new_dir_vpath     134 src/execute.c  do_possible_cd (const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath)
new_dir_vpath     136 src/execute.c      if (!panel_cd (current_panel, new_dir_vpath, cd_exact))
new_dir_vpath     298 src/execute.c      vfs_path_t *new_dir_vpath = NULL;
new_dir_vpath     323 src/execute.c          invoke_subshell (*argv, VISIBLY, old_vfs_dir_vpath != NULL ? NULL : &new_dir_vpath);
new_dir_vpath     358 src/execute.c      if (new_dir_vpath != NULL)
new_dir_vpath     360 src/execute.c          do_possible_cd (new_dir_vpath);
new_dir_vpath     361 src/execute.c          vfs_path_free (new_dir_vpath, TRUE);
new_dir_vpath     457 src/execute.c      vfs_path_t *new_dir_vpath = NULL;
new_dir_vpath     498 src/execute.c          new_dir_p = vfs_current_is_local ()? &new_dir_vpath : NULL;
new_dir_vpath     557 src/execute.c              if (new_dir_vpath != NULL)
new_dir_vpath     558 src/execute.c                  do_possible_cd (new_dir_vpath);
new_dir_vpath     560 src/execute.c          else if (new_dir_vpath != NULL && mc_chdir (new_dir_vpath) != -1)
new_dir_vpath     564 src/execute.c      vfs_path_free (new_dir_vpath, TRUE);
new_dir_vpath    3020 src/filemanager/panel.c     vfs_path_t *new_dir_vpath;
new_dir_vpath    3030 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, entry->fname->str, (char *) NULL);
new_dir_vpath    3033 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, "..", (char *) NULL);
new_dir_vpath    3038 src/filemanager/panel.c     panel_cd (p, new_dir_vpath, cd_exact);
new_dir_vpath    3039 src/filemanager/panel.c     vfs_path_free (new_dir_vpath, TRUE);
new_dir_vpath    3075 src/filemanager/panel.c     vfs_path_t *new_dir_vpath;
new_dir_vpath    3118 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (buffer);
new_dir_vpath    3120 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_append_new (panel->cwd_vpath, buffer, (char *) NULL);
new_dir_vpath    3123 src/filemanager/panel.c     panel_cd (cpanel, new_dir_vpath, cd_exact);
new_dir_vpath    3124 src/filemanager/panel.c     vfs_path_free (new_dir_vpath, TRUE);
new_dir_vpath    3397 src/filemanager/panel.c panel_do_cd_int (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type)
new_dir_vpath    3406 src/filemanager/panel.c         element = vfs_path_get_by_index (new_dir_vpath, 0);
new_dir_vpath    3408 src/filemanager/panel.c             new_dir_vpath = panel->lwd_vpath;
new_dir_vpath    3411 src/filemanager/panel.c     if (mc_chdir (new_dir_vpath) == -1)
new_dir_vpath    4849 src/filemanager/panel.c panel_do_cd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type)
new_dir_vpath    4853 src/filemanager/panel.c     r = panel_do_cd_int (panel, new_dir_vpath, cd_type);
new_dir_vpath    5399 src/filemanager/panel.c panel_cd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum exact)
new_dir_vpath    5402 src/filemanager/panel.c     const vfs_path_t *_new_dir_vpath = new_dir_vpath;
new_dir_vpath    5408 src/filemanager/panel.c         new_vpath_len = vfs_path_len (new_dir_vpath);
new_dir_vpath    5409 src/filemanager/panel.c         if (vfs_path_equal_len (new_dir_vpath, panel->panelized_descr->root_vpath, new_vpath_len))
new_dir_vpath     184 src/filemanager/panel.h gboolean panel_do_cd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type);
new_dir_vpath     185 src/filemanager/panel.h gboolean panel_cd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type);
new_dir_vpath    1447 src/subshell/common.c invoke_subshell (const char *command, int how, vfs_path_t ** new_dir_vpath)
new_dir_vpath    1453 src/subshell/common.c     if (new_dir_vpath != NULL)
new_dir_vpath    1521 src/subshell/common.c     if (new_dir_vpath != NULL && subshell_alive)
new_dir_vpath    1527 src/subshell/common.c             *new_dir_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (subshell_cwd);  /* Make MC change to the subshell's CWD */
new_dir_vpath      59 tests/src/filemanager/cd_to.c panel_cd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type)
new_dir_vpath      63 tests/src/filemanager/cd_to.c     do_cd__new_dir_vpath__captured = vfs_path_clone (new_dir_vpath);
new_dir_vpath      46 tests/src/filemanager/examine_cd.c panel_cd (WPanel * panel, const vfs_path_t * new_dir_vpath, enum cd_enum cd_type)
new_dir_vpath      49 tests/src/filemanager/examine_cd.c     (void) new_dir_vpath;