N_                 44 lib/search/lib.c const char *STR_E_NOTFOUND = N_ ("Search string not found");
N_                 45 lib/search/lib.c const char *STR_E_UNKNOWN_TYPE = N_ ("Not implemented yet");
N_                 47 lib/search/lib.c     N_ ("Num of replace tokens not equal to num of found tokens");
N_                 48 lib/search/lib.c const char *STR_E_RPL_INVALID_TOKEN = N_ ("Invalid token number %d");
N_                 55 lib/search/search.c     { N_ ("No&rmal"), MC_SEARCH_T_NORMAL },
N_                 56 lib/search/search.c     { N_ ("Re&gular expression"), MC_SEARCH_T_REGEX },
N_                 57 lib/search/search.c     { N_ ("He&xadecimal"), MC_SEARCH_T_HEX },
N_                 58 lib/search/search.c     { N_ ("Wil&dcard search"), MC_SEARCH_T_GLOB },
N_                106 lib/tty/key.c      { ESC_CHAR, "escape", N_ ("Escape"), "Esc" },
N_                109 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (1), "f1", N_ ("Function key 1"), "F1" },
N_                110 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (2), "f2", N_ ("Function key 2"), "F2" },
N_                111 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (3), "f3", N_ ("Function key 3"), "F3" },
N_                112 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (4), "f4", N_ ("Function key 4"), "F4" },
N_                113 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (5), "f5", N_ ("Function key 5"), "F5" },
N_                114 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (6), "f6", N_ ("Function key 6"), "F6" },
N_                115 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (7), "f7", N_ ("Function key 7"), "F7" },
N_                116 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (8), "f8", N_ ("Function key 8"), "F8" },
N_                117 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (9), "f9", N_ ("Function key 9"), "F9" },
N_                118 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (10), "f10", N_ ("Function key 10"), "F10" },
N_                119 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (11), "f11", N_ ("Function key 11"), "F11" },
N_                120 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (12), "f12", N_ ("Function key 12"), "F12" },
N_                121 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (13), "f13", N_ ("Function key 13"), "F13" },
N_                122 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (14), "f14", N_ ("Function key 14"), "F14" },
N_                123 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (15), "f15", N_ ("Function key 15"), "F15" },
N_                124 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (16), "f16", N_ ("Function key 16"), "F16" },
N_                125 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (17), "f17", N_ ("Function key 17"), "F17" },
N_                126 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (18), "f18", N_ ("Function key 18"), "F18" },
N_                127 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (19), "f19", N_ ("Function key 19"), "F19" },
N_                128 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (20), "f20", N_ ("Function key 20"), "F20" },
N_                129 lib/tty/key.c      { ALT ('\t'), "complete", N_ ("Completion/M-tab"), "Meta-Tab" },
N_                130 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_BTAB, "backtab", N_ ("BackTab/S-tab"), "Shift-Tab" },
N_                131 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_BACKSPACE, "backspace", N_ ("Backspace"), "Backspace" },
N_                132 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_UP, "up", N_ ("Up arrow"), "Up" },
N_                133 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_DOWN, "down", N_ ("Down arrow"), "Down" },
N_                134 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_LEFT, "left", N_ ("Left arrow"), "Left" },
N_                135 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_RIGHT, "right", N_ ("Right arrow"), "Right" },
N_                136 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_IC, "insert", N_ ("Insert"), "Ins" },
N_                137 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_DC, "delete", N_ ("Delete"), "Del" },
N_                138 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_HOME, "home", N_ ("Home"), "Home" },
N_                139 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_END, "end", N_ ("End key"), "End" },
N_                140 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_PPAGE, "pgup", N_ ("Page Up"), "PgUp" },
N_                141 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_NPAGE, "pgdn", N_ ("Page Down"), "PgDn" },
N_                142 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '/', "kpslash", N_ ("/ on keypad"), "/" },
N_                143 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_KP_MULTIPLY, "kpasterisk", N_ ("* on keypad"), "*" },
N_                144 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_KP_SUBTRACT, "kpminus", N_ ("- on keypad"), "-" },
N_                145 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_KP_ADD, "kpplus", N_ ("+ on keypad"), "+" },
N_                148 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_LEFT, "kpleft", N_ ("Left arrow keypad"), "Left" },
N_                149 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_RIGHT, "kpright", N_ ("Right arrow keypad"), "Right" },
N_                150 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_UP, "kpup", N_ ("Up arrow keypad"), "Up" },
N_                151 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_DOWN, "kpdown", N_ ("Down arrow keypad"), "Down" },
N_                152 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_HOME, "kphome", N_ ("Home on keypad"), "Home" },
N_                153 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_END, "kpend", N_ ("End on keypad"), "End" },
N_                154 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_NPAGE, "kpnpage", N_ ("Page Down keypad"), "PgDn" },
N_                155 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_PPAGE, "kpppage", N_ ("Page Up keypad"), "PgUp" },
N_                156 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_IC, "kpinsert", N_ ("Insert on keypad"), "Ins" },
N_                157 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_DC, "kpdelete", N_ ("Delete on keypad"), "Del" },
N_                158 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '\n', "kpenter", N_ ("Enter on keypad"), "Enter" },
N_                159 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (21), "f21", N_ ("Function key 21"), "F21" },
N_                160 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (22), "f22", N_ ("Function key 22"), "F22" },
N_                161 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (23), "f23", N_ ("Function key 23"), "F23" },
N_                162 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_F (24), "f24", N_ ("Function key 24"), "F24" },
N_                163 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_A1, "a1", N_ ("A1 key"), "A1" },
N_                164 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_C1, "c1", N_ ("C1 key"), "C1" },
N_                167 lib/tty/key.c      { ESC_CHAR, "esc", N_ ("Escape"), "Esc" },
N_                168 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_BACKSPACE, "bs", N_ ("Backspace"), "Bakspace" },
N_                169 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_IC, "ins", N_ ("Insert"), "Ins" },
N_                170 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_DC, "del", N_ ("Delete"), "Del" },
N_                171 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '*', "asterisk", N_ ("Asterisk"), "*" },
N_                172 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '-', "minus", N_ ("Minus"), "-" },
N_                173 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '+', "plus", N_ ("Plus"), "+" },
N_                174 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '.', "dot", N_ ("Dot"), "." },
N_                175 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '<', "lt", N_ ("Less than"), "<" },
N_                176 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '>', "gt", N_ ("Great than"), ">" },
N_                177 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '=', "equal", N_ ("Equal"), "=" },
N_                178 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) ',', "comma", N_ ("Comma"), "," },
N_                179 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '\'', "apostrophe", N_ ("Apostrophe"), "\'" },
N_                180 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) ':', "colon", N_ ("Colon"), ":" },
N_                181 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) ';', "semicolon", N_ ("Semicolon"), ";" },
N_                182 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '!', "exclamation", N_ ("Exclamation mark"), "!" },
N_                183 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '?', "question", N_ ("Question mark"), "?" },
N_                184 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '&', "ampersand", N_ ("Ampersand"), "&" },
N_                185 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '$', "dollar", N_ ("Dollar sign"), "$" },
N_                186 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '"', "quota", N_ ("Quotation mark"), "\"" },
N_                187 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '%', "percent", N_ ("Percent sign"), "%" },
N_                188 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '^', "caret", N_ ("Caret"), "^" },
N_                189 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '~', "tilda", N_ ("Tilda"), "~" },
N_                190 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '`', "prime", N_ ("Prime"), "`" },
N_                191 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '_', "underline", N_ ("Underline"), "_" },
N_                192 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '_', "understrike", N_ ("Understrike"), "_" },
N_                193 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '|', "pipe", N_ ("Pipe"), "|" },
N_                194 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '(', "lparenthesis", N_ ("Left parenthesis"), "(" },
N_                195 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) ')', "rparenthesis", N_ ("Right parenthesis"), ")" },
N_                196 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '[', "lbracket", N_ ("Left bracket"), "[" },
N_                197 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) ']', "rbracket", N_ ("Right bracket"), "]" },
N_                198 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '{', "lbrace", N_ ("Left brace"), "{" },
N_                199 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '}', "rbrace", N_ ("Right brace"), "}" },
N_                200 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '\n', "enter", N_ ("Enter"), "Enter" },
N_                201 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '\t', "tab", N_ ("Tab key"), "Tab" },
N_                202 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) ' ', "space", N_ ("Space key"), "Space" },
N_                203 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '/', "slash", N_ ("Slash key"), "/" },
N_                204 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '\\', "backslash", N_ ("Backslash key"), "\\" },
N_                205 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '#', "number", N_ ("Number sign #"), "#" },
N_                206 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '#', "hash", N_ ("Number sign #"), "#" },
N_                208 lib/tty/key.c      { (int) '@', "at", N_ ("At sign"), "@" },
N_                211 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_M_CTRL, "control", N_ ("Ctrl"), "C" },
N_                212 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_M_CTRL, "ctrl", N_ ("Ctrl"), "C" },
N_                213 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_M_ALT, "meta", N_ ("Alt"), "M" },
N_                214 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_M_ALT, "alt", N_ ("Alt"), "M" },
N_                215 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_M_ALT, "ralt", N_ ("Alt"), "M" },
N_                216 lib/tty/key.c      { KEY_M_SHIFT, "shift", N_ ("Shift"), "S" },
N_                216 lib/widget/quick.h         QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),                                            \
N_                217 lib/widget/quick.h         QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL)
N_                664 lib/widget/wtools.c     const char *b_name = N_ ("&Abort");
N_                108 src/args.c             N_ ("Displays the current version"),
N_                119 src/args.c             N_ ("Print data directory"),
N_                130 src/args.c             N_ ("Print extended info about used data directories"),
N_                142 src/args.c             N_ ("Print configure options"),
N_                153 src/args.c             N_ ("Print last working directory to specified file"),
N_                154 src/args.c             N_ ("<file>"),
N_                164 src/args.c             N_ ("Enables subshell support (default)"),
N_                174 src/args.c             N_ ("Disables subshell support"),
N_                187 src/args.c             N_ ("Log ftp dialog to specified file"),
N_                188 src/args.c             N_ ("<file>"),
N_                199 src/args.c             N_ ("Launches the file viewer on a file"),
N_                200 src/args.c             N_ ("<file>"),
N_                210 src/args.c             N_ ("Edit files"),
N_                211 src/args.c             N_ ("<file> ..."),
N_                227 src/args.c             N_ ("Forces xterm features"),
N_                237 src/args.c             N_ ("Disable X11 support"),
N_                247 src/args.c             N_ ("Tries to use an old highlight mouse tracking"),
N_                257 src/args.c             N_ ("Disable mouse support in text version"),
N_                263 src/args.c           N_ ("Tries to use termcap instead of terminfo"), NULL },
N_                272 src/args.c             N_ ("To run on slow terminals"),
N_                282 src/args.c             N_ ("Use stickchars to draw"),
N_                288 src/args.c           N_ ("Resets soft keys on HP terminals"), NULL },
N_                297 src/args.c             N_ ("Load definitions of key bindings from specified file"),
N_                298 src/args.c             N_ ("<file>"),
N_                307 src/args.c             N_ ("Don't load definitions of key bindings from file, use defaults"),
N_                327 src/args.c             N_ ("Requests to run in black and white"),
N_                337 src/args.c             N_ ("Request to run in color mode"),
N_                347 src/args.c             N_ ("Specifies a color configuration"),
N_                348 src/args.c             N_ ("<string>"),
N_                357 src/args.c             N_ ("Show mc with specified skin"),
N_                358 src/args.c             N_ ("<string>"),
N_                 87 src/diffviewer/search.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Enter search string:"), input_label_above, INPUT_LAST_TEXT,
N_                 95 src/diffviewer/search.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &mcdiffview_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
N_                 96 src/diffviewer/search.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &mcdiffview_search_options.backwards, NULL),
N_                 97 src/diffviewer/search.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &mcdiffview_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
N_                 99 src/diffviewer/search.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&All charsets"), &mcdiffview_search_options.all_codepages,
N_                112 src/diffviewer/search.c             .title = N_ ("Search"),
N_               2345 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         N_ ("No&rmal"),
N_               2346 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         N_ ("&Fastest (Assume large files)"),
N_               2347 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         N_ ("&Minimal (Find a smaller set of change)"),
N_               2352 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Diff algorithm")),
N_               2355 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Diff extra options")),
N_               2356 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Ignore case"), &dview->opt.ignore_case, NULL),
N_               2357 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ignore tab &expansion"), &dview->opt.ignore_tab_expansion, NULL),
N_               2358 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ignore &space change"), &dview->opt.ignore_space_change, NULL),
N_               2359 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ignore all &whitespace"), &dview->opt.ignore_all_space, NULL),
N_               2360 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Strip &trailing carriage return"), &dview->opt.strip_trailing_cr,
N_               2372 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         .title = N_ ("Diff Options"),
N_               2904 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         N_ ("Goto line (left)"),
N_               2905 src/diffviewer/ydiff.c         N_ ("Goto line (right)"),
N_                382 src/editor/editcmd.c         N_ ("&Do not change"),
N_                383 src/editor/editcmd.c         N_ ("&Unix format (LF)"),
N_                384 src/editor/editcmd.c         N_ ("&Windows/DOS format (CR LF)"),
N_                385 src/editor/editcmd.c         N_ ("&Macintosh format (CR)"),
N_                389 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Enter file name:"), input_label_above,
N_                393 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Change line breaks to:"), NULL),
N_                403 src/editor/editcmd.c         .title = N_ ("Save As"),
N_                848 src/editor/editcmd.c         N_ ("&Quick save"),
N_                849 src/editor/editcmd.c         N_ ("&Safe save"),
N_                850 src/editor/editcmd.c         N_ ("&Do backups with following extension:"),
N_                868 src/editor/editcmd.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Check &POSIX new line"), &edit_options.check_nl_at_eof, NULL),
N_                877 src/editor/editcmd.c             .title = N_ ("Edit Save Mode"),
N_               1458 src/editor/editcmd.c     const char *fname = N_ ("[NoName]");
N_               1905 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("mail -s <subject> -c <cc> <to>"), NULL),
N_               1906 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("To"), input_label_above, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, "mail-dlg-input-3",
N_               1908 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Subject"), input_label_above, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, "mail-dlg-input-2",
N_               1910 src/editor/editcmd.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Copies to"), input_label_above, INPUT_LAST_TEXT, "mail-dlg-input",
N_               1920 src/editor/editcmd.c         .title = N_ ("Mail"),
N_                258 src/editor/editdraw.c         const char *fname = N_ ("NoName");
N_                 54 src/editor/editoptions.c     N_ ("&None"),
N_                 55 src/editor/editoptions.c     N_ ("&Dynamic paragraphing"),
N_                 56 src/editor/editoptions.c     N_ ("Type &writer wrap"),
N_                152 src/editor/editoptions.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Wrap mode")),
N_                157 src/editor/editoptions.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Tabulation")),
N_                158 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Fake half tabs"), &edit_options.fake_half_tabs, NULL),
N_                159 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backspace through tabs"),
N_                161 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Fill tabs with &spaces"),
N_                163 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Tab spacing:"), input_label_left, tab_spacing,
N_                168 src/editor/editoptions.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Other options")),
N_                169 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Return does autoindent"),
N_                171 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Confir&m before saving"), &edit_options.confirm_save, NULL),
N_                172 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Save file &position"), &edit_options.save_position, NULL),
N_                173 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Visible trailing spaces"), &edit_options.visible_tws,
N_                175 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Visible &tabs"), &edit_options.visible_tabs, NULL),
N_                176 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Synta&x highlighting"), &edit_options.syntax_highlighting,
N_                178 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("C&ursor after inserted block"),
N_                180 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Pers&istent selection"),
N_                182 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cursor be&yond end of line"),
N_                184 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Group undo"), &edit_options.group_undo, NULL),
N_                185 src/editor/editoptions.c                     QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Word wrap line length:"), input_label_left, wrap_length,
N_                198 src/editor/editoptions.c             .title = N_ ("Editor options"),
N_                 91 src/editor/editsearch.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Enter search string:"), input_label_above, INPUT_LAST_TEXT,
N_                 99 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &edit_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
N_                100 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &edit_search_options.backwards, NULL),
N_                101 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("In se&lection"), &edit_search_options.only_in_selection, NULL),
N_                102 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &edit_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
N_                104 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&All charsets"), &edit_search_options.all_codepages, NULL),
N_                108 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
N_                109 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Find all"), B_USER, NULL, NULL),
N_                110 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
N_                119 src/editor/editsearch.c             .title = N_ ("Search"),
N_                707 src/editor/editsearch.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Enter search string:"), input_label_above, search_default,
N_                710 src/editor/editsearch.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Enter replacement string:"), input_label_above,
N_                718 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &edit_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
N_                719 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &edit_search_options.backwards, NULL),
N_                720 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("In se&lection"), &edit_search_options.only_in_selection, NULL),
N_                721 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &edit_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
N_                723 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&All charsets"), &edit_search_options.all_codepages, NULL),
N_                735 src/editor/editsearch.c             .title = N_ ("Replace"),
N_                789 src/editor/editsearch.c             QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Replace with:"), NULL),
N_                792 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Replace"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
N_                793 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("A&ll"), B_REPLACE_ALL, NULL, NULL),
N_                794 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Skip"), B_SKIP_REPLACE, NULL, NULL),
N_                795 src/editor/editsearch.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
N_                804 src/editor/editsearch.c             .title = N_ ("Confirm replace"),
N_                150 src/editor/editwidget.c             QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("A user friendly text editor\n"
N_                154 src/editor/editwidget.c             QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Copyright (C) 1996-2025 the Free Software Foundation"), NULL),
N_                156 src/editor/editwidget.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
N_                164 src/editor/editwidget.c             .title = N_ ("About"),
N_                108 src/editor/spell.c     { "br", N_ ("Breton") },
N_                109 src/editor/spell.c     { "cs", N_ ("Czech") },
N_                110 src/editor/spell.c     { "cy", N_ ("Welsh") },
N_                111 src/editor/spell.c     { "da", N_ ("Danish") },
N_                112 src/editor/spell.c     { "de", N_ ("German") },
N_                113 src/editor/spell.c     { "el", N_ ("Greek") },
N_                114 src/editor/spell.c     { "en", N_ ("English") },
N_                115 src/editor/spell.c     { "en_GB", N_ ("British English") },
N_                116 src/editor/spell.c     { "en_CA", N_ ("Canadian English") },
N_                117 src/editor/spell.c     { "en_US", N_ ("American English") },
N_                118 src/editor/spell.c     { "eo", N_ ("Esperanto") },
N_                119 src/editor/spell.c     { "es", N_ ("Spanish") },
N_                120 src/editor/spell.c     { "fo", N_ ("Faroese") },
N_                121 src/editor/spell.c     { "fr", N_ ("French") },
N_                122 src/editor/spell.c     { "it", N_ ("Italian") },
N_                123 src/editor/spell.c     { "nl", N_ ("Dutch") },
N_                124 src/editor/spell.c     { "no", N_ ("Norwegian") },
N_                125 src/editor/spell.c     { "pl", N_ ("Polish") },
N_                126 src/editor/spell.c     { "pt", N_ ("Portuguese") },
N_                127 src/editor/spell.c     { "ro", N_ ("Romanian") },
N_                128 src/editor/spell.c     { "ru", N_ ("Russian") },
N_                129 src/editor/spell.c     { "sk", N_ ("Slovak") },
N_                130 src/editor/spell.c     { "sv", N_ ("Swedish") },
N_                131 src/editor/spell.c     { "uk", N_ ("Ukrainian") },
N_                 84 src/filemanager/achown.c     { 0, B_SETALL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 0, N_ ("Set &all") },
N_                 85 src/filemanager/achown.c     { 0, B_SKIP, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 0, N_ ("S&kip") },
N_                 86 src/filemanager/achown.c     { 0, B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 0, 0, N_ ("&Set") },
N_                 87 src/filemanager/achown.c     { 0, B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 0, N_ ("&Cancel") },
N_                534 src/filemanager/boxes.c         N_ ("&Never"),
N_                535 src/filemanager/boxes.c         N_ ("On dum&b terminals"),
N_                536 src/filemanager/boxes.c         N_ ("Alwa&ys"),
N_                547 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("File operations")),
N_                548 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Verbose operation"), &verbose, NULL),
N_                549 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Compute tota&ls"), &file_op_compute_totals, NULL),
N_                550 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Classic pro&gressbar"), &classic_progressbar, NULL),
N_                551 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Mkdi&r autoname"), &auto_fill_mkdir_name, NULL),
N_                552 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Preallocate space"), &mc_global.vfs.preallocate_space,
N_                555 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Esc key mode")),
N_                556 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("S&ingle press"), &old_esc_mode, &configure_old_esc_mode_id),
N_                557 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Timeout:"), input_label_left,
N_                562 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Pause after run")),
N_                566 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Other options")),
N_                567 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use internal edi&t"), &use_internal_edit, NULL),
N_                568 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use internal vie&w"), &use_internal_view, NULL),
N_                569 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("A&sk new file name"),
N_                571 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Auto m&enus"), &auto_menu, NULL),
N_                572 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Drop down menus"), &drop_menus, NULL),
N_                573 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("S&hell patterns"), &easy_patterns, NULL),
N_                574 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Co&mplete: show all"),
N_                576 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Rotating d&ash"), &nice_rotating_dash, NULL),
N_                577 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cd follows lin&ks"), &mc_global.vfs.cd_symlinks, NULL),
N_                578 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Sa&fe delete"), &safe_delete, NULL),
N_                579 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Safe overwrite"), &safe_overwrite, NULL),       // w/o hotkey
N_                580 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("A&uto save setup"), &auto_save_setup, NULL),
N_                594 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .title = N_ ("Configure options"),
N_                641 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Skin:"), NULL),
N_                647 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Shadows"), &mc_global.tty.shadows, &shadows_id),
N_                657 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .title = N_ ("Appearance"),
N_                689 src/filemanager/boxes.c             N_ ("Case &insensitive"),
N_                690 src/filemanager/boxes.c             N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"),
N_                691 src/filemanager/boxes.c             N_ ("Use panel sort mo&de"),
N_                697 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Main options")),
N_                698 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Show mi&ni-status"), &panels_options.show_mini_info, NULL),
N_                699 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use SI si&ze units"), &panels_options.kilobyte_si, NULL),
N_                700 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Mi&x all files"), &panels_options.mix_all_files, NULL),
N_                701 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Show &backup files"), &panels_options.show_backups, NULL),
N_                702 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Show &hidden files"), &panels_options.show_dot_files, NULL),
N_                703 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Fast dir reload"), &panels_options.fast_reload, NULL),
N_                704 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Ma&rk moves down"), &panels_options.mark_moves_down, NULL),
N_                705 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Re&verse files only"), &panels_options.reverse_files_only,
N_                707 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Simple s&wap"), &simple_swap, NULL),
N_                708 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("A&uto save panels setup"), &panels_options.auto_save_setup,
N_                715 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Navigation")),
N_                716 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("L&ynx-like motion"), &panels_options.navigate_with_arrows,
N_                718 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Pa&ge scrolling"), &panels_options.scroll_pages, NULL),
N_                719 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Center &scrolling"), &panels_options.scroll_center, NULL),
N_                720 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Mouse page scrolling"), &panels_options.mouse_move_pages,
N_                723 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("File highlight")),
N_                724 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("File &types"), &panels_options.filetype_mode, NULL),
N_                725 src/filemanager/boxes.c                     QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Permissions"), &panels_options.permission_mode, NULL),
N_                727 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_START_GROUPBOX (N_ ("Quick search")),
N_                741 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .title = N_ ("Panel options"),
N_                792 src/filemanager/boxes.c             N_ ("&Full file list"),
N_                793 src/filemanager/boxes.c             N_ ("&Brief file list:"),
N_                794 src/filemanager/boxes.c             N_ ("&Long file list"),
N_                795 src/filemanager/boxes.c             N_ ("&User defined:"),
N_                804 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("columns"), input_label_right, panel_brief_cols_in,
N_                811 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("User &mini status"), &user_mini_status, &user_mini_status_id),
N_                823 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .title = N_ ("Listing format"),
N_                905 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Executable &first"), &op->exec_first, NULL),
N_                906 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &op->case_sensitive, NULL),
N_                907 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Reverse"), &op->reverse, NULL),
N_                918 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .title = N_ ("Sort order"),
N_                960 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .title = N_ ("Confirmation"),
N_                980 src/filemanager/boxes.c         N_ ("&UTF-8 output"),
N_                981 src/filemanager/boxes.c         N_ ("&Full 8 bits output"),
N_                982 src/filemanager/boxes.c         N_ ("&ISO 8859-1"),
N_                983 src/filemanager/boxes.c         N_ ("7 &bits"),
N_                989 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("F&ull 8 bits input"), &new_meta, NULL),
N_                998 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .title = N_ ("Display bits"),
N_               1047 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_LABEL (N_ ("Input / display codepage:"), NULL),
N_               1052 src/filemanager/boxes.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("F&ull 8 bits input"), &new_meta, NULL),
N_               1062 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .title = N_ ("Display bits"),
N_               1166 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Timeout for freeing VFSs (sec):"), input_label_left, buffer2,
N_               1171 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("FTP anonymous password:"), input_label_left,
N_               1174 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("FTP directory cache timeout (sec):"), input_label_left,
N_               1177 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Always use ftp proxy:"), &ftpfs_always_use_proxy,
N_               1181 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Use ~/.netrc"), &ftpfs_use_netrc, NULL),
N_               1182 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use &passive mode"), &ftpfs_use_passive_connections, NULL),
N_               1183 src/filemanager/boxes.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Use passive mode over pro&xy"),
N_               1194 src/filemanager/boxes.c             .title = N_ ("Virtual File System Setting"),
N_               1250 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("cd"), input_label_left, "", "input", &my_str, NULL, FALSE, TRUE,
N_               1259 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .title = N_ ("Quick cd"),
N_               1276 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Existing filename (filename symlink will point to):"),
N_               1280 src/filemanager/boxes.c         QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Symbolic link filename:"), input_label_above,
N_               1291 src/filemanager/boxes.c         .title = N_ ("Symbolic link"),
N_               1319 src/filemanager/boxes.c         { N_ ("&Stop"), NORMAL_BUTTON, B_STOP, 0, task_cb },
N_               1320 src/filemanager/boxes.c         { N_ ("&Resume"), NORMAL_BUTTON, B_RESUME, 0, task_cb },
N_               1321 src/filemanager/boxes.c         { N_ ("&Kill"), NORMAL_BUTTON, B_KILL, 0, task_cb },
N_               1322 src/filemanager/boxes.c         { N_ ("&OK"), DEFPUSH_BUTTON, B_CANCEL, 0, NULL },
N_                141 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_SECRM_FL, 's', N_ ("Secure deletion"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                142 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_UNRM_FL, 'u', N_ ("Undelete"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                143 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_SYNC_FL, 'S', N_ ("Synchronous updates"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                144 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_DIRSYNC_FL, 'D', N_ ("Synchronous directory updates"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                145 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_IMMUTABLE_FL, 'i', N_ ("Immutable"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                146 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_APPEND_FL, 'a', N_ ("Append only"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                147 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_NODUMP_FL, 'd', N_ ("No dump"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                148 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_NOATIME_FL, 'A', N_ ("No update atime"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                149 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_COMPR_FL, 'c', N_ ("Compress"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                153 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_COMPRBLK_FL, 'B', N_ ("Compressed clusters"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                158 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_DIRTY_FL, 'Z', N_ ("Compressed dirty file"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                163 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_NOCOMPR_FL, 'X', N_ ("Compression raw access"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                166 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT4_ENCRYPT_FL, 'E', N_ ("Encrypted inode"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                168 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT3_JOURNAL_DATA_FL, 'j', N_ ("Journaled data"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                169 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_INDEX_FL, 'I', N_ ("Indexed directory"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                170 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_NOTAIL_FL, 't', N_ ("No tail merging"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                171 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT2_TOPDIR_FL, 'T', N_ ("Top of directory hierarchies"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                172 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT4_EXTENTS_FL, 'e', N_ ("Inode uses extents"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                176 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT4_HUGE_FILE_FL, 'h', N_ ("Huge_file"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                178 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { FS_NOCOW_FL, 'C', N_ ("No COW"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                182 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { FS_DAX_FL, 'x', N_ ("Direct access for files"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                187 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT4_CASEFOLD_FL, 'F', N_ ("Casefolded file"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                190 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT4_INLINE_DATA_FL, 'N', N_ ("Inode has inline data"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                196 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT4_PROJINHERIT_FL, 'P', N_ ("Project hierarchy"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                203 src/filemanager/chattr.c     { EXT4_VERITY_FL, 'V', N_ ("Verity protected inode"), FALSE, FALSE },
N_                225 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 0 */ { B_SETALL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("Set &all"), NULL },
N_                226 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 1 */ { B_MARKED, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("&Marked all"), NULL },
N_                227 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 2 */ { B_SETMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("S&et marked"), NULL },
N_                228 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 3 */ { B_CLRMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("C&lear marked"), NULL },
N_                229 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 4 */ { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("&Set"), NULL },
N_                230 src/filemanager/chattr.c     /* 5 */ { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, N_ ("&Cancel"), NULL },
N_                 74 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_ISUID, N_ ("set &user ID on execution"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 75 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_ISGID, N_ ("set &group ID on execution"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 76 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_ISVTX, N_ ("stick&y bit"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 77 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IRUSR, N_ ("&read by owner"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 78 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IWUSR, N_ ("&write by owner"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 79 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IXUSR, N_ ("e&xecute/search by owner"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 80 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IRGRP, N_ ("rea&d by group"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 81 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IWGRP, N_ ("write by grou&p"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 82 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IXGRP, N_ ("execu&te/search by group"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 83 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IROTH, N_ ("read &by others"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 84 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IWOTH, N_ ("wr&ite by others"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 85 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { S_IXOTH, N_ ("execute/searc&h by others"), FALSE, NULL },
N_                 91 src/filemanager/chmod.c     N_ ("Name:"),
N_                 92 src/filemanager/chmod.c     N_ ("Permissions (octal):"),
N_                 93 src/filemanager/chmod.c     N_ ("Owner name:"),
N_                 94 src/filemanager/chmod.c     N_ ("Group name:"),
N_                107 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { B_SETALL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 6, 0, N_ ("Set &all") },
N_                108 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { B_MARKED, NORMAL_BUTTON, 6, 0, N_ ("&Marked all") },
N_                109 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { B_SETMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 5, 0, N_ ("S&et marked") },
N_                110 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { B_CLRMRK, NORMAL_BUTTON, 5, 0, N_ ("C&lear marked") },
N_                111 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 3, 0, N_ ("&Set") },
N_                112 src/filemanager/chmod.c     { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 3, 0, N_ ("&Cancel") },
N_                 82 src/filemanager/chown.c     { B_SETALL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 5, 0, N_ ("Set &all") },
N_                 83 src/filemanager/chown.c     { B_SETGRP, NORMAL_BUTTON, 5, 0, N_ ("Set &groups") },
N_                 84 src/filemanager/chown.c     { B_SETUSR, NORMAL_BUTTON, 5, 0, N_ ("Set &users") },
N_                 85 src/filemanager/chown.c     { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 3, 0, N_ ("&Set") },
N_                 86 src/filemanager/chown.c     { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 3, 0, N_ ("&Cancel") },
N_                112 src/filemanager/cmd.c static const char *machine_str = N_ ("Enter machine name (F1 for details):");
N_                 94 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ ("DialogTitle|Copy"),
N_                 95 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ ("DialogTitle|Move"),
N_                 96 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ ("DialogTitle|Delete"),
N_                150 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ ("FileOperation|Copy"),
N_                151 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ ("FileOperation|Move"),
N_                152 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ ("FileOperation|Delete"),
N_                165 src/filemanager/file.c static const char *one_format = N_ ("%o %f%n\"%s\"%m");
N_                167 src/filemanager/file.c static const char *many_format = N_ ("%o %d %f%m");
N_                170 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ ("file"), N_ ("files"), N_ ("directory"), N_ ("directories"), N_ ("files/directories"),
N_                172 src/filemanager/file.c     N_ (" with source mask:")
N_               3383 src/filemanager/file.c     const char *b1_name = N_ ("&Abort");
N_               3384 src/filemanager/file.c     const char *b2_name = N_ ("&Skip");
N_                249 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_SKIP, N_ ("&Skip"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
N_                250 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_SUSPEND, N_ ("S&uspend"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
N_                251 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_SUSPEND, N_ ("Con&tinue"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
N_                252 src/filemanager/filegui.c     { NULL, FILE_ABORT, N_ ("&Abort"), NORMAL_BUTTON, -1 },
N_                466 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("New     :"), 2, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
N_                474 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Existing:"), 4, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
N_                483 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Overwrite this file?"), 7, 21, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, 0 },
N_                485 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Yes"), 8, 14, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_YES },
N_                487 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&No"), 8, 22, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_NO },
N_                489 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("A&ppend"), 8, 29, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_APPEND },
N_                491 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Reget"), 8, 40, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_REGET },
N_                494 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Overwrite all files?"), 10, 21, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, 0 },
N_                496 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Don't overwrite with &zero length file"), 11, 3, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, 0 },
N_                498 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("A&ll"), 12, 12, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_ALL },
N_                500 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Older"), 12, 12, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_OLDER },
N_                502 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("Non&e"), 12, 12, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_NONE },
N_                504 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("S&maller"), 12, 25, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_SMALLER },
N_                506 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Size differs"), 12, 40, WPOS_KEEP_DEFAULT, REPLACE_SIZE },
N_                509 src/filemanager/filegui.c         { NULL, N_ ("&Abort"), 14, 27, WPOS_KEEP_TOP | WPOS_CENTER_HORZ, REPLACE_ABORT }
N_               1422 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Using shell patterns"), &source_easy_patterns, NULL),
N_               1424 src/filemanager/filegui.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("to:"), input_label_above, def_text_secure, "input2",
N_               1428 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Follow &links"), &ctx->follow_links, NULL),
N_               1429 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Preserve &attributes"), &preserve, NULL),
N_               1431 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Di&ve into subdir if exists"), &ctx->dive_into_subdirs, NULL),
N_               1432 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Stable symlinks"), &ctx->stable_symlinks, NULL),
N_               1435 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&OK"), B_ENTER, NULL, NULL),
N_               1437 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Background"), B_USER, NULL, NULL),
N_               1439 src/filemanager/filegui.c                 QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
N_                187 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_ ("&Chdir"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
N_                188 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_AGAIN, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Again"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
N_                189 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("S&uspend"), 0, 0, NULL, start_stop },
N_                190 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_STOP, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("Con&tinue"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
N_                191 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Quit"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
N_                193 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_PANELIZE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("Pane&lize"), 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
N_                194 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&View - F3"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_view_file },
N_                195 src/filemanager/find.c     { B_VIEW, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Edit - F4"), 0, 0, NULL, find_do_edit_file },
N_                586 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *file_name_label = N_ ("File name:");
N_                587 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *file_recurs_label = N_ ("&Find recursively");
N_                588 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *file_follow_symlinks = N_ ("Follow s&ymlinks");
N_                589 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *file_pattern_label = N_ ("&Using shell patterns");
N_                591 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *file_all_charsets_label = N_ ("&All charsets");
N_                593 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *file_case_label = N_ ("Cas&e sensitive");
N_                594 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *file_skip_hidden_label = N_ ("S&kip hidden");
N_                597 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *content_content_label = N_ ("Content:");
N_                598 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *content_use_label = N_ ("Sea&rch for content");
N_                599 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *content_regexp_label = N_ ("Re&gular expression");
N_                600 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *content_case_label = N_ ("Case sens&itive");
N_                602 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *content_all_charsets_label = N_ ("A&ll charsets");
N_                604 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *content_whole_words_label = N_ ("&Whole words");
N_                605 src/filemanager/find.c     const char *content_first_hit_label = N_ ("Fir&st hit");
N_                608 src/filemanager/find.c         N_ ("&Tree"),
N_                609 src/filemanager/find.c         N_ ("&OK"),
N_                610 src/filemanager/find.c         N_ ("&Cancel"),
N_                172 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, 0, 0, 0, N_ ("Change &to"),
N_                175 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_FREE_ALL_VFS, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 20, 0, N_ ("&Free VFSs now"), LIST_VFSLIST,
N_                177 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_REFRESH_VFS, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 43, 0, N_ ("&Refresh"), LIST_VFSLIST,
N_                180 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_ADD_CURRENT, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 20, 0, N_ ("&Add current"), LIST_HOTLIST,
N_                182 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_UP_GROUP, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 42, 0, N_ ("&Up"), LIST_HOTLIST | LIST_MOVELIST,
N_                184 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, 0, 53, 0, N_ ("&Cancel"),
N_                186 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_NEW_GROUP, NORMAL_BUTTON, 1, 0, 0, N_ ("New &group"), LIST_HOTLIST,
N_                188 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_NEW_ENTRY, NORMAL_BUTTON, 1, 15, 0, N_ ("New &entry"), LIST_HOTLIST,
N_                190 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_INSERT, NORMAL_BUTTON, 1, 0, 0, N_ ("&Insert"), LIST_MOVELIST,
N_                192 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_APPEND, NORMAL_BUTTON, 1, 15, 0, N_ ("A&ppend"), LIST_MOVELIST,
N_                194 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, 1, 30, 0, N_ ("&Remove"), LIST_HOTLIST,
N_                196 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     { B_MOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, 1, 42, 0, N_ ("&Move"), LIST_HOTLIST,
N_               1003 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Append"), B_APPEND, NULL, NULL),
N_               1004 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Insert"), B_INSERT, NULL, NULL),
N_               1005 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
N_               1065 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Append"), B_APPEND, NULL, NULL),
N_               1066 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Insert"), B_INSERT, NULL, NULL),
N_               1067 src/filemanager/hotlist.c             QUICK_BUTTON (N_ ("&Cancel"), B_CANCEL, NULL, NULL),
N_               1596 src/filemanager/hotlist.c     const char *cp = N_ ("Label for \"%s\":");
N_                171 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Equal split"), &equal_split, NULL },
N_                172 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Menubar visible"), &menubar_visible, NULL },
N_                173 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("Command &prompt"), &command_prompt, NULL },
N_                174 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Keybar visible"), &mc_global.keybar_visible, NULL },
N_                175 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("H&intbar visible"), &mc_global.message_visible, NULL },
N_                176 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&XTerm window title"), &xterm_title, NULL },
N_                177 src/filemanager/layout.c     { N_ ("&Show free space"), &free_space, NULL },
N_                495 src/filemanager/layout.c     const char *title1 = N_ ("Panel split");
N_                496 src/filemanager/layout.c     const char *title2 = N_ ("Console output");
N_                497 src/filemanager/layout.c     const char *title3 = N_ ("Other options");
N_                500 src/filemanager/layout.c         N_ ("&Vertical"),
N_                501 src/filemanager/layout.c         N_ ("&Horizontal"),
N_                504 src/filemanager/layout.c     const char *ok_button = N_ ("&OK");
N_                505 src/filemanager/layout.c     const char *cancel_button = N_ ("&Cancel");
N_                172 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|u"), N_ ("&Unsorted"), TRUE, FALSE, string_file_name, (GCompareFunc) unsorted },
N_                176 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|n"), N_ ("&Name"), TRUE, TRUE, string_file_name, (GCompareFunc) sort_name },
N_                180 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|v"), N_ ("&Version"), TRUE, FALSE, string_file_name, (GCompareFunc) sort_vers },
N_                184 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|e"), N_ ("E&xtension"), TRUE, FALSE,
N_                190 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|s"), N_ ("&Size"), TRUE, TRUE, string_file_size, (GCompareFunc) sort_size },
N_                191 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "bsize", 7, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("Block Size"), FALSE, FALSE, string_file_size_brief,
N_                197 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|m"), N_ ("&Modify time"), TRUE, TRUE, string_file_mtime, (GCompareFunc) sort_time },
N_                201 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|a"), N_ ("&Access time"), TRUE, TRUE, string_file_atime,
N_                206 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|h"), N_ ("C&hange time"), TRUE, TRUE, string_file_ctime,
N_                208 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "perm", 10, FALSE, J_LEFT, "", N_ ("Permission"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_permission, NULL },
N_                209 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "mode", 6, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("Perm"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_perm_octal, NULL },
N_                210 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "nlink", 2, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("Nl"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_nlinks, NULL },
N_                214 src/filemanager/panel.c       N_ ("sort|i"), N_ ("&Inode"), TRUE, TRUE, string_inode, (GCompareFunc) sort_inode },
N_                215 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "nuid", 5, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("UID"), FALSE, FALSE, string_file_nuid, NULL },
N_                216 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "ngid", 5, FALSE, J_RIGHT, "", N_ ("GID"), FALSE, FALSE, string_file_ngid, NULL },
N_                217 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "owner", 8, FALSE, J_LEFT_FIT, "", N_ ("Owner"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_owner, NULL },
N_                218 src/filemanager/panel.c     { "group", 8, FALSE, J_LEFT_FIT, "", N_ ("Group"), FALSE, TRUE, string_file_group, NULL },
N_               2542 src/filemanager/panel.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Files only"), &files_only, NULL),
N_               2543 src/filemanager/panel.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Using shell patterns"), &shell_patterns, NULL),
N_               2545 src/filemanager/panel.c             QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Case sensitive"), &case_sens, NULL),
N_                167 src/filemanager/panelize.c         { B_ENTER, DEFPUSH_BUTTON, N_ ("Pane&lize") },
N_                168 src/filemanager/panelize.c         { B_REMOVE, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Remove") },
N_                169 src/filemanager/panelize.c         { B_ADD, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Add new") },
N_                170 src/filemanager/panelize.c         { B_CANCEL, NORMAL_BUTTON, N_ ("&Cancel") },
N_                 73 src/learn.c    static const char *learn_title = N_ ("Learn keys");
N_                260 src/learn.c        const char *b0 = N_ ("&Save");
N_                261 src/learn.c        const char *b1 = N_ ("&Cancel");
N_                 90 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With builtin editor and aspell support"),
N_                 92 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With builtin editor"),
N_                 98 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With optional subshell support"),
N_                100 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With subshell support as default"),
N_                105 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With support for background operations"),
N_                109 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With mouse support on xterm and Linux console"),
N_                111 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With mouse support on xterm"),
N_                115 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With support for X11 events"),
N_                119 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With internationalization support"),
N_                123 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With multiple codepages support"),
N_                127 src/textconf.c     N_ ("With ext2fs attributes support"),
N_                124 src/vfs/undelfs/undelfs.c static const char *undelfserr = N_ ("undelfs: error");
N_                 81 src/viewer/dialogs.c             QUICK_LABELED_INPUT (N_ ("Enter search string:"), input_label_above, INPUT_LAST_TEXT,
N_                 89 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("Cas&e sensitive"), &mcview_search_options.case_sens, NULL),
N_                 90 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Backwards"), &mcview_search_options.backwards, NULL),
N_                 91 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&Whole words"), &mcview_search_options.whole_words, NULL),
N_                 93 src/viewer/dialogs.c                 QUICK_CHECKBOX (N_ ("&All charsets"), &mcview_search_options.all_codepages, NULL),
N_                105 src/viewer/dialogs.c             .title = N_ ("Search"),
N_                156 src/viewer/dialogs.c         N_ ("&Line number"),
N_                157 src/viewer/dialogs.c         N_ ("Pe&rcents"),
N_                158 src/viewer/dialogs.c         N_ ("&Decimal offset"),
N_                159 src/viewer/dialogs.c         N_ ("He&xadecimal offset"),
N_                194 src/viewer/dialogs.c             .title = N_ ("Goto"),