editor/edit.c     if (edit == NULL)
NULL             2220 src/editor/edit.c     else if (edit->serialized_bookmarks != NULL)
NULL             2269 src/editor/edit.c     if (edit_init (e, &w->rect, arg) == NULL)
NULL             2293 src/editor/edit.c     if (cp_id != NULL)
NULL             2305 src/editor/edit.c     if (cp_id != NULL)
NULL             2372 src/editor/edit.c             if (t != NULL)
NULL             2462 src/editor/edit.c             if (t != NULL)
NULL             3839 src/editor/edit.c         if (edit->book_mark != NULL)
NULL             3844 src/editor/edit.c             if (p->next != NULL)
NULL             3854 src/editor/edit.c         if (edit->book_mark != NULL)
NULL             3860 src/editor/edit.c                 if (p->prev != NULL)
NULL             4010 src/editor/edit.c         edit_user_menu (edit, NULL, -1);
NULL             4119 src/editor/edit.c         edit_arg_init (&edit_history_moveto[edit_stack_iterator], NULL, -1);
NULL              122 src/editor/editbuffer.c         return NULL;
NULL              169 src/editor/editbuffer.c     if (buf->b1 != NULL)
NULL              172 src/editor/editbuffer.c     if (buf->b2 != NULL)
NULL              193 src/editor/editbuffer.c     return (p != NULL) ? *(unsigned char *) p : '\n';
NULL              214 src/editor/editbuffer.c     gchar *str = NULL;
NULL              217 src/editor/editbuffer.c     gchar *next_ch = NULL;
NULL              226 src/editor/editbuffer.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              296 src/editor/editbuffer.c     if (str == NULL || g_utf8_next_char (str) != cursor_buf_ptr)
NULL              746 src/editor/editbuffer.c         if (s != NULL && s->update != NULL)
NULL              752 src/editor/editbuffer.c                 if (sm->buf == NULL)
NULL              780 src/editor/editbuffer.c         if (s != NULL && s->update != NULL)
NULL              102 src/editor/editcmd.c         if (sender != NULL && sender->id == edit_save_mode_radio_id)
NULL              136 src/editor/editcmd.c     vfs_path_t *savename_vpath = NULL;
NULL              142 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (vpath_element == NULL)
NULL              149 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (!IS_PATH_SEP (*start_filename) && edit->dir_vpath != NULL)
NULL              150 src/editor/editcmd.c         real_filename_vpath = vfs_path_append_vpath_new (edit->dir_vpath, filename_vpath, NULL);
NULL              218 src/editor/editcmd.c         if (savedir == NULL)
NULL              222 src/editor/editcmd.c         saveprefix = mc_build_filename (PATH_SEP_STR, savedir, "cooledit", (char *) NULL);
NULL              224 src/editor/editcmd.c         fd = mc_mkstemps (&savename_vpath, saveprefix, NULL);
NULL              226 src/editor/editcmd.c         if (savename_vpath == NULL)
NULL              250 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (p != NULL)
NULL              257 src/editor/editcmd.c         if (file != NULL)
NULL              305 src/editor/editcmd.c         if (file != NULL)
NULL              327 src/editor/editcmd.c         g_assert (edit_options.backup_ext != NULL);
NULL              378 src/editor/editcmd.c     char *filename_res = NULL;
NULL              379 src/editor/editcmd.c     vfs_path_t *ret_vpath = NULL;
NULL              390 src/editor/editcmd.c                              vfs_path_as_str (edit->filename_vpath), "save-as", &filename_res, NULL,
NULL              393 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Change line breaks to:"), NULL),
NULL              394 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_RADIO (LB_NAMES, lb_names, (int *) &cur_lb, NULL),
NULL              406 src/editor/editcmd.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL              407 src/editor/editcmd.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              633 src/editor/editcmd.c     char *s = NULL;
NULL              636 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (to != NULL)
NULL              639 src/editor/editcmd.c         if (subject != NULL)
NULL              642 src/editor/editcmd.c             if (cc == NULL)
NULL              656 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (s != NULL)
NULL              662 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (p != NULL)
NULL              747 src/editor/editcmd.c             edit_load_syntax (edit, NULL, edit->syntax_type);
NULL              793 src/editor/editcmd.c     g_list_foreach (GROUP (h)->widgets, edit_syntax_onoff_cb, NULL);
NULL              845 src/editor/editcmd.c     char *str_result = NULL;
NULL              860 src/editor/editcmd.c     g_assert (edit_options.backup_ext != NULL);
NULL              868 src/editor/editcmd.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Check &POSIX new line"), &edit_options.check_nl_at_eof, NULL),
NULL              881 src/editor/editcmd.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              900 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (edit->dir_vpath == NULL)
NULL              923 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (exp_vpath != NULL && vfs_path_len (exp_vpath) != 0)
NULL              986 src/editor/editcmd.c                 edit_load_syntax (edit, NULL, edit->syntax_type);
NULL             1014 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (edit->filename_vpath == NULL)
NULL             1052 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (exp != NULL && *exp != '\0')
NULL             1104 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (exp != NULL && (action == CK_Edit || action == CK_Enter))
NULL             1140 src/editor/editcmd.c         vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1145 src/editor/editcmd.c             vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1190 src/editor/editcmd.c         vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1195 src/editor/editcmd.c             vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1213 src/editor/editcmd.c             vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1218 src/editor/editcmd.c                 vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1248 src/editor/editcmd.c     ret = (edit != NULL) && edit_ok_to_exit (edit);
NULL             1266 src/editor/editcmd.c             if (edit != NULL)
NULL             1271 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (edit != NULL)
NULL             1334 src/editor/editcmd.c     unsigned char *copy_buf = NULL;
NULL             1465 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (edit->filename_vpath != NULL)
NULL             1601 src/editor/editcmd.c     mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_to_ext_clip", NULL);
NULL             1625 src/editor/editcmd.c     mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_to_ext_clip", NULL);
NULL             1642 src/editor/editcmd.c     mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_from_ext_clip", NULL);
NULL             1666 src/editor/editcmd.c                       first_run ? NULL : INPUT_LAST_TEXT, INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE);
NULL             1667 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (f == NULL || *f == '\0')
NULL             1710 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (exp != NULL && *exp != '\0')
NULL             1742 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (exp != NULL && *exp != '\0')
NULL             1784 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (exp == NULL)
NULL             1790 src/editor/editcmd.c                        (char *) NULL);
NULL             1851 src/editor/editcmd.c     tmp = g_strconcat (exp, " > ", tmp_edit_temp_file, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1885 src/editor/editcmd.c     char *macros_fname = NULL;
NULL             1888 src/editor/editcmd.c     macros_fname = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), fname, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1900 src/editor/editcmd.c     char *mail_to = NULL;
NULL             1901 src/editor/editcmd.c     char *mail_subject = NULL;
NULL             1902 src/editor/editcmd.c     char *mail_cc = NULL;
NULL             1905 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("mail -s <subject> -c <cc> <to>"), NULL),
NULL             1907 src/editor/editcmd.c                              &mail_to, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, INPUT_COMPLETE_USERNAMES),
NULL             1909 src/editor/editcmd.c                              &mail_subject, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE),
NULL             1911 src/editor/editcmd.c                              &mail_cc, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, INPUT_COMPLETE_USERNAMES),
NULL             1923 src/editor/editcmd.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             1924 src/editor/editcmd.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1985 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (edit_history_moveto[edit_stack_iterator].file_vpath != NULL)
NULL             2012 src/editor/editcmd.c     if (edit_history_moveto[edit_stack_iterator].file_vpath != NULL)
NULL             2038 src/editor/editcmd.c                           dialog_colors, editcmd_dialog_raw_key_query_cb, NULL, NULL, heading);
NULL             2049 src/editor/editcmd.c         group_add_widget_autopos (g, button_new (y, 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, _ ("Cancel"), NULL),
NULL             2050 src/editor/editcmd.c                                   WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, NULL);
NULL               78 src/editor/editcomplete.c     GString *temp = NULL;
NULL               91 src/editor/editcomplete.c                 if (temp == NULL)
NULL              113 src/editor/editcomplete.c     GString *temp = NULL;
NULL              122 src/editor/editcomplete.c         if (temp == NULL)
NULL              148 src/editor/editcomplete.c         if (current_word != NULL && g_string_equal (current_word, temp))
NULL              151 src/editor/editcomplete.c         if (*compl== NULL)
NULL              157 src/editor/editcomplete.c             for (l = g_queue_peek_head_link (*compl); l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
NULL              167 src/editor/editcomplete.c             if (l != NULL)
NULL              187 src/editor/editcomplete.c             if (recoded != NULL)
NULL              208 src/editor/editcomplete.c         temp = NULL;
NULL              211 src/editor/editcomplete.c     if (temp != NULL)
NULL              224 src/editor/editcomplete.c     GQueue *compl = NULL;
NULL              234 src/editor/editcomplete.c     srch = mc_search_new (match_expr, NULL);
NULL              236 src/editor/editcomplete.c     if (srch == NULL)
NULL              237 src/editor/editcomplete.c         return NULL;
NULL              254 src/editor/editcomplete.c                      edit_search_status_update_cb, NULL);
NULL              277 src/editor/editcomplete.c         for (w = owner->widgets; w != NULL; w = g_list_next (w))
NULL              305 src/editor/editcomplete.c     if (current_word != NULL)
NULL              328 src/editor/editcomplete.c     if (temp != NULL)
NULL              359 src/editor/editcomplete.c     char *curr = NULL;
NULL              392 src/editor/editcomplete.c                             TRUE, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, "[Completion]", NULL);
NULL              395 src/editor/editcomplete.c     compl_list = listbox_new (1, 1, compl_dlg_h - 2, compl_dlg_w - 2, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              398 src/editor/editcomplete.c     for (i = g_queue_peek_tail_link (compl); i != NULL; i = g_list_previous (i))
NULL              399 src/editor/editcomplete.c         listbox_add_item (compl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, ((GString *) i->data)->str, NULL,
NULL              407 src/editor/editcomplete.c         listbox_get_current (compl_list, &curr, NULL);
NULL              452 src/editor/editcomplete.c     if (compl== NULL)
NULL              472 src/editor/editcomplete.c         if (curr_compl != NULL)
NULL              202 src/editor/editdraw.c     if (edit->filename_vpath != NULL)
NULL              260 src/editor/editdraw.c         if (edit->filename_vpath != NULL)
NULL               68 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (macros_list != NULL && macros_list->len != 0)
NULL               88 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (result == NULL || result->macro == NULL)
NULL              102 src/editor/editmacros.c     mc_config_t *macros_config = NULL;
NULL              122 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (macros_config == NULL)
NULL              129 src/editor/editmacros.c     mc_config_save_file (macros_config, NULL);
NULL              144 src/editor/editmacros.c     GString *macros_string = NULL;
NULL              147 src/editor/editmacros.c     GArray *macros = NULL;
NULL              169 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (macros_config == NULL)
NULL              182 src/editor/editmacros.c         if (action_name == NULL)
NULL              185 src/editor/editmacros.c         if (macros == NULL)
NULL              197 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (macros == NULL)
NULL              213 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (macros_string != NULL)
NULL              215 src/editor/editmacros.c     mc_config_save_file (macros_config, NULL);
NULL              228 src/editor/editmacros.c     mc_config_t *macros_config = NULL;
NULL              236 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (macros_list == NULL || macros_list->len != 0)
NULL              243 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (macros_config == NULL)
NULL              246 src/editor/editmacros.c     keys = mc_config_get_keys (macros_config, section_name, NULL);
NULL              248 src/editor/editmacros.c     for (profile_keys = keys; *profile_keys != NULL; profile_keys++)
NULL              251 src/editor/editmacros.c         GArray *macros = NULL;
NULL              253 src/editor/editmacros.c         values = mc_config_get_string_list (macros_config, section_name, *profile_keys, NULL);
NULL              254 src/editor/editmacros.c         hotkey = tty_keyname_to_keycode (*profile_keys, NULL);
NULL              256 src/editor/editmacros.c         for (curr_values = values; *curr_values != NULL && *curr_values[0] != '\0'; curr_values++)
NULL              262 src/editor/editmacros.c             if (macro_pair != NULL)
NULL              269 src/editor/editmacros.c                 if (macro_pair[0] != NULL && macro_pair[0][0] != '\0')
NULL              272 src/editor/editmacros.c                 if (macro_pair[1] != NULL && macro_pair[1][0] != '\0')
NULL              273 src/editor/editmacros.c            = strtol (macro_pair[1], NULL, 0);
NULL              286 src/editor/editmacros.c                     if (macros == NULL)
NULL              296 src/editor/editmacros.c         if (macros != NULL)
NULL              338 src/editor/editmacros.c     f = input_dialog (_ ("Repeat last commands"), _ ("Repeat times:"), MC_HISTORY_EDIT_REPEAT, NULL,
NULL              340 src/editor/editmacros.c     ok = (f != NULL && *f != '\0');
NULL              344 src/editor/editmacros.c         char *error = NULL;
NULL              415 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (edit != NULL)
NULL              429 src/editor/editmacros.c     if (edit != NULL)
NULL               71 src/editor/editmenu.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL               98 src/editor/editmenu.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              130 src/editor/editmenu.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              149 src/editor/editmenu.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              195 src/editor/editmenu.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              219 src/editor/editmenu.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              238 src/editor/editmenu.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL               57 src/editor/editoptions.c     NULL,
NULL               68 src/editor/editoptions.c     while (*array != NULL)
NULL              112 src/editor/editoptions.c         edit_load_syntax (edit, NULL, edit->syntax_type);
NULL              153 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_RADIO (3, wrap_str, &wrap_mode, NULL),
NULL              158 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Fake half tabs"), &edit_options.fake_half_tabs, NULL),
NULL              160 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     &edit_options.backspace_through_tabs, NULL),
NULL              162 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     &edit_options.fill_tabs_with_spaces, NULL),
NULL              164 src/editor/editoptions.c                                          "edit-tab-spacing", &q, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL              170 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     &edit_options.return_does_auto_indent, NULL),
NULL              171 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Confir&m before saving"), &edit_options.confirm_save, NULL),
NULL              172 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Save file &position"), &edit_options.save_position, NULL),
NULL              174 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     NULL),
NULL              175 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Visible &tabs"), &edit_options.visible_tabs, NULL),
NULL              177 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     NULL),
NULL              179 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     &edit_options.cursor_after_inserted_block, NULL),
NULL              181 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     &edit_options.persistent_selections, NULL),
NULL              183 src/editor/editoptions.c                                     &edit_options.cursor_beyond_eol, NULL),
NULL              184 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Group undo"), &edit_options.group_undo, NULL),
NULL              186 src/editor/editoptions.c                                          "edit-word-wrap", &p, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, INPUT_COMPLETE_NONE),
NULL              201 src/editor/editoptions.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              202 src/editor/editoptions.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              212 src/editor/editoptions.c         g_list_foreach (GROUP (h)->widgets, edit_reset_over_col, NULL);
NULL              248 src/editor/editoptions.c         g_list_foreach (GROUP (h)->widgets, edit_reload_syntax, NULL);
NULL               88 src/editor/editsearch.c     char *search_text = NULL;
NULL               99 src/editor/editsearch.c                                  MC_HISTORY_SHARED_SEARCH, &search_text, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL              104 src/editor/editsearch.c                              (int *) &edit_search_options.type, NULL),
NULL              106 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &edit_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
NULL              107 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &edit_search_options.backwards, NULL),
NULL              108 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("In se&lection"), &edit_search_options.only_in_selection, NULL),
NULL              109 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &edit_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
NULL              111 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&All charsets"), &edit_search_options.all_codepages, NULL),
NULL              115 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
NULL              116 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Find all"), B_USER, NULL, NULL),
NULL              117 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
NULL              129 src/editor/editsearch.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              130 src/editor/editsearch.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              138 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (dialog_result == B_CANCEL || search_text == NULL || search_text[0] == '\0')
NULL              153 src/editor/editsearch.c         if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              175 src/editor/editsearch.c     if ((search_default == NULL) || (*search_default == '\0'))
NULL              184 src/editor/editsearch.c                                  MC_HISTORY_SHARED_SEARCH, search_text, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL              187 src/editor/editsearch.c                                  replace_default, "replace", replace_text, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL              192 src/editor/editsearch.c                              (int *) &edit_search_options.type, NULL),
NULL              194 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &edit_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
NULL              195 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &edit_search_options.backwards, NULL),
NULL              196 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("In se&lection"), &edit_search_options.only_in_selection, NULL),
NULL              197 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &edit_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
NULL              199 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&All charsets"), &edit_search_options.all_codepages, NULL),
NULL              214 src/editor/editsearch.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              215 src/editor/editsearch.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              222 src/editor/editsearch.c             *replace_text = NULL;
NULL              223 src/editor/editsearch.c             *search_text = NULL;
NULL              264 src/editor/editsearch.c             QUICK_LABEL (repl_from, NULL),
NULL              265 src/editor/editsearch.c             QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Replace with:"), NULL),
NULL              266 src/editor/editsearch.c             QUICK_LABEL (repl_to, NULL),
NULL              268 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Replace"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
NULL              269 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("A&ll"), B_REPLACE_ALL, NULL, NULL),
NULL              270 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Skip"), B_SKIP_REPLACE, NULL, NULL),
NULL              271 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
NULL              281 src/editor/editsearch.c             .help = NULL,
NULL              283 src/editor/editsearch.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              284 src/editor/editsearch.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              538 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              557 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              574 src/editor/editsearch.c     else if (edit->search->error_str != NULL)
NULL              587 src/editor/editsearch.c     assert (edit->search != NULL);
NULL              596 src/editor/editsearch.c                      edit_search_status_update_cb, NULL);
NULL              682 src/editor/editsearch.c     edit->search = mc_search_new (str, NULL);
NULL              685 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (edit->search == NULL)
NULL              776 src/editor/editsearch.c     else if (edit->last_search_string != NULL)
NULL              784 src/editor/editsearch.c         if (s != NULL)
NULL              810 src/editor/editsearch.c     static char *saved1 = NULL;  // saved default[123]
NULL              811 src/editor/editsearch.c     static char *saved2 = NULL;
NULL              812 src/editor/editsearch.c     char *input1 = NULL;  // user input from the dialog
NULL              813 src/editor/editsearch.c     char *input2 = NULL;
NULL              814 src/editor/editsearch.c     GString *input2_str = NULL;
NULL              815 src/editor/editsearch.c     char *disp1 = NULL;
NULL              816 src/editor/editsearch.c     char *disp2 = NULL;
NULL              821 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (edit == NULL)
NULL              830 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (again && saved1 == NULL && saved2 == NULL)
NULL              835 src/editor/editsearch.c         input1 = g_strdup (saved1 != NULL ? saved1 : "");
NULL              836 src/editor/editsearch.c         input2 = g_strdup (saved2 != NULL ? saved2 : "");
NULL              842 src/editor/editsearch.c         disp1 = edit_replace_cmd__conv_to_display (saved1 != NULL ? saved1 : "");
NULL              843 src/editor/editsearch.c         disp2 = edit_replace_cmd__conv_to_display (saved2 != NULL ? saved2 : "");
NULL              852 src/editor/editsearch.c         if (input1 == NULL || *input1 == '\0')
NULL              871 src/editor/editsearch.c         edit->search = NULL;
NULL              875 src/editor/editsearch.c     input2 = NULL;
NULL              877 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (edit->search == NULL && !edit_search_init (edit, input1))
NULL              899 src/editor/editsearch.c                      edit_search_status_update_cb, NULL);
NULL              975 src/editor/editsearch.c                 if (repl_str != NULL)
NULL             1031 src/editor/editsearch.c     if (input2_str != NULL)
NULL               73 src/editor/editwidget.c char *edit_window_state_char = NULL;
NULL               74 src/editor/editwidget.c char *edit_window_close_char = NULL;
NULL              148 src/editor/editwidget.c             QUICK_LABEL (ver, NULL),
NULL              152 src/editor/editwidget.c                          NULL),
NULL              154 src/editor/editwidget.c             QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Copyright (C) 1996-2025 the Free Software Foundation"), NULL),
NULL              156 src/editor/editwidget.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
NULL              167 src/editor/editwidget.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              168 src/editor/editwidget.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              189 src/editor/editwidget.c     ev_help_t event_data = { NULL, h->help_ctx };
NULL              329 src/editor/editwidget.c     for (w = g->widgets; w != NULL; w = g_list_next (w))
NULL              335 src/editor/editwidget.c             if (e->filename_vpath == NULL)
NULL              348 src/editor/editwidget.c     if (selected != NULL)
NULL              358 src/editor/editwidget.c     const char *shortcut = NULL;
NULL              361 src/editor/editwidget.c     if (shortcut != NULL)
NULL              365 src/editor/editwidget.c     if (ext_map != NULL)
NULL              367 src/editor/editwidget.c     if (shortcut != NULL)
NULL              370 src/editor/editwidget.c     return NULL;
NULL              388 src/editor/editwidget.c     if (edit->filename_vpath == NULL)
NULL              396 src/editor/editwidget.c     return g_strconcat (_ ("Edit: "), modified, file_label, (char *) NULL);
NULL              410 src/editor/editwidget.c         edit_load_file_from_filename (h, NULL);
NULL              427 src/editor/editwidget.c             && edit_close_cmd (EDIT (g->current->data)) && edit_find_editor (h) == NULL)
NULL              627 src/editor/editwidget.c     WEdit *e = NULL;
NULL              628 src/editor/editwidget.c     GSList *m = NULL;
NULL              635 src/editor/editwidget.c     for (l = GROUP (h)->widgets; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
NULL              653 src/editor/editwidget.c     for (me = m; me != NULL; me = g_slist_next (me))
NULL              664 src/editor/editwidget.c     if (me == NULL)
NULL              677 src/editor/editwidget.c     buttonbar_set_label (bb, 1, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Help"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL              685 src/editor/editwidget.c     buttonbar_set_label (bb, 9, Q_ ("ButtonBar|PullDn"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL              686 src/editor/editwidget.c     buttonbar_set_label (bb, 10, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Quit"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL              774 src/editor/editwidget.c         dlg_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
NULL              789 src/editor/editwidget.c             result = send_message (g->current->data, NULL, MSG_ACTION, parm, NULL);
NULL              847 src/editor/editwidget.c         return send_message (g->current->data, NULL, MSG_IDLE, 0, NULL);
NULL              881 src/editor/editwidget.c             GList *top = NULL;
NULL              885 src/editor/editwidget.c             for (l = g->widgets; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
NULL              893 src/editor/editwidget.c             if (top != NULL && event->x >= x)
NULL              907 src/editor/editwidget.c                     send_message (h, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_Close, NULL);
NULL             1150 src/editor/editwidget.c                 send_message (w->owner, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_Close, NULL);
NULL             1208 src/editor/editwidget.c     files = g_list_prepend (NULL, (edit_arg_t *) arg);
NULL             1232 src/editor/editwidget.c         dir = mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_cache_path (), EDIT_HOME_DIR, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1236 src/editor/editwidget.c         dir = mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), EDIT_HOME_DIR, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1240 src/editor/editwidget.c         dir = mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_HOME_DIR, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1246 src/editor/editwidget.c     edit_dlg = dlg_create (FALSE, 0, 0, 1, 1, WPOS_FULLSCREEN, FALSE, NULL, edit_dialog_callback,
NULL             1247 src/editor/editwidget.c                            edit_dialog_mouse_callback, "[Internal File Editor]", NULL);
NULL             1262 src/editor/editwidget.c     menubar = menubar_new (NULL);
NULL             1264 src/editor/editwidget.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, w, w->pos_flags, NULL);
NULL             1268 src/editor/editwidget.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, w, w->pos_flags, NULL);
NULL             1270 src/editor/editwidget.c     for (file = files; file != NULL; file = g_list_next (file))
NULL             1311 src/editor/editwidget.c     return (w != NULL && w->callback == edit_callback);
NULL             1370 src/editor/editwidget.c     edit = edit_init (NULL, r, arg);
NULL             1371 src/editor/editwidget.c     if (edit == NULL)
NULL             1378 src/editor/editwidget.c     group_add_widget_autopos (GROUP (h), w, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL               91 src/editor/etags.c     GString *longdef = NULL;
NULL               92 src/editor/etags.c     GString *shortdef = NULL;
NULL               93 src/editor/etags.c     GString *linedef = NULL;
NULL              108 src/editor/etags.c                 if (longdef == NULL)
NULL              118 src/editor/etags.c                 if (shortdef == NULL)
NULL              130 src/editor/etags.c                 if (shortdef == NULL)
NULL              145 src/editor/etags.c                 if (shortdef == NULL)
NULL              157 src/editor/etags.c                 if (linedef == NULL)
NULL              165 src/editor/etags.c             *long_name = longdef == NULL ? NULL : g_string_free (longdef, FALSE);
NULL              166 src/editor/etags.c             *short_name = shortdef == NULL ? NULL : g_string_free (shortdef, FALSE);
NULL              168 src/editor/etags.c             if (linedef == NULL)
NULL              185 src/editor/etags.c     *long_name = NULL;
NULL              186 src/editor/etags.c     *short_name = NULL;
NULL              206 src/editor/etags.c     char *filename = NULL;
NULL              207 src/editor/etags.c     GPtrArray *ret = NULL;
NULL              209 src/editor/etags.c     if (match_func == NULL || tagfile == NULL)
NULL              210 src/editor/etags.c         return NULL;
NULL              214 src/editor/etags.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL              215 src/editor/etags.c         return NULL;
NULL              217 src/editor/etags.c     while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f) != NULL)
NULL              245 src/editor/etags.c                 if (chekedstr != NULL)
NULL              247 src/editor/etags.c                     char *longname = NULL;
NULL              248 src/editor/etags.c                     char *shortname = NULL;
NULL              253 src/editor/etags.c                     def_hash->fullpath = mc_build_filename (start_path, filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              260 src/editor/etags.c                     if (shortname != NULL && *shortname != '\0')
NULL              271 src/editor/etags.c                     if (ret == NULL)
NULL              314 src/editor/etags.c     char *curr = NULL;
NULL              341 src/editor/etags.c                           dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, "[Definitions]", match_expr);
NULL              342 src/editor/etags.c     def_list = listbox_new (1, 1, def_dlg_h - 2, def_dlg_w - 2, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              343 src/editor/etags.c     group_add_widget_autopos (GROUP (def_dlg), def_list, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              360 src/editor/etags.c         etags_hash_t *curr_def = NULL;
NULL              376 src/editor/etags.c         if (curr != NULL && do_moveto && edit_stack_iterator + 1 < MAX_HISTORY_MOVETO)
NULL              381 src/editor/etags.c             if (edit->filename_vpath != NULL && edit->filename_vpath->relative
NULL              382 src/editor/etags.c                 && edit->dir_vpath != NULL)
NULL              383 src/editor/etags.c                 vpath = vfs_path_append_vpath_new (edit->dir_vpath, edit->filename_vpath, NULL);
NULL              411 src/editor/etags.c     char *path = NULL;
NULL              412 src/editor/etags.c     char *ptr = NULL;
NULL              413 src/editor/etags.c     char *tagfile = NULL;
NULL              414 src/editor/etags.c     GPtrArray *def_hash = NULL;
NULL              426 src/editor/etags.c     path = g_strconcat (ptr, PATH_SEP_STR, (char *) NULL);
NULL              436 src/editor/etags.c         tagfile = mc_build_filename (path, TAGS_NAME, (char *) NULL);
NULL              437 src/editor/etags.c         if (tagfile != NULL && exist_file (tagfile))
NULL              442 src/editor/etags.c     if (tagfile != NULL)
NULL              449 src/editor/etags.c     if (def_hash != NULL)
NULL               86 src/editor/format.c     while (strchr ("\t ", edit_buffer_get_byte (buf, p)) != NULL)
NULL              112 src/editor/format.c     return (edit_options.stop_format_chars != NULL
NULL              113 src/editor/format.c             && strchr (edit_options.stop_format_chars, c) != NULL);
NULL              178 src/editor/format.c             while (strchr ("\t ", edit_buffer_get_byte (buf, p)) != NULL)
NULL              375 src/editor/format.c     while (strchr ("\t ", edit_buffer_get_byte (&edit->buffer, q)) != NULL
NULL              410 src/editor/format.c         while (strchr ("\t ", edit_buffer_get_byte (&edit->buffer, p)) != NULL)
NULL              418 src/editor/format.c                 while (strchr ("\t ", edit_buffer_get_byte (&edit->buffer, p)) != NULL)
NULL              435 src/editor/format.c                 while (strchr ("\t ", edit_buffer_get_byte (&edit->buffer, p)) != NULL)
NULL              502 src/editor/format.c         if (edit_options.stop_format_chars != NULL
NULL              503 src/editor/format.c             && strchr (edit_options.stop_format_chars, t->str[0]) != NULL)
NULL              509 src/editor/format.c         if (edit_options.stop_format_chars == NULL || *edit_options.stop_format_chars == '\0')
NULL              512 src/editor/format.c             stop_format_chars = g_strconcat (edit_options.stop_format_chars, "\t", (char *) NULL);
NULL              515 src/editor/format.c             if (t->str[i] == '\n' && strchr (stop_format_chars, t->str[i + 1]) != NULL)
NULL               69 src/editor/spell.c static GModule *spell_module = NULL;
NULL               70 src/editor/spell.c static spell_t *global_speller = NULL;
NULL              133 src/editor/spell.c         NULL,
NULL              134 src/editor/spell.c         NULL,
NULL              153 src/editor/spell.c     for (i = 0; spell_codes_map[i].code != NULL; i++)
NULL              172 src/editor/spell.c     if (spell_module != NULL)
NULL              177 src/editor/spell.c     if (spell_module == NULL)
NULL              207 src/editor/spell.c     spell_module = NULL;
NULL              243 src/editor/spell.c     if (spell_module == NULL)
NULL              250 src/editor/spell.c     while ((entry = mc_aspell_dict_info_enumeration_next (elem)) != NULL)
NULL              251 src/editor/spell.c         if (entry->name != NULL)
NULL              273 src/editor/spell.c     if (lang != NULL)
NULL              292 src/editor/spell.c         if (global_speller->speller != NULL)
NULL              295 src/editor/spell.c         global_speller->speller = NULL;
NULL              372 src/editor/spell.c                           dialog_colors, NULL, NULL, "[ASpell]", _ ("Check word"));
NULL              380 src/editor/spell.c     sug_list = listbox_new (5, 2, sug_dlg_h - 7, 24, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              382 src/editor/spell.c         listbox_add_item (sug_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, g_ptr_array_index (suggest, i), NULL,
NULL              394 src/editor/spell.c         char *curr = NULL;
NULL              396 src/editor/spell.c         listbox_get_current (sug_list, &curr, NULL);
NULL              454 src/editor/spell.c     if (word != NULL && global_speller != NULL && global_speller->speller != NULL)
NULL              459 src/editor/spell.c         if (wordlist != NULL)
NULL              461 src/editor/spell.c             AspellStringEnumeration *elements = NULL;
NULL              472 src/editor/spell.c                 if (cur_sugg_word != NULL)
NULL              497 src/editor/spell.c     if (word != NULL && global_speller != NULL && global_speller->speller != NULL)
NULL              513 src/editor/spell.c     if (array != NULL)
NULL              527 src/editor/spell.c     AspellCanHaveError *error = NULL;
NULL              532 src/editor/spell.c     if (global_speller != NULL)
NULL              536 src/editor/spell.c     if (global_speller == NULL)
NULL              546 src/editor/spell.c     global_speller->speller = NULL;
NULL              548 src/editor/spell.c     if (spell_language != NULL)
NULL              571 src/editor/spell.c     if (global_speller == NULL)
NULL              574 src/editor/spell.c     if (global_speller->speller != NULL)
NULL              577 src/editor/spell.c     if (global_speller->config != NULL)
NULL              583 src/editor/spell.c     spell_module = NULL;
NULL              612 src/editor/spell.c     if (match_word != NULL)
NULL              625 src/editor/spell.c                 char *new_word = NULL;
NULL              637 src/editor/spell.c                 if (retval == B_ENTER && new_word != NULL)
NULL              647 src/editor/spell.c                         if (tmp_word != NULL)
NULL              653 src/editor/spell.c                     if (new_word != NULL)
NULL              720 src/editor/spell.c         if (lang != NULL)
NULL              740 src/editor/spell.c     const char *selected_lang = NULL;
NULL              750 src/editor/spell.c         LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (lang_list, 0, g_ptr_array_index (languages, i), NULL, FALSE);
NULL               92 src/editor/syntax.c         if (*a == NULL)                                                                            \
NULL              100 src/editor/syntax.c         if (*a != NULL)                                                                            \
NULL              154 src/editor/syntax.c static char *error_file_name = NULL;
NULL              184 src/editor/syntax.c     if (r->keyword != NULL)
NULL              209 src/editor/syntax.c     g_tree_foreach (*defines, mc_defines_destroy, NULL);
NULL              211 src/editor/syntax.c     *defines = NULL;
NULL              228 src/editor/syntax.c     for (; *argv != NULL && argv < argv_end; argv++)
NULL              233 src/editor/syntax.c         if (t != NULL)
NULL              254 src/editor/syntax.c             for (p = argv; *t != NULL; *p++ = *t++)
NULL              271 src/editor/syntax.c     if ((line_start && c != '\n') || (whole_left != NULL && strchr (whole_left, c) != NULL))
NULL              285 src/editor/syntax.c                 if (*p == '\0' && whole_right != NULL && strchr (whole_right, c) == NULL)
NULL              311 src/editor/syntax.c                         != NULL)  // c exists further down, so it will get matched later
NULL              313 src/editor/syntax.c                 if (whiteness (c) || (whole_right != NULL && strchr (whole_right, c) == NULL))
NULL              372 src/editor/syntax.c     if (whole_right == NULL)
NULL              377 src/editor/syntax.c     return strchr (whole_right, c) != NULL ? -1 : i;
NULL              466 src/editor/syntax.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL              486 src/editor/syntax.c                         if (r->right != NULL && r->right->len != 0
NULL              620 src/editor/syntax.c             if (edit->syntax_marker != NULL)
NULL              640 src/editor/syntax.c             if (edit->syntax_marker == NULL)
NULL              827 src/editor/syntax.c     args[argc] = (char *) NULL;
NULL              838 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->bg != NULL && *color->bg == '\0')
NULL              839 src/editor/syntax.c         color->bg = NULL;
NULL              840 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->fg != NULL && *color->fg == '\0')
NULL              841 src/editor/syntax.c         color->fg = NULL;
NULL              842 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->attrs != NULL && *color->attrs == '\0')
NULL              843 src/editor/syntax.c         color->attrs = NULL;
NULL              845 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->fg == NULL && color->bg == NULL)
NULL              848 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->fg != NULL)
NULL              852 src/editor/syntax.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL              856 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->bg != NULL)
NULL              860 src/editor/syntax.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL              864 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->fg == NULL || color->bg == NULL)
NULL              871 src/editor/syntax.c         if (color->fg == NULL)
NULL              875 src/editor/syntax.c             if (p != NULL)
NULL              881 src/editor/syntax.c         if (color->bg == NULL)
NULL              884 src/editor/syntax.c             if ((p != NULL) && (*(++p) != '\0'))
NULL              894 src/editor/syntax.c     if (color->attrs != NULL)
NULL              898 src/editor/syntax.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL              902 src/editor/syntax.c         while ((p = strchr (p, SYNTAX_TOKEN_PLUS)) != NULL)
NULL              924 src/editor/syntax.c         g_build_filename (mc_config_get_data_path (), EDIT_SYNTAX_DIR, filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              926 src/editor/syntax.c     if (f != NULL)
NULL              931 src/editor/syntax.c         g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, EDIT_SYNTAX_DIR, filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              956 src/editor/syntax.c     FILE *g = NULL;
NULL              961 src/editor/syntax.c     char *l = NULL;
NULL              963 src/editor/syntax.c     context_rule_t *c = NULL;
NULL              967 src/editor/syntax.c     args[0] = NULL;
NULL              975 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit->defines == NULL)
NULL              985 src/editor/syntax.c         l = NULL;
NULL              990 src/editor/syntax.c             if (g == NULL)
NULL              995 src/editor/syntax.c             g = NULL;
NULL             1008 src/editor/syntax.c         if (args[0] == NULL)
NULL             1014 src/editor/syntax.c             if (g != NULL || argc != 2)
NULL             1021 src/editor/syntax.c             if (f == NULL)
NULL             1124 src/editor/syntax.c             if (*a != NULL)
NULL             1127 src/editor/syntax.c             if (*a != NULL)
NULL             1130 src/editor/syntax.c             if (*a != NULL)
NULL             1132 src/editor/syntax.c             g_strlcpy (last_fg, color.fg != NULL ? color.fg : "", sizeof (last_fg));
NULL             1133 src/editor/syntax.c             g_strlcpy (last_bg, != NULL ? : "", sizeof (last_bg));
NULL             1134 src/editor/syntax.c             g_strlcpy (last_attrs, color.attrs != NULL ? color.attrs : "", sizeof (last_attrs));
NULL             1141 src/editor/syntax.c             if (c == NULL)
NULL             1188 src/editor/syntax.c             if (*a != NULL)
NULL             1191 src/editor/syntax.c             if (*a != NULL)
NULL             1194 src/editor/syntax.c             if (*a != NULL)
NULL             1196 src/editor/syntax.c             if (color.fg == NULL)
NULL             1198 src/editor/syntax.c             if ( == NULL)
NULL             1200 src/editor/syntax.c             if (color.attrs == NULL)
NULL             1221 src/editor/syntax.c             if (argv != NULL)
NULL             1222 src/editor/syntax.c                 mc_defines_destroy (NULL, argv, NULL);
NULL             1228 src/editor/syntax.c             while (*a != NULL)
NULL             1230 src/editor/syntax.c             *argv = NULL;
NULL             1244 src/editor/syntax.c         edit->rules = NULL;
NULL             1252 src/editor/syntax.c         if (edit->rules == NULL)
NULL             1290 src/editor/syntax.c     FILE *f, *g = NULL;
NULL             1291 src/editor/syntax.c     char *args[ARGS_LEN], *l = NULL;
NULL             1297 src/editor/syntax.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL             1302 src/editor/syntax.c             g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, EDIT_SYNTAX_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1305 src/editor/syntax.c         if (f == NULL)
NULL             1309 src/editor/syntax.c     args[0] = NULL;
NULL             1317 src/editor/syntax.c         if (args[0] == NULL)
NULL             1323 src/editor/syntax.c             if (args[1] == NULL || (g = open_include_file (args[1])) == NULL)
NULL             1338 src/editor/syntax.c         if (args[1] == NULL || args[2] == NULL)
NULL             1344 src/editor/syntax.c         if (pnames != NULL)
NULL             1349 src/editor/syntax.c         else if (type != NULL)
NULL             1355 src/editor/syntax.c         else if (editor_file != NULL && edit != NULL)
NULL             1362 src/editor/syntax.c             if (!q && args[3] != NULL)
NULL             1377 src/editor/syntax.c                     if (error_file_name == NULL)  // an included file
NULL             1387 src/editor/syntax.c                     if (g == NULL && edit->rules->len == 1)
NULL             1400 src/editor/syntax.c                 if (g == NULL)
NULL             1404 src/editor/syntax.c                 g = NULL;
NULL             1422 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit != NULL)
NULL             1459 src/editor/syntax.c         listbox_window_new (LIST_LINES, MAX_ENTRY_LEN, _ ("Choose syntax highlighting"), NULL);
NULL             1460 src/editor/syntax.c     LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (syntaxlist, 'A', _ ("< Auto >"), NULL, FALSE);
NULL             1461 src/editor/syntax.c     LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (syntaxlist, 'R', _ ("< Reload Current Syntax >"), NULL, FALSE);
NULL             1468 src/editor/syntax.c         LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (syntaxlist, 0, name, NULL, FALSE);
NULL             1469 src/editor/syntax.c         if (current_syntax != NULL && strcmp (name, current_syntax) == 0)
NULL             1486 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit_options.syntax_highlighting && edit->rules != NULL && byte_index < edit->buffer.size)
NULL             1500 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit == NULL)
NULL             1503 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit->defines != NULL)
NULL             1506 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit->rules == NULL)
NULL             1513 src/editor/syntax.c     edit->rules = NULL;
NULL             1529 src/editor/syntax.c     char *f = NULL;
NULL             1532 src/editor/syntax.c         type = NULL;
NULL             1534 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit != NULL)
NULL             1546 src/editor/syntax.c     if (!edit_options.syntax_highlighting && (pnames == NULL || pnames->len == 0))
NULL             1549 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit != NULL && edit->filename_vpath == NULL)
NULL             1553 src/editor/syntax.c     if (edit != NULL)
NULL             1556 src/editor/syntax.c                                    auto_syntax ? NULL : edit->syntax_type);
NULL             1558 src/editor/syntax.c         r = edit_read_syntax_file (NULL, pnames, f, NULL, "", NULL);
NULL             1569 src/editor/syntax.c                  error_file_name != NULL ? error_file_name : f, r);
NULL             1597 src/editor/syntax.c     edit_load_syntax (NULL, names, NULL);
NULL             1626 src/editor/syntax.c             || (current_syntax != NULL && edit->syntax_type != NULL
NULL             1628 src/editor/syntax.c             edit_load_syntax (edit, NULL, edit->syntax_type);
NULL               60 src/events_init.c         { MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_to_ext_clip", clipboard_file_to_ext_clip, NULL },
NULL               61 src/events_init.c         { MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_file_from_ext_clip", clipboard_file_from_ext_clip, NULL },
NULL               62 src/events_init.c         { MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_text_to_file", clipboard_text_to_file, NULL },
NULL               63 src/events_init.c         { MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "clipboard_text_from_file", clipboard_text_from_file, NULL },
NULL               65 src/events_init.c         { MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "help", help_interactive_display, NULL },
NULL               66 src/events_init.c         { MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "suspend", execute_suspend, NULL },
NULL               69 src/events_init.c         { MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "background_parent_call", background_parent_call, NULL },
NULL               71 src/events_init.c           NULL },
NULL               74 src/events_init.c         { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
NULL              168 src/execute.c          my_sigaction (SIGTSTP, &sigtstp_action, NULL);
NULL              187 src/execute.c      if ((filename_vpath == NULL && vfs_file_is_local (vfs_get_raw_current_dir ()))
NULL              192 src/execute.c      if (filename_vpath == NULL)
NULL              196 src/execute.c      if (*localcopy_vpath == NULL)
NULL              214 src/execute.c      if (*localcopy_vpath != NULL)
NULL              226 src/execute.c          *localcopy_vpath = NULL;
NULL              238 src/execute.c                                                  CONFIG_EXT_EDITOR_VIEWER_SECTION, command, NULL);
NULL              240 src/execute.c      if (str_from_config == NULL)
NULL              245 src/execute.c          if (cfg == NULL)
NULL              268 src/execute.c      if (filename_vpath == NULL)
NULL              297 src/execute.c      vfs_path_t *new_dir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              300 src/execute.c      vfs_path_t *old_vfs_dir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              311 src/execute.c      if (!mc_global.tty.use_subshell && (flags & EXECUTE_INTERNAL) == 0 && argv != NULL
NULL              312 src/execute.c          && *argv != NULL)
NULL              318 src/execute.c      if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell && (flags & EXECUTE_INTERNAL) == 0 && argv != NULL)
NULL              323 src/execute.c          invoke_subshell (*argv, VISIBLY, old_vfs_dir_vpath != NULL ? NULL : &new_dir_vpath);
NULL              359 src/execute.c      if (new_dir_vpath != NULL)
NULL              367 src/execute.c      if (old_vfs_dir_vpath != NULL)
NULL              393 src/execute.c      g_ptr_array_add (args_array, NULL);
NULL              427 src/execute.c      char *cmd = NULL;
NULL              431 src/execute.c          cmd = g_strconcat (" ", command, (char *) NULL);
NULL              439 src/execute.c              do_execute (>path, cmd != NULL ? cmd : command,
NULL              446 src/execute.c          do_execute (>path, cmd != NULL ? cmd : command, flags | EXECUTE_AS_SHELL);
NULL              459 src/execute.c      vfs_path_t *new_dir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              500 src/execute.c          new_dir_p = vfs_current_is_local () ? &new_dir_vpath : NULL;
NULL              501 src/execute.c          invoke_subshell (NULL, VISIBLY, new_dir_p);
NULL              511 src/execute.c              my_system (EXECUTE_INTERNAL,>path, NULL);
NULL              558 src/execute.c              if (new_dir_vpath != NULL)
NULL              561 src/execute.c          else if (new_dir_vpath != NULL && mc_chdir (new_dir_vpath) != -1)
NULL              613 src/execute.c      vfs_path_t *localcopy_vpath = NULL;
NULL              620 src/execute.c      do_execute_vpath = (localcopy_vpath == NULL) ? filename_vpath : localcopy_vpath;
NULL              641 src/execute.c      vfs_path_t *localcopy_vpath = NULL;
NULL              649 src/execute.c      do_execute_vpath = (localcopy_vpath == NULL) ? filename_vpath : localcopy_vpath;
NULL              654 src/execute.c      if (extern_cmd_options != NULL)
NULL              659 src/execute.c          if (g_shell_parse_argv (extern_cmd_options, &argv_count, &argv_cmd_options, NULL))
NULL              665 src/execute.c              do_executev (command, EXECUTE_INTERNAL, NULL);
NULL               67 src/file_history.c     GList *file_list = NULL;
NULL               71 src/file_history.c     if (fn == NULL)
NULL               72 src/file_history.c         return NULL;
NULL               76 src/file_history.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL               77 src/file_history.c         return NULL;
NULL               79 src/file_history.c     while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f) != NULL)
NULL              109 src/file_history.c     if (fn == NULL)
NULL              115 src/file_history.c     if (f != NULL)
NULL              121 src/file_history.c         for (; file_list != NULL && !write_error; file_list = g_list_next (file_list))
NULL              126 src/file_history.c             if (fhd->file_pos != NULL)
NULL              162 src/file_history.c     fhd->file_pos = NULL;
NULL              176 src/file_history.c     le->text = NULL;
NULL              178 src/file_history.c     le->data = NULL;
NULL              215 src/file_history.c     if (file_list == NULL)
NULL              216 src/file_history.c         return NULL;
NULL              363 src/filemanager/achown.c             send_message (w, NULL, MSG_KEY, KEY_RIGHT, NULL);
NULL              554 src/filemanager/achown.c                               TRUE, dialog_colors, chl_callback, NULL, "[Advanced Chown]", title);
NULL              558 src/filemanager/achown.c                                 WIDGET (chl_dlg)->rect.cols - 2, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              559 src/filemanager/achown.c         listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, "<Unknown>", NULL, FALSE);
NULL              564 src/filemanager/achown.c             while ((chl_pass = getpwent ()) != NULL)
NULL              565 src/filemanager/achown.c                 listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, chl_pass->pw_name, NULL,
NULL              574 src/filemanager/achown.c             while ((chl_grp = getgrent ()) != NULL)
NULL              575 src/filemanager/achown.c                 listbox_add_item (chl_list, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, chl_grp->gr_name, NULL,
NULL              595 src/filemanager/achown.c                 listbox_get_current (chl_list, &text, NULL);
NULL              599 src/filemanager/achown.c                     if (chl_pass != NULL)
NULL              608 src/filemanager/achown.c                     if (chl_grp != NULL)
NULL              658 src/filemanager/achown.c         frame_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL              747 src/filemanager/achown.c                          advanced_chown_callback, NULL, "[Advanced Chown]",
NULL              754 src/filemanager/achown.c     l_filename = label_new (2, 3, NULL);
NULL              762 src/filemanager/achown.c     b_att[0] = perm_button_new (XTRACT (0, BY, NULL));
NULL              764 src/filemanager/achown.c     b_att[1] = perm_button_new (XTRACT (1, BY, NULL));
NULL              766 src/filemanager/achown.c     b_att[2] = perm_button_new (XTRACT (2, BY, NULL));
NULL              773 src/filemanager/achown.c     l_mode = label_new (BY + 2, 3, NULL);
NULL              785 src/filemanager/achown.c                         advanced_chown_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              790 src/filemanager/achown.c                         advanced_chown_but[i].flags, advanced_chown_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              800 src/filemanager/achown.c                                       advanced_chown_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              805 src/filemanager/achown.c                     advanced_chown_but[i].flags, advanced_chown_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              828 src/filemanager/achown.c     const char *fname = NULL;
NULL              836 src/filemanager/achown.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL              872 src/filemanager/achown.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL              996 src/filemanager/achown.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL              118 src/filemanager/boxes.c static WListbox *bg_list = NULL;
NULL              134 src/filemanager/boxes.c         if (sender != NULL && sender->id == configure_old_esc_mode_id)
NULL              157 src/filemanager/boxes.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              171 src/filemanager/boxes.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              200 src/filemanager/boxes.c         return dlg_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              223 src/filemanager/boxes.c                            skin_dlg_callback, NULL, "[Appearance]", _ ("Skins"));
NULL              228 src/filemanager/boxes.c     send_message (skin_dlg, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, NULL);
NULL              230 src/filemanager/boxes.c     skin_list = listbox_new (1, 1, 11, 22, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              252 src/filemanager/boxes.c     group_add_widget_autopos (GROUP (skin_dlg), skin_list, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              292 src/filemanager/boxes.c         if (sender != NULL && sender->id == shadows_id)
NULL              313 src/filemanager/boxes.c         if (sender != NULL && sender->id == panel_list_formats_id)
NULL              333 src/filemanager/boxes.c         if (sender != NULL && sender->id == user_mini_status_id)
NULL              383 src/filemanager/boxes.c         if (cpname != NULL)
NULL              412 src/filemanager/boxes.c         dlg_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              421 src/filemanager/boxes.c         return send_message (find_tree (h), NULL, MSG_ACTION, parm, NULL);
NULL              438 src/filemanager/boxes.c         if (sender != NULL && sender->id == ftpfs_always_use_proxy_id)
NULL              471 src/filemanager/boxes.c     for (tl = task_list; tl != NULL; tl = tl->next)
NULL              475 src/filemanager/boxes.c         s = g_strconcat (state_str[tl->state], " ", tl->info, (char *) NULL);
NULL              490 src/filemanager/boxes.c     if (bg_list->list == NULL)
NULL              494 src/filemanager/boxes.c     listbox_get_current (bg_list, NULL, (void **) &tl);
NULL              542 src/filemanager/boxes.c         char *time_out_new = NULL;
NULL              548 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Verbose operation"), &verbose, NULL),
NULL              549 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Compute tota&ls"), &file_op_compute_totals, NULL),
NULL              550 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Classic pro&gressbar"), &classic_progressbar, NULL),
NULL              551 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Mkdi&r autoname"), &auto_fill_mkdir_name, NULL),
NULL              553 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                     NULL),
NULL              563 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_RADIO (pause_options_num, pause_options, &pause_after_run, NULL),
NULL              567 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use internal edi&t"), &use_internal_edit, NULL),
NULL              568 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use internal vie&w"), &use_internal_view, NULL),
NULL              570 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                     &editor_ask_filename_before_edit, NULL),
NULL              571 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Auto m&enus"), &auto_menu, NULL),
NULL              572 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Drop down menus"), &drop_menus, NULL),
NULL              573 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("S&hell patterns"), &easy_patterns, NULL),
NULL              575 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                     &mc_global.widget.show_all_if_ambiguous, NULL),
NULL              576 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Rotating d&ash"), &nice_rotating_dash, NULL),
NULL              577 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cd follows lin&ks"), &mc_global.vfs.cd_symlinks, NULL),
NULL              578 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Sa&fe delete"), &safe_delete, NULL),
NULL              579 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Safe overwrite"), &safe_overwrite, NULL),       // w/o hotkey
NULL              580 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("A&uto save setup"), &auto_save_setup, NULL),
NULL              598 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              641 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Skin:"), NULL),
NULL              644 src/filemanager/boxes.c                               J_LEFT_FIT), B_USER, sel_skin_button, NULL),
NULL              661 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              669 src/filemanager/boxes.c             skin_apply (NULL);
NULL              698 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Show mi&ni-status"), &panels_options.show_mini_info, NULL),
NULL              699 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use SI si&ze units"), &panels_options.kilobyte_si, NULL),
NULL              700 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Mi&x all files"), &panels_options.mix_all_files, NULL),
NULL              701 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Show &backup files"), &panels_options.show_backups, NULL),
NULL              702 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Show &hidden files"), &panels_options.show_dot_files, NULL),
NULL              703 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Fast dir reload"), &panels_options.fast_reload, NULL),
NULL              704 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ma&rk moves down"), &panels_options.mark_moves_down, NULL),
NULL              706 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                     NULL),
NULL              707 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Simple s&wap"), &simple_swap, NULL),
NULL              709 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                     NULL),
NULL              717 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                     NULL),
NULL              718 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Pa&ge scrolling"), &panels_options.scroll_pages, NULL),
NULL              719 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Center &scrolling"), &panels_options.scroll_center, NULL),
NULL              721 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                     NULL),
NULL              724 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("File &types"), &panels_options.filetype_mode, NULL),
NULL              725 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Permissions"), &panels_options.permission_mode, NULL),
NULL              729 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                  NULL),
NULL              744 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              745 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              775 src/filemanager/boxes.c     const char *p = NULL;
NULL              777 src/filemanager/boxes.c     if (panel == NULL)
NULL              786 src/filemanager/boxes.c         char *panel_brief_cols_out = NULL;
NULL              787 src/filemanager/boxes.c         char *panel_user_format = NULL;
NULL              788 src/filemanager/boxes.c         char *mini_user_format = NULL;
NULL              827 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              850 src/filemanager/boxes.c             char *error = NULL;
NULL              866 src/filemanager/boxes.c     if (p != NULL)
NULL              888 src/filemanager/boxes.c     const panel_field_t *result = NULL;
NULL              903 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_RADIO (sort_names_num, (const char **) sort_orders_names, &sort_idx, NULL),
NULL              905 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Executable &first"), &op->exec_first, NULL),
NULL              906 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &op->case_sensitive, NULL),
NULL              907 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Reverse"), &op->reverse, NULL),
NULL              921 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              922 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              928 src/filemanager/boxes.c         if (result == NULL)
NULL              944 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_CHECKBOX (Q_ ("Confirmation|&Delete"), &confirm_delete, NULL),
NULL              945 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_CHECKBOX (Q_ ("Confirmation|O&verwrite"), &confirm_overwrite, NULL),
NULL              946 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_CHECKBOX (Q_ ("Confirmation|&Execute"), &confirm_execute, NULL),
NULL              947 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_CHECKBOX (Q_ ("Confirmation|E&xit"), &confirm_exit, NULL),
NULL              949 src/filemanager/boxes.c                         &confirm_directory_hotlist_delete, NULL),
NULL              951 src/filemanager/boxes.c                         &mc_global.widget.confirm_history_cleanup, NULL),
NULL              963 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL              964 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              987 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_RADIO (4, display_bits_str, &current_mode, NULL),
NULL              989 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("F&ull 8 bits input"), &new_meta, NULL),
NULL             1001 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             1002 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1047 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Input / display codepage:"), NULL),
NULL             1049 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (cpname, B_USER, sel_charset_button, NULL),
NULL             1052 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("F&ull 8 bits input"), &new_meta, NULL),
NULL             1065 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL             1066 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1079 src/filemanager/boxes.c             if (errmsg != NULL)
NULL             1109 src/filemanager/boxes.c     char *val = NULL;
NULL             1116 src/filemanager/boxes.c                       tree_callback, NULL, "[Directory Tree]", _ ("Directory tree"));
NULL             1122 src/filemanager/boxes.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, mytree, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL             1123 src/filemanager/boxes.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, hline_new (wd->rect.lines - 4, 1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL             1167 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                  "input-timo-vfs", &ret_timeout, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL             1172 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                  ftpfs_anonymous_passwd, "input-passwd", &ret_passwd, NULL, FALSE,
NULL             1175 src/filemanager/boxes.c                                  buffer3, "input-timeout", &ret_directory_timeout, NULL, FALSE,
NULL             1181 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Use ~/.netrc"), &ftpfs_use_netrc, NULL),
NULL             1182 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use &passive mode"), &ftpfs_use_passive_connections, NULL),
NULL             1184 src/filemanager/boxes.c                             &ftpfs_use_passive_connections_over_proxy, NULL),
NULL             1200 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL             1202 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1247 src/filemanager/boxes.c     char *my_str = NULL;
NULL             1250 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("cd"), input_label_left, "", "input", &my_str, NULL, FALSE, TRUE,
NULL             1262 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             1263 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1266 src/filemanager/boxes.c     return (quick_dialog (&qdlg) != B_CANCEL) ? my_str : NULL;
NULL             1278 src/filemanager/boxes.c                              ret_existing, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, INPUT_COMPLETE_FILENAMES),
NULL             1281 src/filemanager/boxes.c                              vfs_path_as_str (new_vpath), "input-1", ret_new, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL             1294 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             1295 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1300 src/filemanager/boxes.c         *ret_new = NULL;
NULL             1301 src/filemanager/boxes.c         *ret_existing = NULL;
NULL             1322 src/filemanager/boxes.c         { N_ ("&OK"), DEFPUSH_BUTTON, B_CANCEL, 0, NULL },
NULL             1349 src/filemanager/boxes.c     jobs_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL,
NULL             1353 src/filemanager/boxes.c     bg_list = listbox_new (2, 2, lines - 6, cols - 6, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              119 src/filemanager/cd.c             char *s = NULL;
NULL              121 src/filemanager/cd.c             const char *t = NULL;
NULL              131 src/filemanager/cd.c             if (s == NULL)
NULL              133 src/filemanager/cd.c             if (s == NULL)
NULL              139 src/filemanager/cd.c             if (t == NULL)
NULL              183 src/filemanager/cd.c         c = (p == NULL) ? '\0' : ':';
NULL              190 src/filemanager/cd.c             if (s == NULL)
NULL              198 src/filemanager/cd.c                 r_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (p, path, (char *) NULL);
NULL              235 src/filemanager/cd.c         vfs_path_t *new_vpath = NULL;
NULL              260 src/filemanager/cd.c                 new_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (current_panel->cwd_vpath, p, (char *) NULL);
NULL              225 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 0 */ { B_SETALL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("Set &all"), NULL },
NULL              226 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 1 */ { B_MARKED, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("&Marked all"), NULL },
NULL              227 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 2 */ { B_SETMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("S&et marked"), NULL },
NULL              228 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 3 */ { B_CLRMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("C&lear marked"), NULL },
NULL              229 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 4 */ { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("&Set"), NULL },
NULL              230 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 5 */ { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("&Cancel"), NULL },
NULL              366 src/filemanager/chattr.c     widget_init (WIDGET (fat), &r, fileattrtext_callback, NULL);
NULL              455 src/filemanager/chattr.c     group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL              463 src/filemanager/chattr.c     for (i = cb->top, l = GROUP (cb)->widgets; l != NULL; i++, l = g_list_next (l))
NULL              483 src/filemanager/chattr.c     for (i = cb->top, l = GROUP (cb)->widgets; l != NULL; i++, l = g_list_next (l))
NULL              509 src/filemanager/chattr.c     for (i = cb->top, l = CONST_GROUP (cb)->widgets; l != NULL; i++, l = g_list_next (l))
NULL              812 src/filemanager/chattr.c             ret = group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_KEY, parm, NULL);
NULL              894 src/filemanager/chattr.c         check = check_new (i, 0, check_attr[m].state, NULL);
NULL              991 src/filemanager/chattr.c                          dlg_default_callback, NULL, "[Chattr]", _ ("Chattr command"));
NULL              997 src/filemanager/chattr.c     group_add_widget_autopos (dg, file_attr, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, NULL);
NULL             1014 src/filemanager/chattr.c     group_add_widget_autopos (dg, cb, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ, NULL);
NULL             1026 src/filemanager/chattr.c                                                    chattr_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL             1032 src/filemanager/chattr.c                                 chattr_but[i].flags, chattr_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL             1088 src/filemanager/chattr.c     const char *fname = NULL;
NULL             1096 src/filemanager/chattr.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL             1211 src/filemanager/chattr.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL               74 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_ISUID, N_ ("set &user ID on execution"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               75 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_ISGID, N_ ("set &group ID on execution"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               76 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_ISVTX, N_ ("stick&y bit"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               77 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IRUSR, N_ ("&read by owner"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               78 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IWUSR, N_ ("&write by owner"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               79 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IXUSR, N_ ("e&xecute/search by owner"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               80 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IRGRP, N_ ("rea&d by group"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               81 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IWGRP, N_ ("write by grou&p"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               82 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IXGRP, N_ ("execu&te/search by group"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               83 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IROTH, N_ ("read &by others"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               84 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IWOTH, N_ ("wr&ite by others"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL               85 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IXOTH, N_ ("execute/searc&h by others"), FALSE, NULL },
NULL              229 src/filemanager/chmod.c         frame_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL              330 src/filemanager/chmod.c                          NULL, "[Chmod]", _ ("Chmod command"));
NULL              373 src/filemanager/chmod.c                                           chmod_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              378 src/filemanager/chmod.c                                           chmod_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              388 src/filemanager/chmod.c                                   NULL));
NULL              392 src/filemanager/chmod.c                                   chmod_but[i].flags, chmod_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              415 src/filemanager/chmod.c     const char *fname = NULL;
NULL              423 src/filemanager/chmod.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL              540 src/filemanager/chmod.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL               97 src/filemanager/chown.c     { 4, NULL }, { 6, NULL }, { 8, NULL }, { 10, NULL }, { 12, NULL },
NULL              168 src/filemanager/chown.c         frame_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL              194 src/filemanager/chown.c     ch_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, lines, cols, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL,
NULL              202 src/filemanager/chown.c     l_user = listbox_new (3, 4, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              205 src/filemanager/chown.c     listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _ ("<Unknown user>"), NULL, FALSE);
NULL              208 src/filemanager/chown.c     while ((l_pass = getpwent ()) != NULL)
NULL              209 src/filemanager/chown.c         listbox_add_item (l_user, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_pass->pw_name, NULL, FALSE);
NULL              213 src/filemanager/chown.c     l_group = listbox_new (3, 5 + GW, GH - 2, GW - 2, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              216 src/filemanager/chown.c     listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, _ ("<Unknown group>"), NULL, FALSE);
NULL              219 src/filemanager/chown.c     while ((l_grp = getgrent ()) != NULL)
NULL              220 src/filemanager/chown.c         listbox_add_item (l_group, LISTBOX_APPEND_SORTED, 0, l_grp->gr_name, NULL, FALSE);
NULL              227 src/filemanager/chown.c         chown_label[i].l = label_new (chown_label[i].y, 7 + GW * 2, NULL);
NULL              244 src/filemanager/chown.c                                           chown_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              255 src/filemanager/chown.c                                   NULL));
NULL              259 src/filemanager/chown.c                                   chown_but[i].flags, chown_but[i].text, NULL));
NULL              282 src/filemanager/chown.c     const char *fname = NULL;
NULL              290 src/filemanager/chown.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL              404 src/filemanager/chown.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL              443 src/filemanager/chown.c             listbox_get_current (l_group, &text, NULL);
NULL              445 src/filemanager/chown.c             if (grp != NULL)
NULL              447 src/filemanager/chown.c             listbox_get_current (l_user, &text, NULL);
NULL              449 src/filemanager/chown.c             if (user != NULL)
NULL              483 src/filemanager/chown.c             listbox_get_current (l_user, &text, NULL);
NULL              485 src/filemanager/chown.c             if (user != NULL)
NULL              500 src/filemanager/chown.c             listbox_get_current (l_group, &text, NULL);
NULL              502 src/filemanager/chown.c             if (grp != NULL)
NULL              128 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              289 src/filemanager/cmd.c                     vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, source->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL              291 src/filemanager/cmd.c                     vfs_path_append_new (other->cwd_vpath, target->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL              306 src/filemanager/cmd.c     char *dest = NULL, *src = NULL;
NULL              307 src/filemanager/cmd.c     vfs_path_t *dest_vpath = NULL;
NULL              316 src/filemanager/cmd.c         if (dest == NULL || *dest == '\0')
NULL              333 src/filemanager/cmd.c         s = vfs_path_append_new (current_panel->cwd_vpath, fname, (char *) NULL);
NULL              336 src/filemanager/cmd.c             d = vfs_path_append_new (other_panel->cwd_vpath, fname, (char *) NULL);
NULL              354 src/filemanager/cmd.c         if (dest == NULL || *dest == '\0' || src == NULL || *src == '\0')
NULL              389 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (machine == NULL)
NULL              396 src/filemanager/cmd.c         cd_path = g_strconcat (machine, to_home ? "/~/" : (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL);
NULL              398 src/filemanager/cmd.c         cd_path = g_strconcat (prefix, machine, to_home ? "/~/" : (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL);
NULL              406 src/filemanager/cmd.c         cd_path = g_strconcat (PATH_SEP_STR, tmp, (char *) NULL);
NULL              453 src/filemanager/cmd.c         *user = NULL;
NULL              457 src/filemanager/cmd.c         *status = NULL;
NULL              503 src/filemanager/cmd.c         ret = mcview_viewer (NULL, filename_vpath, start_line, search_start, search_end);
NULL              526 src/filemanager/cmd.c             ret = mcview_viewer (NULL, filename_vpath, start_line, search_start, search_end);
NULL              532 src/filemanager/cmd.c         static const char *viewer = NULL;
NULL              534 src/filemanager/cmd.c         if (viewer == NULL)
NULL              537 src/filemanager/cmd.c             if (viewer == NULL)
NULL              539 src/filemanager/cmd.c             if (viewer == NULL)
NULL              585 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              590 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (filename == NULL)
NULL              620 src/filemanager/cmd.c         if (fe == NULL)
NULL              632 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (command != NULL)
NULL              634 src/filemanager/cmd.c         mcview_viewer (command, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
NULL              656 src/filemanager/cmd.c         static const char *editor = NULL;
NULL              660 src/filemanager/cmd.c         if (editor == NULL)
NULL              663 src/filemanager/cmd.c             if (editor == NULL)
NULL              680 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              699 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              714 src/filemanager/cmd.c     vfs_path_t *fname_vpath = NULL;
NULL              722 src/filemanager/cmd.c         if (fname == NULL)
NULL              749 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              759 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (dir != NULL && *dir != '\0')
NULL              774 src/filemanager/cmd.c             absdir = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, tmpdir, (char *) NULL);
NULL              820 src/filemanager/cmd.c     extdir_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_EXT_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              837 src/filemanager/cmd.c                 vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_EXT_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              861 src/filemanager/cmd.c         vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL              867 src/filemanager/cmd.c             vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL              885 src/filemanager/cmd.c             vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL              890 src/filemanager/cmd.c                 vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_GLOBAL_MENU, (char *) NULL);
NULL              910 src/filemanager/cmd.c     vfs_path_t *fhlfile_vpath = NULL;
NULL              919 src/filemanager/cmd.c         vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              936 src/filemanager/cmd.c                 vfs_path_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_FHL_INI_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              955 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (target == NULL)
NULL              990 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (target == NULL)
NULL             1067 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (fe != NULL)
NULL             1080 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL             1104 src/filemanager/cmd.c             if (dest != NULL && *dest != '\0' && strcmp (buffer, dest) != 0)
NULL             1142 src/filemanager/cmd.c     ev_help_t event_data = { NULL, NULL };
NULL             1206 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (p != NULL && *p != '\0')
NULL             1228 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if ((entry != NULL && S_ISDIR (entry->st.st_mode) && DIR_IS_DOTDOT (entry->fname->str))
NULL             1244 src/filemanager/cmd.c     if (entry != NULL && S_ISDIR (entry->st.st_mode) && !DIR_IS_DOTDOT (entry->fname->str))
NULL             1270 src/filemanager/cmd.c         send_message (panel, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_Down, NULL);
NULL             1381 src/filemanager/cmd.c     panel_set_filter (p, NULL);  // including panel reload
NULL             1393 src/filemanager/cmd.c     WPanel *p = NULL;
NULL              141 src/filemanager/command.c                 s = expand_format (NULL, cmd[++i], TRUE);
NULL              142 src/filemanager/command.c                 if (s != NULL)
NULL              254 src/filemanager/command.c     if (quoted_text != NULL)
NULL               76 src/filemanager/dir.c static dir_list dir_copy = { NULL, 0, 0, NULL };
NULL              115 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (a->name_sort_key == NULL)
NULL              117 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (b->name_sort_key == NULL)
NULL              139 src/filemanager/dir.c         fentry->name_sort_key = NULL;
NULL              141 src/filemanager/dir.c         fentry->extension_sort_key = NULL;
NULL              184 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (filter != NULL && filter->handler != NULL)
NULL              189 src/filemanager/dir.c             || mc_search_run (filter->handler, dp->d_name, 0, dp->d_len, NULL);
NULL              203 src/filemanager/dir.c     if ((vpath != NULL) && (st != NULL))
NULL              208 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (path != NULL && *path != '\0')
NULL              212 src/filemanager/dir.c             tmp_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (vpath, "..", (char *) NULL);
NULL              228 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (dir_copy.list != NULL)
NULL              255 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (list == NULL)
NULL              273 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (fe == NULL)
NULL              315 src/filemanager/dir.c     fentry->name_sort_key = NULL;
NULL              316 src/filemanager/dir.c     fentry->extension_sort_key = NULL;
NULL              382 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (a->extension_sort_key == NULL)
NULL              384 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (b->extension_sort_key == NULL)
NULL              531 src/filemanager/dir.c         fentry->fname = NULL;
NULL              652 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (list->callback != NULL)
NULL              655 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (dirp == NULL)
NULL              665 src/filemanager/dir.c     while (ret && (dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
NULL              669 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (list->callback != NULL)
NULL              682 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (list->callback != NULL)
NULL              683 src/filemanager/dir.c         list->callback (DIR_CLOSE, NULL);
NULL              719 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (list->callback != NULL)
NULL              722 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (dirp == NULL)
NULL              745 src/filemanager/dir.c         dfentry->name_sort_key = NULL;
NULL              746 src/filemanager/dir.c         dfentry->extension_sort_key = NULL;
NULL              784 src/filemanager/dir.c     while (ret && (dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
NULL              788 src/filemanager/dir.c         if (list->callback != NULL)
NULL              808 src/filemanager/dir.c                 (marked_cnt > 0 && g_hash_table_lookup (marked_files, dp->d_name) != NULL) ? 1 : 0;
NULL              817 src/filemanager/dir.c     if (list->callback != NULL)
NULL              818 src/filemanager/dir.c         list->callback (DIR_CLOSE, NULL);
NULL              835 src/filemanager/dir.c     filter->handler = NULL;
NULL               96 src/filemanager/ext.c static mc_config_t *ext_ini = NULL;
NULL               97 src/filemanager/ext.c static gchar **ext_ini_groups = NULL;
NULL               98 src/filemanager/ext.c static vfs_path_t *localfilecopy_vpath = NULL;
NULL              101 src/filemanager/ext.c static char *pbuffer = NULL;
NULL              119 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (script_vpath != NULL)
NULL              131 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (localfilecopy_vpath == NULL)
NULL              143 src/filemanager/ext.c     localfilecopy_vpath = NULL;
NULL              154 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (localfilecopy_vpath == NULL)
NULL              158 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (localfilecopy_vpath == NULL)
NULL              159 src/filemanager/ext.c             return NULL;
NULL              175 src/filemanager/ext.c     text = expand_format (NULL, symbol, TRUE);
NULL              176 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (is_result_quoted && text != NULL)
NULL              206 src/filemanager/ext.c         { '\0', NULL, FALSE },
NULL              210 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (text == NULL)
NULL              211 src/filemanager/ext.c         return NULL;
NULL              217 src/filemanager/ext.c     for (i = 0; export_variables[i].name != NULL; i++)
NULL              221 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (text != NULL)
NULL              255 src/filemanager/ext.c                 if (parameter == NULL)
NULL              260 src/filemanager/ext.c                     return NULL;
NULL              319 src/filemanager/ext.c                                 text = expand_format (NULL, *lc_data, !is_cd);
NULL              323 src/filemanager/ext.c                                 if (text == NULL)
NULL              326 src/filemanager/ext.c                                     return NULL;
NULL              330 src/filemanager/ext.c                             if (text != NULL)
NULL              387 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (target == NULL)
NULL              429 src/filemanager/ext.c     vfs_path_t *script_vpath = NULL;
NULL              432 src/filemanager/ext.c     char *cmd = NULL;
NULL              434 src/filemanager/ext.c     pbuffer = NULL;
NULL              445 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (shell_string == NULL)
NULL              475 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (export_variables != NULL)
NULL              497 src/filemanager/ext.c         script_vpath = NULL;
NULL              504 src/filemanager/ext.c         cmd = g_strconcat ("/bin/sh ", vfs_path_as_str (script_vpath), (char *) NULL);
NULL              511 src/filemanager/ext.c             exec_extension_view (target, NULL, filename_vpath, start_line);
NULL              555 src/filemanager/ext.c     command = g_strconcat (cmd_file, args, " 2>/dev/null", (char *) NULL);
NULL              559 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (f != NULL)
NULL              562 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (setvbuf (f, NULL, _IOFBF, 0) != 0)
NULL              568 src/filemanager/ext.c         read_bytes = (fgets (buf, buflen, f) != NULL);
NULL              597 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (filename_quoted != NULL)
NULL              620 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (filename_quoted != NULL)
NULL              625 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (lang != NULL)
NULL              677 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (localfile_vpath == NULL)
NULL              695 src/filemanager/ext.c             if (pp != NULL)
NULL              715 src/filemanager/ext.c             if (pp != NULL)
NULL              759 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (search != NULL)
NULL              764 src/filemanager/ext.c                                    sizeof (content_string) - 1, NULL);
NULL              810 src/filemanager/ext.c         extension_file = mc_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_EXT_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              815 src/filemanager/ext.c                 mc_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_EXT_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              822 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (extension_file != NULL)
NULL              827 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (ext_ini == NULL)
NULL              871 src/filemanager/ext.c     ext_ini_groups = NULL;
NULL              874 src/filemanager/ext.c     ext_ini = NULL;
NULL              907 src/filemanager/ext.c     char *include_group = NULL;
NULL              910 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (filename_vpath == NULL)
NULL              913 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (script_vpath != NULL)
NULL              914 src/filemanager/ext.c         *script_vpath = NULL;
NULL              923 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (ext_ini == NULL && !load_extension_file ())
NULL              932 src/filemanager/ext.c     if (ext_ini_groups == NULL)
NULL              933 src/filemanager/ext.c         ext_ini_groups = mc_config_get_groups (ext_ini, NULL);
NULL              936 src/filemanager/ext.c     for (group_iter = ext_ini_groups; *group_iter != NULL && !found; group_iter++)
NULL              955 src/filemanager/ext.c         pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Directory", NULL);
NULL              956 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (pattern != NULL)
NULL              969 src/filemanager/ext.c             pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Type", NULL);
NULL              970 src/filemanager/ext.c             if (pattern != NULL)
NULL              972 src/filemanager/ext.c                 GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              981 src/filemanager/ext.c                 if (mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL))
NULL              990 src/filemanager/ext.c         pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Regex", NULL);
NULL              991 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (pattern != NULL)
NULL              999 src/filemanager/ext.c             if (search != NULL)
NULL             1003 src/filemanager/ext.c                 found = mc_search_run (search, filename, 0, filename_len, NULL);
NULL             1011 src/filemanager/ext.c             pattern = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, g, "Shell", NULL);
NULL             1012 src/filemanager/ext.c             if (pattern != NULL)
NULL             1045 src/filemanager/ext.c         include_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, *group_iter, "Include", NULL);
NULL             1046 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (include_value != NULL)
NULL             1049 src/filemanager/ext.c             include_group = g_strconcat ("Include/", include_value, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1056 src/filemanager/ext.c         current_group = include_group != NULL ? include_group : *group_iter;
NULL             1067 src/filemanager/ext.c         action_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, current_group, action, NULL);
NULL             1068 src/filemanager/ext.c         if (action_value == NULL)
NULL             1071 src/filemanager/ext.c             action_value = mc_config_get_string_raw (ext_ini, default_group, action, NULL);
NULL             1072 src/filemanager/ext.c             found = (action_value != NULL && *action_value != '\0');
NULL             1086 src/filemanager/ext.c             if (script_vpath != NULL)
NULL               30 src/filemanager/ext.h     return regex_command_for (NULL, filename_vpath, action, NULL);
NULL              180 src/filemanager/file.c static GSList *linklist = NULL;
NULL              183 src/filemanager/file.c static GQueue *erase_list = NULL;
NULL              189 src/filemanager/file.c static GSList *dest_dirs = NULL;
NULL              254 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!mc_search_run (ctx->search_handle, fnsource, 0, strlen (fnsource), NULL))
NULL              256 src/filemanager/file.c         q = NULL;
NULL              264 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->search_handle->error_str != NULL)
NULL              279 src/filemanager/file.c             s = mc_build_filename (repl_dest, q, (char *) NULL);
NULL              282 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ctx->search_handle->error_str != NULL)
NULL              313 src/filemanager/file.c     if (lp != NULL)
NULL              316 src/filemanager/file.c     return NULL;
NULL              326 src/filemanager/file.c     return NULL;
NULL              340 src/filemanager/file.c     for (; lp != NULL; lp = (const GSList *) g_slist_next (lp))
NULL              348 src/filemanager/file.c     return NULL;
NULL              373 src/filemanager/file.c     if (lnk != NULL)
NULL              473 src/filemanager/file.c     if (lnk != NULL)
NULL              507 src/filemanager/file.c     vfs_path_t *link_target_vpath = NULL;
NULL              547 src/filemanager/file.c         if (r != NULL)
NULL              561 src/filemanager/file.c                 q = vfs_path_build_filename (p->str, dst_path, (char *) NULL);
NULL              565 src/filemanager/file.c                 char *s = NULL;
NULL              574 src/filemanager/file.c                 g_strlcpy (link_target, s != NULL ? s : p->str, sizeof (link_target));
NULL              645 src/filemanager/file.c     if (dir == NULL)
NULL              648 src/filemanager/file.c     while (ret == FILE_CONT && (dirent = mc_readdir (dir)) != NULL)
NULL              655 src/filemanager/file.c         tmp_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (dirname_vpath, dirent->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              671 src/filemanager/file.c             if (ret == FILE_CONT && sm->update != NULL && mc_time_elapsed (&timestamp, delay))
NULL              720 src/filemanager/file.c             p = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, fe->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL              765 src/filemanager/file.c         if (source == NULL)
NULL              940 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx != NULL)
NULL              952 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx != NULL)
NULL             1317 src/filemanager/file.c     if (panel != NULL)
NULL             1338 src/filemanager/file.c     if (panel == NULL)
NULL             1340 src/filemanager/file.c         file_progress_show_source (ctx, NULL);
NULL             1352 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!try_remove_file (ctx, src_vpath, &return_status) && panel == NULL)
NULL             1445 src/filemanager/file.c     if (reading == NULL)
NULL             1456 src/filemanager/file.c         tmp_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (vpath, next->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1474 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_deleting (ctx, vpath, NULL);
NULL             1507 src/filemanager/file.c     while ((dir = mc_opendir (vpath)) == NULL)
NULL             1527 src/filemanager/file.c     for (d = mc_readdir (dir); d != NULL; d = mc_readdir (dir))
NULL             1546 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_deleting (ctx, vpath, NULL);
NULL             1570 src/filemanager/file.c     if (ctx->erase_at_end && erase_list != NULL)
NULL             1626 src/filemanager/file.c     if (panel != NULL && file_progress_check_buttons (ctx) == FILE_ABORT)
NULL             1650 src/filemanager/file.c         dst_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (dst_vpath, x_basename (s), (char *) NULL);
NULL             1662 src/filemanager/file.c             if (panel != NULL)
NULL             1672 src/filemanager/file.c             return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, s, d, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
NULL             1718 src/filemanager/file.c     if (panel != NULL)
NULL             1728 src/filemanager/file.c     return_status = copy_dir_dir (ctx, s, d, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
NULL             1736 src/filemanager/file.c     if (panel == NULL)
NULL             1738 src/filemanager/file.c         file_progress_show_source (ctx, NULL);
NULL             1739 src/filemanager/file.c         file_progress_show_target (ctx, NULL);
NULL             1795 src/filemanager/file.c     return (fe == NULL ? NULL : fe->fname->str);
NULL             1811 src/filemanager/file.c         source = fe == NULL ? NULL : fe->fname->str;
NULL             1816 src/filemanager/file.c     if (source == NULL)
NULL             1817 src/filemanager/file.c         return NULL;
NULL             1852 src/filemanager/file.c     return ok ? source : NULL;
NULL             1908 src/filemanager/file.c     cp = (src_stat != NULL ? one_format : many_format);
NULL             1920 src/filemanager/file.c     if (src_stat != NULL)
NULL             1964 src/filemanager/file.c     if (!force_single && tmp_dest_dir != NULL && tmp_dest_dir[0] != '\0'
NULL             1968 src/filemanager/file.c         dest_dir = g_strconcat (tmp_dest_dir, PATH_SEP_STR, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1976 src/filemanager/file.c     if (dest_dir == NULL)
NULL             1977 src/filemanager/file.c         return NULL;
NULL             1979 src/filemanager/file.c     if (source == NULL)
NULL             1980 src/filemanager/file.c         src_stat = NULL;
NULL             1986 src/filemanager/file.c         file_mask_dialog (ctx, source != NULL, format,
NULL             1987 src/filemanager/file.c                           source != NULL ? source : (const void *) &panel->marked, dest_dir, do_bg);
NULL             2004 src/filemanager/file.c     if (source == NULL)
NULL             2005 src/filemanager/file.c         src_stat = NULL;
NULL             2010 src/filemanager/file.c     if (source == NULL)
NULL             2043 src/filemanager/file.c         src_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, src, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2051 src/filemanager/file.c         is_link = file_is_symlink_to_dir (src_vpath, src_stat, NULL);
NULL             2073 src/filemanager/file.c         if (temp != NULL)
NULL             2093 src/filemanager/file.c                         is_link = file_is_symlink_to_dir (src_vpath, src_stat, NULL);
NULL             2100 src/filemanager/file.c                         value = copy_dir_dir (ctx, src, dest, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
NULL             2144 src/filemanager/file.c         src_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, src, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2162 src/filemanager/file.c         if (temp != NULL)
NULL             2176 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = copy_dir_dir (ctx, src, dest, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
NULL             2182 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = move_file_file (NULL, ctx, src, dest);
NULL             2184 src/filemanager/file.c                     value = do_move_dir_dir (NULL, ctx, src, dest);
NULL             2251 src/filemanager/file.c     if (st == NULL)
NULL             2270 src/filemanager/file.c     if (stale_link != NULL)
NULL             2295 src/filemanager/file.c     vfs_path_t *src_vpath = NULL, *dst_vpath = NULL;
NULL             2296 src/filemanager/file.c     char *buf = NULL;
NULL             3069 src/filemanager/file.c     if (is_in_linklist (dest_dirs, src_vpath, &src_stat) != NULL)
NULL             3113 src/filemanager/file.c     if (is_in_linklist (parent_dirs, src_vpath, &src_stat) != NULL)
NULL             3169 src/filemanager/file.c             dst_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (dst_vpath, x_basename (s), (char *) NULL);
NULL             3223 src/filemanager/file.c     if (reading == NULL)
NULL             3238 src/filemanager/file.c         path = mc_build_filename (s, next->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             3246 src/filemanager/file.c             mdpath = mc_build_filename (d, next->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             3260 src/filemanager/file.c             dest_file = mc_build_filename (d, x_basename (path), (char *) NULL);
NULL             3271 src/filemanager/file.c                 if (erase_list == NULL)
NULL             3278 src/filemanager/file.c                 tmp_vpath = NULL;
NULL             3326 src/filemanager/file.c     return do_move_dir_dir (NULL, ctx, s, d);
NULL             3339 src/filemanager/file.c     file_progress_show_deleting (ctx, vpath, NULL);
NULL             3397 src/filemanager/file.c     dsm->dirname = label_new (2, 3, NULL);
NULL             3399 src/filemanager/file.c     dsm->count_size = label_new (3, 3, NULL);
NULL             3403 src/filemanager/file.c     dsm->abort_button = WIDGET (button_new (5, 3, FILE_ABORT, NORMAL_BUTTON, b1_name, NULL));
NULL             3407 src/filemanager/file.c         dsm->skip_button = WIDGET (button_new (5, 3, FILE_SKIP, NORMAL_BUTTON, b2_name, NULL));
NULL             3505 src/filemanager/file.c     const char *source = NULL;
NULL             3506 src/filemanager/file.c     char *dest = NULL;
NULL             3507 src/filemanager/file.c     vfs_path_t *dest_vpath = NULL;
NULL             3508 src/filemanager/file.c     vfs_path_t *save_cwd = NULL, *save_dest = NULL;
NULL             3535 src/filemanager/file.c         if (source == NULL)
NULL             3545 src/filemanager/file.c         if (dest == NULL)
NULL             3569 src/filemanager/file.c                                         vfs_path_as_str (panel->cwd_vpath), (char *) NULL));
NULL             3576 src/filemanager/file.c             mc_setctl (panel->cwd_vpath, VFS_SETCTL_FORGET, NULL);
NULL             3578 src/filemanager/file.c             mc_setctl (dest_vpath, VFS_SETCTL_FORGET, NULL);
NULL             3593 src/filemanager/file.c                  && ((fe = panel_current_entry (panel)) == NULL ? FALSE : S_ISDIR (fe->st.st_mode)))
NULL             3605 src/filemanager/file.c     if ((dest != NULL)
NULL             3667 src/filemanager/file.c             panel_operate_init_totals (panel, NULL, NULL, ctx, file_op_compute_totals, dialog_type);
NULL             3693 src/filemanager/file.c     if (save_cwd != NULL)
NULL             3695 src/filemanager/file.c         mc_setctl (save_cwd, VFS_SETCTL_STALE_DATA, NULL);
NULL             3699 src/filemanager/file.c     if (save_dest != NULL)
NULL             3701 src/filemanager/file.c         mc_setctl (save_dest, VFS_SETCTL_STALE_DATA, NULL);
NULL              249 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_SKIP, N_ ("&Skip"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
NULL              250 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_SUSPEND, N_ ("S&uspend"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
NULL              251 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_SUSPEND, N_ ("Con&tinue"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
NULL              252 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_ABORT, N_ ("&Abort"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
NULL              316 src/filemanager/filegui.c         || strstr (stfs.STATXFS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE_MEMBER_NAME, "fusefs") != NULL)
NULL              443 src/filemanager/filegui.c                               g->current != NULL ? g->current->data : NULL)
NULL              447 src/filemanager/filegui.c                                 NORMAL_BUTTON, dlg_widgets[i].text, NULL))
NULL              466 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("New     :"), 2, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
NULL              468 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, NULL, 2, 14, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
NULL              470 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, NULL, 3, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
NULL              472 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, NULL, 3, 43, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_RIGHT, 0 },
NULL              474 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Existing:"), 4, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
NULL              476 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, NULL, 4, 14, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
NULL              478 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, NULL, 5, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
NULL              480 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, NULL, 5, 43, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_RIGHT, 0 },
NULL              483 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Overwrite this file?"), 7, 21, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, 0 },
NULL              485 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Yes"), 8, 14, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_YES },
NULL              487 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&No"), 8, 22, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_NO },
NULL              489 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("A&ppend"), 8, 29, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_APPEND },
NULL              491 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Reget"), 8, 40, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_REGET },
NULL              494 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Overwrite all files?"), 10, 21, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, 0 },
NULL              496 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Don't overwrite with &zero length file"), 11, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
NULL              498 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("A&ll"), 12, 12, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_ALL },
NULL              500 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Older"), 12, 12, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_OLDER },
NULL              502 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Non&e"), 12, 12, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_NONE },
NULL              504 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("S&maller"), 12, 25, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_SMALLER },
NULL              506 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Size differs"), 12, 40, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_SIZE },
NULL              509 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Abort"), 14, 27, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, REPLACE_ABORT }
NULL              542 src/filemanager/filegui.c             if (dlg_widgets[i].text != NULL)
NULL              666 src/filemanager/filegui.c                                   alarm_colors, NULL, NULL, "[Replace]", title);
NULL              813 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx != NULL)
NULL              830 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL              887 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui != NULL)
NULL              908 src/filemanager/filegui.c                              file_ui_op_dlg_callback, NULL, NULL, op_names[ctx->operation]);
NULL              917 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->src_file_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              920 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              923 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->tgt_file_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              926 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->tgt_file = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              932 src/filemanager/filegui.c         group_add_widget_autopos (g, ui->progress_file_gauge, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ, NULL);
NULL              934 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->progress_file_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              949 src/filemanager/filegui.c                                           WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ, NULL);
NULL              952 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              955 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ui->time_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              961 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->src_file = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL              964 src/filemanager/filegui.c         ui->total_files_processed_label = label_new (y++, x, NULL);
NULL             1026 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx != NULL && ctx->ui != NULL)
NULL             1047 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL             1090 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL             1095 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ui->total_files_processed_label == NULL)
NULL             1116 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL             1121 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ui->progress_total_gauge != NULL)
NULL             1136 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ui->time_label != NULL)
NULL             1166 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ui->total_bytes_label != NULL)
NULL             1189 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL             1194 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (vpath != NULL)
NULL             1201 src/filemanager/filegui.c         label_set_text (ui->src_file_label, NULL);
NULL             1202 src/filemanager/filegui.c         label_set_text (ui->src_file, NULL);
NULL             1213 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL             1218 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (vpath != NULL)
NULL             1225 src/filemanager/filegui.c         label_set_text (ui->tgt_file_label, NULL);
NULL             1226 src/filemanager/filegui.c         label_set_text (ui->tgt_file, NULL);
NULL             1241 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL             1253 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ui->src_file_label != NULL)
NULL             1260 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (count != NULL)
NULL             1275 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL || ctx->ui == NULL)
NULL             1355 src/filemanager/filegui.c     char *dest_dir = NULL;
NULL             1359 src/filemanager/filegui.c     if (ctx == NULL)
NULL             1360 src/filemanager/filegui.c         return NULL;
NULL             1409 src/filemanager/filegui.c         char *source_mask = NULL;
NULL             1417 src/filemanager/filegui.c                                  "input-def", &source_mask, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL             1422 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Using shell patterns"), &source_easy_patterns, NULL),
NULL             1425 src/filemanager/filegui.c                                  &dest_dir, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, INPUT_COMPLETE_FILENAMES),
NULL             1428 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Follow &links"), &ctx->follow_links, NULL),
NULL             1429 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Preserve &attributes"), &preserve, NULL),
NULL             1431 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Di&ve into subdir if exists"), &ctx->dive_into_subdirs, NULL),
NULL             1432 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Stable symlinks"), &ctx->stable_symlinks, NULL),
NULL             1435 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1437 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Background"), B_USER, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1439 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1451 src/filemanager/filegui.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL             1452 src/filemanager/filegui.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1462 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 return NULL;
NULL             1488 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 return NULL;
NULL             1491 src/filemanager/filegui.c             ctx->search_handle = mc_search_new (source_mask, NULL);
NULL             1492 src/filemanager/filegui.c             if (ctx->search_handle != NULL)
NULL             1515 src/filemanager/filegui.c         if (ctx->dest_mask == NULL)
NULL               97 src/filemanager/filemanager.c WPanel *left_panel = NULL;
NULL               98 src/filemanager/filemanager.c WPanel *right_panel = NULL;
NULL              100 src/filemanager/filemanager.c WPanel *current_panel = NULL;
NULL              103 src/filemanager/filemanager.c WMenuBar *the_menubar = NULL;
NULL              112 src/filemanager/filemanager.c const char *mc_prompt = NULL;
NULL              142 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (top_dlg != NULL)
NULL              155 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              159 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (sel_dir != NULL)
NULL              199 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              235 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              277 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              328 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     GList *entries = NULL;
NULL              409 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     const char *shortcut = NULL;
NULL              412 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (shortcut != NULL)
NULL              416 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (shortcut != NULL)
NULL              420 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (ext_map != NULL)
NULL              422 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (shortcut != NULL)
NULL              425 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     return NULL;
NULL              526 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (!mc_global.message_visible || the_hint == NULL || WIDGET (the_hint)->owner == NULL)
NULL              588 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         if (mc_run_param0 == NULL && mc_run_param1 == NULL)
NULL              591 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             current_dir = NULL;           // assume current dir
NULL              594 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         else if (mc_run_param0 != NULL && mc_run_param1 != NULL)
NULL              615 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         if (mc_run_param0 == NULL && mc_run_param1 == NULL)
NULL              618 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             current_dir = NULL;           // assume current dir
NULL              621 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         else if (mc_run_param0 != NULL && mc_run_param1 != NULL)
NULL              639 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (other_dir != NULL)
NULL              646 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             vpath = vfs_path_append_new (original_dir, other_dir, (char *) NULL);
NULL              653 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (current_dir == NULL)
NULL              662 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             vpath = vfs_path_append_new (original_dir, current_dir, (char *) NULL);
NULL              670 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     else if (right_panel != NULL)
NULL              678 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     mc_event_add (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "vfs_timestamp", check_other_panel_timestamp, NULL, NULL);
NULL              679 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     mc_event_add (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "vfs_timestamp", check_current_panel_timestamp, NULL, NULL);
NULL              682 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     mc_event_add (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "vfs_print_message", print_vfs_message, NULL, NULL);
NULL              724 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (fe != NULL && S_ISLNK (fe->st.st_mode))
NULL              730 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, fe->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL              782 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         if (fe != NULL)
NULL              802 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         if (fe != NULL)
NULL              910 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     the_menubar = menubar_new (NULL);
NULL              918 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     the_hint = label_new (0, 0, NULL);
NULL              939 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         add_select_channel (mc_global.tty.subshell_pty, load_prompt, NULL);
NULL              957 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     return vfs_path_append_new (vfs_get_raw_current_dir (), filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              979 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         vfs_path_t *vpath = NULL;
NULL              981 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         if (mc_run_param0 != NULL && *(char *) mc_run_param0 != '\0')
NULL             1009 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (s != NULL)
NULL             1136 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     send_message (current_panel, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_SearchStop, NULL);
NULL             1272 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         send_message (cmdline, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_History, NULL);
NULL             1361 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         res = send_message (current_panel, filemanager, MSG_ACTION, command, NULL);
NULL             1376 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         mc_event_raise (MCEVENT_GROUP_CORE, "suspend", NULL);
NULL             1470 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         send_message (cmdline, NULL, MSG_KEY, '\n', NULL);
NULL             1496 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL             1523 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             midnight_execute_cmd (NULL, CK_UserMenu);
NULL             1531 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                 return midnight_execute_cmd (NULL, command);
NULL             1553 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                     return send_message (current_panel, filemanager, MSG_ACTION, CK_Select, NULL);
NULL             1556 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                     return send_message (current_panel, filemanager, MSG_ACTION, CK_Unselect, NULL);
NULL             1560 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                                          NULL);
NULL             1568 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                     return send_message (current_panel, filemanager, MSG_ACTION, CK_Select, NULL);
NULL             1571 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                     return send_message (current_panel, filemanager, MSG_ACTION, CK_Unselect, NULL);
NULL             1575 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                                          NULL);
NULL             1584 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             send_message (current_panel, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_SearchStop, NULL);
NULL             1594 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             v = midnight_execute_cmd (NULL, command);
NULL             1597 src/filemanager/filemanager.c             v = send_message (cmdline, NULL, MSG_KEY, parm, NULL);
NULL             1640 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 1, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Help"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1641 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 2, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Menu"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1642 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 3, Q_ ("ButtonBar|View"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1643 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 4, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Edit"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1644 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 5, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Copy"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1645 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 6, Q_ ("ButtonBar|RenMov"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1646 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 7, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Mkdir"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1647 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 8, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Delete"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1648 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 9, Q_ ("ButtonBar|PullDn"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1649 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     buttonbar_set_label (b, 10, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Quit"), w->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1671 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     data = load_mc_home_file (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_HINT, NULL, &len);
NULL             1672 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (data == NULL)
NULL             1673 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         return NULL;
NULL             1730 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (WIDGET (the_hint)->owner == NULL)
NULL             1735 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         label_set_text (the_hint, NULL);
NULL             1741 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     if (hint != NULL)
NULL             1809 src/filemanager/filemanager.c                               midnight_callback, NULL, "[main]", NULL);
NULL             1833 src/filemanager/filemanager.c         if (mc_args__last_wd_file != NULL && vfs_current_is_local ())
NULL             1845 src/filemanager/filemanager.c     current_panel = NULL;
NULL               83 src/filemanager/filenot.c     q = vfs_path_append_new (vpath, "..", (char *) NULL);
NULL              127 src/filemanager/find.c static char **find_ignore_dirs = NULL;
NULL              151 src/filemanager/find.c static char *find_pattern = NULL;     // Pattern to search
NULL              152 src/filemanager/find.c static char *content_pattern = NULL;  // pattern to search inside files; if content_regexp_flag is
NULL              157 src/filemanager/find.c static char *old_dir = NULL;
NULL              187 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_ ("&Chdir"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
NULL              188 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_AGAIN, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Again"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
NULL              189 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("S&uspend"), 0, 0, NULL, start_stop },
NULL              190 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("Con&tinue"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
NULL              191 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Quit"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
NULL              193 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_PANELIZE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("Pane&lize"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
NULL              194 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&View - F3"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_view_file },
NULL              195 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Edit - F4"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_edit_file },
NULL              204 src/filemanager/find.c     TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL,
NULL              209 src/filemanager/find.c static mc_search_t *search_file_handle = NULL;
NULL              210 src/filemanager/find.c static mc_search_t *search_content_handle = NULL;
NULL              232 src/filemanager/find.c     if (!options.ignore_dirs_enable || ignore_dirs == NULL || ignore_dirs[0] == '\0')
NULL              239 src/filemanager/find.c     for (; find_ignore_dirs[r] != NULL; r++)
NULL              252 src/filemanager/find.c             find_ignore_dirs[r] = NULL;
NULL              262 src/filemanager/find.c     if (find_ignore_dirs[0] == NULL)
NULL              265 src/filemanager/find.c         find_ignore_dirs = NULL;
NULL              390 src/filemanager/find.c     if (location != NULL)
NULL              392 src/filemanager/find.c         if (dir != NULL)
NULL              394 src/filemanager/find.c         if (start != NULL)
NULL              396 src/filemanager/find.c         if (end != NULL)
NULL              401 src/filemanager/find.c         if (dir != NULL)
NULL              402 src/filemanager/find.c             *dir = NULL;
NULL              415 src/filemanager/find.c     search = mc_search_new (r, NULL);
NULL              417 src/filemanager/find.c     if (search != NULL)
NULL              489 src/filemanager/find.c         group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL              682 src/filemanager/find.c     if (in_start_dir == NULL)
NULL              686 src/filemanager/find.c                            find_parm_callback, NULL, "[Find File]", _ ("Find File"));
NULL              699 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget (g, button_new (y1++, cols - b0 - 3, B_TREE, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[0], NULL));
NULL              706 src/filemanager/find.c                            options.ignore_dirs != NULL ? options.ignore_dirs : "", "ignoredirs",
NULL              775 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget (g, button_new (y1, x1, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, buts[1], NULL));
NULL              776 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget (g, button_new (y1, x1 + b1 + 1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, buts[2], NULL));
NULL              802 src/filemanager/find.c         if (in_start_dir == NULL)
NULL              832 src/filemanager/find.c         *content = !input_is_empty (in_with) ? input_get_text (in_with) : NULL;
NULL              861 src/filemanager/find.c             *start_dir = mc_build_filename (vfs_path_as_str (panel->cwd_vpath), s, (char *) NULL);
NULL              868 src/filemanager/find.c             *ignore_dirs = NULL;
NULL              922 src/filemanager/find.c     static char *dirname = NULL;
NULL              928 src/filemanager/find.c     if (old_dir != NULL)
NULL              934 src/filemanager/find.c             dirname = add_to_list (dir, NULL);
NULL              940 src/filemanager/find.c         dirname = add_to_list (dir, NULL);
NULL             1018 src/filemanager/find.c     vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (directory, filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1049 src/filemanager/find.c         char *strbuf = NULL;  // buffer for fetched string
NULL             1194 src/filemanager/find.c     if (find_ignore_dirs != NULL)
NULL             1201 src/filemanager/find.c         for (ignore_dir = find_ignore_dirs; *ignore_dir != NULL; ignore_dir++)
NULL             1229 src/filemanager/find.c                 if (d != NULL && IS_PATH_SEP (d[-1]) && (d[ilen] == '\0' || IS_PATH_SEP (d[ilen])))
NULL             1268 src/filemanager/find.c     static struct vfs_dirent *dp = NULL;
NULL             1269 src/filemanager/find.c     static DIR *dirp = NULL;
NULL             1270 src/filemanager/find.c     static char *directory = NULL;
NULL             1276 src/filemanager/find.c     if (h == NULL)
NULL             1278 src/filemanager/find.c         if (dirp != NULL)
NULL             1281 src/filemanager/find.c             dirp = NULL;
NULL             1284 src/filemanager/find.c         dp = NULL;
NULL             1291 src/filemanager/find.c         while (dp == NULL)
NULL             1293 src/filemanager/find.c             if (dirp != NULL)
NULL             1296 src/filemanager/find.c                 dirp = NULL;
NULL             1299 src/filemanager/find.c             while (dirp == NULL)
NULL             1301 src/filemanager/find.c                 vfs_path_t *tmp_vpath = NULL;
NULL             1308 src/filemanager/find.c                     if (tmp_vpath == NULL)
NULL             1364 src/filemanager/find.c             while ((dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL && !str_is_valid_string (dp->d_name))
NULL             1371 src/filemanager/find.c             while ((dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL && !str_is_valid_string (dp->d_name))
NULL             1381 src/filemanager/find.c             if (options.find_recurs && (directory != NULL))
NULL             1391 src/filemanager/find.c                     tmp_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (directory, dp->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1409 src/filemanager/find.c                 if (content_pattern == NULL)
NULL             1417 src/filemanager/find.c         while ((dp = mc_readdir (dirp)) != NULL && !str_is_valid_string (dp->d_name))
NULL             1440 src/filemanager/find.c     find_ignore_dirs = NULL;
NULL             1449 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *filename = NULL;
NULL             1453 src/filemanager/find.c     if (content_pattern != NULL)
NULL             1464 src/filemanager/find.c     fullname_vpath = vfs_path_build_filename (dir, filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1478 src/filemanager/find.c     char *text = NULL;
NULL             1483 src/filemanager/find.c     if ((text == NULL) || (location == NULL) || (location->dir == NULL))
NULL             1524 src/filemanager/find.c     if (content_pattern != NULL)
NULL             1568 src/filemanager/find.c     dlg_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL             1585 src/filemanager/find.c         group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL             1692 src/filemanager/find.c                            find_callback, NULL, "[Find File]", NULL);
NULL             1698 src/filemanager/find.c     find_list = listbox_new (y, 2, lines - 10, cols - 4, FALSE, NULL);
NULL             1699 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, find_list, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL             1702 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL             1704 src/filemanager/find.c     found_num_label = label_new (y++, 4, NULL);
NULL             1705 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, found_num_label, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL             1708 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, status_label, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL             1710 src/filemanager/find.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL             1720 src/filemanager/find.c             group_add_widget_autopos (g, fbuts[i].button, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL             1737 src/filemanager/find.c     search_content_handle = mc_search_new (content_pattern, NULL);
NULL             1748 src/filemanager/find.c     search_file_handle = mc_search_new (find_pattern, NULL);
NULL             1762 src/filemanager/find.c     search_file_handle = NULL;
NULL             1764 src/filemanager/find.c     search_content_handle = NULL;
NULL             1787 src/filemanager/find.c     char *dir_tmp = NULL, *file_tmp = NULL;
NULL             1800 src/filemanager/find.c     get_list_info (&file_tmp, &dir_tmp, NULL, NULL);
NULL             1802 src/filemanager/find.c     if (dir_tmp != NULL)
NULL             1804 src/filemanager/find.c     if (file_tmp != NULL)
NULL             1807 src/filemanager/find.c     if (return_value == B_PANELIZE && *filename != NULL)
NULL             1812 src/filemanager/find.c         char *name = NULL;
NULL             1818 src/filemanager/find.c         for (entry = listbox_get_first_link (find_list); entry != NULL && ok;
NULL             1827 src/filemanager/find.c             if ((le->text == NULL) || (location == NULL) || (location->dir == NULL))
NULL             1835 src/filemanager/find.c             name = mc_build_filename (location->dir, lc_filename, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1871 src/filemanager/find.c     do_search (NULL);  // force do_search to release resources
NULL             1885 src/filemanager/find.c     char *start_dir = NULL, *ignore_dirs = NULL;
NULL             1888 src/filemanager/find.c     find_pattern = NULL;
NULL             1889 src/filemanager/find.c     content_pattern = NULL;
NULL             1894 src/filemanager/find.c         char *filename = NULL, *dirname = NULL;
NULL             1897 src/filemanager/find.c         content_is_empty = content_pattern == NULL;
NULL             1917 src/filemanager/find.c             if (dirname != NULL)
NULL             1925 src/filemanager/find.c                 if (filename != NULL)
NULL             1929 src/filemanager/find.c                     if (content_pattern == NULL)
NULL             1937 src/filemanager/find.c             else if (filename != NULL)
NULL             1957 src/filemanager/find.c             panel_set_current_by_name (panel, NULL);
NULL              202 src/filemanager/hotlist.c static struct hotlist *hotlist = NULL;
NULL              206 src/filemanager/hotlist.c static GString *tkn_buf = NULL;
NULL              238 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         char *ctext = NULL;
NULL              239 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         void *cdata = NULL;
NULL              242 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (cdata == NULL)
NULL              255 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     p = g_strconcat (" ", current_group->label, " ", (char *) NULL);
NULL              273 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     for (current = current_group->head; current != NULL; current = current->next)
NULL              280 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             lbl = g_strconcat ("->", current->label, (char *) NULL);
NULL              304 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         while (current != NULL && current->next != entry)
NULL              306 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (current != NULL)
NULL              309 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     entry->next = entry->up = NULL;
NULL              318 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, path, NULL, FALSE);
NULL              332 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         struct hotlist *item = NULL;
NULL              333 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         struct hotlist *moveto_item = NULL;
NULL              334 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         struct hotlist *moveto_group = NULL;
NULL              340 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         listbox_get_current (l_hotlist, NULL, (void **) &item);
NULL              345 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         listbox_get_current (l_movelist, NULL, (void **) &moveto_item);
NULL              357 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (moveto_group->head == NULL)
NULL              359 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         else if (moveto_item == NULL)
NULL              364 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             while (p->next != NULL)
NULL              370 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             if (moveto_item->next == NULL)
NULL              400 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         struct hotlist *entry = NULL;
NULL              402 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         listbox_get_current (l_hotlist, NULL, (void **) &entry);
NULL              427 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         listbox_get_current (list, NULL, &data);
NULL              429 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (data == NULL)
NULL              463 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, mc_config_get_home_dir (), NULL,
NULL              499 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (hotlist_button_callback (NULL, B_ENTER) != 0)
NULL              510 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         return hotlist_button_callback (NULL, B_ENTER_GROUP) == 0 ? MSG_HANDLED : MSG_NOT_HANDLED;
NULL              516 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         return hotlist_button_callback (NULL, B_UP_GROUP) == 0 ? MSG_HANDLED : MSG_NOT_HANDLED;
NULL              521 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         hotlist_button_callback (NULL, B_REMOVE);
NULL              529 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             void *ldata = NULL;
NULL              531 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             listbox_get_current (l_hotlist, NULL, &ldata);
NULL              533 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             if (ldata != NULL)
NULL              541 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                     tmp = g_strconcat ("cd ", hlp->directory, (char *) NULL);
NULL              611 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         return dlg_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              628 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         void *data = NULL;
NULL              630 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         listbox_get_current (list, NULL, &data);
NULL              632 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (data != NULL)
NULL              644 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                 hotlist_button_callback (NULL, B_ENTER);
NULL              645 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                 send_message (dlg, NULL, MSG_POST_KEY, '\n', NULL);
NULL              657 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     hotlist_button_callback (NULL, B_UP_GROUP);
NULL              658 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     send_message (dlg, NULL, MSG_POST_KEY, 'u', NULL);
NULL              777 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                               hotlist_callback, NULL, help_node, title);
NULL              783 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, hotlist_widget, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              792 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         listbox_add_item (l_hotlist, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, mc_config_get_home_dir (), NULL,
NULL              801 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, l_hotlist, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              806 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, path_box, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM | WPOS_KEEP_HORZ, NULL);
NULL              808 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     pname = label_new (y + 1, UX + 2, NULL);
NULL              809 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, pname, WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM | WPOS_KEEP_LEFT, NULL);
NULL              812 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL              820 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                                       hotlist_but[i].pos_flags, NULL);
NULL              845 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                                hotlist_callback, NULL, "[Hotlist]", hdr);
NULL              853 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, movelist_widget, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              859 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, l_movelist, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              863 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, hline_new (y++, -1, -1), WPOS_KEEP_BOTTOM, NULL);
NULL              871 src/filemanager/hotlist.c                                       hotlist_but[i].pos_flags, NULL);
NULL              886 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     l_hotlist = NULL;
NULL              898 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     return g_strconcat (grp->directory, ".Group", (char *) NULL);
NULL              907 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     struct hotlist *current = NULL;
NULL              913 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (current_group == NULL)
NULL              916 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     listbox_get_current (l_hotlist, NULL, (void **) &current);
NULL              919 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if ((current != NULL) && (current->type == HL_TYPE_DOTDOT))
NULL              936 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (current_group->head == NULL)
NULL              966 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         while (p->next != NULL)
NULL              978 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             lbl = g_strconcat ("->", new->label, (char *) NULL);
NULL              997 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (text1, input_label_above, def_text, "input-lbl", r1, NULL, FALSE,
NULL             1000 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (text2, input_label_above, def_text, "input-lbl", r2, NULL, FALSE,
NULL             1003 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Append"), B_APPEND, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1004 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Insert"), B_INSERT, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1005 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1017 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             1018 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1030 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     char *title = NULL;
NULL             1031 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     char *url = NULL;
NULL             1040 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (ret == B_CANCEL || title == NULL || *title == '\0' || url == NULL || *url == '\0')
NULL             1062 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (label, input_label_above, "", "input", result, NULL,
NULL             1065 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Append"), B_APPEND, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1066 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Insert"), B_INSERT, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1067 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
NULL             1079 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             1080 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             1099 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (ret == 0 || label == NULL || *label == '\0')
NULL             1117 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     while (current != NULL)
NULL             1137 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1163 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (head != NULL && (head->type != HL_TYPE_DOTDOT || head->next != NULL))
NULL             1200 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     keys = mc_config_get_keys (mc_global.main_config, group_section, NULL);
NULL             1204 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     for (profile_keys = keys; *profile_keys != NULL; profile_keys++)
NULL             1210 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     keys = mc_config_get_keys (mc_global.main_config, grp->directory, NULL);
NULL             1212 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     for (profile_keys = keys; *profile_keys != NULL; profile_keys++)
NULL             1243 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (tkn_buf == NULL)
NULL             1422 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     grp_section = g_strconcat (section, ".Group", (char *) NULL);
NULL             1430 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         keys = mc_config_get_keys (mc_global.main_config, grp_section, NULL);
NULL             1432 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         for (profile_keys = keys; *profile_keys != NULL; profile_keys++)
NULL             1458 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (hotlist_file_name == NULL)
NULL             1471 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (hotlist_file == NULL)
NULL             1500 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL             1506 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL             1531 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     for (current = grp->head; current != NULL; current = current->next)
NULL             1614 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (label == NULL || *label == '\0')
NULL             1631 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     char *target = NULL;
NULL             1652 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         char *text = NULL;
NULL             1653 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         struct hotlist *hlp = NULL;
NULL             1656 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         target = g_strdup (hlp != NULL ? hlp->directory : text);
NULL             1671 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (!hotlist_state.readonly && hotlist_state.modified && hotlist_file_name != NULL)
NULL             1676 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         if (hotlist_file == NULL)
NULL             1701 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (hotlist != NULL)
NULL             1712 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     l_hotlist = NULL;
NULL             1713 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     current_group = NULL;
NULL             1715 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     if (tkn_buf != NULL)
NULL             1718 src/filemanager/hotlist.c         tkn_buf = NULL;
NULL              135 src/filemanager/info.c     if (p_rp_cwd == NULL)
NULL              141 src/filemanager/info.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              373 src/filemanager/info.c     widget_init (w, r, info_callback, NULL);
NULL              150 src/filemanager/layout.c     { view_listing, NULL, NULL },
NULL              151 src/filemanager/layout.c     { view_listing, NULL, NULL },
NULL              170 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Equal split"), &equal_split, NULL },
NULL              171 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Menubar visible"), &menubar_visible, NULL },
NULL              172 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("Command &prompt"), &command_prompt, NULL },
NULL              173 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Keybar visible"), &mc_global.keybar_visible, NULL },
NULL              174 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("H&intbar visible"), &mc_global.message_visible, NULL },
NULL              175 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&XTerm window title"), &xterm_title, NULL },
NULL              176 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Show free space"), &free_space, NULL },
NULL              179 src/filemanager/layout.c static const char *output_lines_label = NULL;
NULL              319 src/filemanager/layout.c         frame_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL              554 src/filemanager/layout.c                              layout_callback, NULL, "[Layout]", _ ("Layout"));
NULL              728 src/filemanager/layout.c             if (check_options[i].widget != NULL)
NULL              752 src/filemanager/layout.c     if (widget->owner == NULL)
NULL              985 src/filemanager/layout.c         if (subshell_prompt != NULL)
NULL             1115 src/filemanager/layout.c     Widget *new_widget = NULL, *old_widget = NULL;
NULL             1133 src/filemanager/layout.c     if (panels[num].widget != NULL)
NULL             1162 src/filemanager/layout.c     if (old_widget == NULL && type != view_listing)
NULL             1172 src/filemanager/layout.c         last_was_panel = old_widget != NULL && get_panel_type (num) != view_listing;
NULL             1192 src/filemanager/layout.c         if (the_other_panel != NULL)
NULL             1197 src/filemanager/layout.c             if (fe != NULL)
NULL             1219 src/filemanager/layout.c     if (old_widget != NULL)
NULL             1236 src/filemanager/layout.c         if (old_widget != NULL)
NULL             1238 src/filemanager/layout.c             ev_history_load_save_t event_data = { NULL, new_widget };
NULL             1445 src/filemanager/layout.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL             1493 src/filemanager/layout.c     if (top_dlg != NULL && DIALOG (top_dlg->data) == filemanager && command_prompt)
NULL             1532 src/filemanager/layout.c     struct passwd *pw = NULL;
NULL             1545 src/filemanager/layout.c     if (pw != NULL)
NULL              131 src/filemanager/listmode.c     char *ret = NULL;
NULL              135 src/filemanager/listmode.c     possible_items = panel_get_user_possible_fields (NULL);
NULL              140 src/filemanager/listmode.c         listbox_add_item (mylistbox->list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, possible_items[i], NULL,
NULL              176 src/filemanager/listmode.c         listbox_add_item (l_listmode, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, s, NULL, FALSE);
NULL              205 src/filemanager/listmode.c         { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, BY, BX + 53, "&Cancel", NULL },
NULL              208 src/filemanager/listmode.c         { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, BY, BX, "&OK", NULL },
NULL              215 src/filemanager/listmode.c     listmode_dlg = dlg_create (TRUE, 0, 0, 22, 74, WPOS_CENTER, FALSE, dialog_colors, NULL, NULL,
NULL              243 src/filemanager/listmode.c     l_listmode = listbox_new (UY + 5, UX + 1, 9, 16, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              267 src/filemanager/listmode.c         listbox_add_item (l_listmode, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, 0, s, NULL, FALSE);
NULL              268 src/filemanager/listmode.c         s = strtok (NULL, ",");
NULL              312 src/filemanager/listmode.c     last = NULL;
NULL              319 src/filemanager/listmode.c         if (last != NULL)
NULL              335 src/filemanager/listmode.c     char *newformat = NULL;
NULL              256 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         (strchr (Fs_name, ':') != NULL                                                             \
NULL              332 src/filemanager/mountlist.c static GSList *mc_mount_list = NULL;
NULL              366 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     if (me == NULL)
NULL              601 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     GSList *mount_list = NULL;
NULL              617 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         if (fp != NULL)
NULL              619 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             char *line = NULL;
NULL              645 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 if (dash == NULL)
NULL              705 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             if (fp == NULL)
NULL              706 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 return NULL;
NULL              708 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             while ((mnt = getmntent (fp)) != NULL)
NULL              712 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 bind = hasmntopt (mnt, "bind") != NULL;
NULL              717 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL              740 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL              748 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL              767 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL              773 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL              812 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         rootdir_list = NULL;
NULL              819 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             while ((d = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
NULL              830 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                     name = g_strconcat (PATH_SEP_STR, d->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              848 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         *rootdir_tail = NULL;
NULL              863 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 me->me_mountdir = g_strdup (re != NULL ? re->name : fi.fsh_name);
NULL              864 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL              874 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         while (rootdir_list != NULL)
NULL              891 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         numsys = getfsstat (NULL, 0L, MNT_NOWAIT);
NULL              893 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL              907 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL              915 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL              936 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         if (fp == NULL)
NULL              937 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL              944 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL              991 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         if (fp == NULL)
NULL             1000 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL             1053 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                     return NULL;
NULL             1057 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL             1062 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         if (fp == NULL)
NULL             1071 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL             1108 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL             1119 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             return NULL;
NULL             1136 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 me->me_devname = g_strconcat (host, ":", dir, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1144 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL             1174 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             if (readdir_r (dirp, &entry, &result) || result == NULL)
NULL             1185 src/filemanager/mountlist.c                 me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL             1209 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         return NULL;
NULL             1231 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     struct mount_entry *me = NULL;
NULL             1232 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     static GSList *list = NULL;
NULL             1234 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     if (list != NULL)
NULL             1250 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         return (NULL);
NULL             1254 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         return (NULL);
NULL             1261 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         return (NULL);
NULL             1291 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         return (NULL);
NULL             1294 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         return (NULL);
NULL             1298 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     me->me_mntroot = NULL;
NULL             1477 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     struct mount_entry *entry = NULL;
NULL             1481 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     for (temp = mc_mount_list; temp != NULL; temp = g_slist_next (temp))
NULL             1489 src/filemanager/mountlist.c             && (entry == NULL || IS_PATH_SEP (path[i]) || path[i] == '\0'))
NULL             1496 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     if (entry != NULL)
NULL             1499 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         get_fs_usage (entry->me_mountdir, NULL, &fs_use);
NULL             1526 src/filemanager/mountlist.c     if (entry != NULL)
NULL             1528 src/filemanager/mountlist.c         get_fs_usage (entry->me_mountdir, NULL, &fs_use);
NULL               86 src/filemanager/panel.c hook_t *select_file_hook = NULL;
NULL               88 src/filemanager/panel.c mc_fhl_t *mc_filehighlight = NULL;
NULL              193 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "type", 1, FALSE, J_LEFT, "", "", FALSE, TRUE, string_file_type, NULL },
NULL              208 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "perm", 10, FALSE, J_LEFT, "", N_ ("Permission"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_permission, NULL },
NULL              209 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "mode", 6, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("Perm"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_perm_octal, NULL },
NULL              210 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "nlink", 2, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("Nl"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_nlinks, NULL },
NULL              215 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "nuid", 5, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("UID"), FALSE, FALSE, string_file_nuid, NULL },
NULL              216 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "ngid", 5, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("GID"), FALSE, FALSE, string_file_ngid, NULL },
NULL              217 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "owner", 8, FALSE, J_LEFT_FIT, "", N_ ("Owner"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_owner, NULL },
NULL              218 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "group", 8, FALSE, J_LEFT_FIT, "", N_ ("Group"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_group, NULL },
NULL              219 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "mark", 1, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", " ", FALSE, TRUE, string_marked, NULL },
NULL              220 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "|", 1, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", " ", FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL },
NULL              221 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "space", 1, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", " ", FALSE, TRUE, string_space, NULL },
NULL              222 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "dot", 1, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", " ", FALSE, FALSE, string_dot, NULL },
NULL              223 src/filemanager/panel.c     { NULL, 0, FALSE, J_RIGHT, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL },
NULL              226 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_sort_up_char = NULL;
NULL              227 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_sort_down_char = NULL;
NULL              231 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_hiddenfiles_show_char = NULL;
NULL              232 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_hiddenfiles_hide_char = NULL;
NULL              233 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_history_prev_item_char = NULL;
NULL              234 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_history_next_item_char = NULL;
NULL              235 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_history_show_list_char = NULL;
NULL              236 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_filename_scroll_left_char = NULL;
NULL              237 src/filemanager/panel.c static char *panel_filename_scroll_right_char = NULL;
NULL              240 src/filemanager/panel.c static WPanel *mouse_mark_panel = NULL;
NULL              267 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (p != NULL)
NULL              694 src/filemanager/panel.c     file_entry_t *fe = NULL;
NULL              707 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (format = home; format != NULL && length != width; format = g_slist_next (format))
NULL              711 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fi->string_fn != NULL)
NULL              718 src/filemanager/panel.c             if (fe != NULL)
NULL              769 src/filemanager/panel.c             if (perm != 0 && fe != NULL)
NULL              920 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              929 src/filemanager/panel.c         lc_link_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, fe->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1058 src/filemanager/panel.c     static char *old_cwd = NULL;
NULL             1064 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (old_cwd == NULL || strcmp (old_cwd, vfs_path_as_str (panel->cwd_vpath)) != 0)
NULL             1072 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (mc_realpath (old_cwd, rpath) == NULL)
NULL             1131 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (archive_name != NULL)
NULL             1163 src/filemanager/panel.c     char *ret_str = NULL;
NULL             1167 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (path_element->encoding != NULL)
NULL             1217 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (tmp != NULL)
NULL             1242 src/filemanager/panel.c             if (fe != NULL && S_ISREG (fe->st.st_mode))
NULL             1325 src/filemanager/panel.c     return g_strconcat ("Temporal:", panel->name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1353 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (ev->receiver == NULL || ev->receiver == WIDGET (p))
NULL             1355 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (ev->cfg != NULL)
NULL             1378 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (p->dir_history.list != NULL)
NULL             1407 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (p->dir_history.list != NULL)
NULL             1468 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (title == NULL || title[0] == '\0')
NULL             1477 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (hkey != NULL && hkey[1] != '\0')
NULL             1506 src/filemanager/panel.c         for (format = panel->format; format != NULL; format = g_slist_next (format))
NULL             1510 src/filemanager/panel.c             if (fi->string_fn != NULL)
NULL             1521 src/filemanager/panel.c                 if (panel->filter.handler != NULL && strcmp (fi->id, "name") == 0)
NULL             1619 src/filemanager/panel.c     GSList *home = NULL;  // The formats we return
NULL             1625 src/filemanager/panel.c     *error = NULL;
NULL             1631 src/filemanager/panel.c         for (i = 0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i++)
NULL             1675 src/filemanager/panel.c         for (i = 0; !found && panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i++)
NULL             1738 src/filemanager/panel.c                 g_strconcat (_ ("Unknown tag on display format:"), " ", tmp_format, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1741 src/filemanager/panel.c             return NULL;
NULL             1762 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (format == NULL)
NULL             1767 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (*error != NULL)
NULL             1768 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             1782 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (darr = home; darr != NULL && expand_top < MAX_EXPAND; darr = g_slist_next (darr))
NULL             1803 src/filemanager/panel.c             for (darr = home; darr != NULL; darr = g_slist_next (darr))
NULL             1826 src/filemanager/panel.c         for (i = 0, darr = home; darr != NULL && i < expand_top; darr = g_slist_next (darr))
NULL             1937 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe != NULL && (S_ISDIR (fe->st.st_mode) || link_isdir (fe)))
NULL             1975 src/filemanager/panel.c                   fe != NULL && fe->f.marked != 0 ? FATTR_MARKED : FATTR_NORMAL);
NULL             1991 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL             1998 src/filemanager/panel.c         reg_exp = g_strconcat ("^.*\\.", cur_file_ext, "$", (char *) NULL);
NULL             2004 src/filemanager/panel.c     search = mc_search_new (reg_exp, NULL);
NULL             2015 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (!mc_search_run (search, fe->fname->str, 0, fe->fname->len, NULL))
NULL             2237 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe == NULL)
NULL             2249 src/filemanager/panel.c                                         fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2307 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fe != NULL && (S_ISDIR (fe->st.st_mode) || link_isdir (fe)))
NULL             2433 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL             2480 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe == NULL)
NULL             2508 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe == NULL)
NULL             2539 src/filemanager/panel.c         QUICK_INPUT (INPUT_LAST_TEXT, history_name, &reg_exp, NULL,
NULL             2542 src/filemanager/panel.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Files only"), &files_only, NULL),
NULL             2543 src/filemanager/panel.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Using shell patterns"), &shell_patterns, NULL),
NULL             2545 src/filemanager/panel.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Case sensitive"), &case_sens, NULL),
NULL             2558 src/filemanager/panel.c         .callback = NULL,
NULL             2559 src/filemanager/panel.c         .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL             2563 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             2568 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (str != NULL)
NULL             2569 src/filemanager/panel.c             *str = NULL;
NULL             2573 src/filemanager/panel.c     search = mc_search_new (reg_exp, NULL);
NULL             2578 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (str != NULL)
NULL             2613 src/filemanager/panel.c                                                  help_section, NULL);
NULL             2614 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (search == NULL || search == SELECT_RESET || search == SELECT_ERROR)
NULL             2627 src/filemanager/panel.c                            NULL))
NULL             2674 src/filemanager/panel.c         .value = NULL,
NULL             2675 src/filemanager/panel.c         .handler = NULL,
NULL             2682 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (ff.handler == NULL || ff.handler == SELECT_ERROR)
NULL             2686 src/filemanager/panel.c         ff.handler = NULL;
NULL             2745 src/filemanager/panel.c     search = mc_search_new (esc_str, NULL);
NULL             2774 src/filemanager/panel.c                            NULL))
NULL             2875 src/filemanager/panel.c     full_name_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, fname, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2884 src/filemanager/panel.c     full_name_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, fname, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2901 src/filemanager/panel.c         tmp_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (vfs_get_raw_current_dir (), fname, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2902 src/filemanager/panel.c         ret = mc_setctl (tmp_vpath, VFS_SETCTL_RUN, NULL);
NULL             2909 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fname_quoted != NULL)
NULL             2913 src/filemanager/panel.c         cmd = g_strconcat ("." PATH_SEP_STR, fname_quoted, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2936 src/filemanager/panel.c     return (fe == NULL ? FALSE : do_enter_on_file_entry (panel, fe));
NULL             2957 src/filemanager/panel.c     char *curr_entry = NULL;
NULL             2961 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             2968 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, entry->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL             2971 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, "..", (char *) NULL);
NULL             2979 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (curr_entry != NULL)
NULL             3008 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe != NULL)
NULL             3032 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fe == NULL || !S_ISLNK (fe->st.st_mode))
NULL             3051 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (p != NULL && p[1] == '\0')
NULL             3056 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (p == NULL)
NULL             3064 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, buffer, (char *) NULL);
NULL             3086 src/filemanager/panel.c          format != NULL && strcmp (((format_item_t *) format->data)->title, name) != 0;
NULL             3090 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (format == NULL)
NULL             3105 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (format == NULL)
NULL             3106 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             3109 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (pfield == NULL)
NULL             3110 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             3111 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (pfield->sort_routine == NULL)
NULL             3112 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             3123 src/filemanager/panel.c     const panel_field_t *pfield = NULL;
NULL             3132 src/filemanager/panel.c              i != 0 && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format (panel, i - 1)) == NULL; i--)
NULL             3136 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (pfield == NULL)
NULL             3140 src/filemanager/panel.c              i != 0 && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format (panel, i - 1)) == NULL; i--)
NULL             3144 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (pfield != NULL)
NULL             3157 src/filemanager/panel.c     const panel_field_t *pfield = NULL;
NULL             3169 src/filemanager/panel.c              && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format (panel, i)) == NULL;
NULL             3174 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (pfield == NULL)
NULL             3178 src/filemanager/panel.c              && (pfield = panel_get_sortable_field_by_format (panel, i)) == NULL;
NULL             3183 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (pfield != NULL)
NULL             3198 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (sort_order != NULL)
NULL             3261 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (sort_order == NULL)
NULL             3288 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             3294 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL             3302 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (p != NULL && strncmp (cwd, lwd, (size_t) (p - lwd)) == 0
NULL             3306 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             3394 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (next != NULL)
NULL             3421 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (prev != NULL)
NULL             3451 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (hd.text != NULL)
NULL             3479 src/filemanager/panel.c             if (prev == NULL)
NULL             3728 src/filemanager/panel.c         mc_event_add (h->event_group, MCEVENT_HISTORY_LOAD, panel_load_history, w, NULL);
NULL             3730 src/filemanager/panel.c         mc_event_add (h->event_group, MCEVENT_HISTORY_SAVE, panel_save_history, w, NULL);
NULL             3810 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fe != NULL)
NULL             3828 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe != NULL)
NULL             3877 src/filemanager/panel.c     const char *lc_sort_name = NULL;
NULL             3878 src/filemanager/panel.c     panel_field_t *col_sort_format = NULL;
NULL             3891 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (format = panel->format; format != NULL; format = g_slist_next (format))
NULL             3904 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (lc_sort_name == NULL)
NULL             3907 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (i = 0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i++)
NULL             3912 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (panel_fields[i].sort_routine != NULL && strcmp (title, lc_sort_name) == 0)
NULL             3919 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (col_sort_format != NULL)
NULL             3987 src/filemanager/panel.c                 send_message (filemanager, NULL, MSG_ACTION, CK_ShowHidden, NULL);
NULL             4130 src/filemanager/panel.c     char *my_current_file = NULL;
NULL             4135 src/filemanager/panel.c         mc_setctl (panel->cwd_vpath, VFS_SETCTL_FLUSH, NULL);
NULL             4147 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe != NULL)
NULL             4214 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe != NULL)
NULL             4222 src/filemanager/panel.c         char *flist = NULL;
NULL             4240 src/filemanager/panel.c                     tmp = g_strconcat (flist, "\n", fe->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL             4269 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (panel_cwd_path != NULL && IS_PATH_SEP (panel_cwd_path[0]) && panel_cwd_path[1] == '\0')
NULL             4272 src/filemanager/panel.c             return NULL;
NULL             4278 src/filemanager/panel.c             vfs_path_build_filename (PATH_SEP_STR, vfs_path_as_str (tmp_vpath), (char *) NULL);
NULL             4325 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             4329 src/filemanager/panel.c     return fe->fname == NULL ? NULL : fe;
NULL             4346 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (name == NULL)
NULL             4486 src/filemanager/panel.c     panel-> = g_strconcat ("Dir Hist ", panel->name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             4489 src/filemanager/panel.c     section = g_strconcat ("Temporal:", panel->name, (char *) NULL);
NULL             4498 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (panel->filter.value != NULL)
NULL             4503 src/filemanager/panel.c         panel->filter.handler = mc_search_new (panel->filter.value, NULL);
NULL             4536 src/filemanager/panel.c     char *curdir = NULL;
NULL             4543 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (vpath != NULL)
NULL             4558 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (path_element->encoding != NULL)
NULL             4581 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (curdir != NULL)
NULL             4612 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (cwd_vpath == NULL)
NULL             4647 src/filemanager/panel.c     char *err = NULL;
NULL             4652 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (err != NULL)
NULL             4667 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (err != NULL)
NULL             4705 src/filemanager/panel.c     panel->filter.handler = NULL;
NULL             4708 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (filter != NULL)
NULL             4858 src/filemanager/panel.c     return (*current_file >= panel->dir.len ? NULL : panel->dir.list[*current_file].fname);
NULL             4883 src/filemanager/panel.c     return (fe == NULL ? NULL : fe->fname);
NULL             4895 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (panel == NULL)
NULL             4899 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL             4925 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (sort_order == NULL)
NULL             4934 src/filemanager/panel.c         char *current_file = NULL;
NULL             4937 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (fe != NULL)
NULL             4958 src/filemanager/panel.c     const char *encoding = NULL;
NULL             4983 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (errmsg != NULL)
NULL             4991 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (encoding != NULL)
NULL             5024 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (path_element->encoding == NULL)
NULL             5098 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (lc_index = 0; panel_fields[lc_index].id != NULL; lc_index++)
NULL             5115 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (ret == NULL)
NULL             5116 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             5118 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (array_size != NULL)
NULL             5123 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (i = 0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i++)
NULL             5137 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (lc_index = 0; panel_fields[lc_index].id != NULL; lc_index++)
NULL             5138 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (panel_fields[lc_index].id != NULL && strcmp (name, panel_fields[lc_index].id) == 0)
NULL             5141 src/filemanager/panel.c     return NULL;
NULL             5151 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (lc_index = 0; panel_fields[lc_index].id != NULL; lc_index++)
NULL             5152 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (panel_fields[lc_index].title_hotkey != NULL
NULL             5156 src/filemanager/panel.c     return NULL;
NULL             5166 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (lc_index = 0; panel_fields[lc_index].id != NULL; lc_index++)
NULL             5175 src/filemanager/panel.c     return NULL;
NULL             5185 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (lc_index = 0; panel_fields[lc_index].id != NULL; lc_index++)
NULL             5203 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (ret == NULL)
NULL             5204 src/filemanager/panel.c         return NULL;
NULL             5206 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (array_size != NULL)
NULL             5211 src/filemanager/panel.c     for (i = 0; panel_fields[i].id != NULL; i++)
NULL             5237 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (panel->panelized_descr == NULL)
NULL             5243 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (pdescr->root_vpath == NULL)
NULL             5265 src/filemanager/panel.c                 vfs_path_append_new (pdescr->root_vpath, plist->list[i].fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL             5280 src/filemanager/panel.c     panel_set_current_by_name (panel, NULL);
NULL             5293 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (panel->panelized_descr == NULL)
NULL             5393 src/filemanager/panel.c     mc_event_add (MCEVENT_GROUP_FILEMANAGER, "update_panels", event_update_panels, NULL, NULL);
NULL             5395 src/filemanager/panel.c                   panel_save_current_file_to_clip_file, NULL, NULL);
NULL             5440 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (path_element->encoding != NULL)
NULL              258 src/filemanager/panel.h     return panel_with_dir_new (panel_name, NULL);
NULL              274 src/filemanager/panel.h     return panel_sized_with_dir_new (panel_name, r, NULL);
NULL               78 src/filemanager/panelize.c static GSList *panelize = NULL;
NULL              126 src/filemanager/panelize.c         panelize_entry_t *data = NULL;
NULL              129 src/filemanager/panelize.c         listbox_get_current (l_panelize, NULL, (void **) &data);
NULL              144 src/filemanager/panelize.c         group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL              201 src/filemanager/panelize.c                     panelize_callback, NULL, "[External panelize]", _ ("External panelize"));
NULL              208 src/filemanager/panelize.c     l_panelize = listbox_new (y, UX + 1, 10, panelize_cols - UX * 2 - 2, FALSE, NULL);
NULL              209 src/filemanager/panelize.c     g_slist_foreach (panelize, panelize_entry_add_to_listbox, NULL);
NULL              229 src/filemanager/panelize.c                         NULL);
NULL              255 src/filemanager/panelize.c     if (entry != NULL)
NULL              275 src/filemanager/panelize.c         if (label == NULL || *label == '\0')
NULL              301 src/filemanager/panelize.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              302 src/filemanager/panelize.c     GString *remain_file_name = NULL;
NULL              305 src/filemanager/panelize.c     if (external == NULL)
NULL              331 src/filemanager/panelize.c         if (error != NULL)
NULL              357 src/filemanager/panelize.c         while (ok && (line = mc_pstream_get_string (&external->out)) != NULL)
NULL              372 src/filemanager/panelize.c                 if (remain_file_name != NULL)
NULL              377 src/filemanager/panelize.c                     remain_file_name = NULL;
NULL              384 src/filemanager/panelize.c                 if (remain_file_name == NULL)
NULL              417 src/filemanager/panelize.c     if (remain_file_name != NULL)
NULL              420 src/filemanager/panelize.c     mc_pclose (external, NULL);
NULL              425 src/filemanager/panelize.c     panel_set_current_by_name (current_panel, NULL);
NULL              461 src/filemanager/panelize.c         listbox_get_current (l_panelize, NULL, (void **) &entry);
NULL              494 src/filemanager/panelize.c     keys = mc_config_get_keys (mc_global.main_config, panelize_section, NULL);
NULL              498 src/filemanager/panelize.c     if (*keys == NULL)
NULL              516 src/filemanager/panelize.c         for (profile_keys = keys; *profile_keys != NULL; profile_keys++)
NULL              549 src/filemanager/panelize.c     for (l = panelize; l != NULL; l = g_slist_next (l))
NULL              565 src/filemanager/panelize.c     panelize = NULL;
NULL               76 src/filemanager/tree.c WTree *the_tree = NULL;
NULL              123 src/filemanager/tree.c     for (i = 0; ptr != NULL && ptr->prev != NULL && i < *count; ptr = ptr->prev, i++)
NULL              137 src/filemanager/tree.c     for (i = 0; ptr != NULL && ptr->next != NULL && i < *count; ptr = ptr->next, i++)
NULL              153 src/filemanager/tree.c         if (tree->selected_ptr->next != NULL)
NULL              201 src/filemanager/tree.c     tree->selected_ptr = NULL;
NULL              289 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->store->tree_first != NULL)
NULL              292 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr == NULL)
NULL              306 src/filemanager/tree.c         while (current->prev != NULL && i < tree->topdiff)
NULL              346 src/filemanager/tree.c         if (current == NULL)
NULL              387 src/filemanager/tree.c             if (current->next == NULL || (current->next->submask & (1 << current->sublevel)) == 0)
NULL              403 src/filemanager/tree.c             for (; current != NULL; current = current->next)
NULL              458 src/filemanager/tree.c         while (j < i && current->prev != NULL
NULL              488 src/filemanager/tree.c         while (j < i && current->next != NULL
NULL              513 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr == NULL)
NULL              519 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (current != NULL && current->sublevel > tree->selected_ptr->sublevel)
NULL              531 src/filemanager/tree.c         if (current != NULL && current->sublevel > tree->selected_ptr->sublevel)
NULL              548 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr == NULL)
NULL              554 src/filemanager/tree.c          current != NULL && current->sublevel >= tree->selected_ptr->sublevel;
NULL              558 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (current == NULL)
NULL              640 src/filemanager/tree.c             if (current == NULL)
NULL              681 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (old_vpath == NULL)
NULL              684 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr != NULL && mc_chdir (tree->selected_ptr->name) == 0)
NULL              702 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr != NULL)
NULL              714 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr == NULL)
NULL              722 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (dest != NULL && *dest != '\0')
NULL              730 src/filemanager/tree.c                       NULL);
NULL              745 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr == NULL)
NULL              753 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (dest != NULL && *dest != '\0')
NULL              764 src/filemanager/tree.c             file_error (NULL, TRUE, _ ("Destination \"%s\" must be a directory\n%s"), dest);
NULL              789 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr == NULL || chdir (tree->selected_ptr->name) != 0)
NULL              807 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (tree->selected_ptr == NULL)
NULL              979 src/filemanager/tree.c     ev_help_t event_data = { NULL, "[Directory Tree]" };
NULL             1248 src/filemanager/tree.c             if (tree->tree_shown[y] != NULL)
NULL             1287 src/filemanager/tree.c     tree->selected_ptr = NULL;
NULL             1291 src/filemanager/tree.c     tree->tree_shown = NULL;
NULL             1308 src/filemanager/tree.c     if (current != NULL)
NULL              216 src/filemanager/treestore.c     g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, 0);
NULL              223 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (file != NULL
NULL              224 src/filemanager/treestore.c         && (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), file) == NULL
NULL              228 src/filemanager/treestore.c         file = NULL;
NULL              231 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (file != NULL)
NULL              260 src/filemanager/treestore.c                 if (s != NULL)
NULL              266 src/filemanager/treestore.c                     different = strtok (NULL, "");
NULL              267 src/filemanager/treestore.c                     if (different != NULL)
NULL              338 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (file == NULL)
NULL              343 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (current = ts.tree_first; current != NULL; current = current->next)
NULL              349 src/filemanager/treestore.c             if (current->prev != NULL
NULL              388 src/filemanager/treestore.c     tree_entry *old = NULL;
NULL              392 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (ts.tree_last != NULL && ts.tree_last->next != NULL)
NULL              396 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (current = ts.tree_first; current != NULL && (flag = pathcmp (current->name, name)) < 0;
NULL              405 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (current == NULL)
NULL              408 src/filemanager/treestore.c         if (ts.tree_first == NULL)
NULL              412 src/filemanager/treestore.c             new->prev = NULL;
NULL              416 src/filemanager/treestore.c             if (old != NULL)
NULL              420 src/filemanager/treestore.c         new->next = NULL;
NULL              427 src/filemanager/treestore.c         if (old != NULL)
NULL              451 src/filemanager/treestore.c         if (new->subname == NULL)
NULL              457 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (new->next != NULL)
NULL              466 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (current = new->prev; current != NULL && current->sublevel > new->sublevel;
NULL              481 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (p = remove_entry_hooks; p != NULL; p = p->next)
NULL              496 src/filemanager/treestore.c     tree_entry *ret = NULL;
NULL              501 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (entry->next != NULL)
NULL              504 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (; current != NULL && current->sublevel > entry->sublevel; current = current->prev)
NULL              512 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (entry->prev != NULL)
NULL              517 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (entry->next != NULL)
NULL              538 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (cfg == NULL)
NULL              541 src/filemanager/treestore.c     start_buff = mc_config_get_string_list (cfg, "Special dirs", "list", NULL);
NULL              542 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (start_buff != NULL)
NULL              546 src/filemanager/treestore.c         for (buffers = start_buff; *buffers != NULL; buffers++)
NULL              549 src/filemanager/treestore.c             *buffers = NULL;
NULL              562 src/filemanager/treestore.c     static GList *special_dirs = NULL;
NULL              578 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (l = special_dirs; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
NULL              607 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (current = ts.tree_first; current != NULL && (flag = pathcmp (current->name, name)) < 0;
NULL              611 src/filemanager/treestore.c     return flag == 0 ? current : NULL;
NULL              692 src/filemanager/treestore.c     g_return_if_fail (name_vpath != NULL);
NULL              707 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (base == NULL)
NULL              712 src/filemanager/treestore.c     while (current != NULL && vfs_path_equal_len (current->name, base->name, len))
NULL              745 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (ts.check_name == NULL)
NULL              754 src/filemanager/treestore.c         name = vfs_path_build_filename (PATH_SEP_STR, subname, (char *) NULL);
NULL              756 src/filemanager/treestore.c         name = vfs_path_append_new (ts.check_name, subname, (char *) NULL);
NULL              759 src/filemanager/treestore.c     for (current = ts.check_start; current != NULL && (flag = pathcmp (current->name, name)) < 0;
NULL              774 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (base != NULL)
NULL              781 src/filemanager/treestore.c              current != NULL && vfs_path_equal_len (current->name, base->name, len);
NULL              806 src/filemanager/treestore.c         return NULL;
NULL              808 src/filemanager/treestore.c     g_return_val_if_fail (ts.check_name == NULL, NULL);
NULL              809 src/filemanager/treestore.c     ts.check_start = NULL;
NULL              813 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (current == NULL)
NULL              818 src/filemanager/treestore.c             return NULL;
NULL              835 src/filemanager/treestore.c          current != NULL && vfs_path_equal_len (current->name, ts.check_name, len);
NULL              865 src/filemanager/treestore.c     g_return_if_fail (ts.check_name != NULL);
NULL              871 src/filemanager/treestore.c     while (current != NULL && vfs_path_equal_len (current->name, ts.check_name, len))
NULL              890 src/filemanager/treestore.c     ts.add_queue_vpath = NULL;
NULL              892 src/filemanager/treestore.c     ts.check_name = NULL;
NULL              914 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL              915 src/filemanager/treestore.c         return NULL;
NULL              918 src/filemanager/treestore.c     if (dirp != NULL)
NULL              922 src/filemanager/treestore.c         for (dp = mc_readdir (dirp); dp != NULL; dp = mc_readdir (dirp))
NULL              927 src/filemanager/treestore.c                 tmp_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (vpath, dp->d_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL               95 src/help.c     static char *fdata = NULL;             // Pointer to the loaded data file
NULL               99 src/help.c     static const char *last_shown = NULL;  // Last byte shown in a screen
NULL              113 src/help.c     static GSList *link_area = NULL;
NULL              126 src/help.c         const char *result = NULL;
NULL              166 src/help.c         if (start != NULL)
NULL              182 src/help.c         return NULL;
NULL              199 src/help.c         return NULL;
NULL              279 src/help.c         selected_item = NULL;
NULL              300 src/help.c         if (lc_selected_item == NULL)
NULL              317 src/help.c             if (p != NULL)
NULL              335 src/help.c         if (current_link == NULL)
NULL              336 src/help.c             return NULL;
NULL              339 src/help.c         if (p == NULL)
NULL              340 src/help.c             return NULL;
NULL              342 src/help.c         if (p == NULL)
NULL              343 src/help.c             return NULL;
NULL              352 src/help.c         return current_link == NULL ? NULL : search_char_node (current_link - 1, CHAR_LINK_START, -1);
NULL              473 src/help.c                 selected_item = NULL;
NULL              490 src/help.c                     if (selected_item == NULL)
NULL              591 src/help.c                 if ((link_area == NULL) || (link_area->data == NULL))
NULL              592 src/help.c                     selected_item = NULL;
NULL              622 src/help.c         if (p != NULL)
NULL              625 src/help.c             selected_item = NULL;
NULL              639 src/help.c         if (new_item == NULL)
NULL              648 src/help.c             selected_item = NULL;
NULL              675 src/help.c         if (new_item != NULL)
NULL              683 src/help.c                     selected_item = NULL;
NULL              689 src/help.c             selected_item = NULL;
NULL              701 src/help.c         if ((selected_item == NULL) || (selected_item < currentpoint))
NULL              705 src/help.c             else if ((link_area != NULL) && (link_area->data != NULL))
NULL              708 src/help.c                 selected_item = NULL;
NULL              728 src/help.c                     selected_item = NULL;
NULL              749 src/help.c         selected_item = NULL;
NULL              758 src/help.c         if (selected_item == NULL)
NULL              782 src/help.c         selected_item = NULL;
NULL              875 src/help.c             frame_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DRAW, 0, NULL);
NULL              896 src/help.c         dlg_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, &r);
NULL              976 src/help.c             widget_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, data);
NULL             1010 src/help.c         for (current_area = link_area; current_area != NULL; current_area = g_slist_next (current_area))
NULL             1029 src/help.c         if (current_area != NULL)
NULL             1038 src/help.c             selected_item = NULL;
NULL             1088 src/help.c         char *hlpfile = NULL;
NULL             1098 src/help.c         if (event_data->filename != NULL)
NULL             1099 src/help.c             g_file_get_contents (event_data->filename, &filedata, NULL, NULL);
NULL             1101 src/help.c             filedata = load_mc_home_file (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_HELP, &hlpfile, NULL);
NULL             1103 src/help.c         if (filedata == NULL)
NULL             1109 src/help.c         if (filedata == NULL)
NULL             1116 src/help.c         if (fdata == NULL)
NULL             1119 src/help.c         if ((event_data->node == NULL) || (*event_data->node == '\0'))
NULL             1124 src/help.c         if (main_node == NULL)
NULL             1130 src/help.c             if (main_node == NULL)
NULL             1140 src/help.c                             FALSE, help_colors, help_callback, NULL, "[Help]", _ ("Help"));
NULL             1168 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 1, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Help"), wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1169 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 2, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Index"), wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1170 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 3, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Prev"), wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1171 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 4, "", wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1172 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 5, "", wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1173 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 6, "", wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1174 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 7, "", wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1175 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 8, "", wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1176 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 9, "", wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL             1177 src/help.c         buttonbar_set_label (help_bar, 10, Q_ ("ButtonBar|Quit"), wh->keymap, NULL);
NULL               44 src/keymap.c   GArray *filemanager_keymap = NULL;
NULL               45 src/keymap.c   GArray *filemanager_x_keymap = NULL;
NULL               46 src/keymap.c   GArray *panel_keymap = NULL;
NULL               47 src/keymap.c   GArray *dialog_keymap = NULL;
NULL               48 src/keymap.c   GArray *menu_keymap = NULL;
NULL               49 src/keymap.c   GArray *input_keymap = NULL;
NULL               50 src/keymap.c   GArray *listbox_keymap = NULL;
NULL               51 src/keymap.c   GArray *radio_keymap = NULL;
NULL               52 src/keymap.c   GArray *tree_keymap = NULL;
NULL               53 src/keymap.c   GArray *help_keymap = NULL;
NULL               55 src/keymap.c   GArray *chattr_keymap = NULL;
NULL               58 src/keymap.c   GArray *editor_keymap = NULL;
NULL               59 src/keymap.c   GArray *editor_x_keymap = NULL;
NULL               61 src/keymap.c   GArray *viewer_keymap = NULL;
NULL               62 src/keymap.c   GArray *viewer_hex_keymap = NULL;
NULL               64 src/keymap.c   GArray *diff_keymap = NULL;
NULL               67 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *filemanager_map = NULL;
NULL               68 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *filemanager_x_map = NULL;
NULL               69 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *panel_map = NULL;
NULL               70 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *tree_map = NULL;
NULL               71 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *help_map = NULL;
NULL               73 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *chattr_map = NULL;
NULL               76 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *editor_map = NULL;
NULL               77 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *editor_x_map = NULL;
NULL               79 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *viewer_map = NULL;
NULL               80 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *viewer_hex_map = NULL;
NULL               82 src/keymap.c   const global_keymap_t *diff_map = NULL;
NULL              153 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              154 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              189 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              190 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              233 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              234 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              255 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              256 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              272 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              273 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              310 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              311 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              329 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              330 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              342 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              343 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              370 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              371 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              395 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              396 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              412 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              413 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              521 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              522 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              528 src/keymap.c       { NULL, NULL },
NULL              573 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              574 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              612 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              613 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              662 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              663 src/keymap.c           NULL,
NULL              678 src/keymap.c       for (i = 0; k[i].key != NULL; i++)
NULL              689 src/keymap.c       keymap = mc_config_init (NULL, TRUE);
NULL              725 src/keymap.c       if (section_name == NULL)
NULL              728 src/keymap.c       keys = mc_config_get_keys (cfg, section_name, NULL);
NULL              730 src/keymap.c       for (profile_keys = keys; *profile_keys != NULL; profile_keys++)
NULL              734 src/keymap.c           values = mc_config_get_string_list (cfg, section_name, *profile_keys, NULL);
NULL              735 src/keymap.c           if (values != NULL)
NULL              744 src/keymap.c                   for (curr_values = values; *curr_values != NULL; curr_values++)
NULL              774 src/keymap.c       if (config_file_name == NULL)
NULL              775 src/keymap.c           return NULL;
NULL              781 src/keymap.c           file_name = g_strconcat (config_file_name, ".keymap", (char *) NULL);
NULL              791 src/keymap.c       if (lc_basename == NULL)
NULL              792 src/keymap.c           return NULL;
NULL              794 src/keymap.c       if (subdir != NULL)
NULL              795 src/keymap.c           ret = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), subdir, lc_basename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              797 src/keymap.c           ret = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_path (), lc_basename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              807 src/keymap.c       if (subdir != NULL)
NULL              808 src/keymap.c           ret = g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, subdir, lc_basename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              810 src/keymap.c           ret = g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, lc_basename, (char *) NULL);
NULL              821 src/keymap.c       return NULL;
NULL              838 src/keymap.c           if (*config != NULL)
NULL              865 src/keymap.c       share_keymap = g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              870 src/keymap.c           g_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, GLOBAL_KEYMAP_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              876 src/keymap.c       fname = load_setup_get_full_config_name (NULL, mc_args__keymap_file);
NULL              877 src/keymap.c       if (fname != NULL && strcmp (fname, sysconfig_keymap) != 0 && strcmp (fname, share_keymap) != 0)
NULL              885 src/keymap.c       fname = load_setup_get_full_config_name (NULL, g_getenv ("MC_KEYMAP"));
NULL              886 src/keymap.c       if (fname != NULL && strcmp (fname, sysconfig_keymap) != 0 && strcmp (fname, share_keymap) != 0)
NULL              895 src/keymap.c       fname2 = mc_config_get_string (mc_global.main_config, CONFIG_APP_SECTION, "keymap", NULL);
NULL              896 src/keymap.c       if (fname2 != NULL && *fname2 != '\0')
NULL              897 src/keymap.c           fname = load_setup_get_full_config_name (NULL, fname2);
NULL              899 src/keymap.c       if (fname != NULL && strcmp (fname, sysconfig_keymap) != 0 && strcmp (fname, share_keymap) != 0)
NULL              933 src/keymap.c       if (mc_global_keymap != NULL)
NULL             1000 src/keymap.c       if (km##_keymap != NULL)                                                                       \
NULL               74 src/learn.c    static learnkey_t *learnkeys = NULL;
NULL              100 src/learn.c        if (learnkeys[action - B_USER].sequence != NULL)
NULL              104 src/learn.c        if (seq != NULL)
NULL              281 src/learn.c                                learn_callback, NULL, "[Learn keys]", learn_title);
NULL              286 src/learn.c             key->name != NULL && strcmp (key->name, "kpleft") != 0; key++, learn_total++)
NULL              305 src/learn.c            learnkeys[i].sequence = NULL;
NULL              314 src/learn.c            learnkeys[i].label = WIDGET (label_new (y, x + 19, NULL));
NULL              339 src/learn.c        group_add_widget (g, button_new (dlg_height - 3, bx0, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, b0, NULL));
NULL              340 src/learn.c        group_add_widget (g, button_new (dlg_height - 3, bx1, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, b1, NULL));
NULL              361 src/learn.c        section = g_strconcat ("terminal:", getenv ("TERM"), (char *) NULL);
NULL              364 src/learn.c            if (learnkeys[i].sequence != NULL)
NULL              383 src/learn.c            mc_config_save_file (mc_global.main_config, NULL);
NULL              105 src/main.c         const char *current_system_codepage = NULL;
NULL              143 src/main.c         if (datadir_env != NULL)
NULL              211 src/main.c         if (my_sigaction (SIGCHLD, &sigchld_action, NULL) == -1)
NULL              237 src/main.c         if (sid_str == NULL)
NULL              240 src/main.c         old_sid = (pid_t) strtol (sid_str, NULL, 0);
NULL              259 src/main.c         GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              261 src/main.c         const char *tmpdir = NULL;
NULL              273 src/main.c         str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              302 src/main.c             mc_event_deinit (NULL);
NULL              316 src/main.c         if (mcerror != NULL)
NULL              318 src/main.c             mc_event_deinit (NULL);
NULL              345 src/main.c             mc_event_deinit (NULL);
NULL              407 src/main.c         mc_skin_init (NULL, &mcerror);
NULL              413 src/main.c         mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              507 src/main.c         if (mc_global.mc_run_mode == MC_RUN_FULL && mc_args__last_wd_file != NULL
NULL              508 src/main.c             && last_wd_string != NULL && !print_last_revert)
NULL              530 src/main.c         if (macros_list != NULL)
NULL              539 src/main.c                 if (macros != NULL && macros->macro != NULL)
NULL              561 src/main.c         if (mcerror != NULL)
NULL               90 src/selcodepage.c         LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (listbox, '-', _ ("-  < No translation >"), NULL, FALSE);
NULL               99 src/selcodepage.c         LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (listbox, get_hotkey (i), buffer, NULL, FALSE);
NULL              108 src/selcodepage.c         LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (listbox, hotkey, buffer, NULL, FALSE);
NULL              147 src/selcodepage.c     ret = errmsg == NULL;
NULL              187 src/setup.c    char *autodetect_codeset = NULL;
NULL              192 src/setup.c    char *spell_language = NULL;
NULL              196 src/setup.c    char *saved_other_dir = NULL;
NULL              199 src/setup.c    char *last_wd_string = NULL;
NULL              229 src/setup.c    static char *profile_name = NULL;        /* ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc/ini */
NULL              230 src/setup.c    static char *panels_profile_name = NULL; /* ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/mc/panels.ini */
NULL              241 src/setup.c        { NULL, 0 },
NULL              253 src/setup.c        { NULL, view_listing },
NULL              265 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              266 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              285 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              286 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              375 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              376 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              410 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              411 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              427 src/setup.c        { NULL, NULL, NULL },
NULL              453 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              454 src/setup.c            NULL,
NULL              469 src/setup.c            : NULL;
NULL              484 src/setup.c        if (tmp_cfg == NULL)
NULL              487 src/setup.c        groups = mc_config_get_groups (tmp_cfg, NULL);
NULL              488 src/setup.c        if (*groups == NULL)
NULL              495 src/setup.c        for (curr_grp = groups; *curr_grp != NULL; curr_grp++)
NULL              496 src/setup.c            if (setup__is_cfg_group_must_panel_config (*curr_grp) == NULL)
NULL              499 src/setup.c        mc_config_save_to_file (tmp_cfg, panels_profile_name, NULL);
NULL              503 src/setup.c        if (tmp_cfg == NULL)
NULL              509 src/setup.c        for (curr_grp = groups; *curr_grp != NULL; curr_grp++)
NULL              514 src/setup.c            if (need_grp != NULL)
NULL              519 src/setup.c        mc_config_save_file (tmp_cfg, NULL);
NULL              532 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; bool_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              538 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; int_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              544 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; str_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              562 src/setup.c        if (kt != NULL && kt[0] != '\0')
NULL              578 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; panel_types[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              598 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; layout_int_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              603 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; layout_bool_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              629 src/setup.c        if (terminal == NULL)
NULL              632 src/setup.c        section_name = g_strconcat ("terminal:", terminal, (char *) NULL);
NULL              633 src/setup.c        keys = mc_config_get_keys (cfg, section_name, NULL);
NULL              635 src/setup.c        for (profile_keys = keys; *profile_keys != NULL; profile_keys++)
NULL              646 src/setup.c            key_code = tty_keyname_to_keycode (*profile_keys, NULL);
NULL              651 src/setup.c                values = mc_config_get_string_list (cfg, section_name, *profile_keys, NULL);
NULL              652 src/setup.c                if (values != NULL)
NULL              656 src/setup.c                    for (curr_values = values; *curr_values != NULL; curr_values++)
NULL              686 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; panel_types[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              708 src/setup.c            for (i = 0; panels_ini_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              738 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; panels_ini_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              756 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; bool_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              761 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; int_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              766 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; str_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              779 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; layout_int_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              784 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; layout_bool_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL              817 src/setup.c        if (current_panel != NULL)
NULL              821 src/setup.c        if (mc_global.panels_config->ini_path == NULL)
NULL              827 src/setup.c        mc_config_save_file (mc_global.panels_config, NULL);
NULL              837 src/setup.c        if (profile_name == NULL)
NULL              846 src/setup.c                inifile = mc_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, "mc.ini", (char *) NULL);
NULL              855 src/setup.c                    inifile = mc_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, "mc.ini", (char *) NULL);
NULL              890 src/setup.c            g_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              895 src/setup.c                g_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, MC_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE, (char *) NULL);
NULL              968 src/setup.c        if (cbuffer != NULL)
NULL             1035 src/setup.c            ret = mc_config_save_to_file (mc_global.main_config, tmp_profile, NULL);
NULL             1065 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; str_options[i].opt_name != NULL; i++)
NULL             1087 src/setup.c        if (mcerror != NULL && *mcerror != NULL)
NULL             1091 src/setup.c            *mcerror = NULL;
NULL             1107 src/setup.c        if (mc_global_config != NULL)
NULL             1129 src/setup.c        if ((buffer != NULL) && (buffer[0] != '\0'))
NULL             1133 src/setup.c        return NULL;
NULL             1155 src/setup.c        if (panel->sort_field == NULL)
NULL             1161 src/setup.c        buffer = mc_config_get_string (mc_global.panels_config, section, "list_format", NULL);
NULL             1162 src/setup.c        if (buffer == NULL)
NULL             1168 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; list_formats[i].key != NULL; i++)
NULL             1181 src/setup.c            mc_config_get_string (mc_global.panels_config, section, "user_format", NULL);
NULL             1190 src/setup.c                mc_config_get_string (mc_global.panels_config, section, buffer2, NULL);
NULL             1197 src/setup.c            mc_config_get_string (mc_global.panels_config, section, "filter_value", NULL);
NULL             1218 src/setup.c        for (i = 0; list_formats[i].key != NULL; i++)
NULL             1241 src/setup.c        if (panel->filter.handler != NULL)
NULL              125 src/subshell/common.c GString *subshell_prompt = NULL;
NULL              208 src/subshell/common.c static GString *subshell_prompt_temp_buffer = NULL;
NULL              272 src/subshell/common.c     char *init_file = NULL;
NULL              411 src/subshell/common.c         if (g_getenv ("ZDOTDIR") != NULL)
NULL              462 src/subshell/common.c         execl (>path,>path, "-rcfile", init_file, (char *) NULL);
NULL              468 src/subshell/common.c         execl (>path,>path, "-Z", "-g", (char *) NULL);
NULL              473 src/subshell/common.c                "set --global __mc_csi_u 1", (char *) NULL);
NULL              481 src/subshell/common.c         execl (>path,>path, (char *) NULL);
NULL              555 src/subshell/common.c     sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &old_mask, NULL);
NULL              591 src/subshell/common.c     while ((rc = select (maxfdp + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &subshell_prompt_timer)) != 0)
NULL              617 src/subshell/common.c     while ((rc = select (maxfdp + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &subshell_prompt_timer)) != 1)
NULL              649 src/subshell/common.c     while ((rc = select (maxfdp + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &subshell_prompt_timer)) != 1)
NULL              743 src/subshell/common.c     if (subshell_prompt_temp_buffer != NULL)
NULL              758 src/subshell/common.c     if (subshell_prompt == NULL)
NULL              760 src/subshell/common.c     if (subshell_prompt_temp_buffer == NULL)
NULL              804 src/subshell/common.c     wptr = fail_on_error ? &wtime : NULL;
NULL              825 src/subshell/common.c         if (select (maxfdp + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, wptr) == -1)
NULL             1103 src/subshell/common.c     if (group_info != NULL)
NULL             1365 src/subshell/common.c     if (select (maxfdp + 1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &wtime) > 0
NULL             1429 src/subshell/common.c     if (vpath == NULL)
NULL             1436 src/subshell/common.c         if (translate == NULL)
NULL             1472 src/subshell/common.c             if (p_subshell_cwd == NULL)
NULL             1474 src/subshell/common.c             if (p_current_panel_cwd == NULL)
NULL             1545 src/subshell/common.c         if (openpty (&mc_global.tty.subshell_pty, &subshell_pty_slave, NULL, NULL, NULL))
NULL             1664 src/subshell/common.c     if (new_dir_vpath != NULL)
NULL             1667 src/subshell/common.c     if (command == NULL)  // The user has done "C-o" from MC
NULL             1733 src/subshell/common.c     if (new_dir_vpath != NULL && subshell_alive)
NULL             1766 src/subshell/common.c            && (rc = select (mc_global.tty.subshell_pty + 1, &tmp, NULL, NULL, &timeleft)) != 0)
NULL             1810 src/subshell/common.c            && (rc = select (mc_global.tty.subshell_pty + 1, &tmp, NULL, NULL, &timeleft)) != 0)
NULL             1846 src/subshell/common.c         if (subshell_prompt != NULL)
NULL             1876 src/subshell/common.c         if (subshell_prompt != NULL)
NULL             1879 src/subshell/common.c             subshell_prompt = NULL;
NULL             1882 src/subshell/common.c         if (subshell_prompt_temp_buffer != NULL)
NULL             1885 src/subshell/common.c             subshell_prompt_temp_buffer = NULL;
NULL               82 src/textconf.c     NULL
NULL              130 src/textconf.c     NULL
NULL              173 src/textconf.c     for (i = 0; features[i] != NULL; i++)
NULL              178 src/textconf.c     for (i = 0; vfs_supported[i] != NULL; i++)
NULL               78 src/usermenu.c static char *menu = NULL;
NULL               89 src/usermenu.c     char *e = NULL;
NULL               91 src/usermenu.c     if (ss == NULL)
NULL               92 src/usermenu.c         return NULL;
NULL               98 src/usermenu.c         if (IS_PATH_SEP (*s) && e != NULL)
NULL               99 src/usermenu.c             e = NULL;  // '.' in *directory* name
NULL              102 src/usermenu.c     if (e != NULL)
NULL              105 src/usermenu.c     return (*ss == '\0' ? NULL : ss);
NULL              180 src/usermenu.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              244 src/usermenu.c         WPanel *panel = NULL;
NULL              266 src/usermenu.c             if (e != NULL)
NULL              276 src/usermenu.c                 if (panel == NULL)
NULL              284 src/usermenu.c                         fe != NULL && mc_search (arg, DEFAULT_CHARSET, fe->fname->str, search_type);
NULL              290 src/usermenu.c             if (e != NULL)
NULL              295 src/usermenu.c                 if (syntax_type != NULL)
NULL              305 src/usermenu.c             *condition = panel != NULL
NULL              311 src/usermenu.c             *condition = panel != NULL && test_type (panel, arg);
NULL              335 src/usermenu.c     static char *msg = NULL;
NULL              337 src/usermenu.c     if (start == NULL && end == NULL)
NULL              340 src/usermenu.c         if (debug_flag && msg != NULL)
NULL              371 src/usermenu.c         if (end == NULL)
NULL              436 src/usermenu.c         debug_out (&operator, NULL, *result);
NULL              440 src/usermenu.c     debug_out (NULL, NULL, TRUE);
NULL              456 src/usermenu.c     char *parameter = NULL;
NULL              466 src/usermenu.c     if (commands == NULL)
NULL              496 src/usermenu.c         if (parameter != NULL)
NULL              505 src/usermenu.c                 if (parameter == NULL || *parameter == '\0')
NULL              519 src/usermenu.c                     if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              549 src/usermenu.c                 if (text != NULL)
NULL              580 src/usermenu.c     cmd = g_strconcat ("/bin/sh ", vfs_path_as_str (file_name_vpath), (char *) NULL);
NULL              584 src/usermenu.c         mcview_viewer (cmd, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
NULL              729 src/usermenu.c     *v = NULL;
NULL              734 src/usermenu.c         const char *dots = NULL;
NULL              746 src/usermenu.c         if (dots == NULL || dots == q + 5)
NULL              749 src/usermenu.c                      dots == NULL ? _ ("The %%var macro has no default")
NULL              759 src/usermenu.c         if (value != NULL)
NULL              774 src/usermenu.c     WPanel *panel = NULL;
NULL              776 src/usermenu.c     const char *fname = NULL;
NULL              793 src/usermenu.c         if (e != NULL)
NULL              805 src/usermenu.c                     return NULL;
NULL              810 src/usermenu.c             fname = fe == NULL ? NULL : fe->fname->str;
NULL              827 src/usermenu.c         return NULL;
NULL              850 src/usermenu.c         if (panel != NULL)
NULL              860 src/usermenu.c         if (e != NULL)
NULL              869 src/usermenu.c         if (e != NULL)
NULL              878 src/usermenu.c         if (e != NULL)
NULL              883 src/usermenu.c             if (syntax_type != NULL)
NULL              894 src/usermenu.c         if (e != NULL)
NULL              912 src/usermenu.c         if (e != NULL)
NULL              920 src/usermenu.c         if (menu != NULL)
NULL              927 src/usermenu.c         if (panel == NULL || panel->marked == 0)
NULL              938 src/usermenu.c         GString *block = NULL;
NULL              941 src/usermenu.c         if (panel == NULL)
NULL              943 src/usermenu.c             result = NULL;
NULL              953 src/usermenu.c                 if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              955 src/usermenu.c                     if (block == NULL)
NULL              968 src/usermenu.c         result = block == NULL ? NULL : g_string_free (block, block->len == 0);
NULL              991 src/usermenu.c     GPtrArray *entries = NULL;
NULL             1006 src/usermenu.c     menu = g_strdup (menu_file != NULL         ? menu_file
NULL             1007 src/usermenu.c                          : edit_widget != NULL ? EDIT_LOCAL_MENU
NULL             1012 src/usermenu.c         if (menu_file != NULL)
NULL             1021 src/usermenu.c         menu = mc_config_get_full_path (edit_widget != NULL ? EDIT_HOME_MENU : MC_USERMENU_FILE);
NULL             1026 src/usermenu.c             global_menu = edit_widget != NULL ? EDIT_GLOBAL_MENU : MC_GLOBAL_MENU;
NULL             1029 src/usermenu.c             menu = mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), global_menu, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1033 src/usermenu.c                 menu = mc_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, global_menu, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1037 src/usermenu.c                     menu = mc_build_filename (mc_global.share_data_dir, global_menu, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1043 src/usermenu.c     if (!g_file_get_contents (menu, &data, NULL, NULL))
NULL             1056 src/usermenu.c         unsigned int menu_lines = entries == NULL ? 0 : entries->len;
NULL             1058 src/usermenu.c         if (col == 0 && (entries == NULL || menu_lines == entries->len))
NULL             1109 src/usermenu.c                         if (entries == NULL)
NULL             1121 src/usermenu.c             if (entries != NULL && entries->len > menu_lines)
NULL             1134 src/usermenu.c     if (entries == NULL)
NULL             1155 src/usermenu.c                                      extract_line (p, p + MAX_ENTRY_LEN, NULL), p, FALSE);
NULL               34 src/usermenu.h     (void) user_menu_cmd (NULL, NULL, -1);
NULL              255 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c         s = g_strconcat (super->name, decompress_extension (type), (char *) NULL);
NULL              380 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c     struct vfs_s_inode *inode = NULL;
NULL              382 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c     struct vfs_s_entry *entry = NULL;
NULL              416 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c         defer_inode i = { st->st_ino, st->st_dev, NULL };
NULL              420 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c         if (l != NULL)
NULL              428 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c                 inode = NULL;
NULL              440 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c     if (tn == NULL)
NULL              458 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c     if (entry != NULL)
NULL              487 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c         if (root != NULL)
NULL              489 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c             if (inode == NULL)
NULL              519 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c             if (inode != NULL)
NULL              814 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c     return (stat_result == 0 ? &sb : NULL);
NULL              831 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c     if (parc != NULL && CPIO_SUPER (parc)->st.st_mtime < archive_stat->st_mtime)
NULL              891 src/vfs/cpio/cpio.c     vfs_cpiofs_ops->setctl = NULL;
NULL              110 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c static GArray *extfs_plugins = NULL;
NULL              139 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (local_name_vpath != NULL)
NULL              179 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     name = g_strconcat (a->name != NULL ? a->name : "", PATH_SEP_STR, info->prefix,
NULL              180 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                         VFS_PATH_URL_DELIMITER, (char *) NULL);
NULL              193 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     return (ar->name != NULL && strcmp (ar->name, archive_name) == 0) ? 0 : 1;
NULL              216 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     st.st_mtime = time (NULL);
NULL              223 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (parent != NULL)
NULL              252 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     while ((pent != NULL) && (c != '\0') && (*p != '\0'))
NULL              255 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (q == NULL)
NULL              262 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             pent = pent->dir != NULL ? pent->dir->ent : NULL;
NULL              268 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (pent == NULL)
NULL              271 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 return NULL;
NULL              278 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 return NULL;
NULL              283 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             pent = pl != NULL ? VFS_ENTRY (pl->data) : NULL;
NULL              284 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (pent != NULL && q + 1 > name_end)
NULL              293 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (pent == NULL && (flags & FL_MKDIR) != 0)
NULL              295 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (pent == NULL && (flags & FL_MKFILE) != 0)
NULL              304 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (pent == NULL)
NULL              319 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     res = extfs_find_entry_int (dir, name, NULL, flags);
NULL              320 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (res == NULL)
NULL              346 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (ino->localname != NULL)
NULL              362 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (archive->local_name != NULL)
NULL              405 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     char *current_file_name = NULL, *current_link_name = NULL;
NULL              408 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (vfs_parse_ls_lga (file_name, &hstat, &current_file_name, &current_link_name, NULL))
NULL              415 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             struct vfs_s_entry *pent = NULL;
NULL              426 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (p == NULL)
NULL              440 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 if (pent == NULL)
NULL              447 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (pent != NULL)
NULL              460 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (!S_ISLNK (hstat.st_mode) && (current_link_name != NULL))
NULL              463 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 if (pent == NULL)
NULL              491 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 if (current_link_name == NULL && S_ISLNK (hstat.st_mode))
NULL              498 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 if (current_link_name != NULL && S_ISLNK (hstat.st_mode))
NULL              501 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                     current_link_name = NULL;
NULL              521 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     mc_pipe_t *result = NULL;
NULL              527 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     char *tmp = NULL;
NULL              528 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     vfs_path_t *local_name_vpath = NULL;
NULL              547 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (local_name_vpath == NULL)
NULL              555 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                        vfs_path_get_last_path_str (local_name_vpath) != NULL
NULL              558 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                        (char *) NULL);
NULL              564 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (result == NULL)
NULL              566 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (local_name_vpath != NULL)
NULL              587 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     root_entry = extfs_generate_entry (current_archive, PATH_SEP_STR, NULL, mode);
NULL              614 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     GString *err_msg = NULL;
NULL              615 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     GString *remain_file_name = NULL;
NULL              625 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (*error != NULL)
NULL              631 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             if (err_msg == NULL)
NULL              650 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         while (ret != -1 && (buffer = mc_pstream_get_string (&pip->out)) != NULL)
NULL              661 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 if (remain_file_name != NULL)
NULL              666 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                     remain_file_name = NULL;
NULL              673 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 if (remain_file_name == NULL)
NULL              690 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (remain_file_name != NULL)
NULL              693 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (err_msg != NULL)
NULL              695 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (*error == NULL)
NULL              739 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              745 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (pip == NULL)
NULL              750 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (error == NULL)
NULL              766 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (error != NULL)
NULL              772 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         mc_pclose (pip, NULL);
NULL              790 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     struct extfs_super_t *a = NULL;
NULL              796 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              802 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (parc != NULL)
NULL              818 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             return NULL;
NULL              837 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     for (e = entry; e->dir != NULL; e = e->dir->ent)
NULL              840 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (e->dir->ent->dir != NULL)
NULL              852 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     struct vfs_s_entry *pent = NULL;
NULL              857 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (g_slist_find (list, entry) != NULL)
NULL              870 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (pent == NULL)
NULL              886 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     res = extfs_resolve_symlinks_int (entry, NULL);
NULL              887 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (res == NULL)
NULL              904 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (archive->local_name != NULL)
NULL              909 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (archive_name == NULL || *archive_name == '\0')
NULL              936 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     char *cmd = NULL;
NULL              938 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              945 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (quoted_file == NULL)
NULL              958 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (quoted_archive_name == NULL)
NULL              966 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (localname == NULL || *localname == '\0')
NULL              968 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                            (char *) NULL);
NULL              975 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                            " ", quoted_localname, (char *) NULL);
NULL              982 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (cmd == NULL)
NULL              992 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (pip == NULL)
NULL             1002 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (error != NULL)
NULL             1011 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     mc_pclose (pip, NULL);
NULL             1021 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     struct extfs_super_t *archive = NULL;
NULL             1028 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL             1037 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         g_strconcat (info->path, info->prefix, " run ", quoted_archive_name, " ", q, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1050 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     struct extfs_super_t *archive = NULL;
NULL             1057 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1058 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1060 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if ((entry == NULL) && ((flags & O_CREAT) != 0))
NULL             1064 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         created = (entry != NULL);
NULL             1067 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1068 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1070 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1071 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1074 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         ERRNOR (EISDIR, NULL);
NULL             1076 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry->ino->localname == NULL)
NULL             1084 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             return NULL;
NULL             1094 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c             return NULL;
NULL             1110 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         ERRNOR (EIO, NULL);
NULL             1157 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         file->ino->st.st_mtime = time (NULL);
NULL             1183 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     struct extfs_super_t *archive = NULL;
NULL             1189 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1190 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1192 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1193 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1195 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1196 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1198 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         ERRNOR (ENOTDIR, NULL);
NULL             1214 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (*info == NULL)
NULL             1215 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1217 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     dir = vfs_dirent_init (NULL, VFS_ENTRY ((*info)->data)->name, 0);  // FIXME: inode
NULL             1267 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1270 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1275 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1323 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1326 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1365 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1368 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1371 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1404 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1407 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry != NULL)
NULL             1413 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1416 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1446 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (q == NULL)
NULL             1449 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1452 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (entry == NULL)
NULL             1480 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (data == NULL)
NULL             1502 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     struct extfs_super_t *archive = NULL;
NULL             1506 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     return (p == NULL ? NULL : (vfsid) archive);
NULL             1518 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (fh == NULL)
NULL             1519 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1520 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (fh->ino->localname == NULL)
NULL             1523 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c         return NULL;
NULL             1539 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (fh == NULL)
NULL             1567 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     dirname = g_build_path (PATH_SEP_STR, where, MC_EXTFS_DIR, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1568 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     dir = g_dir_open (dirname, 0, NULL);
NULL             1573 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (dir == NULL)
NULL             1581 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (extfs_plugins == NULL)
NULL             1584 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     while ((filename = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL)
NULL             1611 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c                 info.path = g_strconcat (dirname, PATH_SEP_STR, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1676 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     while (VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->supers != NULL)
NULL             1679 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     if (extfs_plugins == NULL)
NULL             1716 src/vfs/extfs/extfs.c     vfs_init_subclass (&extfs_subclass, "extfs", VFSF_UNKNOWN, NULL);
NULL              140 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c char *ftpfs_anonymous_passwd = NULL;
NULL              144 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c char *ftpfs_proxy_host = NULL;
NULL              254 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c static GSList *no_proxy = NULL;
NULL              257 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c static char *netrc = NULL;
NULL              308 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (me->logfile != NULL)
NULL              326 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (p != NULL && IS_PATH_SEP (p[1]))
NULL              331 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if ((p != NULL) && (*(p + 1) == '.') && (*(p + 2) == '\0'))
NULL              357 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (path_element->user == NULL)
NULL              363 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (path_element->user == NULL)
NULL              367 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (ftpfs_use_netrc && path_element->password == NULL)
NULL              369 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         char *new_user = NULL;
NULL              370 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         char *new_passwd = NULL;
NULL              375 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (new_user != NULL && strcmp (path_element->user, new_user) != 0)
NULL              397 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (string_buf != NULL)
NULL              407 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (string_buf != NULL)
NULL              420 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                         if (string_buf != NULL)
NULL              430 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (string_buf != NULL)
NULL              454 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         ftp_super->current_dir = NULL;
NULL              458 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (cwdir == NULL)
NULL              491 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (me->logfile != NULL)
NULL              539 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                                   (wait_reply & WANT_STRING) != 0 ? reply_str : NULL,
NULL              622 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (super->path_element->password != NULL)  // explicit password
NULL              624 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     else if (netrcpass != NULL)  // password from netrc
NULL              629 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (ftpfs_anonymous_passwd == NULL)  // default anonymous password
NULL              641 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (op == NULL)
NULL              646 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (!anon || me->logfile != NULL)
NULL              650 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         pass = g_strconcat ("-", op, (char *) NULL);
NULL              655 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (ftp_super->proxy != NULL)
NULL              659 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                             (char *) NULL);
NULL              668 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         ftp_super->remote_is_amiga = strstr (reply_up, "AMIGA") != NULL;
NULL              670 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             != NULL)  // handles `LIST -la` in a weird way
NULL              674 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (me->logfile != NULL)
NULL              697 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                 if (op == NULL)
NULL              717 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             super->path_element->password = NULL;
NULL              739 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     mc_file = g_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, "mc.no_proxy", (char *) NULL);
NULL              745 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (npf != NULL)
NULL              749 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             while (fgets (s, sizeof (s), npf) != NULL)
NULL              754 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                 if (p == NULL)  // skip bogus entries
NULL              782 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (ftpfs_proxy_host == NULL || *ftpfs_proxy_host == '\0' || host == NULL || *host == '\0')
NULL              791 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (strchr (host, '.') == NULL)
NULL              794 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (no_proxy == NULL)
NULL              800 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         for (npe = no_proxy; npe != NULL; npe = g_slist_next (npe))
NULL              837 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     path_element->host = NULL;
NULL              849 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     char *host = NULL;
NULL              856 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (super->path_element->host == NULL || *super->path_element->host == '\0')
NULL              865 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (FTP_SUPER (super)->proxy != NULL)
NULL              910 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     for (curr_res = res; curr_res != NULL; curr_res = curr_res->ai_next)
NULL              916 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (curr_res->ai_next != NULL)
NULL              938 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         else if (res->ai_next == NULL)
NULL              963 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (ftp_super->proxy != NULL)
NULL              974 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (ftpfs_login_server (me, super, NULL))
NULL             1009 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (ftp_super->current_dir == NULL)
NULL             1067 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         char *bufp = NULL;
NULL             1073 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                 if (bufp == NULL)
NULL             1093 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                         return g_strconcat (PATH_SEP_STR, bufp, (char *) NULL);
NULL             1102 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     return NULL;
NULL             1158 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (c == NULL || strlen (c) <= 3)
NULL             1233 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (addr == NULL)
NULL             1236 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     res = getnameinfo ((struct sockaddr *) &data_addr, data_addrlen, addr, NI_MAXHOST, NULL, 0,
NULL             1434 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     ftp_super->use_passive_connection = ftp_super->proxy != NULL
NULL             1475 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (remote == NULL)
NULL             1552 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (select (dsock + 1, &mask, NULL, NULL, NULL) > 0)
NULL             1578 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if ((ftpfs_get_reply (me, ftp_super->sock, NULL, 0) == TRANSIENT) && (code == 426))
NULL             1579 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         ftpfs_get_reply (me, ftp_super->sock, NULL, 0);
NULL             1598 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (S_ISLNK (fel->s.st_mode) && fel->linkname != NULL)
NULL             1622 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                 if (fe != NULL)
NULL             1678 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (strchr (dir->remote_path, ' ') == NULL)
NULL             1698 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (fp == NULL)
NULL             1721 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp) == NULL)
NULL             1724 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (me->logfile != NULL)
NULL             1732 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (vfs_parse_ls_lga (buffer, &s, &filename, NULL))
NULL             1748 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c                     if (fe->l_stat == NULL)
NULL             1763 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fp) != NULL)
NULL             1767 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     ftpfs_get_reply (me, FTP_SUPER (super)->sock, NULL, 0);
NULL             1795 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     GSList *dirlist = NULL;
NULL             1801 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         || (strchr (remote_path, ' ') != NULL);
NULL             1828 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         path = g_strconcat (remote_path, PATH_SEP_STR ".", (char *) NULL);
NULL             1859 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             ftpfs_get_reply (me, ftp_super->sock, NULL, 0);
NULL             1865 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (me->logfile != NULL)
NULL             1878 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if ((ftpfs_get_reply (me, ftp_super->sock, NULL, 0) != COMPLETE))
NULL             1884 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (dirlist == NULL && !cd_first)
NULL             1905 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     for (iter = entlist; iter != NULL; iter = g_slist_next (iter))
NULL             2011 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (ftpfs_get_reply (me, ftp_super->sock, NULL, 0) != COMPLETE)
NULL             2021 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     ftpfs_get_reply (me, ftp_super->sock, NULL, 0);
NULL             2033 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (name == NULL)
NULL             2069 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if ((ftpfs_get_reply (me, FTP_SUPER (super)->sock, NULL, 0) != COMPLETE))
NULL             2128 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (rpath == NULL)
NULL             2234 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     return (FTP_SUPER (super)->current_dir != NULL
NULL             2331 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (fh->ino->localname == NULL)
NULL             2347 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (name == NULL)
NULL             2364 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (fh->ino->localname != NULL)
NULL             2372 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (fh->ino->localname == NULL && vfs_s_retrieve_file (me, fh->ino) == -1)
NULL             2375 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (fh->ino->localname == NULL)
NULL             2385 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (fh->handle != -1 && fh->ino->localname == NULL)
NULL             2396 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         if (ftpfs_get_reply (me, ftp->sock, NULL, 0) != COMPLETE)
NULL             2424 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     for (iter = VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->supers; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL             2444 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c         "default", "machine", "login", "password", "passwd", "account", "macdef", NULL,
NULL             2481 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     for (i = NETRC_DEFAULT; keywords[i - 1] != NULL; i++)
NULL             2522 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (host == NULL)
NULL             2524 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (domain == NULL)
NULL             2561 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (host_domain == NULL)
NULL             2589 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     char *tmp_pass = NULL;
NULL             2598 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     } *rup_cache = NULL, *rupp;
NULL             2605 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     for (rupp = rup_cache; rupp != NULL; rupp = rupp->next)
NULL             2614 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     netrcname = g_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), ".netrc", (char *) NULL);
NULL             2615 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (!g_file_get_contents (netrcname, &netrc, NULL, NULL))
NULL             2628 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (domain == NULL)
NULL             2652 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (*login != NULL)
NULL             2671 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (*login != NULL && strcmp (*login, "anonymous") != 0 && strcmp (*login, "ftp") != 0
NULL             2679 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c             if (tmp_pass == NULL)
NULL             2731 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs.c     if (ftpfs_anonymous_passwd == NULL)
NULL               63 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c #define NEXT_TOKEN        strtok (NULL, " \t")
NULL               65 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c #define NEXT_TOKEN_R      strtok_r (NULL, " \t", &next)
NULL              281 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     char *next = NULL;
NULL              292 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              295 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (!vfs_parse_filetype (t, NULL, &type))
NULL              298 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (vfs_parse_fileperms (t + 1, NULL, &mode))
NULL              305 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              311 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              321 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              334 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (t == NULL)
NULL              360 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (day_of_month == NULL)
NULL              366 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              390 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     name = strtok_r (NULL, "", &next);
NULL              391 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (name == NULL)
NULL              399 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         *linkname = NULL;
NULL              404 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         for (arrow = name; (arrow = strstr (arrow, " -> ")) != NULL; arrow++)
NULL              461 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              471 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              478 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              510 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     t = strtok (NULL, "");
NULL              511 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              519 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     *linkname = NULL;
NULL              547 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     const char *name = NULL;
NULL              568 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     while (scan != NULL && scan_len > 0)
NULL              577 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             scan = NULL;
NULL              605 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             name = NULL;
NULL              606 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             scan = NULL;
NULL              609 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (scan == NULL || scan_len == 0)
NULL              613 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (comma == NULL)
NULL              620 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (name == NULL || !type_known)
NULL              624 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     *linkname = NULL;
NULL              657 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     const char *name = NULL;
NULL              660 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     const char *owner = NULL;
NULL              661 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     const char *group = NULL;
NULL              668 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (space != NULL)
NULL              677 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (space == NULL)
NULL              683 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     for (tok = strtok (line, ";"); tok != NULL; tok = strtok (NULL, ";"))
NULL              760 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             if (owner == NULL)
NULL              766 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             if (group == NULL)
NULL              771 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (name == NULL || name[0] == '\0' || type == UNKNOWN)
NULL              775 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     *linkname = NULL;
NULL              801 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (owner != NULL)
NULL              803 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (group != NULL)
NULL              832 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              837 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              843 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              853 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              859 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              872 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              879 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     t = strtok (NULL, "");
NULL              880 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              887 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     *linkname = NULL;
NULL              890 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (slash != NULL)
NULL              932 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              940 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              948 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (t == NULL)
NULL              960 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              976 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     t = strtok (NULL, "");
NULL              977 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL              984 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     *linkname = NULL;
NULL             1002 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL             1005 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (!vfs_parse_filetype (t, NULL, &type))
NULL             1010 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (!vfs_parse_fileperms (t + 1, NULL, &mode))
NULL             1016 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL             1025 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (t == NULL)
NULL             1029 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (t == NULL)
NULL             1041 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (t == NULL)
NULL             1047 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL             1056 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (day_of_month == NULL)
NULL             1063 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (t == NULL)
NULL             1079 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     name = strtok (NULL, "");
NULL             1080 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (name == NULL)
NULL             1085 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         *linkname = NULL;
NULL             1090 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         for (arrow = name; (arrow = strstr (arrow, " -> ")) != NULL; arrow++)
NULL             1115 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     ftpfs_line_parser guessed_parser = NULL;
NULL             1116 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     GSList **the_set = NULL;
NULL             1117 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     int *the_err = NULL;
NULL             1123 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (err_ret != NULL)
NULL             1129 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     for (bufp = buf; bufp != NULL; bufp = g_slist_next (bufp))
NULL             1145 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c         if (guessed_parser == NULL)
NULL             1157 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c                 info = vfs_s_generate_entry (me, NULL, dir, 0);
NULL             1161 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c                 if (ok && strchr (info->name, '/') == NULL)
NULL             1198 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             info = vfs_s_generate_entry (me, NULL, dir, 0);
NULL             1202 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             if (ok && strchr (info->name, '/') == NULL)
NULL             1214 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (the_set == NULL)
NULL             1225 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c             for (bufp = set[i]; bufp != NULL; bufp = g_slist_next (bufp))
NULL             1231 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     if (err_ret != NULL && the_err != NULL)
NULL             1234 src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_ls.c     return the_set != NULL ? g_slist_reverse (*the_set) : NULL;
NULL               87 src/vfs/local/local.c     DIR *dir = NULL;
NULL              105 src/vfs/local/local.c     while (dir == NULL)
NULL              108 src/vfs/local/local.c         if (dir == NULL)
NULL              109 src/vfs/local/local.c             return NULL;
NULL              111 src/vfs/local/local.c         if (readdir (dir) == NULL && errno == EINTR)
NULL              114 src/vfs/local/local.c             dir = NULL;
NULL              135 src/vfs/local/local.c     return (d != NULL ? vfs_dirent_init (NULL, d->d_name, d->d_ino) : NULL);
NULL              274 src/vfs/local/local.c     if (data == NULL)
NULL              404 src/vfs/local/local.c     if (data == NULL)
NULL              432 src/vfs/local/local.c     if (data == NULL)
NULL              487 src/vfs/local/local.c     vfs_init_class (vfs_local_ops, "localfs", VFSF_LOCAL, NULL);
NULL              106 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c static GSList *head = NULL;
NULL              145 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              170 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c         if (s == NULL)
NULL              186 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c             const char *ptr = NULL;
NULL              208 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c             if (ptr != NULL)
NULL              225 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     if (pip == NULL)
NULL              235 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     if (error != NULL)
NULL              239 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c         mc_pclose (pip, NULL);
NULL              246 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     mc_pclose (pip, NULL);
NULL              262 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     if (cur != NULL)
NULL              303 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              372 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     return (vfsid) (cur != NULL ? cur->data : NULL);
NULL              385 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     if (cur == NULL)
NULL              406 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     for (cur = head; cur != NULL; cur = g_slist_next (cur))
NULL              451 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     mc_sfsini = g_build_filename (mc_global.sysconfig_dir, "sfs.ini", (char *) NULL);
NULL              454 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     if (cfg == NULL)
NULL              463 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     while (sfs_no < MAXFS && fgets (key, sizeof (key), cfg) != NULL)
NULL              465 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c         char *c, *semi = NULL;
NULL              483 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c         if (semi == NULL)
NULL              512 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c         if (semi != NULL)
NULL              573 src/vfs/sfs/sfs.c     vfs_init_class (vfs_sfs_ops, "sfs", VFSF_UNKNOWN, NULL);
NULL               85 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         NULL,
NULL               91 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         NULL,
NULL               97 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         NULL,
NULL              103 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         NULL,
NULL              109 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         NULL,
NULL              115 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         NULL,
NULL              121 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         NULL,
NULL              125 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 },
NULL              179 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         return g_strconcat (host, real_host + 2, (char *) NULL);
NULL              201 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     for (i = 0; config_variables[i].pattern != NULL; i++)
NULL              203 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         if (mc_search_run (config_variables[i].pattern_regexp, buffer, 0, strlen (buffer), NULL))
NULL              276 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         if (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), ssh_config_handler) == NULL)
NULL              294 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         if (cr != NULL)
NULL              297 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         if (mc_search_run (host_regexp, buffer, 0, strlen (buffer), NULL))
NULL              322 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c                                                    strlen (vpath_element->host), NULL);
NULL              365 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     if (ssh_config_handler != NULL)
NULL              376 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c             return NULL;
NULL              380 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     if (config_entity->user == NULL)
NULL              383 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         if (config_entity->user == NULL)
NULL              386 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c             config_entity = NULL;
NULL              412 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     if (config_entity == NULL)
NULL              422 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     if (super->path_element->user == NULL)
NULL              425 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     if (config_entity->real_host != NULL)
NULL              435 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     if (config_entity->identity_file != NULL)
NULL              454 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     for (i = 0; config_variables[i].pattern != NULL; i++)
NULL              473 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c     for (i = 0; config_variables[i].pattern != NULL; i++)
NULL              476 src/vfs/sftpfs/config_parser.c         config_variables[i].pattern_regexp = NULL;
NULL              116 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c static const char *kbi_passwd = NULL;
NULL              117 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c static const struct vfs_s_super *kbi_super = NULL;
NULL              134 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL, *curr_res;
NULL              143 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (super->path_element->host == NULL || *super->path_element->host == '\0')
NULL              182 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     for (curr_res = res; curr_res != NULL; curr_res = curr_res->ai_next)
NULL              199 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c             sftpfs_super->ip_address = NULL;
NULL              202 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         if (sftpfs_super->ip_address == NULL)
NULL              215 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c             if (curr_res->ai_next != NULL)
NULL              234 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         else if (res->ai_next == NULL)
NULL              245 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (res != NULL)
NULL              266 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     struct libssh2_knownhost *store = NULL;
NULL              271 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->known_hosts == NULL)
NULL              275 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         mc_build_filename (mc_config_get_home_dir (), ".ssh", "known_hosts", (char *) NULL);
NULL              280 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         const char *kh_name_end = NULL;
NULL              286 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c             if (store == NULL)
NULL              289 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c             if (store->name == NULL)
NULL              300 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c                 if (kh_name_end == NULL)
NULL              304 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c                 port = (int) g_ascii_strtoll (kh_name_end + 2, NULL, 10);
NULL              319 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         const char *hostkey_method = NULL;
NULL              408 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     rc = libssh2_knownhost_addc (sftpfs_super->known_hosts, super->path_element->host, NULL,
NULL              409 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c                                  remote_key, remote_key_len, NULL, 0, type_mask, NULL);
NULL              443 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (fingerprint == NULL)
NULL              444 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         return NULL;
NULL              476 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     struct libssh2_knownhost *host = NULL;
NULL              478 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     char *msg = NULL;
NULL              482 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (remote_key == NULL || remote_key_len == 0
NULL              530 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (fingerprint_hash == NULL)
NULL              633 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (userauthlist == NULL)
NULL              636 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if ((strstr (userauthlist, "password") != NULL
NULL              637 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c          || strstr (userauthlist, "keyboard-interactive") != NULL)
NULL              641 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (strstr (userauthlist, "publickey") != NULL
NULL              664 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     struct libssh2_agent_publickey *identity, *prev_identity = NULL;
NULL              669 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     sftpfs_super->agent = NULL;
NULL              676 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->agent == NULL)
NULL              724 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->privkey == NULL)
NULL              737 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (passwd == NULL)
NULL              778 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (kbi_super == NULL || kbi_passwd == NULL)
NULL              817 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (super->path_element->password != NULL)
NULL              835 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         kbi_super = NULL;
NULL              836 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         kbi_passwd = NULL;
NULL              846 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (passwd == NULL)
NULL              866 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c             kbi_super = NULL;
NULL              867 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c             kbi_passwd = NULL;
NULL              912 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->session == NULL)
NULL              950 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->sftp_session == NULL)
NULL              976 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->sftp_session != NULL)
NULL              979 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         sftpfs_super->sftp_session = NULL;
NULL              982 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->agent != NULL)
NULL              986 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         sftpfs_super->agent = NULL;
NULL              989 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->known_hosts != NULL)
NULL              992 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         sftpfs_super->known_hosts = NULL;
NULL              997 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c     if (sftpfs_super->session != NULL)
NULL             1001 src/vfs/sftpfs/connection.c         sftpfs_super->session = NULL;
NULL               71 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c     LIBSSH2_SFTP_HANDLE *handle = NULL;
NULL               75 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c         return NULL;
NULL               85 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c         if (handle != NULL)
NULL               90 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c             return NULL;
NULL              117 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c     mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, NULL);
NULL              126 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c             return NULL;
NULL              130 src/vfs/sftpfs/dir.c     return (rc != 0 ? vfs_dirent_init (NULL, mem, 0) : NULL);  // FIXME: inode
NULL               76 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c     g_return_if_fail (mcerror == NULL || *mcerror == NULL);
NULL              143 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c     if (name == NULL)
NULL              172 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c         if (file->handle != NULL)
NULL              235 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c     if (sftpfs_fh->handle == NULL)
NULL              278 src/vfs/sftpfs/file.c     if (fh == NULL)
NULL               46 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c GString *sftpfs_filename_buffer = NULL;
NULL               85 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     fd_set *writefd = NULL;
NULL               86 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     fd_set *readfd = NULL;
NULL              103 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     ret = select (super->socket_handle + 1, readfd, writefd, NULL, &timeout);
NULL              166 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     return (mcerror == NULL || *mcerror == NULL);
NULL              190 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     char *err = NULL;
NULL              196 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     if (libssh_errno == LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL && super->sftp_session != NULL)
NULL              227 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     struct vfs_s_super *lc_super = NULL;
NULL              231 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     if (vfs_s_get_path (vpath, &lc_super, 0) == NULL)
NULL              234 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     if (lc_super == NULL)
NULL              238 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     if ((*super)->sftp_session == NULL)
NULL              288 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              289 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element = NULL;
NULL              316 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              317 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element = NULL;
NULL              346 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              347 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element = NULL;
NULL              384 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              385 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element2 = NULL;
NULL              436 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              437 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element = NULL;
NULL              489 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              490 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element = NULL;
NULL              540 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              541 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element = NULL;
NULL              577 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     sftpfs_super_t *super = NULL;
NULL              579 src/vfs/sftpfs/internal.c     const vfs_path_element_t *path_element2 = NULL;
NULL              114 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              118 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     if (path_super == NULL)
NULL              119 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              124 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     if (path_inode != NULL && ((flags & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)))
NULL              127 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              130 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     if (path_inode == NULL)
NULL              139 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         if (dir == NULL)
NULL              140 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c             return NULL;
NULL              153 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              160 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              162 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              182 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              189 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              204 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              210 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              214 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     if (!mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL))
NULL              216 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c         if (sftpfs_dirent != NULL)
NULL              237 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              240 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              257 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              260 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              277 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              280 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              297 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              300 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              318 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              321 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              338 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              344 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              361 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              364 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              440 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              450 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              468 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              472 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              488 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              497 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              520 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              523 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              540 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              543 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              559 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              562 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              581 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              584 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              600 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              603 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              620 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              623 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              659 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     for (iter = sftpfs_subclass.supers; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL              732 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              738 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     if (vpath_element->host == NULL || *vpath_element->host == '\0')
NULL              759 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              774 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     GError *mcerror = NULL;
NULL              782 src/vfs/sftpfs/sftpfs.c     mc_error_message (&mcerror, NULL);
NULL              199 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     char *scr_filename = NULL;
NULL              205 src/vfs/shell/shell.c                                  hostname, script_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              207 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     g_file_get_contents (scr_filename, &scr_content, &scr_len, NULL);
NULL              210 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (scr_content == NULL)
NULL              213 src/vfs/shell/shell.c             g_build_path (PATH_SEP_STR, LIBEXECDIR, VFS_SHELL_PREFIX, script_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL              214 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         g_file_get_contents (scr_filename, &scr_content, &scr_len, NULL);
NULL              218 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (scr_content != NULL)
NULL              255 src/vfs/shell/shell.c             if (string_buf != NULL)
NULL              264 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         if (string_buf != NULL)
NULL              281 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (logfile != NULL)
NULL              299 src/vfs/shell/shell.c                                 (wait_reply & WANT_STRING) != 0 ? reply_str : NULL,
NULL              411 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (shell_super->scr_env != NULL)
NULL              541 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (super->path_element->user != NULL)
NULL              554 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     argv[i++] = NULL;
NULL              572 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (strstr (answer, "assword") != NULL)
NULL              581 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         if (super->path_element->password == NULL)
NULL              589 src/vfs/shell/shell.c             if (op == NULL)
NULL              648 src/vfs/shell/shell.c                      PATH_SEP_STR, (char *) NULL);
NULL              721 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (path_element->user == NULL)
NULL              773 src/vfs/shell/shell.c             if (linkname == NULL)
NULL              822 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         ST.st_size = (off_t) g_ascii_strtoll (buffer, NULL, 10);
NULL              895 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     struct vfs_s_entry *ent = NULL;
NULL              903 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (me->logfile == NULL)
NULL              916 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     ent = vfs_s_generate_entry (me, NULL, dir, 0);
NULL              931 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         if (me->logfile != NULL)
NULL              942 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         else if (ent->name != NULL)
NULL              945 src/vfs/shell/shell.c             ent = vfs_s_generate_entry (me, NULL, dir, 0);
NULL             1064 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (shell_get_reply (me, shell_super->sockr, NULL, 0) != COMPLETE)
NULL             1070 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     shell_get_reply (me, shell_super->sockr, NULL, 0);
NULL             1085 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (name == NULL)
NULL             1109 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     shell->total = (off_t) strtol (reply_str, NULL, 10);
NULL             1111 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     shell->total = (off_t) g_ascii_strtoll (reply_str, NULL, 10);
NULL             1143 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (shell_get_reply (me, SHELL_SUPER (super)->sockr, NULL, 0) != COMPLETE)
NULL             1172 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     else if (shell_get_reply (me, SHELL_SUPER (super)->sockr, NULL, 0) != COMPLETE)
NULL             1234 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath1 == NULL)
NULL             1238 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath2 == NULL)
NULL             1267 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath1 == NULL)
NULL             1271 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath2 == NULL)
NULL             1301 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1366 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1398 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (pw == NULL)
NULL             1402 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (gr == NULL)
NULL             1409 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1442 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1490 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1517 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1546 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1580 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (crpath == NULL)
NULL             1624 src/vfs/shell/shell.c         if (fh->ino->localname == NULL)
NULL             1626 src/vfs/shell/shell.c             vfs_path_t *vpath = NULL;
NULL             1639 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (fh->ino->localname == NULL && vfs_s_retrieve_file (me, fh->ino) == -1)
NULL             1642 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     if (fh->ino->localname == NULL)
NULL             1654 src/vfs/shell/shell.c     for (iter = VFS_SUBCLASS (me)->supers; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter))
NULL             1681 src/vfs/shell/shell.c                             PATH_SEP_STR, super->path_element->path, (char *) NULL);
NULL              320 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c     if (arglim != NULL)
NULL              322 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c     if (overflow != NULL)
NULL              392 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c         if ((overflow || maxval < value) && *where1 >= 2 && type != NULL)
NULL              516 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c             return NULL;
NULL              521 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c             return NULL;
NULL              527 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c             return NULL;
NULL              581 src/vfs/tar/tar-internal.c         if (x == NULL)
NULL               96 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c                 if (b == NULL)                                                                     \
NULL              154 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     .init = NULL,  // No init function
NULL              155 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     .done = NULL,  // No done function
NULL              162 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     .init = NULL,  // No init function
NULL              163 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     .done = NULL,  // No done function
NULL              235 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     .init = NULL,  // No init function
NULL              236 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     .done = NULL,  // No done function
NULL              238 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     .fixup_header = NULL,  // No fixup_header function
NULL              249 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     char *arg_lim = NULL;
NULL              297 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (file->optab->init != NULL)
NULL              308 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (file->optab->done != NULL)
NULL              319 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (file->optab->sparse_member_p != NULL)
NULL              330 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (file->optab->fixup_header != NULL)
NULL              341 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (file->optab->decode_header != NULL)
NULL              352 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (st->sparse_map == NULL)
NULL              422 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (file->stat_info->sparse_map != NULL)
NULL              436 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c         if (h == NULL)
NULL              487 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     if (file->stat_info->sparse_map != NULL)
NULL              506 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c         if (h == NULL)
NULL              525 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c     return file->stat_info->sparse_map != NULL && file->stat_info->sparse_map->len > 0
NULL              547 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c         if (blk == NULL)
NULL              559 src/vfs/tar/tar-sparse.c         if (file->stat_info->sparse_map == NULL)
NULL              168 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     { NULL, NULL, 0 },
NULL              172 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c static GSList *global_header_override_list = NULL;
NULL              183 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     for (p = xhdr_tab; p->keyword != NULL; p++)
NULL              187 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     return NULL;
NULL              200 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     if (t != NULL)
NULL              237 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     *root = NULL;
NULL              314 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     char *arg_lim = NULL;
NULL              340 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     char *arg_lim = NULL;
NULL              583 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     char *len_lim = NULL;
NULL              594 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     len = stoint (p, &len_lim, NULL, 0, IDX_MAX);
NULL              613 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     if (!(p != NULL && p < nextp))
NULL              639 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     if (tab != NULL && (tab->flags & XHDR_GLOBAL) != 0)
NULL              739 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     if (st->sparse_map == NULL)
NULL              796 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c     if (st->sparse_map != NULL)
NULL              802 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c         char *delim = NULL;
NULL              916 src/vfs/tar/tar-xheader.c         if (p == NULL)
NULL              162 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     if (st->sparse_map != NULL)
NULL              165 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         st->sparse_map = NULL;
NULL              217 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     if (hbits != NULL)
NULL              274 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (inode != NULL)
NULL              279 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (inode != NULL)
NULL              283 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             current_stat_info.sparse_map = NULL;
NULL              290 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (inode != NULL && (save_typeflag == REGTYPE || save_typeflag == AREGTYPE))
NULL              350 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     recorded_sum = tar_from_header (header->header.chksum, sizeof (header->header.chksum), NULL, 0,
NULL              384 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             else if (current_stat_info.xhdr.buffer != NULL)
NULL              511 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     if (ino->user_data != NULL)
NULL              529 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              542 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     if (parent == NULL)
NULL              545 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     *inode = NULL;
NULL              558 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (*inode == NULL)
NULL              566 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             if (entry != NULL)
NULL              576 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (link_name != NULL && *link_name != '\0')
NULL              593 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     union block *next_long_name = NULL, *next_long_link = NULL;
NULL              600 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (header == NULL)
NULL              667 src/vfs/tar/tar.c                 if (data_block == NULL)
NULL              722 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         static union block *recent_long_name = NULL, *recent_long_link = NULL;
NULL              724 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         char *file_name = NULL;
NULL              726 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         struct vfs_s_inode *inode = NULL;
NULL              730 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (next_long_name != NULL)
NULL              738 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             char *s1 = NULL;
NULL              747 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             if (s1 == NULL)
NULL              751 src/vfs/tar/tar.c                 file_name = g_strconcat (s1, PATH_SEP_STR, s2, (char *) NULL);
NULL              756 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             recent_long_name = NULL;
NULL              764 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (next_long_link != NULL)
NULL              772 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             recent_long_link = NULL;
NULL              777 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         if (current_stat_info.xhdr.buffer != NULL && !tar_xheader_decode (&current_stat_info))
NULL              799 src/vfs/tar/tar.c                 || current_stat_info.dumpdir != NULL)
NULL              814 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             recent_long_name = NULL;
NULL              817 src/vfs/tar/tar.c             recent_long_link = NULL;
NULL              913 src/vfs/tar/tar.c         s = g_strconcat (archive->name, decompress_extension (type), (char *) NULL);
NULL             1042 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     return (stat_result != 0) ? NULL : &stat_buf;
NULL             1059 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     if (parc != NULL && TAR_SUPER (parc)->st.st_mtime < archive_stat->st_mtime)
NULL             1221 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     if (file->ino->user_data != NULL)
NULL             1269 src/vfs/tar/tar.c     vfs_tarfs_ops->setctl = NULL;
NULL              119 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c static ext2_filsys fs = NULL;
NULL              140 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     fs = NULL;
NULL              160 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     *fsname = NULL;
NULL              188 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c             *fsname = g_strconcat ("/dev/", tmp, (char *) NULL);
NULL              195 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     *fsname = g_strconcat ("/dev/", dirname, (char *) NULL);
NULL              334 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     char *file, *f = NULL;
NULL              339 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     if (file == NULL)
NULL              386 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     fs = NULL;
NULL              400 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              403 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c         return NULL;
NULL              405 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c         dirent = vfs_dirent_init (NULL, readdir_ptr == -2 ? "." : "..", 0);  // FIXME: inode
NULL              412 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c         dirent = vfs_dirent_init (NULL, dirent_dest, 0);  // FIXME: inode
NULL              434 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     char *file, *f = NULL;
NULL              436 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     undelfs_file *p = NULL;
NULL              442 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     if (file == NULL)
NULL              593 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     retval = ext2fs_block_iterate (fs, p->inode, 0, NULL, undelfs_dump_read, p);
NULL              648 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     char *file, *f = NULL;
NULL              651 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     if (file == NULL)
NULL              702 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     char *file, *f = NULL;
NULL              706 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     if (file == NULL)
NULL              747 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     char *fname = NULL, *fsname;
NULL              751 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     ok = fsname != NULL;
NULL              756 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c     return ok ? (vfsid) fs : NULL;
NULL              791 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c #    define undelfs_init NULL
NULL               90 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     if (view->ext_script != NULL)
NULL               94 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         view->ext_script = NULL;
NULL              103 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     if (view->last_search_string != NULL)
NULL              111 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         if (s != NULL)
NULL              158 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     if (fe == NULL)
NULL              177 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     while ((node != NULL) && (node->offset != view->hex_cursor))
NULL              194 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         if (node != NULL)
NULL              213 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     if ((view->filename_vpath != NULL)
NULL              215 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         && (view->change_list == NULL))
NULL              218 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     if (node == NULL)
NULL              245 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     else if (view->dir == NULL)
NULL              259 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c                            NULL))
NULL              316 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     vfs_path_t *ext_script = NULL;
NULL              324 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     view->dir = NULL;
NULL              325 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     view->dir_idx = NULL;
NULL              327 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         vfs_path_append_new (view->workdir_vpath, dir->list[*dir_idx].fname->str, (char *) NULL);
NULL              332 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         mcview_load (view, NULL, vfs_path_as_str (vfile), 0, 0, 0);
NULL              352 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     if (filename != NULL && (action == CK_View || action == CK_Enter))
NULL              357 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         mcview_load (view, NULL, filename, 0, 0, 0);
NULL              596 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c     if (view->change_list == NULL)
NULL              675 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         widget_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_RESIZE, 0, data);
NULL              732 src/viewer/actions_cmd.c         return mcview_execute_cmd (NULL, parm);
NULL              398 src/viewer/ascii.c     if (color != NULL)
NULL              425 src/viewer/ascii.c         if (color != NULL)
NULL              433 src/viewer/ascii.c         if (color != NULL)
NULL              441 src/viewer/ascii.c         if (color != NULL)
NULL              490 src/viewer/ascii.c         if (mcview_get_next_maybe_nroff_char (view, &state_after_crlf, &cnext, NULL)
NULL              530 src/viewer/ascii.c         if (!mcview_get_next_maybe_nroff_char (view, &state_after_combining, &cs[i], NULL))
NULL              585 src/viewer/ascii.c     if (paragraph_ended != NULL)
NULL              588 src/viewer/ascii.c     if (!view->mode_flags.wrap && (row < 0 || row >= r->lines) && linewidth == NULL)
NULL              613 src/viewer/ascii.c             if (linewidth != NULL)
NULL              625 src/viewer/ascii.c             if (linewidth != NULL)
NULL              662 src/viewer/ascii.c             if (paragraph_ended != NULL)
NULL              664 src/viewer/ascii.c             if (linewidth != NULL)
NULL              728 src/viewer/ascii.c             && linewidth == NULL)
NULL              776 src/viewer/ascii.c         lines += mcview_display_line (view, state, row, &paragraph_ended, NULL);
NULL              821 src/viewer/ascii.c         if (mcview_display_line (view, &view->dpy_state_top, -1, &paragraph_ended, NULL) == 0)
NULL              897 src/viewer/ascii.c     if (mcview_show_eof != NULL && mcview_show_eof[0] != '\0')
NULL              929 src/viewer/ascii.c         if (mcview_display_line (view, &view->dpy_state_bottom, -1, &paragraph_ended, NULL) == 0)
NULL              942 src/viewer/ascii.c             mcview_display_line (view, &view->dpy_state_top, -1, &paragraph_ended, NULL);
NULL             1011 src/viewer/ascii.c             mcview_display_line (view, &view->dpy_state_top, -1, NULL, NULL);
NULL             1036 src/viewer/ascii.c         mcview_display_line (view, &state, -1, NULL, &linewidth);
NULL              177 src/viewer/coord_cache.c     g_assert (cache != NULL);
NULL              182 src/viewer/coord_cache.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL              185 src/viewer/coord_cache.c     (void) setvbuf (f, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
NULL              256 src/viewer/coord_cache.c     if (view->coord_cache == NULL)
NULL              144 src/viewer/datasource.c     return NULL;
NULL              154 src/viewer/datasource.c     gchar *str = NULL;
NULL              177 src/viewer/datasource.c     if (str == NULL)
NULL              210 src/viewer/datasource.c         gchar *next_ch = NULL;
NULL              230 src/viewer/datasource.c     return NULL;
NULL              240 src/viewer/datasource.c     if (retval != NULL)
NULL              244 src/viewer/datasource.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              247 src/viewer/datasource.c     if (retval != NULL)
NULL              262 src/viewer/datasource.c     if (retval != NULL)
NULL              340 src/viewer/datasource.c         if (view->ds_stdio_pipe != NULL)
NULL              386 src/viewer/datasource.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              391 src/viewer/datasource.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              401 src/viewer/datasource.c     if (!mcview_get_byte (view, 0, NULL))
NULL               71 src/viewer/dialogs.c     char *exp = NULL;
NULL               82 src/viewer/dialogs.c                                  MC_HISTORY_SHARED_SEARCH, &exp, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL               87 src/viewer/dialogs.c                              (int *) &mcview_search_options.type, NULL),
NULL               89 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &mcview_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
NULL               90 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &mcview_search_options.backwards, NULL),
NULL               91 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &mcview_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
NULL               93 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&All charsets"), &mcview_search_options.all_codepages, NULL),
NULL              108 src/viewer/dialogs.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              109 src/viewer/dialogs.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              129 src/viewer/dialogs.c         if (tmp != NULL)
NULL              165 src/viewer/dialogs.c     char *exp = NULL;
NULL              182 src/viewer/dialogs.c             QUICK_INPUT (INPUT_LAST_TEXT, MC_HISTORY_VIEW_GOTO, &exp, NULL, FALSE, FALSE,
NULL              185 src/viewer/dialogs.c                          NULL),
NULL              197 src/viewer/dialogs.c             .callback = NULL,
NULL              198 src/viewer/dialogs.c             .mouse_callback = NULL,
NULL              159 src/viewer/display.c     file_label = view->filename_vpath != NULL ? vfs_path_get_last_path_str (view->filename_vpath)
NULL              160 src/viewer/display.c         : view->command != NULL               ? view->command
NULL               82 src/viewer/growbuf.c         mc_pclose (view->ds_stdio_pipe, NULL);
NULL               83 src/viewer/growbuf.c         view->ds_stdio_pipe = NULL;
NULL              100 src/viewer/growbuf.c     view->growbuf_blockptr = NULL;
NULL              143 src/viewer/growbuf.c             if (newblock == NULL)
NULL              158 src/viewer/growbuf.c             GError *error = NULL;
NULL              168 src/viewer/growbuf.c             if (error != NULL)
NULL              194 src/viewer/growbuf.c                 if (view->ds_stdio_pipe == NULL)
NULL              255 src/viewer/growbuf.c     if (retval != NULL)
NULL              262 src/viewer/growbuf.c     if (p == NULL)
NULL              265 src/viewer/growbuf.c     if (retval != NULL)
NULL              281 src/viewer/growbuf.c         return NULL;
NULL              288 src/viewer/growbuf.c         return NULL;
NULL              294 src/viewer/growbuf.c     return NULL;
NULL               89 src/viewer/hex.c         : ((curr != NULL && from == curr->offset) || force_changed) ? MARK_CHANGED
NULL              150 src/viewer/hex.c     while (curr != NULL && (curr->offset < from))
NULL              153 src/viewer/hex.c     for (; mcview_get_byte (view, from, NULL) && row < r->lines; row++)
NULL              209 src/viewer/hex.c                         if (curr != NULL && from + j == curr->offset)
NULL              215 src/viewer/hex.c                         if (curr != NULL && from + j >= curr->offset)
NULL              244 src/viewer/hex.c                 if (curr != NULL && from == curr->offset)
NULL              264 src/viewer/hex.c             if (curr != NULL && from == curr->offset)
NULL              384 src/viewer/hex.c     if (view->change_list == NULL)
NULL              393 src/viewer/hex.c         g_assert (view->filename_vpath != NULL);
NULL              398 src/viewer/hex.c             for (curr = view->change_list; curr != NULL; curr = next)
NULL              413 src/viewer/hex.c             view->change_list = NULL;
NULL              456 src/viewer/hex.c     for (curr = view->change_list; curr != NULL; curr = next)
NULL              461 src/viewer/hex.c     view->change_list = NULL;
NULL              479 src/viewer/hex.c     while (*chnode != NULL && (*chnode)->offset < node->offset)
NULL              423 src/viewer/internal.h     if (retval != NULL)
NULL               86 src/viewer/lib.c     view->dir = NULL;
NULL               87 src/viewer/lib.c     view->dir_idx = NULL;
NULL              156 src/viewer/lib.c     view->filename_vpath = NULL;
NULL              157 src/viewer/lib.c     view->workdir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              158 src/viewer/lib.c     view->command = NULL;
NULL              159 src/viewer/lib.c     view->search_nroff_seq = NULL;
NULL              168 src/viewer/lib.c     view->coord_cache = NULL;
NULL              180 src/viewer/lib.c     view->change_list = NULL;
NULL              198 src/viewer/lib.c     view->saved_bookmarks = NULL;
NULL              207 src/viewer/lib.c     if (mcview_remember_file_position && view->filename_vpath != NULL)
NULL              212 src/viewer/lib.c         view->saved_bookmarks = NULL;
NULL              221 src/viewer/lib.c     view->filename_vpath = NULL;
NULL              223 src/viewer/lib.c     view->workdir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              229 src/viewer/lib.c     if (view->coord_cache != NULL)
NULL              232 src/viewer/lib.c         view->coord_cache = NULL;
NULL              245 src/viewer/lib.c     view->search = NULL;
NULL              246 src/viewer/lib.c     view->last_search_string = NULL;
NULL              249 src/viewer/lib.c     if (mc_global.mc_run_mode == MC_RUN_VIEWER && view->dir != NULL)
NULL              257 src/viewer/lib.c     view->dir = NULL;
NULL              266 src/viewer/lib.c     const char *cp_id = NULL;
NULL              271 src/viewer/lib.c     if (cp_id != NULL)
NULL              390 src/viewer/lib.c     modified = view->hexedit_mode && (view->change_list != NULL) ? "(*) " : "    ";
NULL              395 src/viewer/lib.c     file_label = view_filename != NULL ? view_filename : view->command != NULL ? view->command : "";
NULL              398 src/viewer/lib.c     ret_str = g_strconcat (_ ("View: "), modified, file_label, (char *) NULL);
NULL               70 src/viewer/mcviewer.c char *mcview_show_eof = NULL;
NULL              242 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     view_dlg = dlg_create (FALSE, 0, 0, 1, 1, WPOS_FULLSCREEN, FALSE, NULL, mcview_dialog_callback,
NULL              243 src/viewer/mcviewer.c                            NULL, "[Internal File Viewer]", NULL);
NULL              252 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, lc_mcview, WPOS_KEEP_ALL, NULL);
NULL              255 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     group_add_widget_autopos (g, b, b->pos_flags, NULL);
NULL              282 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     vfs_path_t *vpath = NULL;
NULL              289 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     if (file != NULL && file[0] != '\0')
NULL              298 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             view->workdir_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (p, file, (char *) NULL);
NULL              321 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     if (command != NULL && (view->mode_flags.magic || file == NULL || file[0] == '\0'))
NULL              323 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     else if (file != NULL && file[0] != '\0')
NULL              339 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             view->filename_vpath = NULL;
NULL              341 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             view->workdir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              354 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             view->filename_vpath = NULL;
NULL              356 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             view->workdir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              366 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             view->filename_vpath = NULL;
NULL              368 src/viewer/mcviewer.c             view->workdir_vpath = NULL;
NULL              391 src/viewer/mcviewer.c                     tmp_filename = g_strconcat (file, decompress_extension (type), (char *) NULL);
NULL              430 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     if (mcview_remember_file_position && view->filename_vpath != NULL && start_line == 0)
NULL              459 src/viewer/mcviewer.c     view->change_list = NULL;
NULL              303 src/viewer/move.c         if (mcview_get_byte_indexed (view, bol, view->bytes_per_line - 1, NULL))
NULL              105 src/viewer/nroff.c     if (nroff == NULL)
NULL              136 src/viewer/nroff.c     if (nroff != NULL)
NULL              158 src/viewer/nroff.c     if (nroff == NULL || *nroff == NULL)
NULL              170 src/viewer/nroff.c     if (nroff == NULL)
NULL              209 src/viewer/nroff.c     if (nroff == NULL)
NULL              240 src/viewer/nroff.c     if (nroff == NULL)
NULL              294 src/viewer/search.c                      mcview_search_status_update_cb, NULL);
NULL              354 src/viewer/search.c                              mcview_search_status_update_cb, NULL);
NULL              374 src/viewer/search.c         else if (view->search->error_str != NULL)
NULL              391 src/viewer/search.c     view->search = mc_search_new (view->last_search_string, NULL);
NULL              396 src/viewer/search.c     if (view->search == NULL)
NULL               59 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("test", "path", (char *) NULL);
NULL               61 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/test", "path/", (char *) NULL);
NULL               63 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/test", "pa/th", (char *) NULL);
NULL               65 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/test", "#vfsprefix:", "path  ", (char *) NULL);
NULL               67 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/test", "vfsprefix://", "path  ", (char *) NULL);
NULL               69 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/test", "vfs/../prefix:///", "p\\///ath", (char *) NULL);
NULL               71 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/test", "path", "..", "/test", "path/", (char *) NULL);
NULL               73 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("", "path", (char *) NULL);
NULL               75 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("", "/path", (char *) NULL);
NULL               77 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("path", "", (char *) NULL);
NULL               79 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/path", "", (char *) NULL);
NULL               81 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("pa", "", "th", (char *) NULL);
NULL               83 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return mc_build_filename ("/pa", "", "/th", (char *) NULL);
NULL               85 tests/lib/mc_build_filename.c         return NULL;
NULL               46 tests/lib/mc_realpath.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              100 tests/lib/mc_realpath.c     if (mc_realpath (data->input_string, resolved_path) == NULL)
NULL               43 tests/lib/mcconfig/config_string.c     ini_filename = g_build_filename (WORKDIR, "config_string.ini", (char *) NULL);
NULL               54 tests/lib/mcconfig/config_string.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              114 tests/lib/mcconfig/config_string.c         NULL,
NULL              115 tests/lib/mcconfig/config_string.c         NULL,
NULL              116 tests/lib/mcconfig/config_string.c         NULL,
NULL              116 tests/lib/mcconfig/user_configs_path.c                                                data->input_file_name, (char *) NULL);
NULL               85 tests/lib/name_quote.c     { "", NULL },
NULL               96 tests/lib/name_quote.c         NULL,
NULL               97 tests/lib/name_quote.c         NULL,
NULL               72 tests/lib/search/glob_prepare_replace_str.c     s = mc_search_new (data->glob_str, NULL);
NULL               77 tests/lib/search/glob_prepare_replace_str.c     mc_search_run (s, data->input_value, 0, strlen (data->input_value), NULL);
NULL               71 tests/lib/search/hex_translate_to_regex.c         NULL,
NULL               77 tests/lib/search/hex_translate_to_regex.c         NULL,
NULL               83 tests/lib/search/hex_translate_to_regex.c         NULL,
NULL              124 tests/lib/search/hex_translate_to_regex.c         NULL,
NULL              129 tests/lib/search/hex_translate_to_regex.c         NULL,
NULL              155 tests/lib/search/hex_translate_to_regex.c     dest_str = mc_search__hex_translate_to_regex (tmp, &error, NULL);
NULL              160 tests/lib/search/hex_translate_to_regex.c     if (dest_str != NULL)
NULL               33 tests/lib/serialize.c static GError *error = NULL;
NULL               47 tests/lib/serialize.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               48 tests/lib/serialize.c     error = NULL;
NULL               87 tests/lib/serialize.c     if (error != NULL)
NULL              104 tests/lib/serialize.c         NULL,
NULL              199 tests/lib/serialize.c     test_data = mc_config_init (NULL, FALSE);
NULL              301 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c     NULL,
NULL              305 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c     NULL,
NULL              309 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c     NULL,
NULL              313 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c     NULL,
NULL              317 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c     NULL,
NULL              320 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c     NULL,
NULL              323 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c     NULL,
NULL              334 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c         for (; filevercmp_test_ds5[ii] != NULL; ii++)
NULL              339 tests/lib/strutil/filevercmp.c             for (jj = ii; filevercmp_test_ds5[jj] != NULL; jj++)
NULL               38 tests/lib/strutil/str_replace_all.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              149 tests/lib/strutil/str_replace_all.c         NULL,
NULL              104 tests/lib/strutil/str_rstrip_eol.c     char *ptr = NULL;
NULL              217 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c         if (ret == NULL)
NULL              273 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c     GString *result_long_file_list = NULL;
NULL              275 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c     GString *remain_file_name = NULL;
NULL              310 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c         while ((line = mc_pstream_get_string (&pip->out)) != NULL)
NULL              321 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c                 if (remain_file_name != NULL)
NULL              326 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c                     remain_file_name = NULL;
NULL              332 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c                 if (remain_file_name == NULL)
NULL              340 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c                 line = NULL;
NULL              344 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c             if (line == NULL)
NULL              347 tests/lib/utilunix__mc_pstream_get_string.c             if (result_long_file_list == NULL)
NULL               53 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c static GPtrArray *sigaction_signum__captured = NULL;
NULL               55 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c static GPtrArray *sigaction_act__captured = NULL;
NULL               57 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c static GPtrArray *sigaction_oldact__captured = NULL;
NULL               71 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     if (sigaction_signum__captured != NULL)
NULL               75 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     if (act != NULL)
NULL               81 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c         tmp_act = NULL;
NULL               82 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     if (sigaction_act__captured != NULL)
NULL               86 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     if (oldact != NULL)
NULL               92 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c         tmp_act = NULL;
NULL               93 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     if (sigaction_oldact__captured != NULL)
NULL              111 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     sigaction_signum__captured = NULL;
NULL              114 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     sigaction_act__captured = NULL;
NULL              117 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     sigaction_oldact__captured = NULL;
NULL              127 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c static sighandler_t signal__return_value = NULL;
NULL              165 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     signal_signum__captured = NULL;
NULL              168 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     signal_handler__captured = NULL;
NULL              197 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c static char *execvp__file__captured = NULL;
NULL              210 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     for (one_arg = (char **) argv; *one_arg != NULL; one_arg++)
NULL              226 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     execvp__args__captured = NULL;
NULL              275 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c         ck_assert_msg (g_ptr_array_index (sigaction_oldact__captured, 3) == NULL,                  \
NULL              277 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c         ck_assert_msg (g_ptr_array_index (sigaction_oldact__captured, 4) == NULL,                  \
NULL              279 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c         ck_assert_msg (g_ptr_array_index (sigaction_oldact__captured, 5) == NULL,                  \
NULL              313 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-common.c     signal__return_value = NULL;
NULL               47 tests/lib/utilunix__my_system-fork_fail.c     actual_value = my_system (0, NULL, NULL);
NULL               48 tests/lib/vfs/canonicalize_pathname.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               59 tests/lib/vfs/current_dir.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               82 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL               83 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL               88 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL               95 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL              159 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL              160 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL              166 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL              167 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL              173 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL              181 tests/lib/vfs/path_cmp.c         NULL,
NULL               81 tests/lib/vfs/path_len.c         NULL,
NULL              116 tests/lib/vfs/path_len.c     path = vpath != NULL ? vfs_path_get_by_index (vpath, 0)->path : NULL;
NULL              120 tests/lib/vfs/path_len.c     actual_length_element_encoding = path != NULL ? strlen (path) : 0;
NULL              187 tests/lib/vfs/path_manipulations.c         NULL,
NULL              194 tests/lib/vfs/path_manipulations.c         NULL,
NULL              351 tests/lib/vfs/path_manipulations.c     vpath3 = vfs_path_append_vpath_new (vpath1, vpath2, NULL);
NULL              151 tests/lib/vfs/path_recode.c     mctest_assert_ptr_ne (vpath, NULL);
NULL              147 tests/lib/vfs/path_serialize.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              155 tests/lib/vfs/path_serialize.c     if (error != NULL)
NULL              159 tests/lib/vfs/path_serialize.c     mctest_assert_ptr_ne (serialized_vpath, NULL);
NULL              170 tests/lib/vfs/path_serialize.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              176 tests/lib/vfs/path_serialize.c     mctest_assert_ptr_ne (vpath, NULL);
NULL               61 tests/lib/vfs/relative_cd.c     test_chdir__vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL               76 tests/lib/vfs/relative_cd.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               51 tests/lib/vfs/tempdir.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               94 tests/lib/vfs/tempdir.c     vfs_path_t *pname_vpath = NULL;
NULL               99 tests/lib/vfs/tempdir.c     fd = mc_mkstemps (&pname_vpath, "mctest-", NULL);
NULL              100 tests/lib/vfs/tempdir.c     begin_pname = g_build_filename (mc_tmpdir (), "mctest-", (char *) NULL);
NULL               59 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c         NULL,
NULL               64 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c         NULL,
NULL               69 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c         NULL,
NULL               74 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c         NULL,
NULL               79 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c         NULL,
NULL              124 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_get_encoding.c         NULL,
NULL               55 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              215 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c         NULL,
NULL              231 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c         NULL,
NULL              239 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c         NULL,
NULL              252 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c     char *filename = NULL;
NULL              253 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c     char *linkname = NULL;
NULL              317 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c     ent1 = vfs_s_generate_entry (vfs_test_ops1, NULL, vfs_root_inode, 0);
NULL              324 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c     ent2 = vfs_s_generate_entry (vfs_test_ops1, NULL, vfs_root_inode, 0);
NULL              331 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c     ent3 = vfs_s_generate_entry (vfs_test_ops1, NULL, vfs_root_inode, 0);
NULL              349 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_parse_ls_lga.c         ent[ent_index] = vfs_s_generate_entry (vfs_test_ops1, NULL, vfs_root_inode, 0);            \
NULL               49 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_path_from_str_flags.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               57 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_prefix_to_class.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              124 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_prefix_to_class.c         NULL,
NULL              129 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_prefix_to_class.c         NULL,
NULL              134 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_prefix_to_class.c         NULL,
NULL               56 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_s_get_path.c     root = vfs_s_new_inode (vpath_element->class, super, NULL);
NULL               83 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_s_get_path.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               92 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_s_get_path.c     test_subclass1.archive_check = NULL;
NULL               80 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_setup_cwd.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              113 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_setup_cwd.c     vfs_set_raw_current_dir (NULL);
NULL               44 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              109 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c         NULL,
NULL              110 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c         NULL,
NULL              111 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c         NULL,
NULL              141 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c         NULL,
NULL              142 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c         NULL,
NULL              143 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c         NULL,
NULL              177 tests/lib/vfs/vfs_split.c     const char *local = NULL, *op = NULL;
NULL               67 tests/lib/widget/complete_engine.c     try_complete__text__captured = NULL;
NULL               85 tests/lib/widget/complete_engine.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              130 tests/lib/widget/complete_engine.c     w_input = input_new (1, 1, NULL, 100, data->input_buffer, NULL, data->input_completion_flags);
NULL               49 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c         return widget_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL               53 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c         return widget_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
NULL               69 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c         return group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL               73 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c         return group_default_callback (w, NULL, MSG_DESTROY, 0, NULL);
NULL               90 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     group_init (g, &r, group_callback, NULL);
NULL               94 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     group_init (g0, &r, group_callback, NULL);
NULL               99 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_callback, NULL);
NULL              104 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_callback, NULL);
NULL              109 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     group_init (g0, &r, group_callback, NULL);
NULL              114 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_callback, NULL);
NULL              119 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_callback, NULL);
NULL              124 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_callback, NULL);
NULL              129 tests/lib/widget/group_init_destroy.c     send_message (g, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL               61 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = NULL, .end = NULL },
NULL               62 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = NULL, .end = NULL },
NULL               79 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = NULL, .end = C ("efg") },
NULL               80 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = NULL, .end = C ("efg") },
NULL               85 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = C ("d"), .end = NULL },
NULL               86 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = C ("d"), .end = NULL },
NULL              110 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("adc"), .hotkey = NULL, .end = C ("efg") },
NULL              116 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = C ("d"), .end = NULL },
NULL              122 tests/lib/widget/hotkey_equal.c         { .start = C ("abc"), .hotkey = NULL, .end = NULL },
NULL               46 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     group_init (g, &r, NULL, NULL);  // ID = 0
NULL               50 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     group_init (g0, &r, NULL, NULL);  // ID = 1
NULL               55 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);  // ID = 2
NULL               60 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);  // ID = 3
NULL               65 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     group_init (g0, &r, NULL, NULL);  // ID = 4
NULL               70 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);  // ID = 5
NULL               75 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);  // ID = 6
NULL               80 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);  // ID = 7
NULL               85 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 0) != NULL, "Not found ID=0");
NULL               86 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 1) != NULL, "Not found ID=1");
NULL               87 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 2) != NULL, "Not found ID=2");
NULL               88 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 3) != NULL, "Not found ID=3");
NULL               89 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 4) != NULL, "Not found ID=4");
NULL               90 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 5) != NULL, "Not found ID=5");
NULL               91 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 6) != NULL, "Not found ID=6");
NULL               92 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 7) != NULL, "Not found ID=7");
NULL               93 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     ck_assert_msg (widget_find_by_id (w0, 8) == NULL, "Found ID=8");
NULL               95 tests/lib/widget/widget_find_by_id.c     send_message (g, NULL, MSG_INIT, 0, NULL);
NULL               47 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     group_init (g0, &r, NULL, NULL);
NULL               52 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     widget_init (w0, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);
NULL               58 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     group_init (g1, &r, NULL, NULL);
NULL               63 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     widget_init (w1, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);
NULL               69 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     group_init (g2, &r, NULL, NULL);
NULL               75 tests/lib/widget/widget_make_global_local.c     widget_init (w2, &r, widget_default_callback, NULL);
NULL               38 tests/mctest.h         ck_assert_msg ((void *) actual_pointer == NULL, "%s(%p) variable should be NULL",          \
NULL               44 tests/mctest.h         ck_assert_msg ((void *) actual_pointer != NULL, "%s(nil) variable should not be NULL",     \
NULL              114 tests/src/editor/edit_complete_word_cmd.c         for (i = g_queue_peek_tail_link (compl); i != NULL; i = g_list_previous (i))
NULL              128 tests/src/editor/edit_complete_word_cmd.c     edit_completion_dialog_show__edit = NULL;
NULL              130 tests/src/editor/edit_complete_word_cmd.c     edit_completion_dialog_show__compl = NULL;
NULL              131 tests/src/editor/edit_complete_word_cmd.c     edit_completion_dialog_show__return_value = NULL;
NULL              143 tests/src/editor/edit_complete_word_cmd.c     if (edit_completion_dialog_show__compl != NULL)
NULL              157 tests/src/editor/edit_complete_word_cmd.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              177 tests/src/editor/edit_complete_word_cmd.c     test_edit = edit_init (NULL, &r, &arg);
NULL               91 tests/src/execute__common.c     do_execute__command__captured = NULL;
NULL               92 tests/src/execute__common.c     do_execute__lc_shell__captured = NULL;
NULL              120 tests/src/execute__common.c     mc_getlocalcopy__pathname_vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL              121 tests/src/execute__common.c     mc_getlocalcopy__return_value = NULL;
NULL              160 tests/src/execute__common.c     message_title__captured = NULL;
NULL              161 tests/src/execute__common.c     message_text__captured = NULL;
NULL              174 tests/src/execute__common.c static GPtrArray *mc_stat__vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL              183 tests/src/execute__common.c     if (mc_stat__vpath__captured != NULL)
NULL              198 tests/src/execute__common.c     mc_stat__vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL              225 tests/src/execute__common.c     mc_ungetlocalcopy__pathname_vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL              226 tests/src/execute__common.c     mc_ungetlocalcopy__local_vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL              242 tests/src/execute__common.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               62 tests/src/execute__execute_external_editor_or_viewer.c     execute_external_cmd_opts__command__captured = NULL;
NULL               63 tests/src/execute__execute_external_editor_or_viewer.c     execute_external_cmd_opts__filename_vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL               91 tests/src/execute__execute_external_editor_or_viewer.c     for (; argv != NULL && *argv != NULL; argv++)
NULL               98 tests/src/execute__execute_external_editor_or_viewer.c     do_executev__lc_shell__captured = NULL;
NULL               83 tests/src/execute__execute_get_external_cmd_opts_from_config.c     g_ptr_array_foreach (mc_config_get_string__return_value, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
NULL               93 tests/src/execute__execute_get_external_cmd_opts_from_config.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL              165 tests/src/execute__execute_get_external_cmd_opts_from_config.c                           NULL);
NULL               40 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c         NULL,
NULL               67 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c         tmp_vpath = (data->input_path == NULL) ? vfs_get_raw_current_dir () : filename_vpath;
NULL               72 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     ck_assert_msg (mc_getlocalcopy__pathname_vpath__captured == NULL,
NULL               86 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     filename_vpath = NULL;
NULL               94 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     mctest_assert_str_eq (do_execute__lc_shell__captured, NULL);
NULL               95 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     mctest_assert_str_eq (do_execute__command__captured, NULL);
NULL              101 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     ck_assert_msg (g_ptr_array_index (vfs_file_is_local__vpath__captured, 1) == NULL,
NULL              103 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     ck_assert_msg (mc_getlocalcopy__pathname_vpath__captured == NULL,
NULL              121 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     mc_getlocalcopy__return_value = NULL;
NULL              127 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     mctest_assert_str_eq (do_execute__lc_shell__captured, NULL);
NULL              128 tests/src/execute__execute_with_vfs_arg.c     mctest_assert_str_eq (do_execute__command__captured, NULL);
NULL               86 tests/src/filemanager/cd_to.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               91 tests/src/filemanager/cd_to.c     do_cd__new_dir_vpath__captured = NULL;
NULL               37 tests/src/filemanager/examine_cd.c WPanel *current_panel = NULL;
NULL               46 tests/src/filemanager/exec_get_export_variables_ext.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               40 tests/src/filemanager/filegui_is_wildcarded.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               64 tests/src/filemanager/get_random_hint.c     str_init_strings (NULL);
NULL               90 tests/src/filemanager/get_random_hint.c     mctest_assert_ptr_ne (first_hint_for_ignore, NULL);
NULL               85 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         NULL,
NULL               94 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         NULL,
NULL              104 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         NULL,
NULL              151 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c     GError *error = NULL;
NULL              156 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c     g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, NULL);
NULL              287 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         if (filename != NULL)
NULL              289 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         if (linkname != NULL)
NULL              329 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         if (filename != NULL)
NULL              331 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         if (linkname != NULL)
NULL              355 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c     filename = NULL;
NULL              356 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c     linkname = NULL;
NULL              358 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c     success = vfs_parse_ls_lga (line, &st, &filename, &linkname, NULL);
NULL              379 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c     while (fgets (line, sizeof line, input) != NULL)
NULL              401 tests/src/vfs/extfs/helpers-list/mc_parse_ls_l.c         if (input == NULL)
NULL               70 tests/src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_long_list.c     GSList *ret = NULL;
NULL               73 tests/src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_long_list.c     if (f == NULL)
NULL               74 tests/src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_long_list.c         return NULL;
NULL               76 tests/src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_long_list.c     while (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f) != NULL)
NULL              118 tests/src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_long_list.c     for (parsed_iter = parsed, output_iter = output; parsed_iter != NULL && output_iter != NULL;
NULL              125 tests/src/vfs/ftpfs/ftpfs_parse_long_list.c     for (parsed_iter = parsed, output_iter = output; parsed_iter != NULL;