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7-Zip [32] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21
p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=en_GB.utf8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,32 bits,1 CPU Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz (F27),ASM)
Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 7597 bytes (8 KiB)
Listing archive: all.7z
Path = all.7z
Type = 7z
Physical Size = 7597
Headers Size = 882
Method = LZMA2:24k
Solid = +
Blocks = 1
   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2016-10-26 08:35:48 D....            0            0  x
2009-05-03 21:01:33 D....            0            0  x/etc
2009-05-03 21:02:13 D....            0            0  x/etc/X11
2006-05-02 10:12:38 D....            0            0  x/etc/X11/xinit
2005-09-24 02:11:27 D....            0            0  x/etc/X11/xinit/Xclients.d
2005-12-04 19:15:47 D....            0            0  x/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d
2009-05-03 21:07:38 D....            0            0  x/etc/X11/xkb
2016-12-18 22:30:42 ....A            0            0  with spaces.txt
2002-08-01 23:21:47 ....A          143         6715  alert
2004-05-19 20:42:38 ....A          363               atime
2005-11-09 01:36:31 ....A           71               fv
2003-10-18 20:37:07 ....A           59               fvd
2006-10-22 22:26:05 ....A           83               magdev
2006-10-19 16:56:16 ....A           72               maghelp
2004-03-14 12:25:27 ....A           37               ml
2004-07-06 18:02:03 ....A           28               modernize
2004-04-02 03:05:30 ....A          138               pxml
2004-12-08 20:42:44 ....A          725               s
2002-07-29 11:58:15 ....A          803               ser
2004-08-04 14:29:00 ....A           40               title
2002-08-01 23:21:41 ....A          156               ualert
2004-06-28 16:49:03 ....A           17               ucopy
2004-06-28 16:49:10 ....A           18               upaste
2003-08-25 19:08:11 ....A         2146               utf8_to_cp1255.perl
2006-05-16 21:00:06 ....A           63     
2003-08-11 17:40:25 ....A          846     
2002-03-28 01:20:12 ....A          819               vimspell.txt
2005-11-14 04:41:01 ....A          233               vp
2010-01-31 23:04:48 ....A          340               x/.xsession
2005-09-24 02:11:27 ....A         1856               x/etc/X11/xinit/Xclients
2005-09-24 02:11:27 ....A         1270               x/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
2005-09-24 02:11:27 ....A         2161               x/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc-common
2005-09-24 02:11:27 ....A         1579               x/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
2005-09-02 17:36:13 ....A           81               x/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/
2009-05-03 21:07:38 ....A           71               x/etc/X11/xkb/note.txt
2003-08-03 01:46:40 ....A          489               x/setxkb
2003-03-09 14:08:01 ....A          142               x/setxkb2
2002-11-08 13:28:37 ....A          158               x/x
2006-12-07 11:30:57 ....A         3746               x/xinitrc
2006-12-07 11:28:18 ....A           42               x/xs
2003-02-17 15:11:46 ....A           58               xcopy
2003-02-17 15:10:46 ....A           58               xpaste
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2016-12-18 22:30:42              18911         6715  35 files, 7 folders

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